Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newcastle, County Dublin
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newcastle, County Dublin
Alcock          William            Banshee                     Newcastle     Dublin
Andrews         James              Colganstown                 Newcastle     Dublin
Andrews         James              Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Anthony         John               Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Becker          John               Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Beckers         John               Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Bell            John               Lyons Newcastle Demense     Newcastle     Dublin
Blaygrave       Anthony            Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Boland          Connor             Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Brien           Michael            Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Brien           Peter              Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Brophy          Denis              Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Brophy          Denis              Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Browne          John               Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Browne          Willliam           Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Bryan           James              Athgoe, North               Newcastle     Dublin
Bryan           James              Skeagh                      Newcastle     Dublin
Burke           Peter              Lyons Newcastle Demense     Newcastle     Dublin
Byrne           Catherine          Steelstown                  Newcastle     Dublin
Byrne           Hugh               Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Byrne           James              Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Byrne           Martin             Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Byrne           Matthew            Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Byrne           Morgan             Colmanstown                 Newcastle     Dublin
Byrne           Morgan             Windmillhill                Newcastle     Dublin
Byrne           Rose               Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Byrne           Thomas             Bustyhill                   Newcastle     Dublin
Byrne           Thomas             Colmanstown                 Newcastle     Dublin
Cantwell        Patrick            Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Cantwell        Peter              Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Cantwell        Peter              Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Carmichael      Edward             Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Carroll         James              Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Carroll         Michael            Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Christian       Thomas             Bustyhill                   Newcastle     Dublin
Colclongh       Bernard            Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Colclough       Bernard            Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Colelough       Bernard            Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Colgan          John               Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Collins         John               Colmanstown                 Newcastle     Dublin
Connolly        Mary               Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Connolly        Owen               Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Connolly        Owen               Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Connor          Charles            Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Connor          Michael            Keeloges                    Newcastle     Dublin
Coogan          Mr. ???            Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Coonan          John               Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Corgan          Catherine          Athgoe, North               Newcastle     Dublin
Corrigan        John               Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Coyne           William            Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Cromer          William            Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Cullen          Lawrence           Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Cullen          Patrick            Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Cullen          Patrick            Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Cullen          Thomas             Athgoe, North               Newcastle     Dublin
Daly            George             Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Delaney         Denis              Windmillhill                Newcastle     Dublin
Devitt          Christopher        Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Devitt          James              Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Devitt          James              Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Devitt          John               Colganstown                 Newcastle     Dublin
Devitt          John               Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Dolan           Terence            Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Donohoe         Rose               Bustyhill                   Newcastle     Dublin
Doolan          Michael            Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Doran           Thomas             Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Doran           Thomas             Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Dowling         Edward             Commons, Little             Newcastle     Dublin
Doyle           James              Athgoe                      Newcastle     Dublin
Doyle           James              Athgoe, North               Newcastle     Dublin
Doyle           Thomas             Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Duffy           Christopher        Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Dunbar          Thomas             Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Dunne           Alice              Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Dunne           James              Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Dunne           Rev. John          Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Dwyer           Coona              Colmanstown                 Newcastle     Dublin
Dwyer           Thomas             Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Dwyer           Thomas             Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Ennis           Bartholomew        Windmillhill                Newcastle     Dublin
Ennis           Peter              Commons, Little             Newcastle     Dublin
Farrell         William            Colmanstown                 Newcastle     Dublin
Farrell         William            Windmillhill                Newcastle     Dublin
Fitzgerald      John               Banshee                     Newcastle     Dublin
Flanagan        Thomas             Lyons Newcastle Demense     Newcastle     Dublin
Flynn           Thomas             Ringwood                    Newcastle     Dublin
Forde           Patrick            Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Gallagher       Patrick            Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Gallagher       Patrick            Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Gavan           Peter              Windmillhill                Newcastle     Dublin
Gavin           William            Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Gibney          John               Athgoe, North               Newcastle     Dublin
Glynn           John               Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Glynn           Nicholas           Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Glynn           Nicholas           Keeloges                    Newcastle     Dublin
Glynn           Nicholas           Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Glynn           Owen               Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Granard         William            Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Graydon         Alex., Esq.        Athgoe, North               Newcastle     Dublin
Graydon         Alex., Esq.        Banshee                     Newcastle     Dublin
Graydon         Alex., Esq.        Highdownhill                Newcastle     Dublin
Graydon         Alex., Esq.        Hynestown                   Newcastle     Dublin
Graydon         Alex., Esq.        Lyons Newcastle Demense     Newcastle     Dublin
Graydon         Alex., Esq.        Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Graydon         Alex., Esq.        Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Graydon         Alexander          Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Hanlon          John               Colganstown                 Newcastle     Dublin
Hannan          Andrew             Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Hannan          Bernard            Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Harvey          James              Bustyhill                   Newcastle     Dublin
Harvey          James              Colmanstown                 Newcastle     Dublin
Harvey          James              Steelstown                  Newcastle     Dublin
Hay             George             Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Healy           John               Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Healy           Patrick            Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Hickey          Matthew            Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Hickey          Maurice            Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Holmes          John               Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Howard          Thomas             Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Hoy             John               Athgoe, North               Newcastle     Dublin
Hoy             John               Athgoe, South               Newcastle     Dublin
Hoy             John               Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Johnston        Edward             Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Jordan          Thomas             Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Jordan          Thomas             Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Kane            Patrick            Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Keely           Richard            Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Keely           Richard            Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Kelly           Anne               Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Kelly           Elizabeth          Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Kelly           Elizabeth          Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Kelly           James              Windmillhill                Newcastle     Dublin
Kelly           John               Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Kelly           John               Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Kelly           Patrick            Lyons Newcastle Demense     Newcastle     Dublin
Kelly           Patrick            Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Kelly           Thomas             Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Kennedy         Mrs. Bridget       Hynestown                   Newcastle     Dublin
Kennedy         Mrs. Bridget       Peamount                    Newcastle     Dublin
Laffan          James              Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Langrishe       Rev. James         Glebe                       Newcastle     Dublin
Langrishe       Rev. James         Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Langrishe       Rev. James         Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Lawless         Hon. Edward        Lyons                       Newcastle     Dublin
Lawless         Hon. Edward        Skeagh                      Newcastle     Dublin
Lawless         William            Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Lawlor          Patrick            Highdownhill                Newcastle     Dublin
Lawlor          Thomas             Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Lynam           Patrick            Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Mack            Mary               Lyons                       Newcastle     Dublin
Madden          Jane               Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Madden          Jane               Keeloges                    Newcastle     Dublin
Madden          Jane               Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Madden          Thomas             Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Madden          Thomas             Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Maguire         Patrick            Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Malone          Mary               Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Mangan          Patrick            Keeloges                    Newcastle     Dublin
Martin          John               Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Martin          John               Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Martin          Thomas             Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Martin          Thomas             Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Masterson       Joseph             Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Bride        Lawrence           Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Cormick      Elizabeth          Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Dermott      Henry              Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Donnell      Alexander          Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Donnell      Charles            Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Donnell      Matthew            Castlewarden                Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Donnell      Myles              Athgoe, South               Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Donnell      Myles              Bustyhill                   Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Donnell      Myles              Castlewarden                Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Loughlin     William            Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Nally        John               Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Nally        John               Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Nally        Michael            Hynestown                   Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Nally        Richard            Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Nally        Simon              Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Nally        Simon              Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Nally        Thomas             Commons, Little             Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Nally        Thomas             Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Nally        Thomas, Jr.        Athgoe, North               Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Nally        Thomas, Sr.        Athgoe, North               Newcastle     Dublin
Mc Namara       James              Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Missett         Lawerence          Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Monaghan        Matthew            Steelstown                  Newcastle     Dublin
Monk Gibbon     Wm.                Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Monk Gibbon     Wm., Esq.          Ringwood                    Newcastle     Dublin
Mooney          Patrick            Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Moore           Joseph             Highdownhill                Newcastle     Dublin
Moore           Joseph             Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Moore           Joseph             Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Moran           Catherine          Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Moran           James              Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Moran           Mary               Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Mullally        Rose               Colmanstown                 Newcastle     Dublin
Mullins         Patrick            Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Murphy          ???                Colmanstown                 Newcastle     Dublin
Murphy          John               Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Murray          Edward             Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Neary           Ester              Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Nevin           David              Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Nolan           John               Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
O'Dea           Richard            Bustyhill                   Newcastle     Dublin
O'Hara          Matthew            Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
O'Neill         Henry              Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Owens           George             Windmillhill                Newcastle     Dublin
Prendergast     John               Bustyhill                   Newcastle     Dublin
Price           John               Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Price           John               Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Proctor         Patrick            Bustyhill                   Newcastle     Dublin
Regan           Timothy            Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Reilly          John               Commons, Little             Newcastle     Dublin
Reilly          John               Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Reilly          Patrick            Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Rochfort        Patrick            Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Roe             Lawerence          Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Roe             Nicholas           Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Rourke          Peter, Esq.        Commons, Little             Newcastle     Dublin
Rourke          Peter, Esq.        Keeloges                    Newcastle     Dublin
Rourke          Peter, Esq.        Peamount                    Newcastle     Dublin
Russell         Bartholomew        Keeloges                    Newcastle     Dublin
Ryan            William            Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Saunders        Margaret           Hazelhatch                  Newcastle     Dublin
Scully          Patrick            Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Sheridan        Edward             Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Simmons         James              Keeloges                    Newcastle     Dublin
Simmons         Thomas             Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Size            James              Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Size            Mary               Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Skelton         Robert             Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Skerrett        Peter R., Esq.     Athgoe                      Newcastle     Dublin
Smyth           Thomas             Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin
Somers          Patrick            Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Somers          Thomas             Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Troy            Rose               Commons, Little             Newcastle     Dublin
Trunk           Catherine          Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Trunk           Henry              Cornerpark                  Newcastle     Dublin
Trunk           Richard            Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Tyndall         David              Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Vicars          Daniel             Bustyhill                   Newcastle     Dublin
Vicars          Daniel             Steelstown                  Newcastle     Dublin
Waldron         James              Keeloges                    Newcastle     Dublin
Walsh           Andrew             Steelstown                  Newcastle     Dublin
Walsh           Edward             Bustyhill                   Newcastle     Dublin
Walsh           Edward             Steelstown                  Newcastle     Dublin
Walsh           Michael            Newcastle Sth.              Newcastle     Dublin
Woodburn        John               Commons                     Newcastle     Dublin
Woodburn        John               Newcastle Farm              Newcastle     Dublin
Woodburne       John               Newcastle Nth               Newcastle     Dublin