Fáilte Romhat

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  Griffiths Valuation Index Extracts - Dublin

Griffiths Valuation - Dublin 1848-51

This page contains extracts from Griffiths Valuation of Ireland Index for civil parishes in Dublin.

Aderrig Cruagh Killeek Palmerstown St.Marks
Artaine Crumlin Killester Portmarnock St.Marys
Baldongan Dalkey Killiney Portraine St.Michaels
Baldoyle Donabate Killossery Raheny St.Michans
Balgriffin Donnybrook Kilmactalway Rathcoole St.Nicholas In
Ballyboghil Drimnagh Kilmacud Rathfarnham St.Nicholas Out
Ballyfermot Esker Kilmahuddrick Rathmichael St.Patricks
Ballymadun Finglas Kilsallaghan Saggart St.Pauls
Balscaddan Garristown Kiltiernan Santry St.Peters
Booterstown Glasnevin Kinsaley St.Andrews St.Thomas
Castleknock Grallagh Leixlip St.Annes St.Werburghs
Chapelizod Grangegorman Lucan St.Audoens Stillorgan
Cloghran Hollywood Lusk St.Brides Swords
Clondalkin Holmpatrick Malahide St.Catherines Tallaght
Clonmethan Howth Monkstown St.Georges Taney
Clonsilla Kilbarrack Mulhuddart St.James Tully
Clontarf Kilbride Naul St.Johns Ward
Clonturk Kilgobbin Newcastle St.Lukes Westpalstown
Coolock Kill Oldconnaught St.Margarets Whitechurch