Fáilte Romhat

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  Griffiths Valuation Index Extracts - Clare

Griffiths Valuation - Clare 1855

This page contains extracts from Griffiths Valuation of Ireland Index for civil parishes in Clare.

Abbey Inagh Killard Kilmanaheen O'Briensbridge
Bunratty Inchicronan Killaspuglonane Kilmihil Ogonnelloe
Carran Inishcaltra Killeany Kilmoon Oughtmana
Clareabbey Kilballyowen Killeely Kilmurry Quin
Clondagad Kilchreest Killilagh Kilnamona Rath
Clonlea Kilconry Killimer Kilnasoolagh Rathborney
Clonloghan Kilcorney Killinaboy Kilnoe Ruan
Clooney Kilfarboy Killofin Kilraghtis St. Munchins
Doora Kilfearagh Killokennedy Kilrush St. Patricks
Drumcliff Kilfenora Killonaghan Kilseily Templemaley
Drumcreehy Kilfiddane Killone Kilshanny Tomfinlough
Drumline Kilfinaghta Killuran Kiltenanlea Tomgraney
Dysert Kilfintinan Kilmacduane Kiltoraght Tulla
Feakle Kilkeedy Kilmacrehy Moyarta   
Feenagh Killadysert Kilmaleery Moynoe   
Gleninagh Killaloe Kilmaley Noughaval