Fáilte Romhat

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  Pettigrew & Oulton's Dublin Directory 1842 - Classification of Trades

Pettigrew & Oulton's Dublin Directory 1842
Classification of Trades


Accountants - Agents
Agents - Bakers
Bakers - Boot & Shoemakers
Boot & Shoemakers - Cabinet Makers & Upholsters
Cabinet Makers & Upholsters - Chair Makers
Chair Makers - Coach, Gig & Car Makers
Coach, Gig & Car Makers - Confectioners & Pastry Cooks
Confectioners & Pastry Cooks - Distillers & Rectifiers
Distillers & Rectifiers - Furniture Brokers
Furniture Brokers - Grocers
Grocers - Gun Smiths
Gun Smiths - Hotels & Taverns
Hotels & Taverns - Leather & Cloth Cap Makers
Leather & Cloth Cap Makers - Livery Stables
Livery Stables - Merchants
Merchants - Milliners & Dressmakers
Milliners & Dressmakers - Musical Instrument Makers & Sellers
Musical Instrument Makers & Sellers - Plasterers, Stucco
Plasterers, Stucco - Professors of Dancing
Professors of Dancing - Pump Borers
Pump Borers - Seminaries for Young Gentlemen
Seminaries for Young Gentlemen - Snuff & Tobacco Dealers
Snuff & Tobacco Dealers - Tailors
Tailors - Umbrella Makers
Umbrella Makers - Vintners
Vintners - Wool Factors, Staplers & Merchants
Wool Factors, Staplers & Merchants - Zinc Manufacturers
