Fáilte Romhat

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  Griffiths Valuation Index Extracts - Cork East

Griffiths Valuation - East Cork 1851-1853

This page contains extracts from Griffiths Valuation of Ireland Index for civil parishes in East Cork.

Aghacross Carrigdownane Garryvoe Kilnure Rahan
Aghada Carrigleamleary Glanworth Kilpatrick Rathcooney
Aghern Carrigtohill Gortroe Kilphelan Rathcormack 
Ardagh Castlelyons Holy Trinity, Cork Kilquane (Barrymore) Rostellan
Ardnageehy Castletownroche Ightermurragh Kilshanahan St. Annes Shandon
Ballintemple Clenor Inch Kilworth St. Finbars, Cork
Ballycurrany Clondulane Inchinabacky Knockmourne St. Marys Shandon
Ballydeloher Clonmel Kilcredan Leitrim St. Michaels, Cork
Ballydeloughy Clonmult Kilcrumper Liscleary St. Nathlash, Cork
Ballyfeard Clonpriest Kilcully Lisgoold St. Paul's, Cork
Ballyfoyle Cloyne Kilcummer Lismore and Mocollop St. Peter's, Cork
Ballyhooly Coole Kildorrery Litter Templebodan
Ballynoe Corkbeg Kilgullane Little Island  Templebreedy
Ballyoughtera Dangandonovan Killanully Macroney Templemolaga
Ballyspillane Derryvillane Killaspugmullane Marmullane Templenacarriga
Barnahely Doneraile Killathy Marshalstown Templerobin
Bohillane Dunbulloge Killeagh Middleton Templeusque
Bridgetown Dungourney Killeenemer Mogeely Titeskin
Brigown Dunmahon Kilmacdonogh Mogeesha Trabolgan
Britway Farahy Kilmahon Monanimy Tracton
Caherlag Fermoy Kilmoney Monkstown Wallstown
Carrigaline Garranekinnefeake Kilmonoge Nohaval Youghal