require('db1851.php'); //establish database connection <------------------File needs to me edited to match your infomation $result=FALSE; //declare, just in case ob_start('ob_gzhandler');//start compression of the next output ?>
Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Appendix I | |
Barony | Parish |
Farney | Donaghmoyne |
Inniskeen | |
Killany | |
Magheracloon | |
Magheross | |
Cremorne | Aughnamullen |
Clontibret | |
Mucknoe | |
Tullycorbet | |
Monaghan | Ballytraboy or Rosslea |
Kilmore & Drumsnatt | |
Monaghan | |
Tedavnet (Tedanowght) | |
Tehallen | |
Trough | Donagh |
Errigal Trough | |
Dartrey | Aghabog |
Clones (Rosslea) | |
Clounes (Clones) | |
Currin | |
Drumully (Currin) | |
Imatris (Ematris) | |
Killeeven | |
Appendix II | |
Appendix X |