Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Crecrin, County Wicklow
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Crecrin, County Wicklow
Anderson Matthew Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Barker Patrick Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Bowe James Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Burke Thomas Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Burland Bartholow Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Byrne Anne Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Byrne James Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Carroll Peter Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Carty Sarah Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Connor Margaret Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Cullen Adam Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Dixon Thomas Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Doyle Laurence Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Dunn Terence Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Fitzpatrick James Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Fox Michael Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Gahan Michael Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Hall John Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Hennessy Sarah Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Hughes Anne Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Hughes Thomas Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Kavanagh John Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Kelly Mary Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Kenny Anne Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Kirwan Mary Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Kirwan Thomas Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Lawler Daniel Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Moran Anastasia Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Moran David Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Moran Mary Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Murphy John Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Murphy Martin Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Neal John Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Neal William Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Nowlan Peter Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Oakes Bridget Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Power Richard Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Reilly James Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Roche Thomas Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Sheppard Valentine Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Shortall James Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow St. Ledger Anne Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Taylor Edward Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Walker Thomas Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Wall Peter Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow Wall William Gowle Crecrin Wicklow Whelan Luke Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow White James Ballyconnell Crecrin Wicklow