Fáilte Romhat

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  The Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland - Ardfield

The Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland


ARDFIELD, a parish on the coast of the Ibane section of the barony of Ibane and Barryroe, co. Cork, Munster. It lies 4-¾ miles south by east of Clonakilty and runs out to the extremity of the peninsula on the east side of Ross bay. Part of the surface is upland and unproductive; but most is champaign, arable, and moderately fertile.  A freshwater lake of about 52 acres is well stored with fish. The coast is bold, dentated with creeks, and occasionally perforated with caves. The peninsula, like that of Kinsale, extends a considerable distance beyond the average coast-line; is conspicuously high; and suffers furious buffetings from the tempestuous wave. An islet at its extremity, separated from the mainland by a very narrow channel, is regarded by seamen as the real headland and used often to be mistaken by them for the old head of Kinsale. Several caverns worry the waves around its base; and an old castle crowns its summit. The headland is the Dundeedy of topographists, and the Galley-Head of mariners. Length of the parish 3 miles, breadth 2-½, area 2,645 acres. Pop., in 1831 2,023, in 184,1 2,460. Houses 412. - This parish is a vicarage and separate benefice in the Dio. of Ross. Vicarial tithe composition £92 6s. I-¾d. Gross income £102 6s. I-¾d.; nett £95 10s. 9-¾d. Patron, the diocesan. The rectorial tithes are impropriate compounded for £110 15s. 4-½d. and in the Possession of Messrs. Foot and Roberts. A curate has a stipend of £50. A licensed school-house serves as the parochial place of worship. Attendance 28. The Roman Catholic chapel is attended by 1,500; and jointly with the chapel of Rathbarry is under the care of one officiate. In 1834 the Protestants amounted to 39, and the Roman Catholics to 2,039; a Sunday school was attended by 9 children; and 3 daily schools, one of which was aided with £17 from the National Board, had on their books 147 boys and 177 girls. In 1840 a boys’ school and a girls’ school had respectively £10 and £8 from the National Board.