Fáilte Romhat
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Clonakilty – Guy’s Directory 1940
Post, money order and telegraph office.
Telephone Exchange
– Michael Kirby
Conveyances – Three trains to and from Cork daily.
Buses to and from Cork daily.
Weekly Half Holiday - Wednesday.
day - First Monday of each month.
Market day - Every Friday.
Ahern, M., draper, Connolly St.
Ambrose, Rev. J., Emmet Square, c.c.
Applebe, J., Garranagoleen
Atkins and Co., Ossna St. saw mills and m.
Atkins, J., hardware and general merchant and grocer
Baker, W., station
Barrett, G., Ring
Barrett, W., draper, Pearse St.
J. H., Rossa St.
Beamish, Mrs., Beaumont
Beamish, Mrs., Ashe St
Beamish, T., Millview
Bennett, H., Ballyduvane
Bennett, J. H., Emmet
Sq. M.D.
Bennett, Thos., Pearse Street
Bennett, T., Millville
Bennett, T., Shannon Vale Mills
Blewitt, J., Rossa Street, N.T.
Blewitt, Mrs., Rossa St., milliner and sh.
Brogan, Sergt., Civic Guards
Brophy, D., Pearse Street, M.R.C.V.S.
Bryan, Mrs., Pearse St.,sh.
Cahalane, J., Peace Commissioner, hardware merchant and auctioneer
Callanan, Miss B., Mac Curtain Hill
Calnan, Joseph, Ashe St., sh.
& Co., Rossa Street, drapers
Chiddick, W., Oliver Plunkett Street, sh.
Cleary, Mrs., Rossa Street
Cockrill, J., Medical Hall
Collins, Mrs.,
School St., N.T.
Collins, P., Woodfield, f.
Connacton, Miss B. A.,
Asna Square
Connolly, John, Ashe St., boot shop
Connolly, Rev. Mr.,
Convent Sisters of Mercy
Conway, A. R., Manager Bank of
Cotter, F., Bushmount, B.L.
Cotter, P., Principal Technical
Coughlan, John, Connolly Street, v.
Crowley, Mrs., Western Road
Crowley, Rev. D., C.C., The Square
Cullinane, C., McCurtain Hill, Builder
Cullinane, Dan, Oliver Plunkett Street, v.
Cullinane, J. G., Oliver
Plunkett Street, M.D.
Curtin, M., Lisavaird Cooperative Creamery Manager
Deasy, J, W., Camus House, Castlefreke
Deasy and Co., Ltd., brewers
Diggins, Matthew, Supt., Civic Guards
Dineen, C., f.
Dineen, J.,
Monteen, f.
Dineen, M., Knockea, f.
Doherty, Rev. Robert B., Emmett
Sq., rector
Dolan, Michael, N.T., Ashe Street
Donovan, D. G., Rossa
Street, boot shop
Donovan, Mrs. Kate, Connolly Street, v.
Donovan, J.,
Donovan, Mrs. C., h.
Donovan, Jeremiah, Dunmore House,
Driscoll, D., Tawnies, f. and cattle dealer
Dullea, C. J.,
Pearse St., draper
Fahy, J., Pearse Street, sh.
Fitzgerald, J., Oliver
Plunkett Street, v.
Fitzpatrick C., Oliver Plunkett Street, v.
Fitzpatrick, J. J., Western Villas
Fitzpatrick, Mrs., Connolly Street, v.
Forde, S., jr., Knockea, f.
Godkins, J., Barrack St.
Hallissey, L.,
Rossa St., tailor
Hallissy, M. J., Rossa St., sh.
Harte, D., Ashe
Street, sh.
Harrington, P., Pearse St., victualler
Harrington, M. V.,
Rossa Street, solicitor
Hawkins, Mrs. L., Rossa Street
Hayes, J.,
Lower Tawnies,
Hayes, M., Tawnies, f.
Hayes, M., Ashe St., v.
Hayes, Mrs. E., v.
Hennessy, T., Main Street grocer
Higgins, Mrs. K.,
The Square
Hill, D., Oliver Plunkett Street
Hill, Rev. P., V.G., P.P.
Hill, T., Sunville
Hill, P., Oliver Plunkett Street
Holland, J.,
Pearse St., sh.
Holland, J., Desert , f.
Street, f.(sic)
J., Wolfe Tone
Hoskins, H., Pearse St., pharmacy
Hubbert, M., Ossna
Hurley, C., Clogheen
Hurley, J., Imperial Hotel
Hurley, J. J., Pearse St., sh.
Hurley, J., Pearse Street, saddler
Hurley, J., Quay House,
Irwin, M. L., National Bank
Kelly, J., Barrack
St., hardware merchant
Keohane, J., Carhoogariff,
Keohane, K., Ashe
St., sh.
Kingston, D., Pearse St.
Kingston, Cornelius, Clerk District
Kingston, J., Tawnies
Kingston, J., Lisselane, f.
J., Bohanagh
Kingston, P., Bean Hill, f.
Kingston, R., Springmount, f.
Kingston, T., Madame, f.
Kingston, Mrs T., Barrack Street, v.
Kingston, Thomas
Kirby, M., postmaster
Leary, Thos., Ballinrougher
Lendrum, R. C., Bank St.
Looney, J., Wolfe Tone Street,
coachbuilder and cinema proprietor
Maclnerney, John Joseph Revenue
McCarthy, M., bottling store
McCarthy, E., Pearse sh. and
McCarthy, W. and E., Wolfe Tone St.
McCarthy, Mrs., Convent
Road, N.T.
McCarthy, J., Pearse, bottling store
McCarthy, P., Ashe St.
McCarthy, Florence, Ballyduvane
Magner, W., Pearse St., victualler
Minihane, P., Pearse St.
Moloney, J., Rossa St., boot store
Henry, Sub-Agent, Bank of lreland, Emmett Square
Mulcahy, J., Mill
Street, cycle agent
Murphy, M., Oliver Plunkett St., garage
M., Town Clerk
Murray, P., Oliver Plunkett Street
Murray, J., Rossa
St., v.
Nagle, D., Ballymacowens
Neville, T., M.D., The Square
Nugent, G., Ashe St.,
Nugent J., Ashe Street, draper
Nyhan, G. B., v.
Nyhan, Major C., M.D., P.C.
Nyhan, P.J., N.T., Connolly Street
O'Brien, J., Fort Prospect
O'Brien, The Misses, Ashe Street, sh.
O'Clery, Mrs., Rossa St., sh.
O'Donovan, C., Pearse St., sh.
O'Donovan, P. W., Pearse Street, solicitor
O'Donovan, P. W.,Inchydony
Hotel, The Island
O'Donovan, P. W., Fernhill, solicitor
O'Donovan, T.
H., Emmet Square,
O'Donovan, Miss, Pearse Street, hotel
O'Donovan, T.
J., The Island, T.D.
O'Donovan, T., Cross Ho.
O'Hea, M., Camus House,
O'Keeffe, D., Pearse St.
O'Mahony, James, Clerk of Board of
O'Mahony, J. P., Rossa Street, draper.
O'Mahony, M. J., Pearse
St., sh.
O'Neill, M., sh.
O'Neill, Cornelius, Oliver Plunkett St., sh.
O'Regan, Margt., Pearse Street, sh.
O'Regan, T., Oliver Plunkett St., sh.
O'Shea, -., Sub-Agent, M. & L. Bank
O'Shea, M., grocer, Ashe Street
O'Sullivan, Dan, Granagoleen, f.
O'Sullivan, Mrs., Kilgarriff
O'Sullivan, MI. G., Osna Street
O'Sullivan, Miss, Pearse St., news agent
O'Sullivan, K., The Quay and Pearse Street, v.
Perrott, J., Lislevane, f.
Power, F., manager of National Bank
Rice, Rev. Joseph, C.C., Convent View
Roche, Alphonsus, Manager M. & L. Bank
Ronan, Mrs., Ashe St.
Miss, Connolly. St., v.
Shanahan, F. F., B.D.S., N.U.I., The Villa
Shanley, P., Connolly St.
Sheehy, J., Ashe St., grocer and N.T.
Sheehy, J. J., Main St.
Sheehy, M., Pearse St.
Sheehy & Co., Maurice,
Ashe St., drapers
Sheehy, M., coal stores
Spiller, G. H., Pearse St.,
and The “Wayside”, Western Road
Spiller, W. H.
Stanley, C. O.,
Sutton, G., Oliver Plunkett St., N.T.
Sutton, Miss, Oliver
Plunkett St., N.T.
Sutton, T., Kilgarriff, f.
Swanton, R. J., Pearse
St., Chemist
Taylor, R., The Brewery
Tolan, Mrs. Ellen, Connolly
Street, v.
Twohig, Timothy, Ashe St., victualler
Walsh, J., Monteen,
Walsh, Miss Mary f.
Walsh, P., Oliver Plunkett St., contractor
White, J., Ashe St., sh.
Woods, J., Kilkeran, f.
Wood, S., Oliver
Plunkett St.,. garage
Wycherly, C., Rossa St.,
Applebe, H., Carrigroe
Beamish, T., Carrigroe, f.
Collins, J.,
Tullyneasky, f. and contractor
Collins, M., Carrigroe, f.
Jerome, Sams Cross, v. and f.
Collins, Mrs., Carrigroe, f.
Mrs. M., Woodfield, f.
Crowley, D., Creaghbeg, f.
Crowley, M., Currah,
Whelton, Andrew, v.
Hurley, John, sh.
Cusack, R., Maulycorcoran,
Donoghue, J., Currah, f.
Donoghue, G., Gurragh
Donoghue, J.
Donovan, D., Knockaphonery, f.
Donovan, D., Carrigroe,f.
Donovan, P.,
Woodfield, f.
Donovan, T., Carrigroe, f.
Driscoll, D., Creaghbeg, f.
Eady, J. B., Knockaphonery, f.
Fitzpatrick, D., Tullyneasky
P., Tullyneasky, f.
Howell, J., Maulicorcoran, f.
Hurley, D. J.,
Tullineasky, f.
Jennings, B., Ballydwane
Kingston, J., Carrigroe, f.
McCarthy, B., Tullineasky, f.
McCarthy, C., Garralacka, f.
F., Garralacka, f.
McCarthy, J., Carrigroe, f.
McCarthy, P.,
Garralacka, f.
McCarthy, J., Carrigroe, f.
McCarthy, J., Crimeen, f.
McCarthy, L., Carrigroe, f.
Mahony, J., Tullineasky,
O'Brien, D.,
Samscross, f.
O'Brien, Jack J., Creaghbeg, f.
O'Brien, Jerh. J.,
Creaghbeg, f.
O'Brien, M., Carrigroe, f.
O'Brien, P., Tuliueasky, f.
O'Driscoll, Mrs., Carrigroe, N.T.
O'Hea, M., Woodfield, f.
D., Carrigroe, f.
O'Leary, J., Ballyduvane, f.
O'Mahony, C., Crcaghbeg,
O'Mahony, J., Tullyneasky, f.
O'Mahony, P., Woodfield, f.
O'Neill, J., Ballyduvane, f.
Santry, J., blacksmith
Santry, P.,
Tullyneasky, egg merchant
Sheehy, J., Paulbeg, f.aaa
Sullivan, J. P.,
Sullivan, J., Carrigroe, f.
Sullivan, J., Creaghbeg, f.
Sullivan, P., Maulcorcoran, f.
White, D., Tullyneasky, P.C.
Mrs. Mary, Pike House, v.
White, W., grocer and cattle dealer