Fáilte Romhat
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Flax Growers of Ireland, 1796 - County Westmeath
Allen Patrick Taghmon Westmeath Allen William Drumraney Westmeath Austin Thomas Ballymore Westmeath Aylmer James St. Feighins Westmeath Baily Thomas Mayne Westmeath Bannon Widow Piercetown Westmeath Banon Henry Templepatrick Westmeath Banon Patrick Ballyloughloe Westmeath Banon Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Banon Thomas Ballymore Westmeath Barden Christopher Taghmon Westmeath Barden James Taghmon Westmeath Barden Judith Taghmon Westmeath Bardin Thomas Stonehall Westmeath Baughley Laurence Kill Westmeath Bawn John Ballymore Westmeath Beary Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Beddy Mary Taghmon Westmeath Beghan James Street Westmeath Bellew Robert Killare Westmeath Berry John Kilbride Westmeath Berry Nicholas Castletownkindalen Westmeath Berry Thomas Ballyloughloe Westmeath Black William Delvin Westmeath Blackall William Stonehall Westmeath Bleak Patrick Mayne Westmeath Bleany Daniel Ballymore Westmeath Bolan John Kill Westmeath Bolan Mararget Kill Westmeath Bolan Owen Kill Westmeath Bolan Patrick Kill Westmeath Boland Owen Kill Westmeath Boltin James Foyran Westmeath Bouynge Thomas Horseleap Westmeath Bower Michael Rathgarve Westmeath Boyan Widow Rathconnell Westmeath Boylan James Drumraney Westmeath Boylan Patrick Drumraney Westmeath Boylan Thomas Drumraney Westmeath Bracken Hugh Killare Westmeath Bracken Michael Kill Westmeath Brady James Drumraney Westmeath Brady James Rathconrath Westmeath Brady Patrick Rathgarve Westmeath Brady Thomas Ballymore Westmeath Brannon Edward Piercetown Westmeath Breslin John Stonehall Westmeath Brien Daniel Kill Westmeath Brien Laughlin Kill Westmeath Brien William Kill Westmeath Briody Mathew St. Marys Westmeath Briody Patrick Delvin Westmeath Brogan John Churchtown Westmeath Brown Andrew Noughaval Westmeath Brown James Multyfarnham Westmeath Brown Michael Ballyloughloe Westmeath Brown Richard Drumraney Westmeath Brown William Noughaval Westmeath Browne John Multyfarnham Westmeath Bryan Peter Rathconnell Westmeath Bryne Daniel Kilcumreragh Westmeath Bryne James Killare Westmeath Bryne Loughlin Kill Westmeath Burch Thomas Rathgarve Westmeath Burne Edmond Street Westmeath Burne Laurence Street Westmeath Burtles James Drumraney Westmeath Byrne Bryan Rathconnell Westmeath Byrne Charles Kill Westmeath Byrne John Kill Westmeath Byrne John Mullingar Westmeath Byrne John Street Westmeath Byrne Laurence Kill Westmeath Byrne Matthias Portloman Westmeath Byrne Michael Kill Westmeath Byrne Patrick Kill Westmeath Byrne Thady Ballyloughloe Westmeath Cafferly James Mayne Westmeath Caffery James Delvin Westmeath Caherny Thomas Killare Westmeath Cahill Patrick St. Feighins Westmeath Cahill Terence Rathgarve Westmeath Cain Andrew Leny Westmeath Cain Christopher Leny Westmeath Cain Darby Kilbeggan Westmeath Cain John Stonehall Westmeath Cain Nicholas Mayne Westmeath Cainon Bryan Killare Westmeath Cainon Christopher Killare Westmeath Callion Edward Killare Westmeath Carberry Christopher Rathconnell Westmeath Carberry James Horseleap Westmeath Carberry Patrick Horseleap Westmeath Carberry Thomas Ballymore Westmeath Carberry William Horseleap Westmeath Carey Anne Kilbeggan Westmeath Carey Christopher Churchtown Westmeath Carey Daniel Kilbride Westmeath Carey Denis Castletownkindalen Westmeath Carey Francis Mullingar Westmeath Carey Hugh Castletownkindalen Westmeath Carey James Horseleap Westmeath Carey James Portloman Westmeath Carey John Kill Westmeath Carly Patrick Rathgarve Westmeath Carney Edward Killare Westmeath Carney James Taghmon Westmeath Carney Michael Taghmon Westmeath Carney Patrick Killare Westmeath Carney Thomas Foyran Westmeath Carney Thomas Killare Westmeath Carrol Denis Kill Westmeath Carrol Laurence Rathconnell Westmeath Carrol Michael Kilcumreragh Westmeath Carrol Thomas Kill Westmeath Carroll Denis Kill Westmeath Carroll James Kill Westmeath Carty Bryan Ballymore Westmeath Casey Daniel Kilmacnevan Westmeath Casey James Kilmacnevan Westmeath Casey John Foyran Westmeath Casey John Taghmon Westmeath Casey Michael Conry Westmeath Casey Patrick Kill Westmeath Casey William Kilbeggan Westmeath Casey William Leny Westmeath Cashel Andrew Rathgarve Westmeath Caughlan John Rathconnell Westmeath Cavnagh Thomas Killare Westmeath Claffey John Ballyloughloe Westmeath Claffey Thomas Castletownkindalen Westmeath Clarey John Delvin Westmeath Clarey Laurence Kilcumny Westmeath Clarke Anne Piercetown Westmeath Clarke Darby Piercetown Westmeath Clarke Edmond Ballymore Westmeath Clarke Edward Ballymore Westmeath Clarke James Killare Westmeath Clarke Patrick Faughalstown Westmeath Clarke Patrick Kill Westmeath Clarke Widow Killare Westmeath Cleary Owen Drumraney Westmeath Cleary Parick Ballymore Westmeath Clements James Killarney Westmeath Clinton Laurence Faughalstown Westmeath Clinton Nicholas Faughalstown Westmeath Coffee John Rathconnell Westmeath Coffee Thomas Rathgarve Westmeath Coffery Michael St. Marys Westmeath Coffery Thomas St. Marys Westmeath Coffey Andrew Rathconnell Westmeath Coffey Bryan Horseleap Westmeath Coffey Edward Multyfarnham Westmeath Coffey Hugh Kill Westmeath Coffey John Rathconnell Westmeath Coffey Laurence Kill Westmeath Coffey Mathew Taghmon Westmeath Coffey Patrick Rathconnell Westmeath Coffey Patrick Taghmon Westmeath Coffey Richard Churchtown Westmeath Coffey Thomas Templepatrick Westmeath Coffey William Kill Westmeath Coffy Richard Rathconnell Westmeath Colgan Mathew Mullingar Westmeath Collins John Kilcumny Westmeath Colman Thomas Churchtown Westmeath Colo Michael Kilmacnevan Westmeath Commons Laurence Kill Westmeath Conlan Francis Killare Westmeath Conlan James St. Feighins Westmeath Conlan Laurence Killare Westmeath Conlan Patrick Kill Westmeath Conlon Francis Killare Westmeath Conlon John Ballymore Westmeath Conlon Michael Mullingar Westmeath Conlon Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Conly Elizabeth Taghmon Westmeath Conly Widow Killare Westmeath Connaghton Martin Killare Westmeath Connaghton Patrick Drumraney Westmeath Connel Denis Ballyloughloe Westmeath Connel Michael Rathgarve Westmeath Connel Patrick Kill Westmeath Connell Bryan Killarney Westmeath Connell William Killarney Westmeath Connor Bryan Kill Westmeath Connor Simon Mullingar Westmeath Conran Edward Mayne Westmeath Conry James Killare Westmeath Cooke Mary St. Feighins Westmeath Cooney James Drumraney Westmeath Cooney James Lickbla Westmeath Cooney James St. Feighins Westmeath Cooney Thady Lickbla Westmeath Corbet Henry Kill Westmeath Corcoran Thomas St. Marys Westmeath Cormick Bryan Ballymore Westmeath Cormick Bryan St. Feighins Westmeath Cormick James Ballymore Westmeath Cormick James Drumraney Westmeath Cormick James Piercetown Westmeath Cormick John Ballymore Westmeath Cormick John Kilbride Westmeath Cormick John Killare Westmeath Cormick Michael Balinacorga Westmeath Cormick Michael Killare Westmeath Cormick Patrick Piercetown Westmeath Cormick Peter Killare Westmeath Cormick Thomas Kill Westmeath Cormick Thomas Noughaval Westmeath Cormick Thomas Piercetown Westmeath Corrigan Daniel Foyran Westmeath Corrigan Edward Rathconnell Westmeath Corrigan John Foyran Westmeath Corrigan John, Jr. Foyran Westmeath Corrigan Matthew Foyran Westmeath Cosgrave Edward Kill Westmeath Coughlan Patrick Rathgarve Westmeath Cox Michael Drumraney Westmeath Cramer Michael Faughalstown Westmeath Creevy Bryan Kilbeggan Westmeath Croghan Thomas St. Feighins Westmeath Crosby Bryan Kill Westmeath Crosby John Castletownkindalen Westmeath Crosby Matthew Kill Westmeath Crosby Richard Castletownkindalen Westmeath Cruise Thomas St. Feighins Westmeath Cullawan Patrick Lickbla Westmeath Cullen Walter Multyfarnham Westmeath Cullons James Foyran Westmeath Cully John Street Westmeath Cummins John St. Feighins Westmeath Cunningham Laurence Rathgarve Westmeath Cunningham Nicholas Ballymore Westmeath Cunningham Thomas Drumraney Westmeath Curran Patrick Rathconnell Westmeath Dalton James Rathgarve Westmeath Dalton John Kill Westmeath Dalton John Killare Westmeath Dalton Laurence Kill Westmeath Dalton Thomas Ballymore Westmeath Daly Antony Castletownkindalen Westmeath Daly Bryan Castletownkindalen Westmeath Daly Bryan Kill Westmeath Daly Bryan Taghmon Westmeath Daly Christopher Killare Westmeath Daly Denis Drumraney Westmeath Daly Denis Horseleap Westmeath Daly Edward Rathgarve Westmeath Daly James Ballymore Westmeath Daly James Kilbeggan Westmeath Daly James Rathgarve Westmeath Daly James Stonehall Westmeath Daly John Kilbeggan Westmeath Daly John Kill Westmeath Daly Martin Ballymore Westmeath Daly Martin Kill Westmeath Daly Michael Ballymore Westmeath Daly Michael Kill Westmeath Daly Michael Rathgarve Westmeath Daly Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Daly Patrick Kill Westmeath Daly Patrick Newtown Westmeath Daly Patrick Portnashangan Westmeath Daly Thomas Castletownkindalen Westmeath Daly Thomas Rathconrath Westmeath Daly Thomas Rathgarve Westmeath Daly Walter Delvin Westmeath David Walter Street Westmeath Deer Anne Noughaval Westmeath Deer Bryan Noughaval Westmeath Delahunt James Drumraney Westmeath Delamar Peter Leny Westmeath Delamur Edward Lickbla Westmeath Delap William Street Westmeath Dempsy Darby Delvin Westmeath Denneny Laurence Kilmacnevan Westmeath Dermody Charles Rathgarve Westmeath Dermody James Rathgarve Westmeath Dermody Michael Stonehall Westmeath Dermody Patrick Lickbla Westmeath Dermody Thomas Leny Westmeath Devine Terence Lickbla Westmeath Dignam Mathew Mullingar Westmeath Dillon Edward Piercetown Westmeath Dillon Garret Ballymore Westmeath Dillon George Ballymore Westmeath Dillon James Piercetown Westmeath Dillon John Ballymore Westmeath Dillon John Killare Westmeath Dillon John Moranstown Westmeath Dillon Maurice Drumraney Westmeath Dillon Michael Ballymore Westmeath Dillon Richard Drumraney Westmeath Dillon Thomas Ballymore Westmeath Divine Patrick Street Westmeath Doherty Michael Mayne Westmeath Dolan Bryan Drumraney Westmeath Dolan Michael Kill Westmeath Donagan Henry Ballymore Westmeath Donlan Bryan Noughaval Westmeath Donlan Patrick Castletownkindalen Westmeath Donlon Charles Killare Westmeath Donlon James Delvin Westmeath Donlon Owen Delvin Westmeath Donly Edward Rathgarve Westmeath Donogha John Newtown Westmeath Donogha Laurence Newtown Westmeath Donogho James Rathgarve Westmeath Donogho Thomas Rathgarve Westmeath Donoho Owen Rathgarve Westmeath Doogan Michael St. Marys Westmeath Doolan John Kilallen Westmeath Doolan Timothy Kill Westmeath Doonacon William Noughaval Westmeath Doran Michael Noughaval Westmeath Dowling John Rathconnell Westmeath Dowling Peter Rathconnell Westmeath Downes James Drumraney Westmeath Downes John Drumraney Westmeath Downes John Taghmon Westmeath Downes Patrick Templepatrick Westmeath Downes William Castletownkindalen Westmeath Downs James Drumraney Westmeath Doyle Edward Rathgarve Westmeath Doyle John Castletownkindalen Westmeath Doyle Thomas Kilbride Westmeath Doyle Timothy Ballymore Westmeath Duffey Connor Conlonnan Westmeath Duffey Richard Stonehall Westmeath Duffey Thomas Piercetown Westmeath Duffey Thomas Rathgarve Westmeath Duffy James Portnashangan Westmeath Duffy James Templepatrick Westmeath Duffy Patrick Kill Westmeath Duffy Widow Lickbla Westmeath Dunn Bryan Mullingar Westmeath Dunn Patrick Faughalstown Westmeath Dunne James Rathgarve Westmeath Dunne John Rathconnell Westmeath Dunne Michael Rathgarve Westmeath Dwyer Thomas Kill Westmeath Early Thomas Street Westmeath Egan Darby Kill Westmeath Egan Laurence Conry Westmeath Egan Thomas Piercetown Westmeath Emitt Jane Killare Westmeath Emmitt Matthew Castletownkindalen Westmeath Ennis Thomas Horseleap Westmeath Ennis William Rathconnell Westmeath Eton Thomas Killulagh Westmeath Eustace James Leny Westmeath Evans George Kill Westmeath Evans John Rathgarve Westmeath Evans Mary Killarney Westmeath Evans William St. Feighins Westmeath Evers Anne Ballymore Westmeath Evers Laurence Noughaval Westmeath Evers Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Fagan Andrew Rathgarve Westmeath Fagan Edward Faughalstown Westmeath Fagan James Foyran Westmeath Fagan James Lickbla Westmeath Fagan James Mayne Westmeath Fagan James Taghmon Westmeath Fagan John Faughalstown Westmeath Fagan John Rathgarve Westmeath Fagan Laurence St. Feighins Westmeath Fagan Luke Faughalstown Westmeath Fagan Luke Mayne Westmeath Fagan Mathias Killagh Westmeath Fagan Matthew Faughalstown Westmeath Fagan Matthew St. Feighins Westmeath Fagan Matthew Stonehall Westmeath Fagan Michael Portnashangan Westmeath Fagan Michael St. Feighins Westmeath Fagan Nicholas Faughalstown Westmeath Fagan Nicholas Rathgarve Westmeath Fagan Owen Kilcumny Westmeath Fagan Patrick Faughalstown Westmeath Fagan Patrick Foyran Westmeath Fagan Patrick Portnashangan Westmeath Fagan Patrick Rathgarve Westmeath Fagan Patrick Taghmon Westmeath Fagan Peter Lickbla Westmeath Fagan Peter St. Marys Westmeath Fagan Richard Rathgarve Westmeath Fagan Robert St. Feighins Westmeath Fagan Thomas Leny Westmeath Fagan Thomas Rathgarve Westmeath Fagan Thomas St. Feighins Westmeath Fagan Thomas Stonehall Westmeath Fagan Thomas Taghmon Westmeath Fagan William Faughalstown Westmeath Fagan William Rathconnell Westmeath Fallon Bryan Castletownkindalen Westmeath Fallon Daniel Castletownkindalen Westmeath Farans Patrick Kilcumny Westmeath Farley Mary St. Feighins Westmeath Farley Michael Faughalstown Westmeath Farley Michael Maypole Westmeath Farmain Thomas Killarney Westmeath Farnam William St. Marys Westmeath Farrel Bryan Ballymore Westmeath Farrel Michael Kilcumny Westmeath Farrel Patrick Ballyloughloe Westmeath Farrel Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Farrell Bryan Conry Westmeath Farrely John St. Feighins Westmeath Fay Edward Faughalstown Westmeath Fay Garret Faughalstown Westmeath Fay James Rathconnell Westmeath Fay Mathew St. Marys Westmeath Fay Matthew Faughalstown Westmeath Fay Moses Faughalstown Westmeath Fay Simon St. Marys Westmeath Fay William Lickbla Westmeath Feagan Laurence Kilbeggan Westmeath Feeny Bryan Drumraney Westmeath Feeny Catherine Drumraney Westmeath Feeny James Drumraney Westmeath Feeny Patrick Drumraney Westmeath Fegan Bryan Mayne Westmeath Fegan Francis Foyran Westmeath Fegan Michael Mayne Westmeath Fegan Nicholas Mayne Westmeath Fegan Patrick Foyran Westmeath Fegan Phelin Foyran Westmeath Fegan Thomas Mayne Westmeath Fengan William Faughalstown Westmeath Fennon Thomas Conry Westmeath Fennon Thomas Horseleap Westmeath Fetherston Cuthbert Killare Westmeath Finagan Peter Killare Westmeath Finly Patrick Killare Westmeath Finn Michael Raghglass Westmeath Fitzimons Edward Rathgarve Westmeath Fitzimons John St. Marys Westmeath Fitzimons Widow St. Marys Westmeath Fitzsimmons Patrick St. Marys Westmeath Fitzsimons Anne Leny Westmeath Fitzsimons James Delvin Westmeath Fitzsimons John Lickbla Westmeath Fitzsimons Joseph Mayne Westmeath Flanagan James Rathconnell Westmeath Flanagan James Stonehall Westmeath Flanagan Michael Rathconnell Westmeath Flanagan William Killare Westmeath Fleming Christopher Leny Westmeath Flinn John Foyran Westmeath Flinn Roger Noughaval Westmeath Flinn Thomas Noughaval Westmeath Flinn William Foyran Westmeath Flood John Rathconnell Westmeath Flood Luke Rathconnell Westmeath Flood Patrick Rathconnell Westmeath Flyn Luke Mullingar Westmeath Flyn Peter Mullingar Westmeath Fox Hugh Kilpatrick Westmeath Fox Hugh Taghmon Westmeath Fox John Lickbla Westmeath Fox Laurence Rathgarve Westmeath Fox Nicholas St. Marys Westmeath Fox Owen Kill Westmeath Fox Patrick Kill Westmeath Fox Thomas Ballymore Westmeath Fox Thomas Kill Westmeath Fox William St. Feighins Westmeath Frances John St. Feighins Westmeath Fraysor Richard Faughalstown Westmeath Gaffney James Kilmacnevan Westmeath Gafney Bartholomew Lickbla Westmeath Gafney James Kilbride Westmeath Gahagan Bridget Kill Westmeath Gahagan Bryan Kill Westmeath Gahagan Denis Kilcumreragh Westmeath Gahagan Denis Kill Westmeath Gahagan Lewis Kill Westmeath Gahagan Peter Kill Westmeath Gahagan Thomas Kill Westmeath Gallagher Thomas Kilallen Westmeath Gallogher Thomas St. Marys Westmeath Galvin Michael Ballymore Westmeath Galvin Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Ganly Denis Drumraney Westmeath Ganly John Kill Westmeath Ganly Richard Drumraney Westmeath Ganly Thomas Kill Westmeath Garagan James Faughalstown Westmeath Garahon Thomas Motgoash Westmeath Garland Henry Kill Westmeath Garland Patrick Castletownkindalen Westmeath Garragan Thomas Lickbla Westmeath Garry James Leny Westmeath Garry Joseph Stonehall Westmeath Garry Mary Rathconnell Westmeath Garry Michael Rathconnell Westmeath Garry Patrick Rathconnell Westmeath Garry Peter Lynn Westmeath Garty William Noughaval Westmeath Gateagan Anne Kilbeggan Westmeath Gaughney Michael Street Westmeath Gautry Charles St. Feighins Westmeath Gavacan James St. Marys Westmeath Gavacan John Faughalstown Westmeath Gavacan Maurice Delvin Westmeath Gaynn William Killulagh Westmeath Gaynor James Horseleap Westmeath Gaynor Marcella Dysart Westmeath Gaynor Michael Mayne Westmeath Gaynor Thomas Stonehall Westmeath Gegan William St. Feighins Westmeath Geherty Patrick Rathgarve Westmeath Gelfinnan Widow Street Westmeath Gelshannon William Stonehall Westmeath Gelshanon John Multyfarnham Westmeath Geogan William Rathgarve Westmeath Gerahty Bryan Noughaval Westmeath Gerahty Mary Conry Westmeath Geraughty Michael Ballymore Westmeath Gibbs Thomas Rathgarve Westmeath Gibney Farrel Rathgarve Westmeath Gibney John Rathgarve Westmeath Gibney Richard Rathgarve Westmeath Gibney Thomas Killare Westmeath Gibson James Stonehall Westmeath Gill Edward Killulagh Westmeath Gill James Killare Westmeath Gill William Killulagh Westmeath Gillen Rose Rathconrath Westmeath Gilligan Edmond Street Westmeath Gilmore James Lickbla Westmeath Gilroy Thomas St. Feighins Westmeath Gilshenan Michael Mayne Westmeath Gilshennan Patrick Mayne Westmeath Glavy Darby Balaghale Westmeath Glennon Charles Rathconnell Westmeath Glinn Andrew Rathconnell Westmeath Glinnan Darby St. Feighins Westmeath Goldrick Patrick St. Marys Westmeath Gorman Richard Ballymore Westmeath Gorry Thomas Rahugh Westmeath Gowran John Rathconnell Westmeath Gready Edward Ballymore Westmeath Gready John Ballymore Westmeath Gready Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Greaghan Peter Castletownkindalen Westmeath Green John Ballymore Westmeath Green John Kill Westmeath Grennan John Kill Westmeath Griffin Judith Multyfarnham Westmeath Grogan Henry Rathconnell Westmeath Grouney James Kilcumny Westmeath Grourk Patrick Ballyloughloe Westmeath Growden James Ballymore Westmeath Growny Thomas Delvin Westmeath Growrk Cormick Ballyloughloe Westmeath Hacket William Killare Westmeath Hagarty John Rathconrath Westmeath Halfpenny Bryan Foyran Westmeath Halfpenny Matthew Foyran Westmeath Halfpenny Patrick Rathgarve Westmeath Halfpenny Peter Foyran Westmeath Halfpenny William Foyran Westmeath Halfpenny William St. Marys Westmeath Haly James Kilallen Westmeath Hammon Robert Killare Westmeath Handibode John Castletownkindalen Westmeath Hanlon Bryan Kill Westmeath Hanlon Laurence Castletownkindalen Westmeath Hanlon Laurence Kill Westmeath Hanlon Patrick Foyran Westmeath Hanlon Thomas Ballymore Westmeath Hanly John Ballymore Westmeath Hannon Maurice Kilallen Westmeath Harford Christopher Mullingar Westmeath Harford James Rathconnell Westmeath Harington Bryan Ballyloughloe Westmeath Harington William Kilcumreragh Westmeath Harrington Andrew Kill Westmeath Harrington John Kill Westmeath Harrington William Kill Westmeath Hart Widow St. Feighins Westmeath Haulton Owen Foyran Westmeath Healon Maurice Drumraney Westmeath Healon Patrick Motgoash Westmeath Heduvan Christopher Piercetown Westmeath Heel Bryan Lickbla Westmeath Heel John Lickbla Westmeath Heffron Denis Conry Westmeath Heflan Connor St. Feighins Westmeath Heflan Michael St. Marys Westmeath Hefron James Drumraney Westmeath Hefron Michael Kilkenny West Westmeath Hegarty Maurice Delvin Westmeath Helion Bartholomew Rathconrath Westmeath Henry Charles Mayne Westmeath Henson Christopher Drumraney Westmeath Hetherton James Foyran Westmeath Hetherton Mary Foyran Westmeath Hickson Allen Ballyloughloe Westmeath Higgans James Ballymore Westmeath Higgins James Ballymore Westmeath Higgins John Bunown Westmeath Higgins Thomas Stonehall Westmeath Hogan Garret Rathgarve Westmeath Hogan James Ballymore Westmeath Hoghee Daniel St. Marys Westmeath Hollaway William St. Marys Westmeath Hook Connor Mayne Westmeath Hope Andrew Taghmon Westmeath Hope Christopher Faughalstown Westmeath Hope Edward Maypole Westmeath Hope John St. Feighins Westmeath Hope Michael Delvin Westmeath Hope Patrick Rathconnell Westmeath Hope Thomas St. Feighins Westmeath Hosey Andrew Taghmon Westmeath Hughes Denis St. Feighins Westmeath Hughes James Killulagh Westmeath Hughes John Maypole Westmeath Hughes John Taghmon Westmeath Hughes Patrick Kill Westmeath Hughes Patrick Killare Westmeath Hughes Patrick Taghmon Westmeath Hughes Simon St. Feighins Westmeath Hughes Thomas Kill Westmeath Hyland William Mullingar Westmeath Hynes Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Hyrrill David Horseleap Westmeath Igo Laurence Killare Westmeath Igoe Denis Drumraney Westmeath Jones Mr. Noughaval Westmeath Jones Thomas Rathgarve Westmeath Jonins Alexander Drumraney Westmeath Jordan Andrew Mayne Westmeath Jordan James Street Westmeath Joyce Thomas Drumraney Westmeath Kane Thomas Rathgarve Westmeath Kearney Thomas Kill Westmeath Keegan John Kill Westmeath Keegan John Killare Westmeath Keegan John Piercetown Westmeath Keegan Michael Kill Westmeath Keegan Thady Kill Westmeath Keegan William St. Feighins Westmeath Keena Charles Killare Westmeath Keena James Killare Westmeath Keena Patrick Killare Westmeath Keenaghan Christopher Piercetown Westmeath Keenaghan Roger Kill Westmeath Keene Thomas Kilbride Westmeath Keernan Bryan Kilpatrick Westmeath Kegan Patrick St. Feighins Westmeath Keirnan Widow Rathgarve Westmeath Kelaghan Michael Rathconnell Westmeath Kelly Daniel Piercetown Westmeath Kelly Denis Conry Westmeath Kelly Fargus Lickbla Westmeath Kelly Hugh Kill Westmeath Kelly Hugh Killare Westmeath Kelly John Ballyloughloe Westmeath Kelly John Ballymore Westmeath Kelly John Templepatrick Westmeath Kelly Margaret Kilbeggan Westmeath Kelly Michael Kilcumreragh Westmeath Kelly Michael Kill Westmeath Kelly Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Kelly Patrick Drumraney Westmeath Kelly Thomas Delvin Westmeath Kelly Thomas Templepatrick Westmeath Kelly Widow Templepatrick Westmeath Kelly William Drumraney Westmeath Kelly William Kill Westmeath Kennedy Hugh Rathgarve Westmeath Kennedy Thomas Killare Westmeath Kennessy James Drumraney Westmeath Kenny Edward Foyran Westmeath Kenny Edward Killare Westmeath Kenny James Horseleap Westmeath Kenny James Rathconrath Westmeath Kenny John Street Westmeath Kenny Mathew Noughaval Westmeath Kenny Michael Mullingar Westmeath Kenny Patrick Kilbride Westmeath Kenny Patrick Killare Westmeath Kenny Patrick Noughaval Westmeath Kenny William Noughaval Westmeath Kerman Peter Foyran Westmeath Kernan James Street Westmeath Kernan Loughlin Kilbride Westmeath Kernan Michael Lickbla Westmeath Kernan Peter Rathconnell Westmeath Kiernan Eliza Delvin Westmeath Kilbride Thomas Killare Westmeath Kilcash John Rathgarve Westmeath Kilcash William St. Marys Westmeath Kilduff Daniel Faughalstown Westmeath Kilduff John Killare Westmeath Kilduffe James Killare Westmeath Kilemet John Killare Westmeath Kilemet Michael Killare Westmeath Killarny Edward Kilpatrick Westmeath Killion Edward Killare Westmeath Kilmurry Ennis Taghmon Westmeath Kilmurry James Killare Westmeath Kilmurry John Churchtown Westmeath Kilmurry John Noughaval Westmeath Kilmurry William Killare Westmeath Kinare James Piercetown Westmeath Kinehan James Kilbride Westmeath King Michael Kill Westmeath King Patrick Kill Westmeath Kinna Peter Mullingar Westmeath Kinny Mathew Kilpatrick Westmeath Kirney John Motgoash Westmeath L'Estrange Christopher Horseleap Westmeath L'Estrange William Rathconrath Westmeath Lamon Thomas Piercetown Westmeath Langan Bryan Horseleap Westmeath Langan Bryan Kill Westmeath Langan James Killare Westmeath Langstaff Daniel Noughaval Westmeath Laragy Patrick Kill Westmeath Laregy Owen Kill Westmeath Laregy Patrick Kill Westmeath Laurence Michael St. Marys Westmeath Lavy Bryan Delvin Westmeath Lavy Edward Delvin Westmeath Lavy Edward Faughalstown Westmeath Law Robert Kilcumny Westmeath Leavey Patrick St. Marys Westmeath Leavy James St. Marys Westmeath Leavy Laurence Kilbride Westmeath Leavy Thomas Ballymore Westmeath Leavy Thomas St. Feighins Westmeath Ledwich James Mayne Westmeath Ledwith Andrew Lackan Westmeath Ledwith Christopher Lackan Westmeath Ledwith James Ballyloughloe Westmeath Ledwith Michael Ballyloughloe Westmeath Ledwith Michael St. Feighins Westmeath Ledwith Patrick Delvin Westmeath Lee Rose St. Feighins Westmeath Leigh Simon Taghmon Westmeath Lennon Darby Piercetown Westmeath Lennon James Killare Westmeath Lennon Joseph Kill Westmeath Lennon Laurence Moranstown Westmeath Lennon Lucy Ballymore Westmeath Lennon Patrick Taghmon Westmeath Lennon William Ballymore Westmeath Longworth Henry St. Marys Westmeath Longworth William Conry Westmeath Loughlin James Killare Westmeath Loughlin James Templepatrick Westmeath Loughlin William Templepatrick Westmeath Lynam Peter Kill Westmeath Lynch Bernard Kilcumny Westmeath Lynch James St. Marys Westmeath Lynch Michael St. Marys Westmeath Lynch Owen Templepatrick Westmeath Lynch Patrick Rathgarve Westmeath Lynch Philip Stonehall Westmeath Lynch Thady Faughalstown Westmeath Lynch Thomas Templepatrick Westmeath Lynch William Faughalstown Westmeath Lynham James Killare Westmeath Lynham Owen Killare Westmeath Lynham William Killare Westmeath Lynn Bryan Ballymore Westmeath M'Auly Patrick Kilkenny West Westmeath M'Cabe Patrick Rathgarve Westmeath M'Cabe Thomas Killulagh Westmeath M'Clane Arthur Lickbla Westmeath M'Clane Fargus Lickbla Westmeath M'Cone John Faughalstown Westmeath M'Cormick John Piercetown Westmeath M'Cormick Michael Noughaval Westmeath M'Cormick Peter St. Marys Westmeath M'Cormick Phelim St. Marys Westmeath M'Cowan Edward Portnashangan Westmeath M'Dermott Patrick Drumraney Westmeath M'Dermott Patrick Noughaval Westmeath M'Dermott Thady Mayne Westmeath M'Fadden Edward St. Feighins Westmeath M'Grath Patrick Ballymore Westmeath M'Grath Thomas Ballymore Westmeath M'Hugh Charles Castletownkindalen Westmeath M'Hugh James Ballynacarry Westmeath M'Keone Connor Kill Westmeath M'Klenon John Street Westmeath M'Kone Cornelius Kill Westmeath M'Kone Martin Horseleap Westmeath M'Kone Michael St. Feighins Westmeath M'Kone William Horseleap Westmeath M'Lane Henry St. Feighins Westmeath M'Laughlin Edward Raghglass Westmeath M'Laughlin Francis Killare Westmeath M'Laughlin James Ballymore Westmeath M'Laughlin Thomas Drumraney Westmeath M'Loughlin Laurence Ballymore Westmeath Macken William Conry Westmeath Magan Henry Ballymore Westmeath Magare James Killare Westmeath Magee Peter Street Westmeath Maginnis Hugh St. Feighins Westmeath Magrath Arthur Mayne Westmeath Magrath John Mayne Westmeath Magrath Thomas Killare Westmeath Magrath Widow Mayne Westmeath Maguire James Kilcumny Westmeath Maguire James Mullingar Westmeath Maguire James St. Marys Westmeath Maguire John St. Marys Westmeath Maguire Michael Rathgarve Westmeath Maguire Michael St. Marys Westmeath Maguire Owen St. Marys Westmeath Maguire Roger Faughalstown Westmeath Maher Patrick Foyran Westmeath Mahon Andrew Killare Westmeath Mahon Connor Killare Westmeath Mahon Cornelius Faughalstown Westmeath Mahon John Drumraney Westmeath Mahon Nicholas Faughalstown Westmeath Mahon Patrick Drumraney Westmeath Mahon Patrick Killare Westmeath Mahon Timothy Piercetown Westmeath Mahon Widow Killare Westmeath Maleady Patrick Kilmacnevan Westmeath Maledy Rev. Daniel Drumraney Westmeath Malin Anne Ballymore Westmeath Malin Mathew Ballymore Westmeath Malin Owen Ballymore Westmeath Malin Richard Ballymore Westmeath Mallen James Ballymore Westmeath Malon Owen Killare Westmeath Malone James Noughaval Westmeath Malony Owen Ballymore Westmeath Mangan Patrick St. Feighins Westmeath Manny Christopher Castletownkindalen Westmeath Martin Edmund Kilbride Westmeath Martin James Kilbride Westmeath Martin Thomas Castletownkindalen Westmeath Martin Thomas Kilbride Westmeath Martin Thomas St. Feighins Westmeath Masterson Thomas St. Marys Westmeath Maxwel James Ballymore Westmeath Maxwel Mathew Ballymore Westmeath Maxwel Owen Ballymore Westmeath Maxwel Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Maxwell Cormick St. Marys Westmeath Maxwell Patrick Faughalstown Westmeath Maygragh John Mayne Westmeath Maygragh Laurence Killulagh Westmeath Maylaogh John St. Marys Westmeath Mayloughlan Thomas Kilallen Westmeath Mayloughlin Cornelius Foyran Westmeath Mears Patrick Drumraney Westmeath Mears Patrick Kilkenny West Westmeath Mears Robert Piercetown Westmeath Mears Stephen Moranstown Westmeath Mears William Killare Westmeath Mee Bryan Killare Westmeath Megouren Philip Kilcumny Westmeath Merity Patrick Mayne Westmeath Merryman Richard St. Feighins Westmeath Mitchel John Taghmon Westmeath Mitchel Thomas Mayne Westmeath Mitchel Thomas Taghmon Westmeath Mitchell William Stonehall Westmeath Molloy James Rathconrath Westmeath Molloy John Kill Westmeath Molony Michael Ballymore Westmeath Monaghan Matthew Faughalstown Westmeath Mongan Garret Rathconnell Westmeath Mooney Darby Rathconnell Westmeath Mooney John Piercetown Westmeath Moore Bartholomew Kilcumny Westmeath Moore Edward Rathconrath Westmeath Moore Edward Rathgarve Westmeath Moore Michael Lickbla Westmeath Moore Patrick Noughaval Westmeath Moore Thomas Rathgarve Westmeath Moore Thomas St. Feighins Westmeath Moore William Lickbla Westmeath Moore William Motgoash Westmeath Moorehead John Drumraney Westmeath Moorhead Patrick Drumraney Westmeath Moran Anne Killare Westmeath Moran Denis Drumraney Westmeath Moran James Drumraney Westmeath Moran James Multyfarnham Westmeath Moran James Rathconrath Westmeath Moran John Ballyloughloe Westmeath Moran John Drumraney Westmeath Moran Michael Drumraney Westmeath Moran Michael Mayne Westmeath Moran Nicholas Drumraney Westmeath Moran Patrick Ballyloughloe Westmeath Moran Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Moran Thomas Drumraney Westmeath Moran William Drumraney Westmeath More Michael Rathconnell Westmeath Morris Abraham Street Westmeath Mullagan John Rathgarve Westmeath Mullagan Patrick Rathgarve Westmeath Mullally Patrick Piercetown Westmeath Mullan Silvester Kilpatrick Westmeath Mullen Bryan Killare Westmeath Mullen John Kill Westmeath Mullen Thomas Churchtown Westmeath Mulligan Bartholomew Rathgarve Westmeath Mulligan Bryan Foyran Westmeath Mulligan Bryan Killare Westmeath Mulligan Bryan Rathgarve Westmeath Mulligan Edward Taghmon Westmeath Mulligan Francis Rathconnell Westmeath Mulligan James Rathgarve Westmeath Mulligan John Street Westmeath Mulligan John Taghmon Westmeath Mulligan Laurence Street Westmeath Mulligan Nicholas Mullingar Westmeath Mulligan Patrick Mayne Westmeath Mulligan Peter Foyran Westmeath Mully James Street Westmeath Muloy Nicholas Mayne Westmeath Mulrennal Bryan Killare Westmeath Mulvy Michael Rathgarve Westmeath Mulvy Patrick Street Westmeath Mulvy Tim Rathgarve Westmeath Mungan James Kilcumny Westmeath Murphy Mathew Rathconnell Westmeath Murphy Matthew St. Feighins Westmeath Murphy Matthew Stonehall Westmeath Murphy Michael Delvin Westmeath Murphy Michael Foyran Westmeath Murphy Owen Rathgarve Westmeath Murphy Patrick St. Feighan Westmeath Murphy Thomas St. Feighan Westmeath Murray George Rathconnell Westmeath Murray James Faughalstown Westmeath Murray John Ballymore Westmeath Murray John Rathgarve Westmeath Murray Michael Rathgarve Westmeath Murray Peter Ballymore Westmeath Murray Richard Faughalstown Westmeath Murray Richard Lickbla Westmeath Murray Richard St. Marys Westmeath Murray Simon Kill Westmeath Murray Thomas Ballymore Westmeath Murray Thomas Drumraney Westmeath Murray Thomas Horseleap Westmeath Murray Thomas Noughaval Westmeath Murry Henry Templepatrick Westmeath Murry James Ballymore Westmeath Murry Widow Rathconnell Westmeath Murtagh Bryan Motgoash Westmeath Murtagh Darby Faughalstown Westmeath Murtagh Edward Foyran Westmeath Murtagh James Lickbla Westmeath Murtagh John Killare Westmeath Murtagh John Kilmacnevan Westmeath Murtagh Matthew Faughalstown Westmeath Murtagh Michael Kilbride Westmeath Murtagh Michael Kilmacnevan Westmeath Murtagh Patrick Faughalstown Westmeath Murtagh Peter Empor Westmeath Murtagh Peter Kilmacnevan Westmeath Murtagh Robert St. Feighan Westmeath Murtagh Thomas Lickbla Westmeath Murtagh Thomas St. Feighins Westmeath Murtagh William Killare Westmeath Naghton James Kilkenny West Westmeath Naghton Thomas Kilkenny West Westmeath Nally Nicholas Killare Westmeath Nally Owen Killare Westmeath Nally Patrick Kilbeggan Westmeath Nally Patrick Killare Westmeath Nally Patrick Piercetown Westmeath Nally Thomas Leny Westmeath Nally Widow Piercetown Westmeath Nangle Richard Mayne Westmeath Naughton Patrick Killare Westmeath Naughton William Drumraney Westmeath Neal Hugh Kilcumny Westmeath Neale Thomas Rathconnell Westmeath Neillon Thomas St. Marys Westmeath Newe Mathew Killare Westmeath Newman Roger Correlstown Westmeath Newman Roger Killucan Westmeath Nifel Patrick Lickbla Westmeath Nisell John Rathgarve Westmeath Nnand Henry Killare Westmeath Nooney Anne Taghmon Westmeath Nowlan Henry Motgoash Westmeath Nugent Countess Killare Westmeath Nugent Edward Portnashangan Westmeath Nugent James Multyfarnham Westmeath Nugent Michael Kilmacnevan Westmeath Numan Bartholomew Faughalstown Westmeath O'Brien Thomas Street Westmeath O'Neil Edward Stonehall Westmeath O'Neil James Faughalstown Westmeath O'Neil Michael Delvin Westmeath O'Neil Patrick Piercetown Westmeath O'Neil Richard Street Westmeath O'Reilly Philip Street Westmeath Oulthough Francis St. Marys Westmeath Palmer James Piercetown Westmeath Palmer Patrick Piercetown Westmeath Parsley John Rathconnell Westmeath Partlon James St. Feighins Westmeath Partlon Patrick St. Marys Westmeath Pidgeon John Conlonnan Westmeath Pignaham William Lickbla Westmeath Plant John Noughaval Westmeath Plunket Patrick Kill Westmeath Plunket Patrick Killare Westmeath Plunket Thomas Kill Westmeath Plunket Thomas Killare Westmeath Potts Richard Kill Westmeath Powell Patrick Rathgarve Westmeath Price Richard Kilcumny Westmeath Quin Andrew Leny Westmeath Quin Patrick Noughaval Westmeath Quistly Edward Ballymore Westmeath Quistly Edward Kill Westmeath Rafferty James Conry Westmeath Rafferty Matthew Kill Westmeath Rafferty Thomas Ballymore Westmeath Raftery Matthew Kill Westmeath Raftery Michael Rathconrath Westmeath Ratekin Thomas Piercetown Westmeath Raye Thomas Rathgarve Westmeath Rea John Stonehall Westmeath Rea Widow Stonehall Westmeath Real Denis Kilallen Westmeath Regan Anne Foyran Westmeath Reilly Catherine Street Westmeath Reilly Charles Mayne Westmeath Reilly Christopher St. Feighins Westmeath Reilly Denis Kill Westmeath Reilly Edward Conlonnan Westmeath Reilly James Lickbla Westmeath Reilly James Street Westmeath Reilly John Faughalstown Westmeath Reilly John Foyran Westmeath Reilly John Street Westmeath Reilly Philip Foyran Westmeath Reilly Philip Street Westmeath Reilly Simon Lickbla Westmeath Reilly Terence Lickbla Westmeath Reynolds Denis Castletownkindalen Westmeath Rider John Street Westmeath Riggs Mrs. St. Feighins Westmeath Rigney Farrel Kill Westmeath Rigny Farrell Kill Westmeath Rincle Christopher Kill Westmeath Roan Patrick Kill Westmeath Roark Hugh Ballymore Westmeath Roark Michael Ballymore Westmeath Roark Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Roarke John Kill Westmeath Robinson Edmond Ballyloughloe Westmeath Robinson John St. Feighins Westmeath Robinson William St. Feighins Westmeath Roche Mary Foyran Westmeath Roddy Thomas Street Westmeath Roe James Lickbla Westmeath Roman Morgan Horseleap Westmeath Ronan Patrick Rathconnell Westmeath Rooney John Ballymore Westmeath Roork Edward Ballymore Westmeath Roork James Ballymore Westmeath Rowe Hester Kilmacnevan Westmeath Russel James Mullingar Westmeath Russell John Drumraney Westmeath Ryan Bryan Castletownkindalen Westmeath Ryan Denis Leny Westmeath Ryan Joseph Castletownkindalen Westmeath Ryan William Castletownkindalen Westmeath Salmon Christopher Kilpatrick Westmeath Salmon Michael Kilpatrick Westmeath Salmon Thomas Kilpatrick Westmeath Salmon William Ballymore Westmeath Savage James Ballymore Westmeath Savage James Killare Westmeath Savage James Rathgarve Westmeath Scally Bryan Castletownkindalen Westmeath Scally Bryan Killare Westmeath Scally James Killare Westmeath Scally Laurence Killare Westmeath Scally Patrick Killare Westmeath Scally Thomas Kill Westmeath Scally Widow Kilbride Westmeath Scott Edward Ballymore Westmeath Scott Edward Kill Westmeath Scott Edward Killare Westmeath Scott John Ballymore Westmeath Scott John Killare Westmeath Scott Patrick Ballymore Westmeath Scott Patrick Killare Westmeath Scott Thomas Ballymore Westmeath Scott William Ballymore Westmeath Seery Bartholomew Churchtown Westmeath Seery Edward Kilallen Westmeath Seery Edward St. Marys Westmeath Seery James Kilallen Westmeath Seery Matthew Horseleap Westmeath Seery Michael Mullingar Westmeath Seery Owen Kill Westmeath Seery Widow St. Feighins Westmeath Sergant Laurence Leny Westmeath Shale Thomas Lickbla Westmeath Shanaghan Bartholomew Churchtown Westmeath Shanly Denis Rathconrath Westmeath Sharry Christopher Faughalstown Westmeath Shaughness James Piercetown Westmeath Sheeran Bryan Castletownkindalen Westmeath Sheeran Denis Conry Westmeath Sheeran John Kill Westmeath Sheeran Patrick Kill Westmeath Sheerwood William Foyran Westmeath Sheil Edward Drumraney Westmeath Sheil William Drumraney Westmeath Sheridan Jeremiah St. Marys Westmeath Sheridan Patrick Castletownkindalen Westmeath Sheridan Thady Ballymore Westmeath Shiels James Rathgarve Westmeath Smith Bryan Rathgarve Westmeath Smith Laughlin Rathgarve Westmeath Smith Michael Rathgarve Westmeath Smith Patrick Rathgarve Westmeath Smith William St. Marys Westmeath Smyth Denis Faughalstown Westmeath Smyth John Faughalstown Westmeath Smyth Patrick Motgoash Westmeath Smyth Widow Faughalstown Westmeath Smyth Widow Killare Westmeath Smyth William St. Feighins Westmeath Sormy Edward Kilpatrick Westmeath Sormy Patrick Killarney Westmeath Spollan Thomas Drumraney Westmeath Spollen John Drumraney Westmeath Spollin Edward Kilbride Westmeath Spollin Widow Kilbride Westmeath Stafford Thomas Taghmon Westmeath Stranaghan Denis Horseleap Westmeath Sullivan Patrick Street Westmeath Sullivan Widow Street Westmeath Summers Edward Moranstown Westmeath Summers Robin Killare Westmeath Summerset John Kilcumny Westmeath Sweeny Daniel Foyran Westmeath Taaffe James Templeoran Westmeath Taaffe Laurence Templeoran Westmeath Talbot James Faughalstown Westmeath Talbot John St. Feighins Westmeath Tige Mrs. St. Marys Westmeath Tilson Widow Rathgarve Westmeath Tilton Robert Rathgarve Westmeath Tone Francis Drumraney Westmeath Tonton Richard Rathgarve Westmeath Toole Thomas Kilbeggan Westmeath Tormey Hugh Stonehall Westmeath Tormy Thomas Faughalstown Westmeath Tormy Walter Stonehall Westmeath Tracy John Balinacorga Westmeath Trimble Thomas Street Westmeath Trimble Widow Street Westmeath Tumble Alexander Portnashangan Westmeath Tute James Kilcumny Westmeath Victory Patrick St. Marys Westmeath Wall Peter Drumraney Westmeath Walsh Charles Kilmacnevan Westmeath Walsh Christopher Street Westmeath Ward Bryan Noughaval Westmeath Ward Bryan Rathgarve Westmeath Ward Christopher Piercetown Westmeath Ward Hugh Mayne Westmeath Ward James Maypole Westmeath Ward Laurence Rathconnell Westmeath Ward Mathew Multyfarnham Westmeath Ward Maurice Killulagh Westmeath Ward Michael Kill Westmeath Ward Michael Leny Westmeath Ward Owen Mayne Westmeath Ward Owen Rathgarve Westmeath Ward Patrick Conlonnan Westmeath Ward Thomas Ballymore Westmeath Ward Thomas Mullingar Westmeath Ward Widow Mayne Westmeath Weldon James Portnashangan Westmeath Wheelaghan Laurence Templepatrick Westmeath Wheelaghan Luke Kill Westmeath Wheeler James Rathconnell Westmeath White James Mullingar Westmeath White Joseph Castletownkindalen Westmeath White Patrick Kilallen Westmeath Winter Mathew Rathgarve Westmeath Winter Matthew St. Feighins Westmeath Winter Widow Rathgarve Westmeath Wise Denis Kill Westmeath Wyer Matthew Castletownkindalen Westmeath Wynne Thomas Piercetown Westmeath Young James Conry Westmeath Young John Piercetown Westmeath Young Laurence Killare Westmeath Young Laurence Piercetown Westmeath Young Patrick Moranstown Westmeath Young Thomas Piercetown Westmeath