Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Ahearn Cooper Sugarloaf Donaghmore Wicklow Ahern Cooper Blackpits Donaghmore Wicklow Allen Thomas Leitrim Donaghmore Wicklow Allen Thomas Seskin Donaghmore Wicklow Anderson Thomas Eadestown Hill Donaghmore Wicklow Barrett John Ballineddan Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Benson Martin Knocknamunnion Donaghmore Wicklow Boland Mary Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Boland Thomas Castleruddery Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Bolard John Coan Donaghmore Wicklow Bolard Philip Coan Donaghmore Wicklow Bolard Richard Coan Donaghmore Wicklow Bolard Richard Colliga Donaghmore Wicklow Bolard Richard Lugnaquillia Donaghmore Wicklow Bolard Thomas Whitestown Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Bolard Thomas Whitestown Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Bolger James Snugborough Donaghmore Wicklow Bolton John Castleruddery Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Bolton John Donaghmore Donaghmore Wicklow Brady William Whitestown Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Brien Edward Whitestown Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Brien James Ballyhubbock Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Brien Mary Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Brien Patrick Coolamaddra Donaghmore Wicklow Brien Thomas Ballinard Donaghmore Wicklow Brien Thomas Rostyduff Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Brien Thomas Rostyduff Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Brien Thomas Snugborough Donaghmore Wicklow Brien William Whitestown Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Brien William Whitestown Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Butler Michael Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Butler Philip Ballytoole Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Andrew Spinans East Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Anne Killybeg Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Bernard Derrynamuck Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Esther Ballyvoghan Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Hetty Spinans Middle Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne James Cannow Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne James Gibstown Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne James Lugnaquillia Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne John Ballytoole Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne John Ballyvoghan Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne John Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Laurence Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Margaret Gibstown Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Margaret Whitestown Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Mary Ballyraghan Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Michael Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Peter Cannow Mountain Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Sarah Rostyduff Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Sarah Rostyduff Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Byrne Winifred Brittas Donaghmore Wicklow Campbell Martin Spinans West Donaghmore Wicklow Case Benjamin Blane Donaghmore Wicklow Case Benjamin Brittas Donaghmore Wicklow Case Elizabeth Blane Donaghmore Wicklow Case Elizabeth Brittas Donaghmore Wicklow Clinch Anne Spinans Middle Donaghmore Wicklow Collins Julia Coolamaddra Donaghmore Wicklow Collins Matthew Newtown Donaghmore Wicklow Connell Denis Ballinabarny Gap Donaghmore Wicklow Connell Elizabeth Ballineddan Mountain Donaghmore Wicklow Connell Elizabeth Ballineddan Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Connell James Ballineddan Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Connell John Ballinabarny Gap Donaghmore Wicklow Connell Lauerence Cannow Donaghmore Wicklow Connell Lauerence Cannow Mountain Donaghmore Wicklow Connell Laurence Ballineddan Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Connell Margaret Ballinabarny Gap Donaghmore Wicklow Connell Thomas Ballyreask Donaghmore Wicklow Connor Charles Deerpark Donaghmore Wicklow Conran Christopher Ballinclea Donaghmore Wicklow Conran Michael Raheen Donaghmore Wicklow Conran Philip Ballinclea Donaghmore Wicklow Conran Philip Davidstown Donaghmore Wicklow Conway Edward Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Conway Timothy Coolmoney Donaghmore Wicklow Coogan Thomas Monroe Donaghmore Wicklow Cullen Andrew Ballintruermore Donaghmore Wicklow Cullen James Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Cullen Patrick Ballytoole Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Cullen Patrick Ballyvoghan Donaghmore Wicklow Cullen Patrick Leoh Donaghmore Wicklow Cullen Paul Lugnaquillia Donaghmore Wicklow Cullen Peter Ballineddan Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Cullen Peter Ballinfoyle Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Cullen Thomas Ballyvoghan Donaghmore Wicklow Cullen Thomas Knocknamunnion Donaghmore Wicklow Cullen Thomas Leoh Donaghmore Wicklow Cunningham Richard Moorstown Donaghmore Wicklow Dalton Maurice Donaghmore Donaghmore Wicklow Dalton Myles Kelshamore Donaghmore Wicklow Deegan Denis Whitestown Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Dempsey Arthur Ballintruerbeg Donaghmore Wicklow Denniss Edward A. Eadestown Hill Donaghmore Wicklow Denniss Edward A. Eadestown North Donaghmore Wicklow Denniss Edward A. Spinans Middle Donaghmore Wicklow Dixon George Ballyhubbock Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Dolan James Knockanarrigan Donaghmore Wicklow Dolan Patrick Seskin Donaghmore Wicklow Donohoe Barthw. Clonshannon Donaghmore Wicklow Donohoe Barthw. Derrynamuck Donaghmore Wicklow Donohoe James Knockaderry Donaghmore Wicklow Donohoe Margaret Knockaderry Donaghmore Wicklow Donohoe Matthew Clonshannon Donaghmore Wicklow Donohoe Matthew Derrynamuck Donaghmore Wicklow Doody Catherine Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Doody James Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Doody John Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Doody Martin Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Doody Thomas Ballyhubbock Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Doody Thomas Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle Anne Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle Denis Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle Eliza Leitrim Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle George Stranahely Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle James Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle James Whitestown Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle John Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle Laurence Rostyduff Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle Mary Ballintruerbeg Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle Mary Knockanarrigan Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle Michael Kelshamore Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle Michael Knickeen Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle Michael Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle Patrick Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle Peter Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Doyle Simon Clonshannon Donaghmore Wicklow Duff Andrew Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Duff William Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Duffy Mary Ballyvoghan Donaghmore Wicklow Dunn Timothy Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Dwyer John Eadestown Hill Donaghmore Wicklow Egar German Ballineddan Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Egar German Ballinfoyle Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Egar Joseph Ballineddan Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Egar Joseph Ballinfoyle Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Egar William Ballineddan Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Egar William Ballinfoyle Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Evans William Knocknamunnion Donaghmore Wicklow Fallon Patrick Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Farrell Anne Ballineddan Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Farrell James Ballineddan Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Farrell James Ballineddan Mountain Donaghmore Wicklow Farrell John Ballintruermore Donaghmore Wicklow Farrell Patrick Ballinclea Donaghmore Wicklow Farrington Anne Snugborough Donaghmore Wicklow Fennelly German Ballinabarny Donaghmore Wicklow Fennelly German Ballytoole Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Fennelly German Ballytoole Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Fennelly John Ballinabarny Gap Donaghmore Wicklow Fennelly Rep. William Gibstown Donaghmore Wicklow Fennelly Rep. William Kelshamore Donaghmore Wicklow Fenton Michael Ballinclea Donaghmore Wicklow Finton John Colliga Donaghmore Wicklow Finton John Deerpark Donaghmore Wicklow Finton John Lobawn Donaghmore Wicklow Finton John Pollaghadoo Donaghmore Wicklow Finton John Raheen Donaghmore Wicklow Finton John Seskin Donaghmore Wicklow Finton John Stranahely Donaghmore Wicklow Finton Michael Moorspark Donaghmore Wicklow Finton Miss J. Seskin Donaghmore Wicklow Finton Richard Crissadaun Donaghmore Wicklow Finton Richard Knocknamunnion Donaghmore Wicklow Finton Richard Table Mountain Donaghmore Wicklow Finton Samuel Ballyvoghan Donaghmore Wicklow Finton Samuel Knickeen Donaghmore Wicklow Finton Samuel Leoh Donaghmore Wicklow Fitzpatrick Thomas Moorstown Donaghmore Wicklow Flood Catherine Cannow Donaghmore Wicklow Flood Catherine Lugnaquillia Donaghmore Wicklow Flynn Bernard Knockaderry Donaghmore Wicklow Flynn Bridget Donaghmore Donaghmore Wicklow Flynn George Moorspark Donaghmore Wicklow Flynn German Kelshamore Donaghmore Wicklow Flynn John Donaghmore Donaghmore Wicklow Flynn Mary Donaghmore Donaghmore Wicklow Flynn Thomas Kelshamore Donaghmore Wicklow Fox Margaret Colliga Donaghmore Wicklow Fox Patrick Ballineddan Lower Donaghmore Wicklow German John Whitestown Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Grace James Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Grace James Snugborough Donaghmore Wicklow Grace Maryanne Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Grace Patrick Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Gracey Patrick Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Grady Morgan Spinans Hill Donaghmore Wicklow Greene Rev. Thomas F. Spinans East Donaghmore Wicklow Grehan John Eadestown Hill Donaghmore Wicklow Griffin John Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Hanbridge Edward Ballintruermore Donaghmore Wicklow Hanbridge John Tinnahinch Donaghmore Wicklow Hanbridge William Spinans East Donaghmore Wicklow Hanbridgen Edward Ballintruerbeg Donaghmore Wicklow Hanley George Whitestown Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Hanlon Arthur Knickeen Donaghmore Wicklow Hanlon Arthur Leoh Donaghmore Wicklow Hanlon James Knockanarrigan Donaghmore Wicklow Hanlon James Rostyduff Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Hanlon Patrick Fauna Donaghmore Wicklow Hawkins Nicholas Castlesallagh Donaghmore Wicklow Hawkins Thomas Brusselstown Donaghmore Wicklow Hawkins Thomas Castlesallagh Donaghmore Wicklow Hawkins Thomas Coolamaddra Donaghmore Wicklow Hawkins Thomas Killybeg Donaghmore Wicklow Hawkins Thomas Rostyduff Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Hawkins Thomas Rostyduff Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Hayden John Levern Donaghmore Wicklow Hayden John Newpark Donaghmore Wicklow Hayden John Spinans West Donaghmore Wicklow Hayden Patrick Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Hayden Thomas Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Hayden Thomas Levern Donaghmore Wicklow Hayden Thomas Newpark Donaghmore Wicklow Hayden Thomas, Jr. Levern Donaghmore Wicklow Hayden Thomas, Jr. Newpark Donaghmore Wicklow Heighington George Ballineddan Mountain Donaghmore Wicklow Heighington George Ballineddan Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Heighington William Kelshamore Donaghmore Wicklow Heney James Coolamaddra Donaghmore Wicklow Higgins William Newpark Donaghmore Wicklow Horan Nicholas Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Hoxley Patrick Derrynamuck Donaghmore Wicklow Hudson George Ballyhubbock Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Hudson George Ballyhubbock Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Hudson George Castleruddery Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Hudson George Whitestown Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Hunt John Castle Quarter Donaghmore Wicklow Hutchinson Baronet E. S. Coolmoney Donaghmore Wicklow Hutchinson Baronet E. S. Gibstown Donaghmore Wicklow Hutchinson Baronet E. S. Knockanarrigan Donaghmore Wicklow Hutchinson Baronet E. S. Rostyduff Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Hutchinson Baronet Edward S. Ballytoole Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Jackson James Moorstown Donaghmore Wicklow Jackson James Spinans Hill Donaghmore Wicklow Jackson John Spinans Middle Donaghmore Wicklow Jackson William Castle Quarter Donaghmore Wicklow Johnson Rev. Benj. H. Knockaderry Donaghmore Wicklow Joint Francis Donaghmore Donaghmore Wicklow Jones Edward Ballyreask Donaghmore Wicklow Jones Edward Fauna Donaghmore Wicklow Jones Edward Gibstown Donaghmore Wicklow Jones Henry Kilbrefty Donaghmore Wicklow Jones John Gibstown Donaghmore Wicklow Jones John Kilbrefty Donaghmore Wicklow Jones Robert Kelshamore Donaghmore Wicklow Jones Robert Kilbrefty Donaghmore Wicklow Jones William Kilbrefty Donaghmore Wicklow Kavanagh Michael Ballinard Donaghmore Wicklow Kavanagh Michael Snugborough Donaghmore Wicklow Keane Denis Eadestown Middle Donaghmore Wicklow Keane John Gibstown Donaghmore Wicklow Kearney John Colliga Donaghmore Wicklow Kearney Thomas Clonshannon Donaghmore Wicklow Keavey James Castle Quarter Donaghmore Wicklow Kehoe John Coan Donaghmore Wicklow Kehoe Owen Stranahely Donaghmore Wicklow Kehoe Thomas Knockaderry Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Bridget Knickeen Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Bridget Leitrim Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly James Colliga Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Michael Ballinard Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Michael Cannow Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Michael Cannow Mountain Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Michael Snugborough Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Patrick Cannow Mountain Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Patrick Leitrim Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Thomas Clornagh Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Thomas Colliga Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Thomas Leitrim Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Timothy Cannow Mountain Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Timothy Clornagh Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Timothy Knickeen Donaghmore Wicklow Kelly Timothy Leitrim Donaghmore Wicklow Kenny Matthew Castle Quarter Donaghmore Wicklow Kenoe Thomas Knockaderry Donaghmore Wicklow Kilcrest William Ballinclea Donaghmore Wicklow Kinsella Catherine Stranahely Donaghmore Wicklow Kinsella James Ballinard Donaghmore Wicklow Kinsella James Sugarloaf Donaghmore Wicklow Kinsella John Blackpits Donaghmore Wicklow Kirwan John Ballineddan Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Kirwan John Ballineddan Mountain Donaghmore Wicklow Kirwan Patrick Ballineddan Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Kirwan Patrick Ballineddan Mountain Donaghmore Wicklow Lamb John Rostyduff Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Lamb John Rostyduff Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Lambert Thomas Donaghmore Donaghmore Wicklow Lennan Bridget Killybeg Donaghmore Wicklow Lennan Catherine Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Lennan James Snugborough Donaghmore Wicklow Lennan Murty Ballytoole Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Lennan Murty Ballytoole Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Lestrange William Knocknamunnion Donaghmore Wicklow Lindsay Bartholomew Ballyhubbock Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Loughlin Martin Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Lynch Edward Kelshamore Donaghmore Wicklow Lynch Elizabeth Brusselstown Donaghmore Wicklow Lynch Nicholas Stranahely Donaghmore Wicklow Lynch Patrick Brusselstown Donaghmore Wicklow Lynch Richard Ballineddan Mountain Donaghmore Wicklow Lynch Richard Ballineddan Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Lynch Thomas Davidstown Donaghmore Wicklow Lynch Thomas Kelshamore Donaghmore Wicklow Mackey Denis Ballyreask Donaghmore Wicklow Mackey Mary Castleruddery Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Mackey Mary Raheen Donaghmore Wicklow Mackey Mary Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Mackey Mary Spinans West Donaghmore Wicklow Mackey Mary Whitestown Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Maguire Terence Knockaderry Donaghmore Wicklow Maguire Thomas Ballyvoghan Donaghmore Wicklow Maguire Thomas Leoh Donaghmore Wicklow Mahon Catherine Colliga Donaghmore Wicklow Mahon Michael Ballineddan Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Mahon Patrick Colliga Donaghmore Wicklow Mahony Joseph Ballinabarny Gap Donaghmore Wicklow Martin Cornelius Rostyduff Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Martin John Ballytoole Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Martin John Ballytoole Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Martin Patrick Clonshannon Donaghmore Wicklow Martin Patrick Derrynamuck Donaghmore Wicklow Martin Patrick Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Martin William Killybeg Donaghmore Wicklow Mc Grath Edward Whitestown Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Mc Grath John Castleruddery Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Mc Grath John Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Mc Guinness John Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Miley James Seskin Donaghmore Wicklow Mitchell William Eadestown Middle Donaghmore Wicklow Molyneux Elizabeth Rostyduff Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Moody Anne Coolamaddra Donaghmore Wicklow Moody Christopher Castlesallagh Donaghmore Wicklow Moody Christopher Coolamaddra Donaghmore Wicklow Moody John Ballyhubbock Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Moody Thomas Coolamaddra Donaghmore Wicklow Mooney Bridget Coolamaddra Donaghmore Wicklow Mooney Thomas Davidstown Donaghmore Wicklow Murphy Edward Eadestown North Donaghmore Wicklow Murphy John Davidstown Donaghmore Wicklow Murphy Timothy Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Murray Anne Ballytoole Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Neill Andrew Gibstown Donaghmore Wicklow Neill Henry Ballinabarny Donaghmore Wicklow Neill James Ballyraghan Donaghmore Wicklow Neill John Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Neill John Whitestown Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Nixon William Colliga Donaghmore Wicklow Nolan Michael Ballyreask Donaghmore Wicklow Nowlan Anne Ballyraghan Donaghmore Wicklow Nowlan John Colliga Donaghmore Wicklow Perkin James Ballinclea Donaghmore Wicklow Perry John Derrynamuck Donaghmore Wicklow Plant George Knockaderry Donaghmore Wicklow Plant James Brittas Donaghmore Wicklow Plant James Castleruddery Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Plant James Castleruddery Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Plant James Knockaderry Donaghmore Wicklow Plant John Donaghmore Donaghmore Wicklow Plant John Knockaderry Donaghmore Wicklow Plant Robert Donaghmore Donaghmore Wicklow Plant Thomas Ballyhubbock Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Plant Thomas Donaghmore Donaghmore Wicklow Plant Thomas, Jr. Castleruddery Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Plant Thomas, Jr. Donaghmore Donaghmore Wicklow Plant William Knockaderry Donaghmore Wicklow Purcell Matthew Donaghmore Donaghmore Wicklow Radcliffe Rev. Wm. Newtown Donaghmore Wicklow Reddin Eliza Ballinclea Donaghmore Wicklow Redding Joseph Ballytoole Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Redding Joseph Kelshamore Donaghmore Wicklow Reddy James Ballytoole Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Reilly Garrett Drumreagh Donaghmore Wicklow Reilly Garrett Knockandarragh Donaghmore Wicklow Reilly John Ballinclea Donaghmore Wicklow Reilly John Whitestown Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Reilly William Brittas Donaghmore Wicklow Robinson Mary Ballinabarny Gap Donaghmore Wicklow Roche Philip Whitestown Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Rogers Patrick Donaghmore Donaghmore Wicklow Russell Catherine Stranahely Donaghmore Wicklow Ryan John Stranahely Donaghmore Wicklow Saunders Rev. James Eadestown Middle Donaghmore Wicklow Sharkey Mary Spinans Middle Donaghmore Wicklow Sheill Bridget Ballinabarny Gap Donaghmore Wicklow Smith John Coolmoney Donaghmore Wicklow Strange James Ballineddan Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Timmins Walter Ballinclea Donaghmore Wicklow Toole Edward Whitestown Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Toole John Knockanarrigan Donaghmore Wicklow Toole John Lugnaquillia Donaghmore Wicklow Toole John Newtown Donaghmore Wicklow Toole Margaret Newtown Donaghmore Wicklow Toole Patrick Newtown Donaghmore Wicklow Toole Theobald Ballinard Donaghmore Wicklow Toole Theobald Snugborough Donaghmore Wicklow Tracy Mary Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Trimble Henry Ballintruerbeg Donaghmore Wicklow Truman Thomas Ballinard Donaghmore Wicklow Tutty Thomas Colliga Donaghmore Wicklow Valentine Cuthbert Cannow Donaghmore Wicklow Valentine Cuthbert Lugnaquillia Donaghmore Wicklow Valentine Edward Spinans East Donaghmore Wicklow Valentine James Rostyduff Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Valentine John Cannow Donaghmore Wicklow Valentine John Cannow Mountain Donaghmore Wicklow Valentine Mary Leitrim Donaghmore Wicklow Valentine William Castlesallagh Donaghmore Wicklow Valentine William Davidstown Donaghmore Wicklow Vaughan Richard Ballyvoghan Donaghmore Wicklow Vines Thomas Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Wade John Stranahely Donaghmore Wicklow Wade Patrick Stranahely Donaghmore Wicklow Waters Elizabeth Eadestown South Donaghmore Wicklow Whelan Patrick Randlestown Donaghmore Wicklow Wicklow ??? Coan Donaghmore Wicklow Wicklow ??? Knockanarrigan Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson George Kelshamore Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson Henry Ballyreask Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson Henry Davidstown Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson John Castleruddery Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson Nicholas Ballyreask Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson Nicholas Eadestown Hill Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson Nicholas Eadestown North Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson Nicholas Knockanarrigan Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson Nicholas Seskin Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson Nicholas, Jr. Ballyreask Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson Peter Knockanarrigan Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson Thomas Ballintruermore Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson William Ballytoole Lower Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson William Ballytoole Upper Donaghmore Wicklow Wilson William Colliga Donaghmore Wicklow Wynne John Eadestown Hill Donaghmore Wicklow Wynne John Eadestown North Donaghmore Wicklow Wynne Richard Eadestown North Donaghmore Wicklow