Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Pettigrew & Oulton's Dublin Directory 1842 - Dublin Directory

Pettigrew & Oulton's Dublin Directory 1842
Dublin Directory


Abbott - Alexander
Alexander - Atkinson
Atthill - Barrett
Barrett - Benson
Benson - Bolger
Bolger - Brangan
Brangan - Bryan
Bryan - Byrne
Byrne - Cardiff
Carey - Challoner
Challoner - Coates
Coates - Conway
Conway - Coyne
Coyne - Curran
Currin - Deane
Deane - Doherty
Doherty - Drowe
Drowe -Edmundson
Edwards - Farrell
Farrell - Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald - Forde
Forde - Gardiner
Gardiner - Goldsmith
Goldsmith - Gregg
Gregg - Hamilton
Hamilton - Hayden
Hayden - Higgens
Higgins - Horan
Horan - Hyndman
Hyndman - Johnston
Johnston - Kearns
Kearns - Kennedy
Kennedy - Kirwan
Kirwin - Lawson
Lawson - Litton
Litton - M'Ardle
M'Arthur - M'Donnell
M'Donnell - M'Michael
M'Millan - Magill
Maginn - Marshal
Marshal - Melville
Mercer - Montgomery
Montgomery - Morris
Morrison - Murphy
Murphy - Noble
Noble - O'Connell
O'Connor - O'Reilly
O'Reilly - Parsons
Parsons - Pigot
Pigott - Primet
Pring - Regan
Reid - Robinson
Robinson - Ryan
Ryan - Searle
Searson - Sinclair
Sinfield - Smyth
Smyth - Stewart
Stirling - Tagart
Tagart - Thorp
Thorp - Torrens
Torrens - Tuthill
Twamley - Walsh
Walsh - Webb
Webb - White
White - Wilkinson
Wilkinson - Wilson
Wilson - Worn
Wornall - Yourell