Fáilte Romhat

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  The Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland - Timoleague Parish

The Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland


TIMOLEAGUE, a parish partly in the eastern division of the barony of East Carbery, but chiefly in the barony of Ibane and Ваггугое, со. Cork, Munster. The Ibane and Barryroe section contains the small town of Timoleague : see next article. Length and breadth of the parish each 2 miles. Area of the Carbery section, 708 acres ; of the Ibane and Barryroe section 2,165 acres. Pop. of the whole, in 1831, 1,824 ; in 1841, 1,686. Houses 304. Pop. of the Carbery section, in 1831, 286 ; in 1841, 292. Houses 44. Pop. of the rural districts of the Ibane and Barryroe section, in 1831, 818 ; in 1841 759. Houses 133. Part of the land is of indifferent quality ; and the remainder is excellent. The stream and the little estuary of the Arigadeen, “the little silver river,” wash all the north and the east ; and a tiny affluent of the estuary waters the interior. Over a mile before reaching the town, the Arigadeen flows in a serpentine course at the foot a hill ; at its reaching the town, it washes the walls of an ancient castle, flows past the verge of the churchyard, and glides beneath the walls of an ancient abbey ; and it then expands into width on its way to Courtmacsherry bay, and woos the eye down to a prospect of its agreeable sea banks. Among the seats are Umera-house, Timoleague-house and Barry's-Hall, - the second the residence of Colonel Travers, and the third the residence of Mr. Lucas, noticed as follows by Dr. Smith : “To the south-west of the town, on a rising ground is Barry’s-Hall, built by the Hon. Capt. Barry, on the estate of the late Lord Barrymore ; has a prospect of part of the arm of the sea, which comes up to the foot of the hill on which it stands, forming an handsome basin, interspersed with small islands.” -This parish is a rectory, a prebend, and a separate benefice, in the dio. of Ross. Tithe composition £413 8s. 8-½d. ; glebe, £15. Gross income £428 8s. 8-½d,; nett £367 7s. 7d. Patron, diocesan. The church was built in 1810, by of a loan of £461 10s. 9-½d. from the late Board First Fruits. Sittings 110 ; attendance 120. The Roman Catholic chapel has an attendance of 900 ; and ,in the Roman Catholic parochial arrangement is united to the chapel of Kilmaloda. In 1834, Protestants amounted to 161, and the Roman Catholics to 1545 ; a Protestant Sunday school had on its books 9 boys and 31 girls ; and 5 daily schools -  one of which was about to become connected the National Board, one was salaried with £8 a-year from the London Ladies Hibernian Society, and £7 from subscription, and another with £6 from subscription - were usually attended by about 239 scholars.