Fáilte Romhat

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  Executions of 1916

The Executions of 1916

There were 16 executions as a result of the Easter Rising. General Maxwell declared martial law and gave the order to execute. This proved to be a bitter pill for the people of Ireland and support for the executed grew. The first were James Connelly tied to a chair and then  shot. Roger Casement was convicted of treason and hung in England.

May 3rd 1916 Kilmainham Gaol

Pádraic Pearse
Thomas Clarke
Thomas MacDonagh

May 4th 1916 Kilmainham Gaol

Joseph Plunkett
Edward Daly
Michael O'Hanrahan
Willie Pearse

May 5th 1916 Kilmainham Gaol

John MacBride

May 8th 1916 Kilmainham Gaol

Eamonn Ceantt
Michael Mallin
Seán Heuston
Con Colbert

May 9th 1916 Cork Detention Barracks

Thomas Kent

May 12th 1916 Kilmainham Gaol

Se�n MacDiarmada
James Connolly

August 3rd 1916 Pentonville Prison, London

Sir Roger Casement