Fáilte Romhat
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Alley Catherine Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Barden John Ballyfarnoge Whitechurch Wexford Barron Laurence Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Barron Michael Poulmaloe Whitechurch Wexford Bennett Edward Fisheries Whitechurch Wexford Breen Judith Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Breen Patrick Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Brennan John Poulmaloe Whitechurch Wexford Brien John Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Brien John, Jr. Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Brien Mary Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Brien Patrick Stokestown Whitechurch Wexford Browne Martin Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Burchill Samuel Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Busher Michael Ballyverroge Whitechurch Wexford Butler Bridget Fisheries Whitechurch Wexford Butler Pierce Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Carney Thomas Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Carr Edward Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Carthy Michael Stokestown Whitechurch Wexford Carty James Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Chapman John Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Colclough Simon Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Colleton Catherine Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Colleton Catherine Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Colleton Ellen Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Colleton John Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Colleton John Stokestown Whitechurch Wexford Colleton Martin Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Colleton Michael Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Colleton Michael Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Collins Martin Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Condon Michael Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Connor John Ballyverroge Whitechurch Wexford Connor Thomas Ballymaclare Whitechurch Wexford Cooney Thomas Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Cox Pierce Fisheries Whitechurch Wexford Croake John Reclaimed Land Whitechurch Wexford Cullen Patrick Poulmaloe Whitechurch Wexford Deane Sarah Stokestown Whitechurch Wexford Dempsey James Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Dempsey Myles Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Devereux James Poulmaloe Whitechurch Wexford Doherty Martin Ballymaclare Whitechurch Wexford Doody Philip Kilmannock Slob Whitechurch Wexford Doolin Patrick Ballyverroge Whitechurch Wexford Doyle James Stokestown Whitechurch Wexford Doyle John Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Doyle Philip Ballyfarnoge Whitechurch Wexford Doyle Philip Poulmaloe Whitechurch Wexford Doyle Philip Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Doyle William Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Doyle William Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Dunphy Mary Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Dwyer Patrick Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Dwyer Patrick Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Dyas William Ballyfarnoge Whitechurch Wexford Ealy John Poulmaloe Whitechurch Wexford Elmes Thomas Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Farrell James Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Farrell James Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Farrell Johanna Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Finn John Ballymaclare Whitechurch Wexford Fitzgerald Thomas Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Fitzgerald Thomas Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Flaherty Bridget Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Flinn John, Jr. Ballymaclare Whitechurch Wexford Flynn James Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Foley Bartholomew Ballymaclare Whitechurch Wexford Foley James Ballyfarnoge Whitechurch Wexford Foley James Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Foley James Kilmannock Slob Whitechurch Wexford Forrestal James Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Forrestal James Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Forrestal Patrick Ballymaclare Whitechurch Wexford Forrestal Walter Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Forrestal Walter Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Furlong James Kilmannock Slob Whitechurch Wexford Furlong Mathew Kilmannock Slob Whitechurch Wexford Furlong Thomas Ballymaclare Whitechurch Wexford Gifford John Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Gifford Rev. William Ballymaclare Whitechurch Wexford Gifford Rev. William Slievecoiltia Commons Whitechurch Wexford Glascott Adam Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Glascott Adam Killowen Whitechurch Wexford Glascott George Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Glascott John Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Glascott Thomas Killowen Whitechurch Wexford Glascott Willaim Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Glascott William Ballyfarnoge Whitechurch Wexford Glascott William Poulmaloe Whitechurch Wexford Glascott William Slievecoiltia Commons Whitechurch Wexford Glascott William Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Grace John Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Grace Patrick Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Grace Patrick Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Grace Thomas Landscape Whitechurch Wexford Grannell Henry Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Grant Thomas Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Grant Thomas Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Griffin John Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Hanlon Edward Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Hanlon James Ballyfarnoge Whitechurch Wexford Hanlon James Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Hanlon Thomas Ballyfarnoge Whitechurch Wexford Hanlon Thomas Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Harris Ellen Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Haughton George P. Kilmannock Slob Whitechurch Wexford Haunt Patrick Poulmaloe Whitechurch Wexford Heffernan James Landscape Whitechurch Wexford Heffernan Mary Landscape Whitechurch Wexford Hendrick Garrett Ballyverroge Whitechurch Wexford Hennessy Anastasia Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Henrick Patrick Stokestown Whitechurch Wexford Howlin Michael Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Hunt Mary Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Hunt Patrick Fisheries Whitechurch Wexford Hunt Patrick Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Hunt Patrick Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Jacob Eliza Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Jordan James Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Kavanagh James Fisheries Whitechurch Wexford Kealty John Ballyverroge Whitechurch Wexford Kehoe Denis Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Kehoe Mary Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Kehoe Paul Stokestown Whitechurch Wexford Kehoe Thomas Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Kelly James Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Kelly William Stokestown Whitechurch Wexford Kennedy John Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Kennedy John Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Kennedy Patrick Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Kent Edward Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Kent John Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Kent Mary Fisheries Whitechurch Wexford Lannin Laurence Fisheries Whitechurch Wexford Lyng John Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Lyng John Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Maddock John Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Maddox Martin Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Malone David Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Mc Dowel Bridget Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Mc Grath Bridget Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Mernagh John Ballymaclare Whitechurch Wexford Mernagh Patrick Ballymaclare Whitechurch Wexford Molloy Ellen Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Molloy Francis Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Molloy John Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Molloy John Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Molloy John Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Molloy Michael Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Molloy Patrick Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Molloy Robert Poulmaloe Whitechurch Wexford Molloy Thomas Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Molloy Thomas Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Molloy Thomas Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Molloy Thomas Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Molloy William Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Moloy James Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Morris Rev. John Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Morris Rev. John Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Morrissy Mary Ballyverroge Whitechurch Wexford Mullins Anastasia Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Murphy Catherine Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Murphy Denis Ballymaclare Whitechurch Wexford Murphy James Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Murphy James Kilmannock Slob Whitechurch Wexford Murphy Joseph Poulmaloe Whitechurch Wexford Murphy Mary Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Murphy Thomas Fisheries Whitechurch Wexford Murphy Thomas Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Neill Jams Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Nolan John Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Nolan Moses Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Nolan Patrick Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford North Judith Landscape Whitechurch Wexford North Judith Stokestown Whitechurch Wexford Nugent Thomas Killowen Whitechurch Wexford O'Malley Owen Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Plunkett Martin Poulmaloe Whitechurch Wexford Power James Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Power Nicholas M. Kilmannock Slob Whitechurch Wexford Power Peter Reclaimed Land Whitechurch Wexford Power Thomas Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Power William Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Power William Ballyverroge Whitechurch Wexford Power William Reclaimed Land Whitechurch Wexford Ready James Stokestown Whitechurch Wexford Redmond Bridget Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Roche James Ballyverroge Whitechurch Wexford Roche John Kilmannock Slob Whitechurch Wexford Rothwell Benjamin Killowen Whitechurch Wexford Ryan John Ocean Fisheries Whitechurch Wexford Ryan William Poulmaloe Whitechurch Wexford Ryan William Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Shallow Andrew Fisheries Whitechurch Wexford Shallow James Killowen Whitechurch Wexford Shallow James Stokestown Whitechurch Wexford Shannon Richard Ballinteskin Whitechurch Wexford Sheil Mary Stokestown Whitechurch Wexford Sherlock John Fisheries Whitechurch Wexford Stratton Edward Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Sutton Garrett Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Sutton Michael Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Sutton Thomas Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Tottenham Charles J. Slievecoiltia Commons Whitechurch Wexford Usher John Landscape Whitechurch Wexford Usher John Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Veney Matthew Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Walsh Daniel Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Walsh Daniel Killowen Whitechurch Wexford Walsh John Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Walsh John Stokestown Whitechurch Wexford Walsh Margaret Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Walsh Martin Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Walsh Martin Dunganstown Whitechurch Wexford Walsh Martin, Jr. Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Walsh Michael Ballyverroge Whitechurch Wexford Walsh Patrick Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford Walsh Walter Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Walsh William Oldcourt Whitechurch Wexford Weekes William Ballyverroge Whitechurch Wexford Weekes William Slievecoiltia Commons Whitechurch Wexford Whitty Catherine Whitechurch Whitechurch Wexford Whitty Patrick Ballykelly Whitechurch Wexford