Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newcastle Upper, County Wicklow
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newcastle Upper, County Wicklow
Alpen John Keeloge Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Alpin John Kilmurry Newcastle Upper Wicklow Archer Catherine Mountjohn Newcastle Upper Wicklow Archer Catherine Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Arden Catherine Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Armstrong Margaret Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Armstrong Margaret Moneycarroll Newcastle Upper Wicklow Armstrong Thomasina Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Armstrong Thomasina Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Barlow Arthur Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Belton Samuel Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Blake Patrick Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Borbidge Charles Glendarragh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Borbidge William Keeloge Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Boyd Edward Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Brady John W. Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Brady John W. Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Brien James Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Brien Matthew Glendarragh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Browne William Mt. Kennedy Demense Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Bryan Christopher Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Bryan Patrick Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Burns Bryan Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Burns George Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Burns John Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Burns Robert Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Burns Thomas Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Burns Thomas Kilmurry Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Arthur Moneycarroll Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Bryan Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Christopher Corsillagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Edward Moneycarroll Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Edward Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne James Corsillagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne James Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne James Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne John Moneycarroll Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Laurence Ballinahinch Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Laurence Kilday Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Matthew Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Michael Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Murtagh Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Peter Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Peter Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Simon Kilmurry Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Thomas Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Byrne Thomas Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Callwell Rev. Joseph Prospect Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Campbell Michael Kilmurry Newcastle Upper Wicklow Carroll Christopher Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Carroll William Moneycarroll Newcastle Upper Wicklow Carty Hugh Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Carty Nicholas Trudder Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cassidy John Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cavan Jane Callowhill Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Chapman William Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Chapman William Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Clarke Thomas Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Classon John Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Collins James Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Collins John Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Collins John Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Connolly Anastasia Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cooley Jessop Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cooling Edward Ballinahinch Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cooling James Ballinahinch Middle Newcastle Upper Wicklow Coonan James Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cruise George Glendarragh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cruise Loughlin Ballinahinch Middle Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cullen Bernard Ballinahinch Middle Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cullen Bernard Callowhill Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cullen Bernard Monalin Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cullen Catherine Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cullen Daniel Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cullen John Ballinahinch Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cullen Laurence Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cullen Loughlin Glendarragh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cullen Massy Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cullen Michael Moneycarroll Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cullen Michael Seasonpark Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cullen William Ballinahinch Middle Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cullen William Kilday Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cunniam John Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cunninghame Robert G. Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cunninghame Robert G. Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cunninghame Robert G. Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cunninghame Robt. G. Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cunninghame Robt. G. Keeloge Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cunninghame Robt. G. Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cunninghame Robt. G. Mt. Kennedy Demense Newcastle Upper Wicklow Cusack Thomas Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Davis Michael Trudder Newcastle Upper Wicklow Davis Stephen Glendarragh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Decies Edward Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Decies Edward Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Deegan John Dunran Demesne Newcastle Upper Wicklow Dempsey William Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Devereux Michael Mt. Kennedy Demense Newcastle Upper Wicklow Devlin James Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Donnelly John Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Donnelly John Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doran Patrick Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Dowdall Patrick Keeloge Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Dowling Judith Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle Andrew Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle Andrew, Jr. Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle David Knockadreet Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle James Kilmurry Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle James Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle John Glendarragh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle John Knockadreet Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle John Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle John Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle Matthew Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle Maurice Glendarragh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle Michael Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle Patrick Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle Thomas Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Doyle William Knockadreet Newcastle Upper Wicklow Duffy Lauerence Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Edge David Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Edge Joseph Keeloge Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Edge Robert Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Edge Samuel Corsillagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Edge Samuel Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Edge Thomas Prospect Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Ellis Andrew Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Farrall Patrick Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Farrell Patrick Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Fenton Michael Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Field Patrick Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Fields John Keeloge Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Fleming James Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Fletcher Rev. J. Dunran Demesne Newcastle Upper Wicklow Flynn James Mt. Kennedy Demense Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Foster James Callowhill Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Fox Thomas Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Gaffney Edward Knockadreet Newcastle Upper Wicklow Gaffney Peter Knockadreet Newcastle Upper Wicklow Gallagher Mary Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Gallaway Robert Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Gaskin William Knockadreet Newcastle Upper Wicklow Gorman Hugh Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Grimes John Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Grogan Thomas Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Hanlon Bryan Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Hanlon Eliza Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Harding John Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Harman Robert Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Hayes William Glendarragh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Healy Michael Corsillagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Healy Patrick Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Healy Stephen Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Heath William Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Heman Arthur Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Henry John D. Trudder Newcastle Upper Wicklow Hepenstal Rev. L. W. Altidore Demesne Newcastle Upper Wicklow Holohan Terence Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Hughes Michael Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Johnston Anne Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Kavanagh Mary Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Kavanagh Michael Knockadreet Newcastle Upper Wicklow Kavanagh Peter Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Keegan John Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Keegan Lawrence Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Keenan Bridget Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Kelly Edward Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Kelly Edward Keeloge Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Kelly John Callowhill Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Kelly John Kilday Newcastle Upper Wicklow Kenna Patrick Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Keogh Rev. Henry C. Trudder Newcastle Upper Wicklow King George Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Kinsella John Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Knudson Elizabeth Cooladoyle Newcastle Upper Wicklow Knudson Elizabeth Glendarragh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Leonard James Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Leonard William Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Leslie Jane Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Linney Thomas Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Long Daniel Prospect Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Lopdell James Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Loughlin Lauerence Trudder Newcastle Upper Wicklow Luby Anne Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Luby Mrs. ??? Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Ludlow Daniel Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Macauley Maria Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Magan Catherine Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Maguire Charles Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Maguire Judith Moneycarroll Newton Mt. Keneddy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Maguire Thomas Moneycarroll Newton Mt. Keneddy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Malone Patrick Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Manly Charles Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Marks William Keeloge Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mason Edward Knockadreet Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mason George Knockadreet Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mason Henry Knockadreet Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mason Joseph Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mason Joseph Knockadreet Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mason Michael Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Cabe Christopher Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Cabe Daniel Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Cabe Eleanor Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Cabe Ellen Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Cabe James Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Cabe Matthew Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Cabe Michael Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Cann James Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Carthy Daniel Glendarragh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Cauley James Cooladoyle Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Clelland Richard Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Clements Denis Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Clements Denis Seasonpark Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Clements John Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Clements John Merepark Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Clements John Moneycarroll Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Clements John Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Clements John Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Court James Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Danniell Edward Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Danniell James Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Danniell Michael Kilmurry Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Danniell Thomas Kilmurry Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Donnell Terence Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Grenor James Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Kenna George Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mc Keon Ellen Moneycarroll Newton Mt. Keneddy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Meyler Jeremiah Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Meyler Martin Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mills John Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mooney Anastasia Trudder Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mullen James Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mullen James Prospect Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mullen William Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Mullett Honoria Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Murphy Alexander Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Murphy Edward Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Murphy John Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Murphy John Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Murphy Michael Corsillagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Murphy Michael Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Murphy Patrick Moneycarroll Newcastle Upper Wicklow Murphy Patrick Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Murphy Thomas Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Murray Michael Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Murtagh William Kiltimon Newcastle Upper Wicklow Neale Elizabeth Glendarragh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Neill Rose Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Newel James Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Nolan George Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Nowlan John Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Nugent Patrick Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow O'Reilly Hunter Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Orr Thomas Altidore Demesne Newcastle Upper Wicklow Owens Michael Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Parker Daniel Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Patty Thomas Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Phayre Eliza Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Pierce Andrew Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Pluck James Glendarragh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Pollen William Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Quinn Hugh Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Quinn Terence Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Reberts Joshua Corsillagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Redmond Patrick Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Redmond Patrick Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Redmond Thomas Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Redmond Thomas Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Redmonds Thomas Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Reilly Edward Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Rickards Rev. James Callowhill Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Rickards Rev. James Trudder Newcastle Upper Wicklow Roberts Peter Monalin Newcastle Upper Wicklow Roche Elizabeth Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Roe Robert Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Rogers Henry Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Rogers Henry Mt. Kennedy Demense Newcastle Upper Wicklow Rogers Henry Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Rooney John Cooladoyle Newcastle Upper Wicklow Rooney Richard Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Rourke John Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Ryan Peter Keeloge Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Ryder Ernest J. Ballinahinch Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Salmon James Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Saunders George Callowhill Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Seagrave O'Neill Kiltimon Newcastle Upper Wicklow Shelburne Thomas Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Short Esther Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Short Patrick Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Short Thomas Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Shortt Eliza Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Shortt James Callowhill Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Shortt Jeremiah Ballinahinch Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Shortt John Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Shortt John Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Shortt Michael Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Shortt Owen Keeloge Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Shortt Pierce Callowhill Lower Newcastle Upper Wicklow Shortt Pierce Callowhill Upper Newcastle Upper Wicklow Shortt Pierce Kilday Newcastle Upper Wicklow Shortt Thomas Moneycarroll Newton Mt. Keneddy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Sinnott James Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Smith Catherine Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Smith James Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Smith Julia Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Smith Michael Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Smullen Catherine Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Stamper John Monalin Newcastle Upper Wicklow Stanley James Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Stanley Patrick Monalin Newcastle Upper Wicklow Staunton Eliza Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Stringer Daniel Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Stringer Ursula Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Sutton Samuel Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Swan Margaret Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Swan Myles Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Swan Thomas Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Taylor James R. Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Taylor James R. Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Tier Thomas Newtownmount Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Timmonns Edward Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Toole Charles Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Toole Charles Knockfadda Newcastle Upper Wicklow Toole Eleanor Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Toole Mary Kilmurry Newcastle Upper Wicklow Toole William Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Trownsell Lucy R. Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Turner John Corsillagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Turner Thomas Corsillagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Tynan Andrew Glendarragh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Walsh John Dunranhill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Walsh Michael Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Waters George Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Watson Mary Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow Watters Bridget Knockadreet Newcastle Upper Wicklow Watters George Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Williams Christopher Ballygarret Newcastle Upper Wicklow Williams Christopher Kilmacullagh Newcastle Upper Wicklow Williams James Ballygarret Newcastle Upper Wicklow Wilson William Timmore Newcastle Upper Wicklow Wynne Edmund Cooladoyle Newcastle Upper Wicklow Wynne George Easthill Newcastle Upper Wicklow Young Esther Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newtown Mt. Kennedy Newcastle Upper Wicklow