Fáilte Romhat
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Aspel Luke Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Banville John Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Barnwell John Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Barron Johanna Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Barron Mary Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brady Edward Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brady James Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brady Michael Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brady Michael Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Breen James Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Breen John Ballinclay Lower Whitechurchglynn Wexford Breen John Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Breen Margaret Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brennan Bartholomew Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brennan John Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brennan Mary Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brennan Patrick Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brennan William Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brien Edward Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brien James Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brien John Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brien John Poulpeasty Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brien Lawrence Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brien Martin Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brien Michael Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brien Patrick Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brien Thomas Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brien Walter Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Brien William Ballinclay Lower Whitechurchglynn Wexford Browne Stephen Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Bryan Loftus A. Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Bryan Moses Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Busher Thomas Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Byrne Joseph Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Byrne Mary Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cannell Lawrence Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Carr Bridget Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Carty Catherine Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Carty Lawrence Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Carty Margaret Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Carty Thomas Ballybeg Whitechurchglynn Wexford Clifford Martin Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cllaghan John Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cloney John Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cloney John Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cloney John Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cloney John Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cloney Martin Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Codd Mark Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Codd Peter Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cody Edward Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cogly John Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Connor Eliza Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Corish Henry K. Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Corish Hy K. Ballinclay Lower Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cowman Richard Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cowman Thomas Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cullen Lawrence Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cullen Martin Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cullen Michael Poulpeasty Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cullen Nicholas Poulpeasty Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cullen William Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Cullimore James Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Dalton Catherine Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Dalton James Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Dalton Redmond Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Daly Anastasia Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Davis Sarah Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Day John Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Delany Maurice Poulpeasty Whitechurchglynn Wexford Devereux Edward Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Devereux Walter Rahard Whitechurchglynn Wexford Donnelly John Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Donovan Michael Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Dooley John Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Dooley John Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Dowd William Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Anastasia Ballinclay Lower Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Anastasia Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Anastasia Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Andrew Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Catherine Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Denis Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Denis Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Garrett Ballinclay Lower Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Garrett Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Garrett Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle James Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle James Dungeer Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle John Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle John Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle John Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle John Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Lawrence Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Margaret Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Mary Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Michael Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Patrick Ballinclay Lower Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Patrick Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Patrick Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Patrick Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Doyle Thomas Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Duff Patrick Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Dunne Catherine Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Dunne Timothy Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Dwyer Catherine Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Evoy John Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Fahy Eleanor Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Fanning John Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Fardy John Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Fardy Mary Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Finn William Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Fitzgerald William Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Foley James Ballybeg Whitechurchglynn Wexford Foley Matthew Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Foley Rev. Denis Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Fortune Nicholas Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Fortune Richard Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Fortune Walter Lambstown Little Whitechurchglynn Wexford Franklin Martin Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Franklin Valentine Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Freeman Daniel Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Furlong Catherine Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Furlong Edward Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Furlong James Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Furlong John Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Furlong John Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Furlong Lawrence Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Furlong Lawrence Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Furlong Robert Rahard Whitechurchglynn Wexford Furlong Walter Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Furlong William Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Goodden James Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Gooden Henry Ballinclay Lower Whitechurchglynn Wexford Grady John Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Greene James Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Hall Thomas Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Halligan Martin Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Hamilton James Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Hanlon William Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Hanly Patrick Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Harpur Thomas Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Hayden James Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Hayden James Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Hayes Bridget Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Hayes James Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Hayes Michael Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Heffernan John Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Hennessy Thomas Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Jackman Peter Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Jeffers Henry Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kavanagh Denis Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kavanagh Dudley Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kavanagh Dudley Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kavanagh John Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kavanagh John Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kavanagh John Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kavanagh Sarah Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kearns Bridget Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kearns Denis Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kearns Edward Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kearns Edward, Jr. Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kearns John Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kearns John, Jr. Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kearns Moses Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kearns Patrick Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kearns Thomas Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kearns Thomas, Jr. Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Keely Philip Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kehoe Jeremiah Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kehoe John Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kehoe John Rahard Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kehoe John Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kehoe Michael Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kehoe Patrick Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kehoe Peter Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kehoe Peter Lambstown Little Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kehoe Peter Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kelly Patrick Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kenny William Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kenny William Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kenrick Samuel Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kent John Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Keogh John Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kerrick William Poulpeasty Whitechurchglynn Wexford Kinchela Edward Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford King Edward Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford King John Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Lacy John Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Lacy John Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Lacy John Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Lacy Mary Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Lacy Mary Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Lacy Moses Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Lacy Patrick Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Laffan Michael Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Lambert Patrick Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Lambert Patrick Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Larkin James Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Larkin Sylvester Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Lawler Jane Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Mackey John Lambstown Little Whitechurchglynn Wexford Maddock Edward Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Maddock Edward Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Maher Anastasia Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Malone Patrick Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Martin Murtagh Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Mc Donnell Michael Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Mc Loughlin Peter Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Mernagh Patrick Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Meyler Patrick Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Moran Philip Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Moran Philip Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Morrissey Denis Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Morrissey James Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Morrissey John Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Morrissey John Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Morrissey John Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Morrissey Margaret Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy Anne Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy Garrett Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy George Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy James Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy Lawrence Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy Margaret Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy Michael Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy Michael Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy Nicholas Ballybeg Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy Nicholas Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy Nicholas Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy Patrick Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy Peter Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy Philip Ballinclay Lower Whitechurchglynn Wexford Murphy Thomas Ballybeg Whitechurchglynn Wexford Nagle Francis Ballinclay Lower Whitechurchglynn Wexford Neill John Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Nowlan Daniel Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Parle John Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Parle Richard Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Phelan Moses Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Purcell John Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Purcell John Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Rashford Patrick Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Redmond Myles Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Reville Robert Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche John Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche John Rahard Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Lawrence Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Mary Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Patrick Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Paul Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Peter Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Robert Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Thomas Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Thomas Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Thomas Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Thomas Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Thomas Poulpeasty Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Thomas Rahard Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Thomas, Jr. Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Roche Thos Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Rorke Peter Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Rossiter John Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Rourke John Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Ryan John Ballinclay Lower Whitechurchglynn Wexford Ryan John Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford Ryan John Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Ryan Martin Rahard Whitechurchglynn Wexford Ryan Moses Ballinclay Lower Whitechurchglynn Wexford Ryan Patrick Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Ryan Patrick Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Ryan Pierce Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Ryan Pierce Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Ryan William Lambstown Little Whitechurchglynn Wexford Scallan James Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Scallan John Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Sheehan John Lambstown Little Whitechurchglynn Wexford Sheehan John Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Sheehan Thomas Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Simmons John Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Simmons Philip Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Sinnott Lawrence Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Sinnott Michael Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Sinnott Patrick Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Somers Thomas Blackhall Whitechurchglynn Wexford Somers Thomas Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Somers Thomas Poulpeasty Whitechurchglynn Wexford Stannard Catherine Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Stannard James Bricketstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Stannard James Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Stannard James Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Sullivan John Poulpeasty Whitechurchglynn Wexford Sullivan Richard Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Sweeny Myles Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Sweetman Michael Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Sweetman Michael K. Mountainmuck Whitechurchglynn Wexford Taylor John Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Taylor John Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Taylor Joseph Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Taylor William Wilkinstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Tobin James Ballinclay Lower Whitechurchglynn Wexford Tobin James Lambstown Great Whitechurchglynn Wexford Walsh John Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Walsh John Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Walsh Lawrence Barmoney Whitechurchglynn Wexford Walsh Lawrence Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Walsh Mary Bulgan Whitechurchglynn Wexford Walsh Michael Haystown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Walsh Michael Poulpeasty Whitechurchglynn Wexford Walsh Patrick Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Walsh Thomas Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Wheclock Isaac Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Whelan Patrick Corlican Whitechurchglynn Wexford Whitty Nicholas Lambstown Little Whitechurchglynn Wexford Whitty Thomas Rahard Whitechurchglynn Wexford Wickham Michael Castlehays Town Whitechurchglynn Wexford Wright Eliza Davidstown Whitechurchglynn Wexford Wright Thomas Rahard Whitechurchglynn Wexford Yeates John Ballinclay Upper Whitechurchglynn Wexford