Fáilte Romhat

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  Griffiths Valuation Index Extracts - Carlow

Griffiths Valuation - Carlow 1852-53

This page contains extracts from Griffiths Valuation of Ireland Index for civil parishes in Carlow.

Agha Carlow Hacketstown Myshall Templepeter
Aghade Clonmelsh Haroldstown Nurney Tullowcreen
Ardoyne Clonmore Kellistown Oldleighlin Tullowmagimma
Ardistan Clonygoose Killerrig Painestown Tullowphelim
Ballinacarrig Cloydagh Killinane Rahill Ullard
Ballon Crecrin Kiltegan Rathmore Urglin
Ballycrogue Dunleckny Kiltennell Rathvilly Wells
Ballyellin Fennagh Kineagh Sliguff  
Baltinglass Gilbertstown Lorum St.Mullins  
Barragh Grangeford Moyacomb Straboe