Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newcastle Lower, County Wicklow
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newcastle Lower, County Wicklow
Abbott Rev. Charles Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Archer Charles Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Bell James Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Bell Samuel Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Bolton John Leabeg Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Brien John Kilmullin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Brislaun James Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Byrne Anne Newcastle Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Byrne Edward Tiglin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Byrne John Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Byrne John Kilmullin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Byrne John Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Byrne Julia Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Byrne Michael Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Byrne Thomas Kilmullin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Coleman John Tiglin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Collins Christopher Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Connolly Matthew Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Connor James Blackditch Newcastle Lower Wicklow Connors James Tiglin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Cullen George Kilmullin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Cullen Mary Slate Newcastle Lower Wicklow Davis John Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Davis Laurence Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Dawson Michael Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Dawson Patrick Kilmullin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Dennison James Cooldross Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Doolan Peter Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Dowd Peter Kilmullin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Doyle Esther Newcastle Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Doyle James Ballycrone Newcastle Lower Wicklow Doyle James Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Doyle John Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Doyle Peter Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Doyle Richard Blackditch Newcastle Lower Wicklow Doyle Richard Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Doyle Richard Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Doyle Rose Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Dunne James Cooldross Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Dunne John H. Ballydonarea Newcastle Lower Wicklow Ebbs John Leabeg Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Edwards James Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Elliott Samuel Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Ellisson Joseph Newcastle Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Ennis Mary Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Espinasse Richard Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Evans James Cooldross Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Fitzwilliam Earl Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Fox John Newcastle Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Gaffney Bartholomew Tiglin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Gilmore Bridget Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Gray John Ballydonarea Newcastle Lower Wicklow Gray Joseph Leabeg Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Halbert Thomas Kilmullin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Harrick Eleanor Blackditch Newcastle Lower Wicklow Hatton John Ballyloughlin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Haughton James Cooldross Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Hayes James Cooldross Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Healy Stephen Tiglin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Henry John D. Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Hime Rev. Maurice Ballydonarea Newcastle Lower Wicklow Hutchinson James Newcastle Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Hutchinson James Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Jones Anne Kilmullin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Jones Griffin Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Jones James Newcastle Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Jones James Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Kavanagh John Kilmullin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Kavanagh Sarah Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Keating Richard Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Kelly John Kilmullin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Kenna Owen Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Keogh James Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Lacy Philip Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Leeson John Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Leeson John Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Leonard John Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Livesly Edward Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Livesly Samuel Ballyphilip Newcastle Lower Wicklow Lynch Owen Slate Newcastle Lower Wicklow Manning James Newcastle Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Mc Ardle Philip Kilmullin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Mc Cabe Michael Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Mc Donald Cornelius Cooldross Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Mc Donald James Creowen Newcastle Lower Wicklow Mooney Laurence Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Mooney William Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Murray Peter Kilquade Newcastle Lower Wicklow Neill Andrew Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Nevin George Kilquade Newcastle Lower Wicklow O'Neill Patrick Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Palmer George Tiglin Newcastle Lower Wicklow Rallens Matthew Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Redmond Denis Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Redmond Peter Cooldross Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Redmond Thomas Cooldross Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Redmond Thomas Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Reville Harriett Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Rolleston John Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Rolleston John Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Rolleston John Slate Newcastle Lower Wicklow Ryan Daniel Blackditch Newcastle Lower Wicklow Rylands William Newcastle Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Short Elizabeth Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Smith George Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Smith John Leamore Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Stanley Michael Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Stewart Dorothea Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Sutton Samuel Blackditch Newcastle Lower Wicklow Thornton James Newcastle Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Toole Peter Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Tottenham Charles Creowen Newcastle Lower Wicklow Tottenham Charles Kilquade Newcastle Lower Wicklow Tottenham Charles Woodstock Demesne Newcastle Lower Wicklow Tracy Anne Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Tracy John Killadreenan Newcastle Lower Wicklow Trim George Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Trim William Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Turner Bridget Newcastle Lower Newcastle Lower Wicklow Tyndall George Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Tyndall Thomas Blackditch Newcastle Lower Wicklow Tyrrell Christopher Newcastle Middle Newcastle Lower Wicklow Vickers Peter P. Blackditch Newcastle Lower Wicklow Whelan Peter Leamore Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow Whelan Thomas Newcastle Upper Newcastle Lower Wicklow White Matthew Ballycrone Newcastle Lower Wicklow Wilkinson John Ballycrone Newcastle Lower Wicklow Wilkinson Richard Ballycrone Newcastle Lower Wicklow