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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathbran, County Wicklow
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathbran, County Wicklow
Allen Anthony Ballynatone Rathbran Wicklow Allen Anthony Straford Church Street Rathbran Wicklow Allen Anthony Stratford Rathbran Wicklow Bolger Edward Manger Rathbran Wicklow Brady Peter Gibraltar Rathbran Wicklow Brady William Stratford Rathbran Wicklow Brennan James Straford Baltinglass Street Rathbran Wicklow Brennan Mary Tuckmill Hill Rathbran Wicklow Brennan Mary Tuckmill Upper Rathbran Wicklow Brien Denis Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Brien Winifred Stratford Chapel Street Rathbran Wicklow Brisk John Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Broadway Nicholas Ballyhook Hill Rathbran Wicklow Broderick Thomas Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Bryan Charles Tuckmill Hill Rathbran Wicklow Bryan Charles Tuckmill Upper Rathbran Wicklow Bryan Esther Ballinacrow Lower Rathbran Wicklow Bryan James Tuckmill Upper Rathbran Wicklow Bryan John Ballinacrow Lower Rathbran Wicklow Bryan John Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Bryan John Tuckmill Upper Rathbran Wicklow Burnside William Stratford Dublin Street Rathbran Wicklow Burnside William Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Burnsides William Stratford Rathbran Wicklow Byrne Edward Manger Rathbran Wicklow Byrne James Ballinacrow Upper Rathbran Wicklow Byrne John Ballyhook Hill Rathbran Wicklow Byrne John Goldenfort Rathbran Wicklow Byrne Michael Stratford Dublin Street Rathbran Wicklow Byrne Thomas Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Byrne William Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Callaghan Thomas Ballinacrow Upper Rathbran Wicklow Campbell Martin Kill Rathbran Wicklow Carr Patrick Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Cashen James Manger Rathbran Wicklow Cassidy James Straford Church Street Rathbran Wicklow Cassidy Patrick Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Clarke John Mattymount Rathbran Wicklow Coleman James Stratford Dublin Street Rathbran Wicklow Coleman James Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Coleman Mary Rampere Rathbran Wicklow Coleman Patrick Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Coleman Thomas Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Condell James Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Condell James Rampere Rathbran Wicklow Connell John Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Conneran James Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Connor Edward Rampere Rathbran Wicklow Coogan James Rampere Rathbran Wicklow Coogan Jeremiah Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Cosgrave Thomas Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Cullen James Saundersgrove Hill Rathbran Wicklow Cullen John Stratford Dublin Street Rathbran Wicklow Cullen Myles Ballinacrow Upper Rathbran Wicklow Curry John Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Darcy Thomas Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Deegan Patrick Manger Rathbran Wicklow Dempsey James Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Dempsey Matthew Mattymount Rathbran Wicklow Dempsey Matthew Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Dempsey Matthew Tuckmill Upper Rathbran Wicklow Dixon Anne Stratford Dublin Street Rathbran Wicklow Donohoe Denis Ballinacrow Upper Rathbran Wicklow Doody Patrick Kill Rathbran Wicklow Douglas James Kill Rathbran Wicklow Douglas Peter Mattymount Rathbran Wicklow Douglas Peter Saundersgrove Hill Rathbran Wicklow Douglas Peter Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Douglas William Rampere Rathbran Wicklow Dowdall John Manger Rathbran Wicklow Dowdall William Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Dowling Patrick Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Bridget Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Bridget Tuckmill Upper Rathbran Wicklow Doyle James Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Doyle James Stratford Chapel Street Rathbran Wicklow Doyle John Gibraltar Rathbran Wicklow Doyle John Kill Rathbran Wicklow Doyle John Manger Rathbran Wicklow Doyle John Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Doyle John, Jr. Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Joseph Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Joseph Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Lawrence Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Lawrence Tuckmill Upper Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Lewis Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Mary Goldenfort Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Mary Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Mary Tuckmill Upper Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Michael Ballynatone Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Michael Stratford Dublin Street Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Michael Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Patrick Gibraltar Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Patrick Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Patrick Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Thomas Manger Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Thomas Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Thomas Straford Baltinglass Street Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Thomas Tuckmill Hill Rathbran Wicklow Doyle Thomas Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Duff Thomas Stratford Dublin Street Rathbran Wicklow Dunne Bridget Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Dunne James Ballyhook Rathbran Wicklow Dwyer Edward Gibraltar Rathbran Wicklow Dwyer James Stratford Rathbran Wicklow Dwyer Michael Gibraltar Rathbran Wicklow Dwyer Patrick Ballinacrow Upper Rathbran Wicklow Dwyer Patrick Stratford Rathbran Wicklow Dwyer Thomas Gibraltar Rathbran Wicklow Dwyer Thomas Manger Rathbran Wicklow Dwyer William Manger Rathbran Wicklow Endy Francis Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Fagan Matthew Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Fagan Patrick Ballyhook Demesne Rathbran Wicklow Fagan Patrick Ballyhook Hill Rathbran Wicklow Fagan Patrick Scurlogue Rathbran Wicklow Fagan Patrick Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Farrell Morgan Straford Church Street Rathbran Wicklow Farrell Morgan Stratford Chapel Street Rathbran Wicklow Fearis Thomas Rampere Rathbran Wicklow Fegan Patrick Ballyhook Hill Rathbran Wicklow Fenton Richard Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Fetherstone John Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Finn Michael Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Flinter Margaret Rampere Rathbran Wicklow Fowler Michael Rampere Rathbran Wicklow Fox Richard Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Hawkins Matthew Kill Rathbran Wicklow Hayden Patrick Ballinacrow Lower Rathbran Wicklow Hayden Patrick Ballinacrow Upper Rathbran Wicklow Heath Nicholas W. Stratford Rathbran Wicklow Hogan Edward Ballyhook Hill Rathbran Wicklow Hospital ??? Ballynatone Rathbran Wicklow Hughes James Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Hughes James Stratford Chapel Street Rathbran Wicklow Hunt John Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Hunt Nicholas Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Johnson William Rampere Rathbran Wicklow Jones John Tuckmill Upper Rathbran Wicklow Joy Joseph Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Joy Peter Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Kane Denis Ballinacrow Upper Rathbran Wicklow Kean James Saundersgrove Rathbran Wicklow Kean James Saundersgrove Hill Rathbran Wicklow Kelly Daniel Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Kelly Denis Goldenfort Rathbran Wicklow Kelly Elizabeth Manger Rathbran Wicklow Kelly John Tuckmill Hill Rathbran Wicklow Kelly John Tuckmill Upper Rathbran Wicklow Kelly Martin Gibraltar Rathbran Wicklow Kelly Mary Tuckmill Hill Rathbran Wicklow Kelly Patrick Gibraltar Rathbran Wicklow Kelly Patrick Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Kelly Patrick Straford Baltinglass Street Rathbran Wicklow Kelly Thomas Rampere Rathbran Wicklow Kennedy Patrick Ballinacrow Lower Rathbran Wicklow Kennedy Patrick Ballinacrow Upper Rathbran Wicklow Kenny John Straford Church Street Rathbran Wicklow Keogh Myles Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Lambert John Stratford Dublin Street Rathbran Wicklow Lambert Thomas Stratford Dublin Street Rathbran Wicklow Leigh Martha Ballinacrow Upper Rathbran Wicklow Leigh Patrick Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Leigh Thomas Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Lennan John Tuckmill Hill Rathbran Wicklow Lennan Peter Kill Rathbran Wicklow Lyon William Rampere Rathbran Wicklow Mackey Mary Ballynatone Rathbran Wicklow Mackey Mary Goldenfort Rathbran Wicklow Mackey Mary Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Maguire James Stratford Rathbran Wicklow Mannering Michael Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Manon Hannah Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Mc Carthy Mary Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Mc Donnell Anthony Stratford Rathbran Wicklow Mc Donnell John Gibraltar Rathbran Wicklow Mc Grath Andrew Rampere Rathbran Wicklow Mealy Bryan Ballyhook Hill Rathbran Wicklow Moffitt Thomas Stratford Rathbran Wicklow Moran Christopher Ballinacrow Upper Rathbran Wicklow Moran Christopher Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Moran John Ballinacrow Lower Rathbran Wicklow Moran John Kill Rathbran Wicklow Moran John Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Moran John, Jr. Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Moran Mary Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Murphy Patrick Ballinacrow Lower Rathbran Wicklow Murphy Patrick Ballinacrow Upper Rathbran Wicklow Murphy Patrick Ballyhook Hill Rathbran Wicklow Neal Benjamin Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Neal Martha Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Neill James Goldenfort Rathbran Wicklow Neill William Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Nolan William Stratford Dublin Street Rathbran Wicklow Nowlan Edmund Ballyhook Demesne Rathbran Wicklow Nowlan James Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Nowlan John Goldenfort Rathbran Wicklow Nowlan Laurence Raheen Rathbran Wicklow O'Neill William Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Paerson Robert Ballinacrow Upper Rathbran Wicklow Parke Robert Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Percy Mary Straford Church Street Rathbran Wicklow Plant James Kill Rathbran Wicklow Potter Rev. Samuel G. Manger Rathbran Wicklow Prendergast Andrew Ballinacrow Lower Rathbran Wicklow Prendergast Christr. Tuckmill Hill Rathbran Wicklow Prendergast George Ballinacrow Lower Rathbran Wicklow Rawson Mary Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Reade George Ballyhook Rathbran Wicklow Reade George Ballyhook Hill Rathbran Wicklow Reade George Scurlogue Rathbran Wicklow Reddy John Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Redmond John Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Roche Thomas Saundersgrove Hill Rathbran Wicklow Ryan Ellen Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Ryder Catherine Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Ryder Michael Winetavern Rathbran Wicklow Ryder Patrick Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Ryrne John Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Saunders Morley Goldenfort Rathbran Wicklow Saunders Robert F. Ballinacrow Lower Rathbran Wicklow Saunders Robert F. Ballinacrow Upper Rathbran Wicklow Saunders Robert F. Gibraltar Rathbran Wicklow Saunders Robert F. Manger Rathbran Wicklow Saunders Robert F. Mattymount Rathbran Wicklow Saunders Robert F. Saundersgrove Rathbran Wicklow Saunders Robert F. Saundersgrove Hill Rathbran Wicklow Saunders Robert F. Tuckmill Lower Rathbran Wicklow Saunders Robert F. Tuckmill Upper Rathbran Wicklow Swainson John Ballynatone Rathbran Wicklow Swainson John Straford Baltinglass Street Rathbran Wicklow Swainson John Stratford Rathbran Wicklow Swainson John Stratford Dublin Street Rathbran Wicklow Thorpe William Stratford Dublin Street Rathbran Wicklow Toole Bridget Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Toole Felix Tuckmill Upper Rathbran Wicklow Toole Mary Stratford Dublin Street Rathbran Wicklow Valentine John Gibraltar Rathbran Wicklow Valentine John Goldenfort Rathbran Wicklow Valentine Thomas Manger Rathbran Wicklow Valentine William Straford Church Street Rathbran Wicklow Vaughan Edward Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Wade Catherine Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Wall James Rathbran Rathbran Wicklow Ward Alexander Gibraltar Rathbran Wicklow Wheatly William Kill Rathbran Wicklow Whelan Patrick Raheen Rathbran Wicklow Whelan Patrick Straford High Street Rathbran Wicklow Whelan Patrick Stratford Rathbran Wicklow Williams John Saundersgrove Hill Rathbran Wicklow Wynne John Manger Rathbran Wicklow Wynne Sarah Stratford Rathbran Wicklow Young John Stratford Rathbran Wicklow