Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Abbott Mary Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Agnew Mary Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Agnew William Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Anderson David Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Anderson Elizabeth Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Anderson Henry Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Anderson James Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Anderson John Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Anderson John, Jr. Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Anderson Thomas Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Anderson Thomas Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Askin Robert Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Atkinson Henry Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Atkinson Henry Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Atkinson John Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Bailey William Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Balfour Blayney T. Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Baxter John Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Beatty John Tireagerty Clonfeacle Armagh Beatty Joseph Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Beatty Mary Tireagerty Clonfeacle Armagh Beatty Samuel Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Biggs William Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Black Henry Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Blevins Anne Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Blevins Davids Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Blevins James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Blevins John Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Blevins John Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Blevins Mary Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Blevins William Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Blevins William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Bond Walter Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Bond Walter M'G. Derrycaw (The Argory) Clonfeacle Armagh Boyle James Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Branagan Denis Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Branagan Mary Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Brannigan Patrick Creaghan Clonfeacle Armagh Brannigan Thomas Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Brennan James Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Brennan Robert Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Brien Anthony Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Brothers Downham Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Brothers Margaret Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Broughton Fredk. Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Browne William Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Bryan Michael Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Bryan Thomas Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Bryans Francis Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Byrns Henry Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Campbell Arthur Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Campbell Felix Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Campbell George Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Campbell James Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Campbell James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Campbell John Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Campbell Patrick Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Cappa Alexander Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Carbery Thomas Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Carr James Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Carr Mary Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Carr Samuel Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Carroll William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Carson Joseph Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Cavanagh Thomas Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Clarke Joseph Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Clements Ellen Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Clemins Mary Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Clewley James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Clewlow Thomas Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Close Maxwell C. Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Close Maxwell C. Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Cohoon William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Colgan John Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Colgan Robert Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Colligan James Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Colligan Thomas Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Colligan William Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Commons James Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Conlan Eliza Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Conlan John Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Conlan Thomas Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Connolly John Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Connolly Richard Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Connolly Thomas Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Connor James Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Conroy Charles Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Conroy James Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Conroy Mary Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Conroy Thomas Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Conry Francis Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Cooke William Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Cooper Henry Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Corr Michael Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Corrigan Mary Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Corrigan Robert Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Corrigan Samuel Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Corrigan Samuel Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Corrigan Samuel Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Corron Daniel Creaghan Clonfeacle Armagh Corron John Creaghan Clonfeacle Armagh Corron Peter Creaghan Clonfeacle Armagh Cremorne Lord ??? Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Cremorne Lord ??? Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Crossey Bernard Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Crossey James Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Crossey James, Jr. Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Crossey James, Sr. Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Crossey Jane Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Crothers Alexander Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Crothers Alexander Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Crothers Alexander Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Crummy Catherine Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Crummy Catherine Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Crummy Catherine Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Cullen David Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Cullen Francis Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Cullen Hugh Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Cullen John Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Cullen John Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Cullen Michael Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Cullen Michael Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Cunningham Margaret Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Cunningham Margt. Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Curran James Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Curran John Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Curran Patrick Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Curran Peter Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Curran Timothy Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Daly Felix Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Daly Felix Creaghan Clonfeacle Armagh Daly John Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Daly John Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Darley Jane Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Davidson George Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Davidson Samuel Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Davison James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Davison John Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Devlin Francis Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Dillon William Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Dilly Abraham Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Doey Bernard Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Donaldson Wlliam Tullycallidy Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly Ambrose Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly Arth. Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly Charles Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly Francis Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly James Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly James Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly John Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly John Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly John Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly John, Jr. Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly John, Sr. Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly Joseph Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly Mary Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly Michael Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly Owen Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly Peter Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly Peter Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly Thomas Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Donnelly Thomas Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Douglas William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Douglass Henry S. Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Downey John Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Duffy John Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Duffy John Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Duffy Mary Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Dunne William Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Elliott Henry Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Elliott Henry Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Elliott Isabella Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Elliott James Drumarn Clonfeacle Armagh Elliott Robert Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Elliott Thomas Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Emmerson Eliza Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Emmerson John Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Emmerson William Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Emmerson Wm., Jr. Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Farmer John Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Farmer Patrick Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Farnan Margaret Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Farrell William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Farrelly Edward Tireagerty Clonfeacle Armagh Finigan Matthew Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Finn Bernard Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Finn Bernard Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Finn Bernard Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Finn James Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Finn John Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Finn Michael Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Flanagan Ellen Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Flanagan James Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Flanagan John Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Fox Alice Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Fox Bernard Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Fox Felix Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Fox Hugh Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Fox Hugh Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Fox James Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Fox John Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Fox John Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Fox Mary Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Fox Patrick Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Fraser Joseph Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Frazer Joseph Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Frazer Joseph Tireagerty Clonfeacle Armagh Frazer Joseph Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Fullan Peter Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Fullerton Joseph Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Fullerton Mary Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Galbraith Henry Drumask or Ballycullen Clonfeacle Armagh Garland James Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Garland Martin Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Garvey Charles Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Garvey Charles Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Garvey James Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Geraghty James Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Gilpin George Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Gilpin James Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Gilpin Jane Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Gilpin John Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Gilpin Nathaniel Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Gilpin Richard Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Gilpin Thomas Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Gilpin Thomas Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Goodfellow Patrick Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Goodfellow Terence Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Goodlatte David R. Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Goodlatte Davids R. Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Gordon Letitia Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Gorman James Tireagerty Clonfeacle Armagh Gray Mary Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Gray Robert Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Greenwood Thomas Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Grew John Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Gribben James Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Gribbin Francis Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Gribbin Mary Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Grimley Michael Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Hagan Bernard Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Hagan Bernard Tireagerty Clonfeacle Armagh Hagan James Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Hagan James Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Hagan Patrick Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Hagan Terence Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Hagan Thomas Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Hagan William Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Hall George Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Hall George Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Hall Jeremiah Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Hall Thomas Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Hall Thomas Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Hamilton Patrick Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Hare John, Jr. Drumarn Clonfeacle Armagh Hare John, Sr. Drumarn Clonfeacle Armagh Hare Robert Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Harvey Edward Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Harvey Edward Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Harvey James Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Harvey James Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Harvey John Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Haughey William Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Hegarty Daniel Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Henderson Joseph Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Henderson Joseph Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Henn William Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Homer William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Hughes Bernard Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Hughes George Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Hughes George Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Hughes Henry Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Hughes Isacc Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Hughes Isacc Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Hughes James Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Hughes John Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Hughes John, Jr. Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Hughes John, Sr. Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Hughes Patrick Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Hughes Sarah Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Hughes Terence Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Hyde Francis Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Hyde Thomas Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Innes Joseph Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Innis Joseph Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Irwin Christopher Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Irwin John Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Jeff John Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Johnson Mary Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Johnson William Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Johnston James Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Johnston Joseph Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Joyce Patrick Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Joyce Robert Creaghan Clonfeacle Armagh Kane John Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Kane Roger Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Keath Robert Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Keatins Anne Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Kelly Bernard Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Kelly James Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Kelly James Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Kelly Jane Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Kelly John Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Kelly John Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Kelly John Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Kelly Mary Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Kennedy James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Kimmins Sarah Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Knox Rosanna Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Lamb William Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Laverty Patrick Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Lavery Bryan Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Lavery George Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Lawson Andrew Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Lawson Joseph Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Lawson Thomas Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Lee Anne Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Lee Robert Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Lightbody Isaac Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Lightbody John Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Lightbody Johnson Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Lightbody Johnston Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Lightbody Robert Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Lockhart Sarah Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Loughran James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Loughran Patrick Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Ludden Jane Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Lutton George Canary Clonfeacle Armagh M'Aneany Daniel Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh M'Aneany Thomas Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh M'Kittrick Joseph Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh M'Quaid George Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Macan Michael Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mackel Patrick Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Mackel Peter Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Mackell Neill Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Macklin Francis Creaghan Clonfeacle Armagh Macklin John Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Madden Francis Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Magee Arthur Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Magee Martha Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Magrath Patrick Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Maguirk Charles Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Malie John Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mallen James Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Mallon Anne Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Mallon Francis Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Mallon James Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Mallon James Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mallon Parick Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mallon Patrick Creaghan Clonfeacle Armagh Marshall ??? Drumarn Clonfeacle Armagh Marshall George Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Marshall Thomas Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Marshall William Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Martin Robert Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Martin Thomas Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Matchett John Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Matchett John Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mathers Edward Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Adams Anne Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Alister John Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Anally James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Anally William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Aneaney John Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Aneany John Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Anulty William Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Ardle Loughlin Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Bennett John Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Bride Terence Creaghan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Call Catherine Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Call Owen Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Call Patrick Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Call William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Cann Bernard Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Cartney George Drumarn Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Carton Bridget Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Caul Anne Tireagerty Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Clean John Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Clean John Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Clean John Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Clean Mary Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Clean Patrick Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Clean Sarah Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Clean Susan Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Clelland Joseph Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Clelland William Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Clelland William Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Clelleand John Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Clernau Peter Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Cluskey James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Connell Jane Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Cormack John Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Cormack Patrick Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Cready Mary Anne Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Cullagh Robert Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Cusky Arthur Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Elroy James Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Geoghegan John Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Geraghty Francis Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Ginn Patrick Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Ginnis Edward Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Glennan William Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Glinn Bernard Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Glinn John Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Gloan John Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Glone James Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Glone Peter Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Glone Peter Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Gonigal John Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Grane Denis Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Grane Denis Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Grane Henry Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Grane Hugh Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Grane Hugh Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Grane James Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Grane James Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Grane Joseph Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Grane Patrick Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Grath Thomas Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Guiggan Patrick Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Guire Philip Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Guire William Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Illroy James Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kee Anne Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kee Bernard Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kee James Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kee Neal Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kee Robert Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kee Thomas Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Keever Catherine Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kenly Peter Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kenna Anne Tireagerty Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kenna John Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kenna Michael Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kenna Michael Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kenna Michael Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Keogh Hugh Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Keogh Hugh Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Keogh John Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Keogh Mary Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Keown David Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Keown John Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Keown Robert Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Keown Thomas Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kinlay George Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kinlay Stewart Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kinlay William Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Kittrick James Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Lernon Catherine Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Lernon Peter Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Loughlin Manasseh Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Mahon George Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Mahon James Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Master William Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Mullen Cornelius Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Neece James Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Nichol Thomas Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Nicholl James Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Nicholl Thomas Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Parlan Anne Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Parlan Rose Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Parland Anne Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Partlan James Creaghan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Partlan Peter Creaghan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Partland Aeneas Creaghan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Quaid Henry Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Quaid Mary Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Quaide James Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Shane Bridget Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Whinney John Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Whinney John, Jr. Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Whinney John, Sr. Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Whinney Joseph, Sr. Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Whinney William Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Whinny John Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Whinny William Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Williams Adam Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mc Williams James Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Mccullagh Robert Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Mcquaide Loughlin Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Millar Robert Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Millar Thomas Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Millar Thomas, Jr. Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Millar Thomas, Sr. Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mills Mary Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Mitchell Micheal Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Molesworth Arthur N. Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mollan Mary Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Molloy Arthur Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Molloy Denis Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Molloy James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Moore Eliza Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Moore Robert Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Morrison Elizabeth Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Morrow James Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Mould James Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mulgrew Terence Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen Francis Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen Francis Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen Francis, Jr. Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen Hugh Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen James Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen James Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen James, Jr. Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen John Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen Martha Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen Mary Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen Michael Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen Robert Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen Terence, Jr. Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen Terence, Sr. Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen Thomas Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen Thomas Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Mullen William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Murdock James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Murdock Joseph Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Murphy Daniel Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Murphy Thomas Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Murphy Thomas Creaghan Clonfeacle Armagh Murray Henry Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Murray James Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Murray John Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Murray Patrick Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Murray William Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Murray William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Murray William, Jr. Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Murray William, Sr. Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Neill Teresa Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Neville Henry Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Neville Margaret Tireagerty Clonfeacle Armagh Nicholson James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh O'Brien Charles Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh O'Brien Michael Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh O'Neill Charles Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh O'Neill Charles Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh O'Neill Cornelius Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh O'Neill John Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh O'Neill Jonathan Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh O'Nell Cornelius Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Olpherts Barbara Drumarn Clonfeacle Armagh Olpherts Barbara Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Olpherts Barbara Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Orr Jacob Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Pattison George Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Pattison George Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Polly William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Powerscourt Viscount Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Powerscourt Viscount Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Pringle Richard Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Pringle Richard Drumarn Clonfeacle Armagh Pringle Richard Drumask or Ballycullen Clonfeacle Armagh Pritchard George Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Quinn Arthur Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Quinn John Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Quinn John Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Quinn Patrick Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Rafferty James Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Rafferty John Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Rafferty John Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Rafferty Patrick Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Raverty Thomas Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Read Nathaniel Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Read Thomas Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Reanny William Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Regan John Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Reid James Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Reid James Shanmullagh Clonfeacle Armagh Reid James Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Reid James P. Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Reid William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Reilly Fanny Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Rennisson Christopher Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Richie James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Riggs William Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Riggs William Tullykevan Clonfeacle Armagh Rock Edward Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Rock Michael Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Roe George Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Ruherford William Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Russell Henry Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Ryan Michael Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Ryan Patrick Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Simons James Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Simpson Jane Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Simpson Joseph Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Simpson William Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Sinclair Simon Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Sinclair Simon Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Sinclair Thomas Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Sinclair Thomas W. Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Sloan John Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Sloan Philip Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Smyth Hugh Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Smyth James Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Smyth Robert Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Stenson William Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Stephenson Thomas Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Symth William Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Teague John Derrymagowan Clonfeacle Armagh Teden William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Thompson James Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Thompson James Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Thompson John Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Thompson Mary Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Thompson William Ballytroddan Clonfeacle Armagh Tierney Michael Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Tippings John Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Toal Daniel Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Towell John Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Trelford Robert Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Trelford Robert Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Trotter Anne Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Trotter Anne Tireagerty Clonfeacle Armagh Tumeny Anne Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Vallely William Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Verner Baronet William Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Walker Johnson Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Walker William Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Walker William Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Wallace Anne Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Wallace William Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Walsh Patrick Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Walsh William Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Watt Henry Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Watt Mary Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Weatherhead Ezekiel Canary Clonfeacle Armagh White James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh White John Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh White John Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh White John Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh White Jonathan Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh White Joseph Copney Clonfeacle Armagh White Matthew Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh White Thomas Copney Clonfeacle Armagh White Thomas L. Copney Clonfeacle Armagh White Thomas L. Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Whiteside William Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Wiley Thomas Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Wilkinson James Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Williams Hugh Drumarn Clonfeacle Armagh Williamson David Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Williamson James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Williamson Joseph Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Williamson Robert Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Williamson William Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Williamson William Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Wilson Andrew Drumcullen Clonfeacle Armagh Wilson Edward Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Wilson William Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Wilson William Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Winter Samuel Derryscollop Clonfeacle Armagh Woods Ellen Mullyleggan Clonfeacle Armagh Woods Patrick Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Woods Patrick Kilmore Clonfeacle Armagh Woods William Copney Clonfeacle Armagh Wright Edward Mullanary Clonfeacle Armagh Wright Joseph Blackwatertown or Lisbofin Clonfeacle Armagh Wright Joseph Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Young James Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh Young Margaret Canary Clonfeacle Armagh Young Ruth Tullyroan Clonfeacle Armagh