Fáilte Romhat
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Flax Growers of Ireland, 1796 - County Meath
Allen Bryan Rathkenny Meath Allen William Kilberry Meath Anderson Peter Ballinlough Meath Andrew J. Donore Meath Andrews Joseph Donore Meath Arthur Nicholas Navan Meath Ash James Milough Meath Ash John Milough Meath Awlin James Stanlon Meath Ball Mathew Kells Meath Barden John Oldcastle Meath Barden Owen Oldcastle Meath Barnes Thomas, Esq. Moynalty Meath Barnet Mrs. Knockcommon Meath Barran Thomas Mountown Meath Barren Thomas Martry Meath Barret John Martry Meath Barron Denis Stanlon Meath Barron J. Stanlon Meath Barron Thomas Stanlon Meath Baylan Mr. Moorechurch Meath Baylan Nicholas Moorechurch Meath Beglin Patrick Killallon Meath Bell Matthew Kells Meath Bell Thomas Milough Meath Bellew John Stanlon Meath Bennet Terence Oldcastle Meath Bennett John Kells Meath Berrell Thomas Kilsharvan Meath Berrill James Dowth Meath Berrill Patrick Duleek Meath Biggey Edward Castletown Meath Biggy Connor Oristown Meath Binnett Hugh Killallon Meath Binnett Thomas Killallon Meath Bird James Kilmainham Meath Blackburne Edward, Esq. Killary Meath Bleak Francis Moybolgue Meath Bleak John Moybolgue Meath Bleak Michael Moybolgue Meath Bleak Philip Kilmainham Meath Bleak Richard Moybolgue Meath Bleakney Bruery, Esq. Garlanstown Meath Blunt Mary Grangegeeth Meath Boaghan John Ardbraccan Meath Boen John Oldcastle Meath Bogg Matthew Kilbride Meath Bonney Owen Kells Meath Booker Worship Loughcrew Meath Bourke Nicholas Ardmulchan Meath Boylan Charles Milough Meath Boylan James Kilskeer Meath Boylan John Kilbride Meath Boylan Patrick Kilbride Meath Boylan Patrick Killallon Meath Boyland Patrick Killallon Meath Boyle Felix Nobber Meath Boyn Peter Killallon Meath Boyne John Killallon Meath Boyne Peter Killallon Meath Bradley Nicholas Oldcastle Meath Bradley Patrick Castletown Meath Bradley Patrick Killallon Meath Bradley Thomas Killallon Meath Brady Bridget Moybolgue Meath Brady Bridget Oldcastle Meath Brady Bryan Kells Meath Brady Catherine Killallon Meath Brady Edmond Kilskeer Meath Brady Edward Oldcastle Meath Brady James Kells Meath Brady James Kilskeer Meath Brady Jane Ardbraccan Meath Brady John Kells Meath Brady Laurence Loughcrew Meath Brady Michael Ballinlough Meath Brady Patrick Kells Meath Brady Patrick Kilberry Meath Brady Patrick Killallon Meath Brady Patrick Killeagh Meath Brady Patrick Oldcastle Meath Brady Philip Oldcastle Meath Brady Philip Rathkenny Meath Brady Phillip Moybolgue Meath Brady Richard Kells Meath Brady Richard Moynalty Meath Brady Terence Kilmainham Meath Brady Thomas Kilbride Meath Brady Thomas Oldcastle Meath Brannagan Rev. Mr. Ardbraccan Meath Brannegan Patrick Ardmulchan Meath Bray Patrick Killallon Meath Bride James Killeagh Meath Bride Patrick Killallon Meath Brien Christopher Clongill Meath Brien James Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Brien John Kilberry Meath Brien Matthew Stackallan Meath Brien Patrick Garlanstown Meath Brien Peter Moybolgue Meath Brien Terence Cruicetown Meath Brien Thomas Stackallan Meath Brien Widow Tara Meath Briody Bryan Killallon Meath Briody Hugh Killallon Meath Briody James Killeagh Meath Briody Patrick Killallon Meath Briody Patrick Killeagh Meath Brodley Patrick Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Brodly Christopher Dulane Meath Brodly Thomas Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Brodly Thomas Rathkenny Meath Brogan Anne Killeagh Meath Brogan Bridget Killallon Meath Brogan John Oldcastle Meath Brogan Phillip Loughcrew Meath Broiedy Hugh Killallon Meath Brookes Richard Stackallan Meath Brown James Killeagh Meath Brown Stephen Killeagh Meath Brown William Moybolgue Meath Browne Nicholas Killeagh Meath Brownwell Charles Stackallan Meath Brownwell Edward Stackallan Meath Broy Denis Ardbraccan Meath Bryan William Kilsharvan Meath Bryne Patrick Kentstown Meath Byrne John Rathkenny Meath Byrne Laurence Kilberry Meath Byrne Patrick Collon Meath Byrne Patrick Julianstown Meath Byrne Patrick Knockcommon Meath Byrne Patrick Martry Meath Byrne Rose Milough Meath Byrne Thomas Rathkenny Meath Byrne Widow Julianstown Meath Byrne Widow Knockcommon Meath Byrne William Kells Meath Byrne William Moorechurch Meath Caden Bryan Oldcastle Meath Caffrey Hugh Oldcastle Meath Caffrey James Oldcastle Meath Caffrey Richard Loughcrew Meath Caffry Bryan Loughcrew Meath Caffry Bryan Oldcastle Meath Caffry Edward Killary Meath Caffry James Kilbride Meath Caffry John Milough Meath Caffry Matthew Dulane Meath Caffry Patrick Dulane Meath Caffry Patrick Martry Meath Caffry Patrick Milough Meath Caffry Terence Dulane Meath Caffry Thomas Dulane Meath Caffry Thomas Kilberry Meath Caffry Thomas Oldcastle Meath Cahill Bridget Carricknarass Meath Cahill Thomas Oldcastle Meath Cain Michael Ardbraccan Meath Cain William Kells Meath Callaghan Bartholomew Moynalty Meath Callaghan Christopher Kilskeer Meath Callaghan Hugh Grangegeeth Meath Callaghan Widow Moynalty Meath Callahan James Oldcastle Meath Callery Christopher Rathkenny Meath Camell Michael Julianstown Meath Campbel Patrick Castletown Meath Campbell James Duleek Meath Campbell Patrick Rathkenny Meath Campbell Peter Rathkenny Meath Campbell Thomas Rathkenny Meath Canaty Thomas Oldcastle Meath Carlin Bryan Collon Meath Carlon Bartholomew Nobber Meath Carlon John Moynalty Meath Carlon Laurence Nobber Meath Carlon Mary Killary Meath Carlon Owen Castletown Meath Carlon Philip Cruicetown Meath Carlon Thady Nobber Meath Carlon Thomas Kilberry Meath Carlon Thomas Nobber Meath Carney James Kilbride Meath Carney John Milough Meath Carney Laurence Stackallan Meath Carney Nicholas Kilskeer Meath Carney Patrick Milough Meath Carney Thomas Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Carolan James Nobber Meath Carolan Michael Kells Meath Carolan Philip Oldcastle Meath Carpentar Francis Duleek Meath Carpenter Thomas Killary Meath Carr Catherine Killallon Meath Carr James Killallon Meath Carraghan James Duleek Meath Carrol Connor Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Carrol Patrick Colp Meath Carrol Peter Loughcrew Meath Carrol Phillip Milough Meath Carrolan Thomas Killary Meath Carroll James Julianstown Meath Carroll Patrick Duleek Meath Carry Arthur Rathkenny Meath Carry Luke Kilbeg Meath Carry Nicholas Killary Meath Carry Patrick Killary Meath Carry Thomas Killary Meath Cartin Patrick Donore Meath Cartin Robert Duleek Meath Carty Edward Mountown Meath Casey Christopher Ardmulchan Meath Casserly Edward Ardbraccan Meath Cassidy Edmond Killeagh Meath Cassidy John Kilmainham Meath Cassidy Owen Moybolgue Meath Caulen John Killary Meath Cauley Patrick Kilskeer Meath Caulwell Matthew Oristown Meath Cavanagh John Milough Meath Cavanagh Terrence Ballinlough Meath Cawlen Andrew Rathkenny Meath Cawlen Terence Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Cawley Owen Killallon Meath Chance Thomas Oldcastle Meath Chapman Patrick Killeagh Meath Christy John Oldcastle Meath Clark Matthew Slane Meath Clarke Bryan Oldcastle Meath Clarke Francis Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Clarke James Ardmulchan Meath Clarke James Duleek Meath Clarke Laurence Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Clarke Matthew Navan Meath Clarke Patrick Duleek Meath Clarke Patrick Kilmainham Meath Clarke Philip Loughcrew Meath Clarke Phillip Moybolgue Meath Clarke Thomas Moybolgue Meath Clarke Widow Ardmulchan Meath Clarke William Martry Meath Clench Valentine Stanlon Meath Cliery John Kilbride Meath Clinton George Colp Meath Closkey Thomas Duleek Meath Clusker John Ardmulchan Meath Coalman Bryan Kells Meath Coalman Simon Kilmainham Meath Coalrick Bryan Moybolgue Meath Codden John Knockcommon Meath Cogan Bryan Kilskeer Meath Colbreth Archibald Kilskeer Meath Coleman Patrick Colp Meath Coleman Robert Duleek Meath Colgan Anne Kilbride Meath Colgan Patrick Loughcrew Meath Commins Michael Ardbraccan Meath Conatty Charles Killeagh Meath Conatty Owen Killeagh Meath Conatty Patrick Killeagh Meath Conatty Thomas Killeagh Meath Conaty Thomas Oldcastle Meath Conly Thomas Julianstown Meath Connel Margaret Ballinlough Meath Connell Bryan Kilbride Meath Connell Hugh Donore Meath Connell James Killallon Meath Connell James Nobber Meath Connell John Nobber Meath Connell Laurence Kilbeg Meath Connell Matthew Killallon Meath Connell Thomas Killallon Meath Connell Thomas Kilmainham Meath Connell Thomas Kilskeer Meath Connell Thomas Oldcastle Meath Connell William Kilskeer Meath Connellan Thomas Moybolgue Meath Connelly Patrick Knockcommon Meath Connelly William Knockcommon Meath Connor John Moybolgue Meath Conolly Edmund Oldcastle Meath Conway Christopher Dowth Meath Conway Francis Navan Meath Cooney Michael Moybolgue Meath Cootch William Moybolgue Meath Coracan Thomas Kilskeer Meath Corbelly Anne Ardmulchan Meath Corcoran Patrick Killeagh Meath Corgan Michael Garlanstown Meath Corgan Thomas Moynalty Meath Corren Patrick Nobber Meath Corren Thomas Killary Meath Corrigan Owen Kilskeer Meath Corrigan Patrick Kilskeer Meath Corrigan Thomas Kilskeer Meath Cosgriff Matthew Kilmainham Meath Coyle Bryan Milough Meath Coyle Henry Killeagh Meath Coyle John Oldcastle Meath Coyle Margaret Oldcastle Meath Coyle Michael Milough Meath Coyle Patrick Killeagh Meath Coyle Patrick Milough Meath Coyle Thomas Killeagh Meath Coyle Widow Loughcrew Meath Coyle William Knockcommon Meath Craford Richard, Esq. Dulane Meath Craghan John Kilberry Meath Crawford John Moybolgue Meath Crawley Patrick Oldcastle Meath Crinnon Nicholas Stackallan Meath Crinnon Patrick Killary Meath Crosby Anthony Dowth Meath Crosby James Martry Meath Crosby Patrick Killary Meath Cruise Anthony, Esq. Cruicetown Meath Cruise Richard, Esq. Cruicetown Meath Cruise Robert Killeagh Meath Cullen Andrew Killeagh Meath Cullen John Milough Meath Cullen John Oldcastle Meath Cullen John, Jr. Milough Meath Cullen Matthew Kilskeer Meath Cullen Michael Milough Meath Cumesky Matthew Milough Meath Cumesky Patrick Killeagh Meath Cumesky Terence Killeagh Meath Cummesky Bartholomew Killeagh Meath Cummesky Edmund Killeagh Meath Cummesky John Killeagh Meath Cumsky Michael Kilskeer Meath Cunnecky Patrick Killeagh Meath Cunninghame Anne Killeagh Meath Cunninghame James Killeagh Meath Cunninghame Patrick Milough Meath Curren James Kilbride Meath Curren James Loughcrew Meath Curtis Rev. Mr. Duleek Meath Curtis Thomas Garlanstown Meath Dalton John Oldcastle Meath Dalton Luke Oldcastle Meath Daly Bryan Moynalty Meath Daly Hugh Dulane Meath Daly Hugh Oldcastle Meath Daly James Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Daly James Dulane Meath Daly Mary Killeagh Meath Daly Matthew Ballinlough Meath Daly Owen Kilskeer Meath Daly Philip Ballinlough Meath Daly Thomas Ardmulchan Meath Darcy James Loughcrew Meath Daw Mary Killary Meath Dease Oliver Milough Meath Delany Patrick Kilmessan Meath Derham Richard Duleek Meath Dermot Michael Killeagh Meath Dermot Rose Killeagh Meath Deven Widow Dowth Meath Devine William Oldcastle Meath Dignum Cornelius Duleek Meath Dignum Cornelius Kilsharvan Meath Dimsey Sylvester, Esq. Kells Meath Dineny Widow Garlanstown Meath Dinneny John Donore Meath Dinneny Patrick Stackallan Meath Dinnery Widow Kilberry Meath Dinnin Bridget Killary Meath Doggert Philip Collon Meath Dogget Patrick Donore Meath Dolan James Cruicetown Meath Domocan Patrick Duleek Meath Donnagan Robert Castletown Meath Donnelly George Painestown Meath Donnelly John Killallon Meath Donnelly Patrick Kilbride Meath Donnelly Richard Kilmainham Meath Donnelly Widow Kilbeg Meath Donocho Catherine Killeagh Meath Donocho Daniel Kilskeer Meath Donocho Edmond Loughcrew Meath Donocho Farrel Killeagh Meath Donocho Michael Killeagh Meath Donocho Michael Milough Meath Dooney Patrick Rathkenny Meath Doran John Oristown Meath Doran M. Knockcommon Meath Dowdal James Rathkenny Meath Downes Patrick Oristown Meath Downey Terence Rathkenny Meath Drake Patrick Oldcastle Meath Drew Andrew Monknewtown Meath Drew John Monknewtown Meath Drew Patrick Monknewtown Meath Drew Richared Dowth Meath Drew Thomas Collon Meath Drummond James Milough Meath Duff Thomas Navan Meath Duffey Bryan Kilberry Meath Duffy Bryan Killallon Meath Duffy Francis Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Duffy John Kilmainham Meath Duffy Nicholas Killeagh Meath Duffy Owen Ardbraccan Meath Duffy Patrick Ardbraccan Meath Duffy Patrick Ballinlough Meath Duffy Patrick Kilskeer Meath Duffy Philip Kilberry Meath Duffy Philip Killary Meath Dugdale Edward Kells Meath Dugdale James Kells Meath Duignan Bryan Nobber Meath Duignan Phillip Nobber Meath Dunn John Dulane Meath Dunn Judith Dowth Meath Dunn Laurence Dowth Meath Egenton William Milough Meath Elinton Christopher Moybolgue Meath Empson Williajm Dowth Meath Evans John Milough Meath Everard John Monknewtown Meath Fagan Barrholomew Killeagh Meath Fagan Bryan Kilbride Meath Fagan Bryan Oldcastle Meath Fagan Edmond Kilbride Meath Fagan Edmond Kilskeer Meath Fagan Garret Killeagh Meath Fagan James Killeagh Meath Fagan James Loughcrew Meath Fagan John Killeagh Meath Fagan Joseph Milough Meath Fagan Michael Killeagh Meath Fagan Michael Loughcrew Meath Fagan Owen Oldcastle Meath Fagan Patrick Kilbride Meath Fagan Patrick Killeagh Meath Fagan Thomas Kilbride Meath Fagan Thomas Killeagh Meath Fagan Widow Oldcastle Meath Fagan William Loughcrew Meath Fagen Charles Oldcastle Meath Fallon Bridget Rathkenny Meath Farley James Castletown Meath Farley John Dulane Meath Farmer Nicholas Dulane Meath Farrel Patrick Collon Meath Farrell Matthew Kilsharvan Meath Farrelly Barnaby Dulane Meath Farrelly Bryan Dulane Meath Farrelly Francis Nobber Meath Farrelly Hugh Ballinlough Meath Farrelly Laurence Martry Meath Farrelly Phillip Moybolgue Meath Farrelly Thomas Kilbeg Meath Fay Christopher Garlanstown Meath Fay James Ardbraccan Meath Fay Owen Ardmulchan Meath Feagan Edward Ballinlough Meath Feagan Matthew Duleek Meath Feagan Patrick Rathkenny Meath Fegan Patrick Grangegeeth Meath Ferely Edmond Kilskeer Meath Ferely John Kilskeer Meath Ferely Judith Killallon Meath Ferely Mathew Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Ferely Widow Kilskeer Meath Ferrelly Thomas Oldcastle Meath Ferrely Bartholomew Killeagh Meath Ferrely Bartholomew Milough Meath Ferrely James Oldcastle Meath Ferrely John Oldcastle Meath Ferrely Thomas Oldcastle Meath Finnan Hugh Milough Meath Finnegan Matthew Loughcrew Meath Finnegan Michael Donore Meath Firman Charles Milough Meath Fitsimons Bartholomew Killeagh Meath Fitzgerald Oliver Killallon Meath Fitzpatrick Thomas Kilbeg Meath Fitzpatrick Thomas Killeagh Meath Fitzsimons Christopher Milough Meath Fitzsimons Francis Kells Meath Fitzsimons Matthew Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Flanagan Patrick Donore Meath Flanegan Patrick Rathfeigh Meath Flanegan Thomas Colp Meath Flannagan Margaret Kilbride Meath Flannagan Nicholas Oldcastle Meath Flannagan Thomas Kilbride Meath Flinn Bartholomew Killallon Meath Flinn John Killeagh Meath Flinn Michael Killallon Meath Flinn Thomas Kells Meath Flinn William Oldcastle Meath Florry Thomas Painestown Meath Fludd John Kilbeg Meath Fludd Michael Killallon Meath Fludd Patrick Oristown Meath Fludd Thomas Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Fludd Thomas Kilskeer Meath Forde James Ardbraccan Meath Forkey Nicholas Donore Meath Fox Daniel Carricknarass Meath Fox Henry Kilskeer Meath Fox Hugh Kilskeer Meath Fox James Milough Meath Fox James Moynalty Meath Fox John Kells Meath Fox John Milough Meath Fox Matthew Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Fox Matthew Kilskeer Meath Fox Nicholas Milough Meath Fox Patrick Milough Meath Fox Richard Kilskeer Meath Fox Terence Martry Meath Fox Widow Kells Meath Friar Felix Oldcastle Meath Friery James Killallon Meath Gaffeny Edward Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Gaffeny Patrick Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Gaffney James Killeagh Meath Gaffney John Killeagh Meath Gaffney Michael Killeagh Meath Gaffney Patrick Killeagh Meath Gaffney Peter Killeagh Meath Gaffney Terence Killeagh Meath Gafney Patrick Kilbride Meath Gaghran Patrick Killary Meath Gannon Edward Castletown Meath Gargan Thomas Kilbeg Meath Gargan Widow Kilskeer Meath Gargon Myles Kilskeer Meath Garragan Mathew Oldcastle Meath Garragan Owen Oldcastle Meath Garragan Patrick Oldcastle Meath Garragan Philip Oldcastle Meath Garraghan Edmond Oldcastle Meath Garraghan James Oldcastle Meath Garry Andrew Oldcastle Meath Garry James Oldcastle Meath Garry John Oldcastle Meath Gartlany Patrick Donore Meath Gartlend Hugh Duleek Meath Gaughran John Kells Meath Gauley Patrick Castletown Meath Gaure Owen Killeagh Meath Gaven Michael Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Gawney Judith Oldcastle Meath Gee Thomas Navan Meath Gegherty James Killeagh Meath Geoghegan Anne Nobber Meath Gerard John, Esq. Oristown Meath Gerard William Oristown Meath Gerrard John Rathkenny Meath Gerrard William Kilberry Meath Gibney Bryan Oldcastle Meath Gibney Charles Oldcastle Meath Gibney Connor Oldcastle Meath Gibney Henry Kilbride Meath Gibney James Milough Meath Gibney John Ardbraccan Meath Gibney Laurence Loughcrew Meath Gibney Laurence Milough Meath Gibney Laurence Oldcastle Meath Gibney Luke Oldcastle Meath Gibney Matthew Kilskeer Meath Gibney Matthew Loughcrew Meath Gibney Michael Kilbride Meath Gibney Owen Killeagh Meath Gibney Patrick Killeagh Meath Gibney Patrick Milough Meath Gibney Patrick Oldcastle Meath Gibney Patrick Oristown Meath Gibney Peter Ardbraccan Meath Gibney Peter Loughcrew Meath Gibney Richard Milough Meath Gibney Terence Loughcrew Meath Gibney Thomas Ballinlough Meath Gibney Thomas Milough Meath Gibney Thomas Oldcastle Meath Gilfeanan Anne Oldcastle Meath Gilfenan Bryan Oldcastle Meath Gilfenan Hugh Kilbride Meath Gilfenan Laurence Kells Meath Gilfenan Michael Oldcastle Meath Gilfenan Thomas Oldcastle Meath Gilfenan William Killallon Meath Gilfennan Patrick Oldcastle Meath Gilfennan Thomas Athboy Meath Gilleran Mary Killeagh Meath Gilleran Patrick Killeagh Meath Gillick Laurence Oldcastle Meath Gillick Michael Killallon Meath Gilroy James Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Gilroy Laurence Killeagh Meath Gilshenan Thomas Kells Meath Gilshennan Edward Kilskeer Meath Gintey James Oldcastle Meath Glinnan Richard Killallon Meath Goff John Rathfeigh Meath Goff Nicholas Donore Meath Gogerty Owen Girley Meath Goodin Patrick Grangegeeth Meath Gorman Peter Monknewtown Meath Gorman Thomas Monknewtown Meath Gough Michael Ardmulchan Meath Gough Richard Ardmulchan Meath Gough Widow Mary Ardmulchan Meath Grace Edmond Oldcastle Meath Grace Patrick Oldcastle Meath Grace William Stamullin Meath Grace William Stanlon Meath Gran Simon Loughcrew Meath Grant John Duleek Meath Grawney James Kilskeer Meath Grawney Owen Loughcrew Meath Grawney Phillip Loughcrew Meath Grawney Terence Loughcrew Meath Gray Robert Oldcastle Meath Green David Rathkenny Meath Green James Colp Meath Green Joseph Rathkenny Meath Green Thomas Kells Meath Grey Molly Loughcrew Meath Grey Patrick Ardmulchan Meath Grey William Loughcrew Meath Griffin Christopher Grangegeeth Meath Gurren Nicholas Killallon Meath Gurren Thomas Killallon Meath Gurrien Francis Oldcastle Meath Gurrin John Milough Meath Gurrin Richard Killallon Meath Gurrin Thomas Milough Meath Halfpenny Bryan Oldcastle Meath Halfpenny Martin Colp Meath Halpen James Oristown Meath Halton Owen Moybolgue Meath Hamburgh Mrs. Moorechurch Meath Hammon Mrs. Ardbraccan Meath Hand Edmond Loughcrew Meath Hand James Milough Meath Hand Laurence Loughcrew Meath Hand Owen Milough Meath Hanley James Killeagh Meath Hart Bryan Rathkenny Meath Hart Catherine Kildalkey Meath Hart John Oristown Meath Hart Owen Rathkenny Meath Hartley Thomas Oldcastle Meath Hauragan Matthew Oldcastle Meath Hauraghan John Kilbride Meath Hawley Denis Milough Meath Healy Thady Oldcastle Meath Heany Simon Killeagh Meath Heart Owen Rathkenny Meath Heely James Rathkenny Meath Heely John Rathkenny Meath Heely Patrick Cruicetown Meath Heeny Widow Donore Meath Heery James Rathkenny Meath Heery Patrick Kilskeer Meath Heery Thomas Kilskeer Meath Heloe John Moynalty Meath Heloe Michael Ballinlough Meath Hennissy Bryan Killeagh Meath Hennissy James Killeagh Meath Henny John Kilsharvan Meath Henry James Milough Meath Henry William Oldcastle Meath Heoy Thomas Duleek Meath Higgerty John Oldcastle Meath Higgerty Maria Oldcastle Meath Higgerty Owen Oldcastle Meath Higgins Joseph, Jr., Esq. Trim Meath Hinch James Milough Meath Hinny Patrick Cruicetown Meath Hoey Bryan Killeagh Meath Hoey James Clongill Meath Hoey Thomas Kilsharvan Meath Hogg James Killeagh Meath Hogg Thomas Killeagh Meath Holligan Peter Grangegeeth Meath Houlton Patrick Killeagh Meath Hoy John Nobber Meath Hoy Thomas Kilbeg Meath Hughes Edward Killary Meath Hughes Edward Monknewtown Meath Hughes Michael Killeagh Meath Hughes Patrick Kilberry Meath Hughes Rose Loughcrew Meath Hughes Terence Kilberry Meath Ivory Simon Kildalkey Meath Jobson James Kilbride Meath Johnston James Castletown Meath Johnston John Knockcommon Meath Jones Peter Bective Meath Jordan Nicholas Duleek Meath Jordan William Duleek Meath Keary James Martry Meath Keary William Ardmulchan Meath Keegan James Killary Meath Keegan Sylvester Ballinlough Meath Keelan James Grangegeeth Meath Keely John Oristown Meath Kelly Bryan Kilskeer Meath Kelly Connor Killeagh Meath Kelly Connor Milough Meath Kelly Hugh Milough Meath Kelly James Dowth Meath Kelly John Milough Meath Kelly John Navan Meath Kelly Matthew Killeagh Meath Kelly Patrick Painestown Meath Kelly Peter Killeagh Meath Kelly Philip Killallon Meath Kelly Richard Milough Meath Kelly Thomas Kilskeer Meath Kenedy Bryan Kilskeer Meath Kenedy Walter Kilskeer Meath Kennedy James Milough Meath Kennedy Patrick Killallon Meath Kennedy Patrick Oristown Meath Kennedy Walter Ballinlough Meath Keogan Michael Kells Meath Keogan Patrick Oldcastle Meath Keogan Peter Kilskeer Meath Keogan Thomas Ardbraccan Meath Keogh Bartholomew Killeagh Meath Keogh Matthew Killeagh Meath Kerekan William Rathkenny Meath Kierman Thomas Kells Meath Kiernan John Loughcrew Meath Kiernan Margaret Milough Meath Kiernan Thomas Kilbride Meath Kiernan Thomas Milough Meath Kiernon Edward Milough Meath Killett Francis Nobber Meath Killett Rev. William Moynalty Meath Kilsh James Slane Meath Kindelan Edward Monknewtown Meath King Catherine Kilskeer Meath King James Ardmulchan Meath King John Killeagh Meath King John Kilskeer Meath King John Navan Meath Kinlan Michael Castletown Meath Lackan Philip Ardbraccan Meath Lamb Terence Kilmainham Meath Lanctrey Rose Oldcastle Meath Langan John Duleek Meath Langan Widow Duleek Meath Larkin Bryan Nobber Meath Lauley Patrick Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Lauley Terence Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Lawler Peter Nobber Meath Lawless Richard Collon Meath Leddy Bryan Oldcastle Meath Lee Bryan Killeagh Meath Lee Luke Killeagh Meath Lee Patrick Martry Meath Leonard Patrick Dowth Meath Leonard Patrick Kilbeg Meath Linorn James Killallon Meath Little John Nobber Meath Logan Patrick Bective Meath Long John Donore Meath Lord John Loughcrew Meath Loude Nicholas Rathkenny Meath Lowndes Samuel Oldcastle Meath Lunders Richard Knockcommon Meath Lynch Bridget Oldcastle Meath Lynch Farrell Oldcastle Meath Lynch Henry Milough Meath Lynch Henry Oldcastle Meath Lynch James Killeagh Meath Lynch James Loughcrew Meath Lynch James Oldcastle Meath Lynch John Killallon Meath Lynch John Killeagh Meath Lynch John Milough Meath Lynch Laurence Killeagh Meath Lynch Maria Milough Meath Lynch Matthew Killeagh Meath Lynch Matthew Milough Meath Lynch Matthew Oldcastle Meath Lynch Michael Kilbride Meath Lynch Michael Loughcrew Meath Lynch Michael Oldcastle Meath Lynch Owen Kilberry Meath Lynch Owen Oldcastle Meath Lynch Patrick Cruicetown Meath Lynch Patrick Oldcastle Meath Lynch Peter Moybolgue Meath Lynch Peter Oldcastle Meath Lynch Thomas Castletown Meath Lynch Thomas Killeagh Meath Lynch William Killallon Meath M'Cabe Edmond Milough Meath M'Cabe Edward Ardbraccan Meath M'Cabe Edward Killeagh Meath M'Cabe John Nobber Meath M'Cabe Luke Moybolgue Meath M'Cabe Patrick Kilskeer Meath M'Cabe Patrick Oldcastle Meath M'Cabe Thomas Killeagh Meath M'Cabe Thomas Milough Meath M'Cabe Thomas Oldcastle Meath M'Can Patrick Oldcastle Meath M'Cann Joseph Colp Meath M'Cann Matthew Killeagh Meath M'Cann Michael Killary Meath M'Cann Nicholas Stackallan Meath M'Cann Patrick Kilberry Meath M'Cann Patrick Navan Meath M'Carney Mr. Ballinlough Meath M'Connen Widow Moybolgue Meath M'Connin Matthew Donore Meath M'Contlin Patrick Grangegeeth Meath M'Cormack James Killeagh Meath M'Cormack Patrick Kilbride Meath M'Cormack Patrick Milough Meath M'Cormick Bryan Killeagh Meath M'Cormick Mary Navan Meath M'Cue William Killeagh Meath M'Cullen James Collon Meath M'Cullow Patrick Stanlon Meath M'Daniel James Julianstown Meath M'Daniel Michael Garlanstown Meath M'Daniel Rev. Mr. Kilskeer Meath M'Donnell Alexander Rathkenny Meath M'Donnell Bridget Oldcastle Meath M'Dowell Edmond Milough Meath M'Enally John Ardmulchan Meath M'Enally Patrick Milough Meath M'Enally Thomas Ardmulchan Meath M'Enany Patrick Ballinlough Meath M'Eneany Patrick Kilskeer Meath M'Enleer Mathew Rathkenny Meath M'Enroe Bartholomew Oldcastle Meath M'Enroe Bryan Oldcastle Meath M'Enroe Daniel Oldcastle Meath M'Enroe James Milough Meath M'Enroe Michael Milough Meath M'Enroe Nicholas Oldcastle Meath M'Enroe Patrick Girley Meath M'Enroe Patrick Kilbride Meath M'Enroe Patrick Oldcastle Meath M'Enroe Thomas Kilbride Meath M'Entie Bryan Oldcastle Meath M'Entie Hugh Killeagh Meath M'Entie Matthew Milough Meath M'Entie Michael Ballinlough Meath M'Entie Patrick Oldcastle Meath M'Entie Thomas Ballinlough Meath M'Entie Thomas Oldcastle Meath M'Evoy Henry Kilskeer Meath M'Gahon Dennis Julianstown Meath M'Gaughran Bryan Killeagh Meath M'Gauran Anthony Milough Meath M'Gauran John Killeagh Meath M'Ginn Edmond Killeagh Meath M'Ginnis Andrew Stanlon Meath M'Ginnis James Nobber Meath M'Goveran James Rathkenny Meath M'Goveran John Moybolgue Meath M'Goveran Walter Rathkenny Meath M'Goveran William Rathkenny Meath M'Govern James Oristown Meath M'Guire Bryan Ballinlough Meath M'Guire John Killallon Meath M'Guire Roger Nobber Meath M'Kenna Bryan Navan Meath M'Kenna John Rathkenny Meath M'Keone Peter Ardbraccan Meath M'Loughlin Christopher Colp Meath M'Loughlin Nicholas Donore Meath M'Maghan John Moybolgue Meath M'Manus John Castletown Meath M'Namee Gallagher Killallon Meath M'Namee James Killallon Meath M'Namee Mathew Kilskeer Meath M'Namee Nicholas Killallon Meath M'Namee William Kilskeer Meath Mackan Michael Ardmulchan Meath Madden Walter Ardmulchan Meath Magee Bartle Kilskeer Meath Maginn Patrick Milough Meath Magourk James Rathfeigh Meath Magrath John Loughcrew Meath Magrath William Loughcrew Meath Maguire Bryan Garlanstown Meath Maguire Peter Killallon Meath Maguire Thomas Monknewtown Meath Mahon Andrew Oldcastle Meath Mahon Edmond Oldcastle Meath Mahon Hugh Milough Meath Mahon James Oldcastle Meath Mahon John Milough Meath Mahon Michael Kilbride Meath Mahon Nicholas Killeagh Meath Mahon Owen Oldcastle Meath Mahon Philip Oldcastle Meath Mahon Ross Kilbride Meath Mahon Thomas Milough Meath Mahon Thomas Oldcastle Meath Mahorn Bryan Oldcastle Meath Makan Patrick Julianstown Meath Malone Richard Killallon Meath Maloy Matthew Oldcastle Meath Mangy Laurence Stackallan Meath Manly Charles Oldcastle Meath Manly John Oldcastle Meath Manning Daniel Oldcastle Meath Markey Bryan Milough Meath Markey Francis Kells Meath Markey Judith Oldcastle Meath Markey Nicholas Kilberry Meath Marrey Thomas Monknewtown Meath Marrin James Oristown Meath Martin Bryan Dowth Meath Martin James Clongill Meath Martin Michael Donore Meath Martin Michael Stanlon Meath Martin Mr. Rathfeigh Meath Martin Patrick Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Martin Patrick Dowth Meath Martin Thomas Carricknarass Meath Martin Thomas Clongill Meath Martin William Rathkenny Meath Masterson Bryan Oldcastle Meath Masterson Hugh Killeagh Meath Masterson John Killeagh Meath Masterson Michael Cruicetown Meath Masterson Owen Kells Meath Masterson Patrick Killeagh Meath Mathews Charles Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Mathews James Killary Meath Mathews Jane Castletown Meath Mathews John Kilskeer Meath Mathews John Knockcommon Meath Mathews Michael Colp Meath Mathews Patrick Rathkenny Meath Matterson Thomas Oldcastle Meath Meade Charles Killary Meath Meade John Killary Meath Meade John Rathkenny Meath Meade Owen Killary Meath Meade Patrick Killary Meath Meade Thomas Killary Meath Meehan Patrick Julianstown Meath Megrane Peter Kentstown Meath Meighan Christopher Navan Meath Meighan John Stackallan Meath Meighan Laurence Stackallan Meath Meighan Michael Navan Meath Meighan Patrick Oristown Meath Meighan Widow Navan Meath Melvin Patrick Oldcastle Meath Meredith James Killallon Meath Meredyth Gilbert Kells Meath Meryman Daniel Rathkenny Meath Mingney Matthew Killary Meath Mitchel Patrick Killallon Meath Mitchell James Killallon Meath Moan Michael Kilberry Meath Molloy Laurence Bective Meath Monaghan Bartholomew Milough Meath Monaghan Michael Martry Meath Monaghan Owen Kilberry Meath Monaghan Philip Ballinlough Meath Monochon Charles Oldcastle Meath Monochon Daniel Killeagh Meath Monochon Matthew Killeagh Meath Monochon Matthew Oldcastle Meath Monochon Phillip Kilskeer Meath Monochon Richard Killeagh Meath Moonan Christopher Killary Meath Moonan Matthew Killary Meath Mooney John Knockcommon Meath Moore John Kildalkey Meath Moran John Duleek Meath Morgan Patrick Collon Meath Morris Brabazon Slane Meath Morris Brabazon, Esq. Slane Meath Morris Henry, Esq. Rathkenny Meath Mortiman Anne Grangegeeth Meath Moyles John Rathkenny Meath Muldoon John Nobber Meath Muldoon Laurence Milough Meath Muldoon Patrick Oldcastle Meath Muldoon Phillip Moybolgue Meath Muldoon Phillip Nobber Meath Mullady John Navan Meath Mullady Richard Navan Meath Mullady Thomas Navan Meath Mullen Patrick Ardbraccan Meath Mullen Thomas Ardmulchan Meath Mulligan Michael Killeagh Meath Mulligan Owen Killeagh Meath Mulligan William Oldcastle Meath Mulloy Thomas Ballinlough Meath Mulloy Widow Kilskeer Meath Mulrians John Killallon Meath Mulvaney Michael Kilskeer Meath Mulvaney Peter Kilskeer Meath Mulvanny John Ardmulchan Meath Mulvanny John Castletown Meath Mulvanny Simon Navan Meath Mulvany Connor Tara Meath Mulvihil Owen Killeagh Meath Murphy Arthur Julianstown Meath Murphy Charles Killeagh Meath Murphy Edward Killallon Meath Murphy James Julianstown Meath Murphy James Kilbride Meath Murphy James Killeagh Meath Murphy John Killeagh Meath Murphy John Kilskeer Meath Murphy John Loughcrew Meath Murphy Martin Colp Meath Murphy Patrick Oldcastle Meath Murphy Thomas Julianstown Meath Murphy Thomas Oldcastle Meath Murray Darby Martry Meath Murray James Kilskeer Meath Murray James Milough Meath Murray John Martry Meath Murray Matthew Oldcastle Meath Murray Michael Donore Meath Murray Patrick Killallon Meath Murray Terence Moybolgue Meath Murray Widow Navan Meath Murtagh James Kilmainham Meath Murtagh James Milough Meath Murtagh John Colp Meath Murtagh Molly Milough Meath Murtagh Patrick Kilmainham Meath Murteman James Killary Meath Mussey Mrs. Duleek Meath Neevin Edward Oristown Meath Neevin Patrick Navan Meath Neill Patrick Ballinlough Meath Newman Anne Kells Meath Newman James Kilskeer Meath Newman Martin Kildalkey Meath Newman Michael Kilskeer Meath Newman Richard Kells Meath Newman Thomas Kells Meath Norris John Castletown Meath Norris John Kilskeer Meath Nowlan Michael Julianstown Meath Nowlan Widow Stamullin Meath Nugent James Dulane Meath Nugent Laurence Dulane Meath Nugent Michael Dulane Meath Nugent Thomas Dulane Meath Nulty Thomas Oldcastle Meath O'Farrel Thomas Kells Meath O'Farrell Judith Oldcastle Meath O'Neal John Killeagh Meath O'Neill Bryan Killeagh Meath O'Neill James Killeagh Meath O'Neill John, Jr. Killeagh Meath Ogan John Grangegeeth Meath Ogan Michael Grangegeeth Meath Ogan Thomas Grangegeeth Meath Olwill James Oldcastle Meath Olwill Owen Oldcastle Meath Ormeston George Moybolgue Meath Ormeston William Moybolgue Meath Owens James Ardbraccan Meath Owens Patrick Rathkenny Meath Owens Thomas Kilskeer Meath Partlan James Oldcastle Meath Pentony Michael Duleek Meath Pentony Michael Knockcommon Meath Pentony Nicholas Stamullin Meath Pentony Nicholas Stanlon Meath Pentony Thomas Duleek Meath Pentony Thomas Knockcommon Meath Pentony Widow Donore Meath Perrick William Killallon Meath Pierson William A., Esq. Dulane Meath Plunket Edward Milough Meath Plunket Robert Dulane Meath Plunkett Christopher Kilskeer Meath Plunkett Edward Killary Meath Plunkett George Kilmessan Meath Plunkett Mary Killeagh Meath Plunkett Michael Girley Meath Plunkett Patrick Kilskeer Meath Powderly Hugh Slane Meath Powderly James Slane Meath Prant Laurence Knockcommon Meath Prestidge Mr. Painestown Meath Price David Rathkenny Meath Quigly Christopher Nobber Meath Quin Thomas Stanlon Meath Quinn Joseph Kells Meath Ranley Charles Moybolgue Meath Ranly Bryan Moybolgue Meath Ray John Moybolgue Meath Real Edmond Kilskeer Meath Reed Patrick Donore Meath Reed Widow Colp Meath Reed William Milough Meath Reilly Andrew Milough Meath Reilly Bartholomew Kilbride Meath Reilly Bartholomew Killeagh Meath Reilly Bartholomew Oldcastle Meath Reilly Bryan Kells Meath Reilly Bryan Kilskeer Meath Reilly Bryan Milough Meath Reilly Charles Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Reilly Charles Kilberry Meath Reilly Christopher Ardbraccan Meath Reilly Daniel Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Reilly Daniel Rathkenny Meath Reilly Edmond Milough Meath Reilly Edmund Ballinlough Meath Reilly Edward Dowth Meath Reilly Edward Kells Meath Reilly Francis Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Reilly Garret Kilskeer Meath Reilly Hugh Kilbride Meath Reilly Hugh Oldcastle Meath Reilly Hugh Rathkenny Meath Reilly James Dulane Meath Reilly John Ballinlough Meath Reilly John Collon Meath Reilly John Cruicetown Meath Reilly John Dulane Meath Reilly John Girley Meath Reilly John Kells Meath Reilly John Kilberry Meath Reilly John Killeagh Meath Reilly John Oldcastle Meath Reilly Judith Killeagh Meath Reilly Laurence Killallon Meath Reilly Laurence Killary Meath Reilly Laurence Killeagh Meath Reilly Laurence Oldcastle Meath Reilly Mary Ballinlough Meath Reilly Metge Navan Meath Reilly Michael Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Reilly Michael Kilbride Meath Reilly Michael Killallon Meath Reilly Michael Killeagh Meath Reilly Michael Oldcastle Meath Reilly Michael Rathkenny Meath Reilly Owen Cruicetown Meath Reilly Parrick Moynalty Meath Reilly Patrick Ballinlough Meath Reilly Patrick Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Reilly Patrick Collon Meath Reilly Patrick Kilskeer Meath Reilly Peter Killeagh Meath Reilly Peter Nobber Meath Reilly Richard Kilskeer Meath Reilly Richard Slane Meath Reilly Rose Oldcastle Meath Reilly Sylvester Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Reilly Terence Killeagh Meath Reilly Terence Kilskeer Meath Reilly Thomas Ballinlough Meath Reilly Thomas Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Reilly Thomas Killeagh Meath Reilly Thomas Loughcrew Meath Reilly Thomas Moynalty Meath Reilly Thomas Oldcastle Meath Reily Christopher Kilbride Meath Reily Mary Killallon Meath Rice John Killary Meath Rice John Oldcastle Meath Rice Thomas Ardmulchan Meath Rispen James Kildalkey Meath Roach Patrick Kilskeer Meath Robert Molly Loughcrew Meath Roberts Thomas Milough Meath Robinson Henry Ballinlough Meath Roe Stephen Ballinlough Meath Rogers Patrick Moynalty Meath Rogers Patrick Rathkenny Meath Rooney James Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Rothwell Hugh, Esq. Kells Meath Roundtree Charles Moybolgue Meath Rourke Patrick Kilskeer Meath Rourke Sylvester Kilcooly Meath Ruddy Widow Julianstown Meath Russel James Navan Meath Russel Thomas Painestown Meath Russell John Duleek Meath Russell Peter Danestown Meath Russell Peter Monknewtown Meath Ryan Thomas Killary Meath Ryder Matthew Kilbride Meath Ryder Matthew Milough Meath Sallery James Rathkenny Meath Shaw Bridget Killallon Meath Shaw Catherine Killallon Meath Shaw Garret Killallon Meath Shaw Richard Killallon Meath Shaw Thomas Killallon Meath Shedan Widow Kilskeer Meath Sheek Patrick Killary Meath Sherard John Kilbride Meath Sherard Thomas Milough Meath Sheredan James Athboy Meath Sheridan Bryan Oldcastle Meath Sheridan Connor Loughcrew Meath Sheridan Daniel Oldcastle Meath Sheridan James Killeagh Meath Sheridan John Oldcastle Meath Sheridan Matthew Milough Meath Sheridan Owen Killeagh Meath Sheridan Patrick Castletown Meath Sheridan Richard Killeagh Meath Sheridan Slyvester Clongill Meath Sheridan Thomas Ballinlough Meath Sheridan Thomas Killeagh Meath Sheridan Thomas Loughcrew Meath Sherin Patrick Duleek Meath Sherlock James Bective Meath Sherlock John Killary Meath Sherlock John Knockcommon Meath Sherlock Matthew Kilberry Meath Sherlock Nicholas Kilberry Meath Sherrard John, Jr. Kilbride Meath Simmons Maria Loughcrew Meath Simmons Patrick Kilskeer Meath Simmons Patrick Moybolgue Meath Simons Patrick Killallon Meath Simons Thomas Moybolgue Meath Skelly Edmond Kilbride Meath Skelly Edmond Milough Meath Slaven Christopher Rathkenny Meath Slaven Thomas Rathkenny Meath Sleaven Thomas Colp Meath Smith Charles Loughcrew Meath Smith George Oldcastle Meath Smith Henry Oldcastle Meath Smith James Killallon Meath Smith John Oldcastle Meath Smith Laurence Killallon Meath Smith Laurence Oldcastle Meath Smith Matthew Oldcastle Meath Smith Owen Oldcastle Meath Smith Patrick Killallon Meath Smith Patrick Loughcrew Meath Smith Patrick Martry Meath Smith Philip Killallon Meath Smith Terence Loughcrew Meath Smith Thomas Oldcastle Meath Smith William Oldcastle Meath Smyth Bryan Killeagh Meath Smyth Bryan Milough Meath Smyth Bryan Moybolgue Meath Smyth Charles Nobber Meath Smyth Christopher Kilskeer Meath Smyth Connor Kilskeer Meath Smyth Edward Nobber Meath Smyth Farrel Killeagh Meath Smyth Francis Nobber Meath Smyth Hugh Oristown Meath Smyth James Castletown Meath Smyth James Colp Meath Smyth James Killallon Meath Smyth James Kilskeer Meath Smyth James Milough Meath Smyth James Nobber Meath Smyth John Colp Meath Smyth John Killallon Meath Smyth John Milough Meath Smyth John Nobber Meath Smyth Joseph Kilbride Meath Smyth Laurence Kilskeer Meath Smyth Maria Milough Meath Smyth Mary Killary Meath Smyth Mary Nobber Meath Smyth Matthew Kilskeer Meath Smyth Michael Moybolgue Meath Smyth Nicholas Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Smyth Owen Kilskeer Meath Smyth Owen Milough Meath Smyth Owen Moynalty Meath Smyth Owen Nobber Meath Smyth Patrick Ballinlough Meath Smyth Patrick Kilskeer Meath Smyth Patrick Milough Meath Smyth Patrick Navan Meath Smyth Patrick Oldcastle Meath Smyth Paul Moybolgue Meath Smyth Philip Kilskeer Meath Smyth Philip Moybolgue Meath Smyth Phillip Nobber Meath Smyth Richard Milough Meath Smyth Thomas Castlekeeran Or Loughan Meath Smyth Thomas Loughcrew Meath Smyth Thomas Milough Meath Smyth Thomas Moynalty Meath Springan Laurence Killallon Meath Springan Mathew Killallon Meath Stafford Patrick Nobber Meath Stanly John Martry Meath Stanton Richard Ardbraccan Meath Stanton Thomas Ardbraccan Meath Sucksmyth M. Duleek Meath Sullivan Molly Rathkenny Meath Sullivan Patrick Stackallan Meath Sullivan Widow Kilberry Meath Sweeny Nicholas Kilbride Meath Swift Samuel Kells Meath Taaffe Nicholas Duleek Meath Tandy John, Esq. Kells Meath Tanenn Edward Kells Meath Tanum Thomas Kilskeer Meath Teagan Laurence Killallon Meath Teelin Christopher Duleek Meath Teernan Laurence Kilsharvan Meath Tevlin Catherine Navan Meath Thompson David Ardbraccan Meath Thompson Skeffington, Esq. Kilcooly Meath Thornton James Loughcrew Meath Tiernan John Colp Meath Timing Christopher Killary Meath Timins James Garlanstown Meath Tobin Peter Dulane Meath Togher James Milough Meath Togher Michael Milough Meath Togher Patrick Loughcrew Meath Tormey John Kilskeer Meath Travers Laurence Milough Meath Travers Thomas Oldcastle Meath Tuite Anne Oldcastle Meath Tuite Edmond Oldcastle Meath Tuite Eleanor Oldcastle Meath Tuite James Ballinlough Meath Tuite James Kilskeer Meath Tuite Judith Loughcrew Meath Tuite Matthew Oldcastle Meath Tuite Matthias Oldcastle Meath Tuite Michael Colp Meath Tuite Michael Killeagh Meath Tuite Michael Oldcastle Meath Tuite Patrick Oldcastle Meath Tuite Thomas Oldcastle Meath Tuke Thomas Tara Meath Tully Eleanor Oldcastle Meath Tully James Kilskeer Meath Tully John Dulane Meath Tully John Kilskeer Meath Tully Michael Kilbride Meath Tully Peter Moybolgue Meath Tully Phillip Kilbride Meath Tully Thomas Kilskeer Meath Tully Widow Kilskeer Meath Tumulty Patrick Ardbraccan Meath Turnan John Monknewtown Meath Tye Philip Castletown Meath Wade Paul Kilbride Meath Wade William Loughcrew Meath Wall Patrick Garlanstown Meath Walsh Edmond Killeagh Meath Walsh John Duleek Meath Walsh Laurence Kilsharvan Meath Ward John Kilbride Meath Ward Patrick Donore Meath Warren Henry Duleek Meath Wasser Thomas Duleek Meath Waters Christopher Kilskeer Meath Waters Thomas Kilskeer Meath Weldon Nicholas Kilcooly Meath Weldon Patrick Grangegeeth Meath Weldon Robert Oldcastle Meath Weldon William, Esq. Castletown Meath Well Thomas Garlanstown Meath Wheeler William Ballinlough Meath Whisler Alexander Moybolgue Meath Whisler Roger Moybolgue Meath White John Killary Meath White Richard Killary Meath Wilkinson Oliver Tara Meath Wilkinson Peter Kilmessan Meath Williams Joshua Moybolgue Meath Winslow John Killallon Meath