Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Tullaghobegley, County Donegal
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Tullaghobegley, County Donegal
Allen            Thomas             Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Alocran          William            Bunbeg                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Austin           Rep. John Jas.     Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Beaty            James              Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Beaty            Richard            Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Beirnes          Hugh               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Beirnes          John               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Bernie           James              Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Bonar            Hugh               Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Bonar            John               Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Bonar            Mary               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Bonar            Neal               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boner            Charles            Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boner            John               Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boner            Neal               Tor                                        Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boner            William            Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Bryan              Arduns                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Bryan              Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Bryan              Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Bryan              Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Bryan              Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Charles            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Charles            Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Condy              Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Connell            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Connell            Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Daniel             Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Daniel             Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Daniel             Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Daniel             Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Daniel             Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Denis              Bunbeg                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Denis              Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Denis              Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Dolty              Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Edward             Arduns                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Edward             Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Edward             Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Edward             Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Fanny              Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Fanny              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Fergal             Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Hugh               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Hugh               Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Hugh               Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Hugh               Stranabrooey                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Hugh               Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            James              Arduns                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            James              Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            James              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            James              Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            James              Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            James              Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            James              Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            John               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            John               Arduns                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            John               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            John               Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            John               Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            John               Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            John               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            John               Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            John               Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            John               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Manus              Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Manus              Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Michael            Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Michael            Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Owen               Arduns                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Owen               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Owen               Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Owen               Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Owen               Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Owen               Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Owen               Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Patrick            Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Patrick            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Patrick            Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Patrick            Strakeenagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Patrick            Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Patrick, Jr.       Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Patrick, Sr.       Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Peter              Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Peter              Strakeenagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Rose               Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            Timothy            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Boyle            William            Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brady            George F.          Dunfanaghy Road,Crossroads                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brien            John               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Andrew             Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Catherine          Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Daniel             Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Feregal            Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Hannah             Tullaghobegly (Scotch)                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Hugh               Tullaghobegly (Scotch)                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           James              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           James              Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Jn.                Tullaghobegly (Scotch)                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Jno.               Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Jno.               Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Jno.               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           John               Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           John               Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           John               Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           John               Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           John               Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           John               Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           John               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           John               Tullaghobegly (Scotch)                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Patrick            Dunfanaghy Road,Crossroads                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Patrick            Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Patrick            Tullaghobegly (Scotch)                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Philip             Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Brogan           Philip             Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Browne           Thomas             Falcarragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Browne           Thomas             Old Road To Letterkenny (W),Crossroads     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Butler           Robert             Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cafferty         Daniel             Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cafferty         Jack               Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cafferty         Philburth          Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Campbell         Andrew             Ballintemple                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Campbell         Andrew             Falcarragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Campbell         Edward             Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Campbell         James              Meencorwick                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Anne               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Daniel             Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Denis              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Denis              Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Francis            Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Hugh               Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Hugh               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           James              Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           James              Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           James              Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Jno.               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           John               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           John               Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           John               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Manus              Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Manus              Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Michael            Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Michael            Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Michael            Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cannon           Peter              Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Carolin          Mary               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Carolin          Michael            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Carroll          Andrew             Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Carroll          Andrew             Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Carroll          Bryan              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Caslin           Thomas             Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cassidy          Daniel             Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Cassidy          Patrick            Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coan             James, Sr.         Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Anthony            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Bridget            Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Catherine          Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Charles            Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Charles            Stramackilmartin                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Daniel             Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Daniel             Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Daniel             Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Daniel             Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Daniel             Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Daniel, Jr.        Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Daniel, Sr.        Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Denis              Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Dominick           Attatantee                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Dominick           Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Ellen              Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Francis            Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Grace              Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Hugh               Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Hugh               Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Hugh               Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Hugh               Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Hugh               Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Hugh               Stramackilmartin                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             James              Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             James              Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             James              Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             James, Jr.         Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             James, Sr.         Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Jn.                Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             John               Corveen                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             John               Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             John               Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             John               Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             John               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             John               Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             John               Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             John               Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             John               Strakeenagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Margery            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Mary               Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Maurice            Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Maurice            Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Maurice            Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Maurice, Jr.       Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Maurice, Sr.       Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Owen               Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Owen               Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Patrick            Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Patrick            Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Thomas             Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Thomas             Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Thomas             Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Thomas             Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Timothy            Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Toal               Bunbeg                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             Toal               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coll             William            Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Collum           Denis              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Collum           Edward             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Collum           Hugh               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Collum           Hugh               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Collum           James              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Collum           John               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Collum           Mary               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Collum           Patrick            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Colum            Edward             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connaghan        Denis              Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connell          Edward             Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connell          Edward             Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connell          Patrick            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connoghan        Cath.              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connoghan        Daniel             Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connoghan        Daniel             Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connoghan        Denis              Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connoghan        Hugh               Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connoghan        Hugh               Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connoghan        Hugh               Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connoghan        James              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connoghan        James              Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connoghan        John               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Connoghan        Patrick            Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Conoghan         Denis              Ballintemple                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Conoghan         Hannah             Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Conoghan         Hugh               No. 35, Illanenurrish                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Conoghan         James              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Conoghan         Margaret           Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Anne               Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Anne               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Bridget            Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Bridget            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Bryan              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Catherine          Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Charles            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Connell            Attatantee                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Connell            Stranabrooey                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Daniel             Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Daniel             Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Daniel             Stranabrooey                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Edward             Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Edward             Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Ellen              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Francis            Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Hugh               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            James              Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            James              Inishbeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            John               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            John               Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            John               Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            John               Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            John               Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            John               Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            John               Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            John, Sr.          Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Manus              Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Margery            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Michael            Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Michael            Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Michael            Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Michael, Jr.       Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Michael, Sr.       Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Owen               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Owen               Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Owen               Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Owen               Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Patrick            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Patrick            Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Patrick            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Patrick            Corveen                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Patrick            Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Patrick            Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Patrick            Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Patrick            Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Patrick            Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Shane              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Sophia             Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            Thomas             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            William            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            William            Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            William            Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Coyle            William            Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Bernard            Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Bernard            Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Bridget            Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Bridget            Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Bryan              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Bryan, Jr.         Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Bryan, Sr.         Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Caher              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Daniel             Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Daniel             Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Daniel             Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Darby              Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Darby              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Edmond             Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Edward             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Edward             Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Edward             Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Edward             Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Edward, Jr.        Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Francis            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Francis            Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Hugh               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Hugh               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           James              Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           James              Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           James              Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           James              Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           James              Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           James              Strakeenagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Jas.               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Jno.               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Jno.               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Jno.               Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           John               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           John               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           John               Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           John               Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           John               Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           John               Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           John               Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Manus              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Manus              Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Manus              Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Manus              Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Manus              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Manus              Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Manus, Jr.         Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Margaret           Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Margaret           Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Margaret           Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Michael            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Michael            Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Nabby              Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Owen               Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Owen               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Patrick            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Patrick            Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Patrick            Stranabrooey                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Rose               Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Curran           Rose               Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Currin           Bryan, Sr.         Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Currin           Edward             Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Currin           James              Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Currin           Patrick            Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Currin           Patrick            Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Currin           Phelim             Corveen                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Daniell          Isaac              Bunbeg                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Daniell          James              Bunbeg                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Davis            James              Bunbeg                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Deehan           Denis              Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Deehan           Hugh               Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Deehan           John               Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dever            Catherine          Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dever            Charles            Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dever            Edward             Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dever            Edward             Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dever            Edward, Jr.        Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dever            Edward, Sr.        Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dever            James              Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dever            John               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dever            Kate               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dever            Neal               Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dever            Patrick            Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dever            Simon              Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dever            Timothy            Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Charles            Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Denis              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Edward             Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Edward             Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Edward             No. 11, Umfin Island                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Edward             Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Grace              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Hugh               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Jack               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            James              Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            James              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            John               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Michael            Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Neal               Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Neal               No. 32, Illanundunmore                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Patrick            Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Patrick            Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Sally              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Simon              Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Thaddeus           Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Timothy            Attatantee                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Devir            Timothy            Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dinsmore         Michael            Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dohan            Margaret           Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Anne               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Arthur             Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Arthur             Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Bryan              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Charles            Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Charles            Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Charles            No. 32, Illanundunmore                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Daniel             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Daniel             Cronaguiggy                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Daniel             Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Dominick           Bunbeg                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Dominick           Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Giles              Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Giles              Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Hugh               Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          James              Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          John, Jr.          Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          John, Sr.          Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Manus              Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Michael            Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Neal               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Owen               Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Rev. John          Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Rev. John          Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          Sarah              Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          William            Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          William            Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doherty          William            No. 35, Illanenurrish                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dohin            Bryan              Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dohin            Francis            Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dohin            Hugh               Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dohin            James              Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Donnell          Charles            Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Donnell          Denis              Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Andrew             Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Bryan              Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Cecilia            Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Charles            Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Charles            Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Charles            Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Connell            Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Cormack            Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Cormack            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Denis              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Denis              Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Ed.                Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Edward             Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Edward             Moneymore                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Edward             Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Ellen              Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Fergal             Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Henry              Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Hugh               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Hugh               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Hugh               Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Hugh               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Hugh               Meenacung                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Hugh               Tor                                        Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Hugh               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Jack               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           James              Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           James              Meenacung                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Jno.               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Jno.               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John               Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John               Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John               Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John               Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John               Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John, Jr.          Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John, Jr.          Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John, Sr.          Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           John, Sr.          Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Manus              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Manus              Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Margery            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Mary               Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Mary               Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Michael            Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Michael            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Michael            Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Michael            Meenacung                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Michael            Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Ml.                Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Murty              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Neal               Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Neal               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Neal               Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Owen               Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Owen               Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Patrick            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Patrick            Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Patrick            Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Patrick            Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Peter              Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Peter              Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Philip             Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Philip             Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Thomas             Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           Thos.              Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doogan           William            Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohan           Edward             Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohan           Michael            Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohan           Sarah              Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Alexander          Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Andrew             Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Bryan              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Charles            Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Charles            Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Denis              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Edw.               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Ellen              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Francis            Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Grace              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Hugh               Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           James              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Jas.               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Jno.               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           John               Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           John               Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           John               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Margaret           Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Michael            Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Michael            Magheraroarty Mountain                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Owen               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Patk.              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Patrick            Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Ptk.               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Roger              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Sally              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Teague             Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Doohin           Wm.                Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duffy            Charles            Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duffy            John               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duffy            Michael, Jr.       Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duffy            Michael, Sr.       Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Bryan              Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Daniel             Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Denis              Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Denis              Ardsmore Mountain                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Edward             Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Edward             Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Edward             Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Edwd.              Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           James              Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           James              Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           John               Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           John, Sr.          Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Manus              Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Matthew            Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Nabby              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Patrick            Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Philip             Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Sophia             Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           William            Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           William, Jr.       Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Wm., Jr.           Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Duggan           Wm., Sr.           Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dunleavy         Robert             Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dunlevy          George             Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Dyer             George             Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Bryan              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Charles            Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Charles            Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Cornelius          Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Cornelius          Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Cornelius          Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Daniel             Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Daniel             Calhame                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Daniel             Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Daniel             Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Denis              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Dominick           Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Dominick           Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Dominick           Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Edward             Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Ellen              Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Gyles              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Hugh               Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Hugh               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Hugh               Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Hugh               Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Hugh               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Hugh               Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Hugh               Magheraroarty Mountain                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Hugh               Moneymore                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Hugh, Jr.          Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Hugh, Sr.          Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            James              Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            James              Arduns                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            James              Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            James              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            James              Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            James              Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            James              Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            James              Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            James              Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            James              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            James              Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            James              Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            John               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            John               Cronaguiggy                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            John               Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            John               Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            John               Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            John               Meencorwick                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            John               Moneymore                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            John               Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            John, Sr.          Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Manus              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Manus              Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Maurice            Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Maurice            Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Maurice            Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Maurice            Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Maurice            Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Michael            Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Michael            Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Michael            Cronaguiggy                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Michael            Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Michael            Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Michael            Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Michael            Stranabrooey                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Ml.                Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Myles              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Neal               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Neal               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Neal               Calhame                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Neal               Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Neal               Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Neal               Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Neal               Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Neal               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Neal, Jr.          Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Neal, Jr.          No. 3 Illanreagh,Islands                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Neal, Sr.          Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Neal, Sr.          No. 3 Illanreagh,Islands                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Owen               Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Owen               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Owen               Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Owen               Old Road To Letterkenny (E),Crossroads     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Owen, Jr.          Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Owen, Sr.          Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Parlan             Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Patk.              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Patrick            Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Patrick            Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Patrick            Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Patrick            Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Patrick            Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Patrick            Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Patrick            Moneymore                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Patrick            Old Road To Letterkenny (E),Crossroads     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Philip             Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Ptk.               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Roger              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            Thomas             Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ferry            William            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Firisky          James              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Firisky          Manus              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Firisky          Michael            Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freyle           Charles            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freyle           Dominick           Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freyle           James              Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freyle           James              Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freyle           Phelim             Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freyle           Phelim             No. 10, Tornacolfagh Island                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freyle           Phelim             No. 18, Allagh Island                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freyle           Phelim             No. 19, Go Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freyle           Phelimy            Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freyle           Unity              Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freylle          Edward             Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freylle          Margaret           Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freylle          Maurice            Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freylle          Patrick            Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freylle          Stephen            Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freylle          William            Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Freylle          Wm.                Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagehr        Charles            Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        ???                Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Alex               Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Alexander          Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Ally               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Anne               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Anne               Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Anne               Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Anthony            Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Anthony            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Anthony            Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Anthony            Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Anthony            Stranabrooey                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Bernard            Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Bridget            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Bridget            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Bryan              Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Bryan              Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Bryan              Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Bryan              Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Bryan              Moneymore                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Bryan              Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Catherine          Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Catherine          Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Catherine          Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Catherine          Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Cecilia            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Charles            Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Charles            Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Charles            Glentornan                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Charles            Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Charles            Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Charles            Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Charles            Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Charles            Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Charles            Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Charles            Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Charles            Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Charles            Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Charles            Strakeenagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Chas.              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Chas.              Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Connell            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Connell            Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Cormack            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Cornelius          Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Cornelius          Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Cornelius          Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Daniel             Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Daniel             Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Daniel             Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Daniel             Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Daniel             Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Daniel             Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Daniel             Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Daniel             No. 31, Loughlin Island                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Daniel             Strakeenagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Daniel             Stranabrooey                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Daniel             Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Daniel             Tor                                        Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Daniel             Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Danl.              Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Denis              Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Denis              Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Denis              Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Denis              Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Denis              Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Denis              Procklis                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Denis, Jr.         Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Denis, Sr.         Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Dolty              Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Dominick           Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Edward             Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Edward             Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Edward             Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Edward             Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Edward             Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Edward             Meenagoppoge                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Edward             Moneymore                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Edward, Sr.        Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Edward, Sr.        Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Ellen              Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Ellen              Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Ellen              Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Ellen              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Ellen              Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Fanny              Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Fanny              Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Feregal            Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Fergal             Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Fergal             Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Fergal             Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Francis            Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Francis            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Francis            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Grace              Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hannah             Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hannah             Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Honoria            Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Bunbeg                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Dunlewy Near                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Glentornan                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Sleeghan                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh               Stranabrooey                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh, Jr.          Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Hugh, Sr.          Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        James              Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        James              Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        James              Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        James              Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        James              Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        James              Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        James              Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        James              Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        James              Meenacung                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        James              Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        James              Procklis                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        James              Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Jas.               Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Jas.               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Jas., Jr.          Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Jas., Sr.          Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Jn.                Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Jn.                Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Jn.                Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Jno.               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Jno., Sr.          Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Jno., Sr.          Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Cronaguiggy                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Strakeenagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John, Jr.          Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John, Jr.          Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        John, Sr.          Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Joseph             Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Joseph, Jr.        Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Joseph, Sr.        Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Js.                Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Kate               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Letty              Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Madge              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Manus              Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Manus              Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Margaret           Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Margaret           Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Margery            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Margery            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Mary               Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Mary               Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Michael            Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Michael            Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Michael            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Michael            Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Michael            Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Michael            Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Michael            Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Michael            No. 22, Island                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Michl.             Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Ml.                Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Neal               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Neal               Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Owen               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Owen               Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Owen               Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Owen               Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Owen               Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Owen               Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Pat., Jr.          Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Pat., Sr.          Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Magheraroarty Mountain                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Tor                                        Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick            Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Patrick, Sr.       Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Phelim             Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Phelimy            No. 22, Island                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Philip             Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Philip, Jr.        Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Philip, Sr.        Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Roger              Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Roger              Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Rose               Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Sarah              Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Shane              Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Shoney             Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Simon              Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Susan              Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Susan              Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Susan              Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Susan              Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Susan              Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Thomas             Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Timothy            Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Timothy            Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Timothy            Meenagoppoge                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Timothy            Old Road To Letterkenny (E),Crossroads     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Timothy            Strakeenagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Timothy            Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        William            Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        William            Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        William            Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        William            Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gallagher        Winifred           Ballintemple                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gillepsie        Daniel             Stranabrooey                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gillespie        Charles            Meencorwick                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gillespie        Daniel, Jr.        Stranabrooey                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Gillespie        Daniel, Sr.        Stranabrooey                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Green            Daniel             Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Greene           Charles            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Greene           Condy              Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Greene           Daniel             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Greene           Daniel             Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Greene           Daniel             Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Greene           Edward             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Greene           Francis            Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Greene           Jerret             Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Greene           Michael            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Greene           Michael            Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Greene           Thomas             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hanlon           Daniel             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harken           Andrew             Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harken           Daniel             Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harken           John               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harken           John               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Bryan              Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Bryan, Jr.         Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Bryan, Sr.         Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Charles            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Charles            Stramackilmartin                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Daniel             Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Ellen              Calhame                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Fanny              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           James              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           James              Corveen                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           James              Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           James              Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           James              Stramackilmartin                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Jas.               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Jas.               Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           John               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           John               Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Margaret           Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Margaret           Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Maurice            Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Michael            Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Myles              Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Patrick            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Patrick            Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harkin           Patrick, Jr.       Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harley           Bryan              Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Harley           John               Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hay              Robert             Glebe                                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Heraghty         John               Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Bryan              Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Edw.               Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Edward             Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          James              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          James              Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          James              Glebe                                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          James              Ranaghmore Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          James              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          John               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Mary               Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Mary               Calhame                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Michael            Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Michael            Magheraroarty Mountain                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Neal               Glebe                                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Neal               Ranaghmore Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Neal               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Owen               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Owen               Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Patk.              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Patrick            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Herarty          Patrick            Corveen                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Heverty          John               Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Heverty          Patrick            Ballintemple                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Arduns                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Bunbeg                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Corveen                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Glentornan                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Meenacung                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Strakeenagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hill             Lord George A.     Tor                                        Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Hunter           Neal               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Irwin            John               Falcarragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Johnston         Angel              Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Johnston         Robert             Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Kelly            Daniel             Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Kelly            Edward             Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Kelly            Edward             Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Kelly            Margaret           Ballintemple                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Kelly            Sarah              Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Kennedy          Charles            Old Road To Letterkenny (E),Crossroads     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Kennedy          John               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Keon             Daniel             Bunbeg                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Lackey           Robert             Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Leitrim          ???                Moneymore                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Lenehan          Hannah             Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Linsky           Rev. James         Dunlewy Far                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Magee            Connell            Cronaguiggy                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Magee            John, Jr.          Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Magee            John, Sr.          Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Magee            Patrick            Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mahon            Archibald          Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mahon            George             Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Martin           Daniel             Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Martin           James              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Martin           James              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Martin           John               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Martin           John               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Martin           Shane              Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mason            John               Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Bridget            Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Bridget, Jr.       Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Bridget, Sr.       Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Bryan              Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Charles            Arduns                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Charles            Islands Nos. 25, 26 & 27                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Charles            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Chas.              Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Columb             Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Cornelius          Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Daniel             Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Daniel             Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Denis              Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Dominick           Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Edward             No. 36, Illannagark                        Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Grace              Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Hannah             Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Hugh               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Hugh               Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Hugh               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         James              Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         James              Inishdooey                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         James              Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         James              Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         James              Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         James              Stramackilmartin                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         James, Jr.         Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         James, Jr.         Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         James, Sr.         Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         James, Sr.         No. 20, Bo Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Jas.               Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Jas., Jr.          Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Jn.                Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         John               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         John               Old Road To Letterkenny (E),Crossroads     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Manus              Inishdooey                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Manus              Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Margaret           Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Margaret           Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Margery            Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Margt.             Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Mary               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Michael            Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Michael            Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Neal               Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Neal               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Owen               Inishdooey                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Owen               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Owen               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Owen               Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Patrick            Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Thomas             Attatantee                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Thomas             Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Thomas             Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Thos., Jr.         Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Thos., Sr.         Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Bride         Timothy            Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferky      Jno.               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferky      Patrick            Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferky      Patrick            Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      Bridget            Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      Bryan              Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      Edward             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      James              Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      James              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      Jn.                Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      Jn., Jr.           Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      John               Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      John               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      Mary               Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      Owen               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      Patrick            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      Patrick            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      Patrick            Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      Patrick            Sheskinbeg                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cafferty      Shane, Sr.         Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cain          John               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Callioge      Eleanor            Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Carroll       Margaret           Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Carroll       Mary               Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Carry         Michael            Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Carry         Patrick            Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Caul          Alexander          Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Caul          Anne               Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cauley        Charles            Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cauly         Condy              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cauly         Hugh               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Causland      Thomas             Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cawley        Thomas             Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cem           Alexander          Calhame                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cem           Daniel             Calhame                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cew           Charles            Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Clafferky     Patrick            Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Clafferty     Bryan              Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Clafferty     Bryan              Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Clafferty     John               Ballintemple                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Clafferty     John               Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Clafferty     Manus              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Clafferty     Patrick            Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Clafferty     Patrick            Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Clafferty     Sarah              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Clean         Jack               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Clean         Michael            Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Clintock      John               Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Coal          Alexander          Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Coal          Bernard, Jr.       Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Coal          Bryan              Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Coal          Catherine          Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Coal          Charles            Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Coal          Hugh               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Coal          James              Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Coll          Ellen              Cronaguiggy                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Coll          Patrick            Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Collum        Dominick           Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Connell       James              Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Connell       John               Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Connell       Margery            Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Connell       Mary               Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cool          Daniel             Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cool          John               Meenacung                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cool          Sophia             Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Coole         James              Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Coy           Patrick            Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Cullagh       Margaret           Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Donnell       Alex.              Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Donnell       Dominick           Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ellay         John               Magheraroarty Mountain                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ellay         Michael            Magheraroarty Mountain                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ellay         Neal               Meenacung                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elroy         Arabella           Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elroy         Bryan              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elroy         Edward             Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elroy         Edward, Jr.        Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elroy         Edward, Sr.        Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elroy         Hugh               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elroy         Hugh               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elroy         John               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elroy         Manus              Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elroy         Owen               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elroy         Patrick            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elroy         Patrick            Dunfanaghy Road,Crossroads                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elroy         William            Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elwain        Cornelius          Cronaguiggy                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elwain        James              Cronaguiggy                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elwain        James              Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elwain        James              Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elwain        Neal               Cronaguiggy                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Elwain        Patrick            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Anne               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Catherine          Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Charles            Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Charles            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Connell, Sr.       Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Denis              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Edward             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Edward             Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Edward             Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Edward             Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Edward             Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Frank              Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Grace              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Hugh               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Hugh               Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Hugh               Glentornan                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Hugh, Jr.          Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Hugh, Sr.          Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        James              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        James              Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        James              Corveen                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        James              Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        James              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        James              Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        James              Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Jn.                Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Jn.                Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Jno.               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Jno.               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        John               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        John               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        John               Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        John               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Manus              Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Manus              Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Michael            Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Michael            Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Michael            Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Michael            Magheraroarty Mountain                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Owen               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Owen               Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Owen               Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Patrick            Ballintemple                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Patrick            Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Patrick            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Patrick            Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Patrick            Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Patrick            Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Patrick            Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Patrick            Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Patrick            Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Sophia             Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Teague             Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Timothy            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Timothy            Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Timothy            Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Fadden        Unity              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ganly         Michael            Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Bryan              Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Bryan              Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Cormack            Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Dominick           Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Dominick           Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Edward             Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Frank              Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Hugh               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Hugh               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Hugh               Corveen                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Hugh               Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Hugh               Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Hugh               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        James              Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Jn.                Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        John               Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        John               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Owen               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Owen               Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Owen               Strakeenagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Owen               Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Patk., Jr.         Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Patk., Sr.         Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Patrick            Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Patrick            Stranabrooey                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        Peter              Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Garvey        William            Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         Andrew             Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         Denis              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         Hugh               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         James              Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         James              Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         Jn.                Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         Jno.               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         John               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         John               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         John               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         Margaret           Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         Michael            Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         Michael            Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         Patrick            Glentornan                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geady         Timothy            Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Bryan              Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Bryan              Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Bryan              Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Bryan              Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Bryan              Strakeenagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Catherine          Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Charles            Arduns                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Charles            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Charles            Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Charles            Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Connell            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Connell            Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Connell            Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Connell            Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Cormack            Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Daniel             Calhame                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Daniel             Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Daniel             Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Daniel             Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Daniel, Jr.        Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Daniel, Sr.        Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Denis              Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Denis              Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Denis              Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Dominick           Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Feregal            Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Fergal             Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Hugh               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Hugh               Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Hugh               Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           James              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           James              Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           John               Calhame                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           John               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           John               Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           John               Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           John               Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           John               Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           John               Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           John               Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           John               Strakeenagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           John               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Margery            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Margery            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Mary               Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Mary               Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Mary               Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Michael            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Michael            Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Ml.                Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Owen               Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Patk.              Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Patrick            Calhame                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Patrick            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Patrick            Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Patrick            Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Patrick            Stranabrooey                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Patrick            Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Pk.                Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Roger              Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Thomas             Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Thomas             Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Thomas             Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Thomas             Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           Thomas             Stramackilmartin                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           William            Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gee           William            Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geedy         John               Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geedy         John               Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geedy         John               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geedy         Patrick            Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geegy         Edward             Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geever        Charles            Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geever        Charles            Magheraroarty Mountain                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geever        James              Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geever        John               Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Geever        Thomas             Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Bryan              Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Catherine          Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Catherine          Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Charles            Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Charles            No. 3 Illanreagh,Islands                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Connell            Meenacung                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Cormack            Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Cornelius          Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Daniel             Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Daniel             Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Daniel             Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Denis              Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Denis              Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Denis              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Derby              Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Edward             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Edward             Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Edward             Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Ellen              Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Ellen              Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Ellen              Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Hugh               Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Hugh               Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        James              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        James              Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        James              Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        James              Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        James              Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        James              Moneymore                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        James              Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Jas.               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Jeremiah           Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Jn.                Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        John               Arduns                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        John               Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        John               Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        John               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        John               Dunfanaghy Road,Crossroads                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        John               Falcarragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        John               Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        John               Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        John               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        John               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        John               Old Road To Letterkenny (W),Crossroads     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        John, Jr.          Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Js.                Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Judith             Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Manus              Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Margaret           Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Margery            Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Mich.              Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Michael            Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Michael            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Michael            Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Michael            Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Michael            Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Nabby              Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Neal               Arduns                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Neal               Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Noher              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Patrick            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Patrick            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Patrick            Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Patrick            Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Patrick            Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Patrick            No. 10, Tornacolfagh Island                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Patrick            No. 17, Torglass Island                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Patrick            No. 18, Allagh Island                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Patrick            No. 19, Go Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Sophia             Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Teige, Jr.         Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Teige, Sr.         Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Timothy            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Timothy            Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Timothy            Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Timothy            Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ginley        Unity              Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Glynn         John               Falcarragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gowan         Andrew             Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gowan         Denis              Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gowan         Fanny              Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gowan         James              Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gowan         John               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gowan         John               Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gowan         Mary               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Grafferty     John               Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gready        Patrick            Glentornan                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gunnigle      William            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Gunnigle      Wm.                Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Anne               Moneymore                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Bryan              Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Catherine          Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Charles            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Charles            Corveen                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Charles            Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Cormack            Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Daniel             Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Edward             Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          James              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          James              Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          James              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          James              Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Jas.               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Jas.               Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          John               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          John               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          John               Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          John               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          John               Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Margaret           Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Maurice            Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Michael            Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Michael            Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Neal               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Neal               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Neal               Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Noher              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Owen               Procklis                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Patrick            Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Patrick            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Philip             Ballintemple                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Rose               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Sarah              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Hugh          Susan              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ilwain        James              Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ilwain        James              Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ilwaine       Teigue             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Keever        Charles            Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Lane          William            Bunbeg                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Monagle       Michael            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Monigle       James              Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Monigle       John               Calhame                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Monigle       John               Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         Andrew             Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         Anne               Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         Bryan              Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         Bryan              Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         Edward             Tullaghobegly (Scotch)                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         James              Craigtown                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         James              Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         James              Tullaghobegly (Scotch)                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         Jn.                Tullaghobegly (Scotch)                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         John               Tullaghobegly (Scotch)                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         Manus              Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         Margaret           Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         Mary               Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         Owen               Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         Owen               Tullaghobegly (Scotch)                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         Patrick            Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Nulty         Patrick            Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Paul          Daniel             Cronaguiggy                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Paul          Margery            Meencorwick                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Roary         Daniel             Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Roary         Honoria            Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Spane         Thomas             Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Sweeny        Hugh               Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Sweeny        Hugh               Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Sweeny        Jack, Sr.          Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Sweeny        Jm.                Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Sweeny        John, Jr.          Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Sweeny        Neal               Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Swine         Margaret           Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Swyne         Neal               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ward          Cornelius          Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ward          Daniel             Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ward          Michael            Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mc Ward          Owen               Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Meddel           John               Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Meenan           Ellen              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Meenan           Michael            Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Middle           Hugh               Bellina                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Miliken          John               Dunfanaghy Road,Crossroads                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Milikin          John               Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Minnion          Catherine          Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Minnion          John               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Minnion          Thomas             Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mooney           Edward             Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mooney           Michael            Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mooney           Neal               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulhearne        Patrick            Moneymore                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulherin         Daniel             Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulherin         Edward             Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulherin         James              Magheraroarty Mountain                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulherin         John               Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulherin         John               Tullaghobegly (Scotch)                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulhern          Edward             Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulhern          Hugh               Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulhern          John               Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulherrin        Bryan              Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulherrin        Ellen              Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulherrin        James              Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulherrin        John               Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulherrin        Michael            Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulherrin        Patrick            Gortahork                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         Daniel             Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         Ellen              Meenacung                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         John               Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         John               Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         John               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         John               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         John               Tor                                        Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         Margaret           Tor                                        Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         Mary               Stramackilmartin                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         Owen               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         Patrick            Lunniagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         Patrick            Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         Susan              Stramackilmartin                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         Thomas             Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         Thomas             Stramackilmartin                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulligan         Thomas             Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Mulvaney         James              Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Newcomen         Robert             Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Nixon            Rev. Alex.         Tullaghobegly (Irish)                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Nixon            Rev. Alexander     Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Nixon            Rev. Alexander     Glashagh                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Nixon            Rev. Alexander     Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Charles            Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Daniel             Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Daniel             Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Daniel             Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Denis              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Denis              Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Ed.                Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Edw.               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Edward             Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Harry              Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Henry              Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Henry              Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Honoria            Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          James              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          James              Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          John               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          John               Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          John               Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          John               Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Mary               Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Michael            Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Patrick            Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Roger              Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Brien          Susan              Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Anthony            Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Anthony            Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Arthur             Corveen                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Arthur             Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Arthur             Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Arthur             Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Arthur             Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Bridget            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Catherine          Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Cecilia            Stranacorcragh                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Cecily             Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Charles            Dunlewy Near                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Charles            Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Charles            Procklis                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Connel             Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Connell            Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Constantine        Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Cornelius          Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Daniel             Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Daniel             Ardsmore Mountain                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Daniel             Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Daniel             Corveen                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Daniel             Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Daniel             Dunlewy Near                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Daniel             Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Daniel             Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Daniel             Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Denis              Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Dolty              Ardsmore                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Donald             Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Fergal             Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Fergal             Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Francis            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Francis, Jr.       Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Francis, Sr.       Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Frank              Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Frank              No. 24, Illancarragh or Glass Island       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Grace              Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Hugh               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Hugh               Corveen                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Hugh               Cronaguiggy                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Hugh               Dunlewy Near                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Hugh               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Hugh               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Hugh               Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Hugh               Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Hugh               Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Hugh               Procklis                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Hugh, Jr.          Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Hugh, Sr.          Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        James              Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Jno.               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        John               Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        John               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        John               Dunlewy Near                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        John               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        John               Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        John               Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        John               Strakeenagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Kate               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Manus              Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Manus              Corveen                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Manus              Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Manus              Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Margaret           Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Mary               Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Mary               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Michael            Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Michael            Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Michael            Derrybeg                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Michael            Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Michael            Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Michael            Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Michael            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Michael            Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Michl.             Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Ml.                Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Neal               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Neal               Dunlewy Near                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Neal               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Neal, Jr.          Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Neal, Jr.          Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Neal, Sr.          Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Neal, Sr.          Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Neill              Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Owen               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Patk.              Dunlewy Near                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Patrick            Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Patrick            Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Patrick            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Patrick            Dunlewy Near                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Patrick            Glentornan                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Patrick            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Patrick            Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Donnell        Rep. Manus         Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Neill          George             Inishbofin                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
O'Neill Cox      Rev. Sam.          Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Olphert          William            Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Olphert          Wybrants           Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Olphert          Wybrants           Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Olphert          Wybrants           Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Olphert          Wybrants           Derryconor                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Olphert          Wybrants           Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Olphert          Wybrants           Glasserchoo                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Olphert          Wybrants           Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Olphert          Wybrants           Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Olphert          Wybrants           Meenlaragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Orr              David              Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Peoples          Connell            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Peoples          Mary               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Peoples          Robert             Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Peoples          William            Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Perkins          John               Falcarragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Preston          John               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Riorty           Daniel             Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Bridget            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Bryan              Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Charles            Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Charles            Meencorwick                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Charles            Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Columb             Meencorwick                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Columb             Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Dominick           Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Hugh               Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Hugh               Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Hugh               Meenagoppoge                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Hugh               Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           James              Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           James              Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           James              Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           John               Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           John               Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           John               Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           John               Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           John               Meencorwick                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Manus              Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Mary               Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Roarty           Neal               Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Robinson         Thomas             Ballintemple                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Robinson         Thomas             Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Robinson         Thomas             Dunfanaghy Road,Crossroads                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Robinson         Thomas             Falcarragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Robinson         Thomas             Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Robinson         Thomas             Old Road To Letterkenny (E),Crossroads     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Robinson         William            Ballyness                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Robinson         William            Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Anthony            Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Anthony            Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Anthy.             Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Charles            Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Daniel             Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Edward             Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Francis            Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Grace              Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           James              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Mackin, Sr.        Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Maggy              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Patrick            Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Patrick, Jr.       Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Patrick, Sr.       Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Peter              Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           Philimy            Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rogers           William            Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Russell          Jane               Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Russell          Jane               Dunlewy Far                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Russell          Jane               Dunlewy Near                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Russell          Jane               Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Rutherford       James              Glebe                                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sharkey          Bryan              Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sharkey          Denis              Meencorwick                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sharkey          Edward             Bunbeg                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sharkey          Fergal             Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sharkey          James              Moneymore                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sharkey          James              Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sharkey          Jas.               Sruhanreagh                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sharkey          John               Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sharkey          John               Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sharkey          Margaret           Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sharkey          Patrick            Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sharkey          Patrick            Meenderrygamph                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sharkey          Phelim             Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sheil            Catherine          Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sheil            Edward             Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sheil            John               Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sheils           Edward             Beltany Lower                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sheridan         William            Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sinnott          John               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Size             James              Dunlewy Near                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Smullen          James              Falcarragh                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Stewart          James              Magheraroarty                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Stewart          Rev. Alex.         Glebe                                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Stewart          Rev. Chas. F.      Ballintemple                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Stewart          Rev. Chas. F.      Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Stewart          Rev. Chas. F.      Dunfanaghy Road,Crossroads                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Stewart          Rev. Chas. F.      Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Stewart          Rev. Chas. F.      Old Road To Letterkenny (E),Crossroads     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Stewart          Rev. Chas. F.      Old Road To Letterkenny (W),Crossroads     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Stewart          Rev. Chas. F.      Tullaghobegly (Scotch)                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Anthony            Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Bridget            Money Beg                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Catherine          Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Daniel             Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Daniel             Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Denis              Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Denis              Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Dominick           Ardnagappary                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Dominick           Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Dominick           Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Dominick           Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Edward             Cashelnagor                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Edward             Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Hugh               Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Hugh               Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Hugh, Jr.          Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          James              Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          James              Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          James              Meencorwick                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          James              Tor                                        Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          James, Sr.         Crolly                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          John               Beltany Mountain                           Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          John               Beltany Upper                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          John               Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Manus              Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Margery            Meenaduff                                  Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeney          Neal               Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Catherine          Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Charles            Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Cornelius          Clonbara                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Daniel             Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Daniel             Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Daniel             Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Denis              Inishinny (Island)                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Denis              Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Dominick           Magheragallan                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Edward             Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Hugh               Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Hugh               Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Hugh, Jr.          Ballyness Mountain                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           James              Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           James              Dore                                       Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           James              Gola (Island)                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Jno.               Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           John               Ardsbeg                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           John               Fawnaboy                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Manus              Ballynacraig                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Margaret           Knockfolla                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Margaret           Magheraclogher                             Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Michael            Meenanillar                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Neal               Inishmeane Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Owen               Keeldrum, Upper                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Patrick            Carrick                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Patrick            Glebe                                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Patrick            Inishsirrer Island                         Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Sweeny           Patrick            Ranaghmore Island                          Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Tobin            John               Knockastoller                              Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ward             George             Brinlack                                   Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ward             Michael            Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ward             Robert             Cashel                                     Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Ward             William            Keeldrum, Lower                            Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Weire            George             Calhame                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Whiriskey        Daniel             Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Whiriskey        John               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Whiriskey        Owen               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Whiriskey        Patrick            Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Whiriskey        Ptk.               Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Whiriskey        Roger              Tory Island                                Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Whorisky         Edward             Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Wilkinson        Richard            Glebe                                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Wilkinson        William            Killult                                    Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Williamson       John               Dunlewy Near                               Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Woodhouse        John O.            Meenaclady                                 Tullaghobegley     Donegal
Wright           Joseph             Altan                                      Tullaghobegley     Donegal