Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Griffiths Valuation Index Extracts - Cork West

Griffiths Valuation - West Cork 1851-1853

This page contains extracts from Griffiths Valuation of Ireland Index for civil parishes in West Cork . 

More information on the 1901 Census for the town of Skibbereen and surrounding area is available at the Skibbereen Heritage Center. If you are in the area I recommend you stop in, you will not be disappointed.


Castleventry Inishannon Killowen Knockavilly Templemartin


Clear Island

Island Kilmacabea Leighmoney Templemichael
Aghadown Clontead Kilbrittain Kilmaloda Lislee Templeomalus
Ardfield Creagh Kilbrogan Kilmeen Murragh Templequinlan
Ballinaboy Desert Kilcaskan Kilmocomoge Myross Templetrine
Ballinadee Desertserges Kilcatherine Kilmoe Rathbarry Timoleague
Ballymartle Donaghmore Kilcoe Kilnagross Rathclarin Tisaxon
Ballymodan Drinagh Kilcrohane Kilnamanagh Ringcurran Tullagh
Ballymoney Dromdaleague Kilfaughnabeg Kilroan Ringrone  
Brinny Dunderrow Kilgarriff Kilsillage Ross  
Caheragh Durrus Kilkerranmore Kinneigh Skull  
Castlehaven Fanlobbus Kilaconenagh Kinsale Templebryan