Fáilte Romhat
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Topographical Dictionary
By Nicholas Carlisle
ARDFIELD, in the Barony of Ibawne, Co. of Cork, and Province of Munster : a V., valued in the King's Books at £2 sterling being one of the parishes which constitute the Union of The Island. Ardfield is in the Diocese of Ross, and Province of Cashel. It is 5-1/4 m. S. b. W. from Cloghnakilty. It is situate upon St. George's Channel. The Rectory of Ardfield is impropriate in the Representatives of Francis Townsend, Esq. See The Island.
BALLINACREAGH, in the Barony of Carbery, Co. of CORK, and Province of Munster It is 1-1/2 m. W. b. S. from Cloghnakilty. A village.
CASTRUM VENTRY, in the Barony of Carbery, Co. of CORK, and Province of Munster : a V., valued in the King's Books at £1..10.0 sterling being one of the parishes which constitute the Union of The Island. Castrum Ventry is in Diocese of Ross, and Province of Cashel. It is 5 m. W. from Cloghnakilty. The Rectory of Castrum Ventry is Impropriate in the representatives of Francis Townsend, Esq. See The Island.
CLOGHNAKILTY, in the Barony of Carbery, Co. of CORK, and Province of Munster; in the parish of Kilgarruff. It is 146-1/2 m. S.W. from Dublin. The Fairs are holden on the 6th of April, 10th of October, and 12th of November. It is a Corporate Town ; and is situate upon a dangerous and inconvenient Bay, to which it gives name, on St. George's Channel It has six Post days in the week.
DESERT, in the Barony of Carbery, Co. of CORK, and Province of Munster; a V., valued in the King's Books at £2. sterling being one of the parishes which constitute the Union of The Island : no Church. Desert is in the Diocese of Ross, and Province of Cashel. It is1-1/2 m. E. b, S. from Cloghnakilty. It is situate upon Cloghnakilty Bay. The Rectory of Desert belongs to the Dean and Chapter of Ross. See The Island, and Ross.
DONAGHMORE, in the Barony of Barryroe, Co. of CORK, and Province of Munster : a Prebend, Rectory, and Vicarage : The R. and V. are each valued in the King's Books at £1 sterling : no Church : no Glebe House or Glebe : The Rev. Alexander Kennedy, the Incumbent ( in 1806 ) who has cure of souls, and resides in the City of Cork, in the parish of The Holy Trinity, of which he is Curate : the duties of this parish (which is exceedingly small) are discharged by the Curate of the adjoining parish free of Salary. Donaghmore is in the Diocese of Ross, and Province of Cashel. It is 7-1/2 m. S.E. from Cloghnakilty. It is situate upon St. George's Channel.
ISLAND, The, or INCHYDONY, in the Barony of Carbery, Co. of CORK, and Province of Munster : a Prebend, and Vicarage, each valued in the King's Books at £1..13..4 sterling, and Episcopally united, on the 11th of February, 1786 to the V. of Ardfield, the V. of Castrum Ventry, the V. of Desert, the V. of Kilgarruff, and the V. of Kilkerran : a Church at Kilgarruff, in good repair : no Glebe House : a Glebe at Kilgarruff, of 3 acres; at Kilkerran of 3 acres; and at Ardfield of 9 a. 2 r. 10 p. : The Rev. Horatio Townsend, the Incumbent (in 1806) who has cure of souls, is resident within a mile of the church of the Union, and discharges the duties, assisted by a Resident Curate, at a Salary of £50 per annum. The Island is in the Diocese of Ross, and Province of Cashel. It is 1-1/2 m. S. from Cloghnakilty. It is situate in Cloghnakilty Bay. The parishes in the Union of The Island are contiguous; their estimated extent being 7 miles from North to South, and 6 miles from East to West.
KILGARUFF, in the Barony of Carbery, Co. of CORK, and Province of Munster : a V., valued in the King's Books at £3 sterling, being one of the parishes which constitute the Union of The Island. Kilgarruff is in the Diocese of Ross, and Province of Cashel. It is adjacent to Cloghnakilty, on the North. The Rectory is Impropriate in the representatives of Francis Townsend, Esq. See The Island.
RATHBARRY, in the Barony of Ibawne, Co. of CORK, and Province of Munster : a V., valued in the King's Books at £6..13..4 sterling : no Church : no Glebe House : a Glebe of 1 a. 3 r. 37 p. The Rev. Armiger Sealey, the Incumbent (in 1806), who has cure of souls. Rathbarry is in the Diocese of Ross, and Province of Cashel. It is 4-1/2 m S.S.W. from Cloghnakilty. It is situate upon Ross Bay.
TEMPLE BRYAN, in the Barony of Carbery, Co. of CORK, and Province of Munster : a Prebend, Episcopally united, in 1763, to the Rectory entire of Kilnagross the R. and V. of Temple O Malis, and the V. of Templequinlan : a Church, in good repair, at Kilnagross : no Glebe House in the Union : a Glebe at Kilnagross of 12 a, 2 r. 30 p. The Rev. Thomas Brown, the Incumbent (in 1806) who being very infirm, resides in Kinsale : the duties are discharged by a Resident Curate, at a Salary of £50 per annum. Temple Bryan is in the Diocese of Ross, and Province of Cashel. It is 2-1/4 m N. N. W. from Cloghnakilty. The parishes in the Union of Temple Bryan are contiguous; their estimated extent being 6 miles from North to South and 3 miles from East to West.
TEMPLE O MALIS, in the Barony of Barryroe, Co. of CORK, and Province of Munster : a R. and V. each valued in the King's Books at £2 sterling, being one of the parishes which constitute the Union of Temple Bryan. Temple O Malis is in the Diocese of Ross, and Province of Cashel. It is 2-3/4 m. S.E. from Cloghnakilty. It is situate upon Cloghnakilty Bay. See Temple Bryan.
TEMPLEQUINLAN, in the Barony of Carbery, Co. of CORK, and Province of Munster : a V., valued in the King's Books at £3 sterling, being one of the parishes which constitute the Union of Temple Bryan. Templequinlan is in the Diocese of Ross, and Province of Cashel. It is 2-3/4 m. N.E. from Cloghnakilty. The Rectory of Templequinlan is Impropriate in The Earl of Shannon. See Temple Bryan