Fáilte Romhat

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  Griffiths Valuation Index Extracts - Cork North West

Griffiths Valuation - North West Cork 1851-1853

This page contains extracts from Griffiths Valuation of Ireland Index for civil parishes in North-West Cork


Carrigrohane Donaghmore(Muskerry) Kilbrin Kilshannig Rosskeen
Aghinagh Carrigrohanebeg Drishane Kilbroney Knocktemple Shandrum
Aglish  Castlemagner Dromtarriff Kilcorcoran Lackeen St.Nicholas
Aglishdrinagh Churchtown Dunisky Kilcorney Liscarroll Subulter
Ardskeagh Clondrohid Garrycloyne Kilgrogan Macloneigh Tullylease
Athnowen Clonfert Grenagh Kilmaclenine Macroom Whitechurch
Ballyclogh Clonmeen Hackmys Kilmeen(Duhallow) Magourney  
Ballyhay Cooliney Imphrick Kilmichael Mallow  
Ballyvourney Corbally Inchigeelagh Kilmurry Matchy  
Bregoge Corcomohide Inishcarra Kilnaglory Mourneabbey  
Buttevant Cullen(Duhallow) Inishkenny Kilnamartery Moviddy  
Caherduggan Currykippane Kilbolane Kilquane(Fermoy) Nohavaldaly  
Cannaway Desertmore Kilbonane Kilroe Rathgoggan