Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathcoole, County Dublin
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathcoole, County Dublin
Arabin          John, Esq.          Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Archbold        Thomas              Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Archbold        Thomas              Greenoge                Rathcoole     Dublin
Armstrong       Samuel              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Baston          Richard             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Behan           Hugh                Greenoge                Rathcoole     Dublin
Bermingham      Elizabeth           Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Bermingham      James               Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Bermingham      James               Greenoge                Rathcoole     Dublin
Bermingham      Lawrence            Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Bermingham      Matthew             Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Bermingham      William             Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Boulger         Patrick             Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Boulger         Patrick             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Boulger         Patrick             Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Bourne          William             Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Bourne          William H.          Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Brady           Daniel              Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Brady           Hugh                Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Brady           James               Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Brady           John                Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Brady           John                Slademore               Rathcoole     Dublin
Brady           John                Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Brady           Patrick             Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Brady           Thomas              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Brady           William             Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Branagan        John                Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Broe            Bridget             Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Bryan           Christopher         Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Byran           Christopher         Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Byrne           James               Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Byrne           Patrick             Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Byrne           Thomas              Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Byrne           Thomas              Greenoge                Rathcoole     Dublin
Byrne           Thomas              Keating's Park          Rathcoole     Dublin
Byrne           Thomas              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Byrne           Thomas              Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Byrne           Thomas              Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Carre           Thomas              Ballynakelly            Rathcoole     Dublin
Carroll         Mary                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Carroll         Patrick             Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Carty           Edward              Keating's Park          Rathcoole     Dublin
Carty           Edward              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Carty           Edward              Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Church          ???                 Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Clarke          Patrick             Calliaghstown Upper     Rathcoole     Dublin
Cleary          Thomas              Calliaghstown Upper     Rathcoole     Dublin
Coffey          Lawrence            Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Coffey          Lawrence            Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Coghlan         Francis             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Connell         John                Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Connolly        John                Keating's Park          Rathcoole     Dublin
Connolly        Matthew             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Connolly        Thomas              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Connor          Dominick            Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Connor          J.                  Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Connor          John                Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Connor          John                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Connor          John                Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Connor          Myles               Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Connor          Thomas              Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Conway          Anne                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Coogan          Thomas              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Coyne           Henry               Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Coyne           Patrick             Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Croak           Michael             Calliaghstown Upper     Rathcoole     Dublin
Cullen          John                Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Cullen          John                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Cullen          Matthew             Keating's Park          Rathcoole     Dublin
Cullen          Matthew             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Cullen          Matthew             Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Curran          John                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dallon          Thomas              Badger Hill             Rathcoole     Dublin
Dallon          Thomas              Calliaghstown Lower     Rathcoole     Dublin
Daly            John                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Daly            Patrick             Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Delaney         Denis               Carrigeen               Rathcoole     Dublin
Devitt          Andrew              Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Devitt          Andrew              Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Dillon          Daniel              Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Dillon          Daniel              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dillon          James               Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dillon          Maurice             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dillon          Michael             Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Dillon          Michael             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dillon          Patrick             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dillon          Peter               Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dillon          Rose                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Doody           Catherine           Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dooley          Catherine           Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dooley          John                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dowdall         Andrew              Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Dowdall         Christopher         Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dowdall         Garrett             Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Dowdall         Garrett             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dowdall         Mary                Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Downes          John                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Doyle           John                Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Doyle           Patrick             Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Doyle           Thomas              Badger Hill             Rathcoole     Dublin
Duff            Mary                Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Duff            Michael             Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Dunne           Edward              Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Dunne           Edward              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dunne           John                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Dunne           John                Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Dunne           Maurice             Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Dunne           Michael             Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Dunne           Thomas              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Ennis           John                Ballynakelly            Rathcoole     Dublin
Ennis           Mary                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Ennis           Patrick             Johnstown               Rathcoole     Dublin
Ennis           Patrick             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Eustace         John                Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Eustace         John                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Eustace         Patrick             Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Fallon          William             Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Farrell         James               Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Farrell         Patrick             Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Fitzpatrick     James               Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Flaherty        Peter               Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Flanagan        William             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Flangan         Mary                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Flynn           Elizabeth           Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Flynn           James               Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Fyan            Thomas              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Fyan            Thomas              Rathcreedan             Rathcoole     Dublin
Galbraith       William             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Geraghty        John                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Geraghty        Matthew             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Golding         John                Johnstown               Rathcoole     Dublin
Gorman          Patrick             Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Gorman          Thomas              Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Gray            Patrick             Keating's Park          Rathcoole     Dublin
Greene          Thomas              Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Hammond         Bartholmw           Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Hanlon          Thomas              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Hart            Mary                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Hayden          Rev. Thomas         Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Hayden          Rev. Thomas         Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Healy           Michael             Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Healy           Peter               Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Hickey          Maurice             Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Hickey          Maurice             Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Higgins         Michael             Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Hollywood       Charles             Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Hollywood       Daniel              Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Hollywood       Lawrence            Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Hollywood       Myles               Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Hollywood       Patrick             Carrigeen               Rathcoole     Dublin
Hollywood       Patrick             Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Hollywood       Patrick             Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Hollywood       Peter               Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Hollywood       Peter               Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Hughes          John                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Hume            John                Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Hyley           Ellen               Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Hynch           George              Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
James           Michael             Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
James           Patrick             Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Johnston        Jane                Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Johnston        Jane                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Kane            Emily               Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Kearns          Gilbert             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Kelly           Elizabeth           Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Kelly           James               Ballynakelly            Rathcoole     Dublin
Kelly           John                Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Kelly           John                Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Kelly           Patrick             Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Kelly           Patrick             Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Kelly           Richard             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Kelly           Thomas              Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Kelly           Thomas              Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Kennedy         Baronet J.          Calliaghstown Lower     Rathcoole     Dublin
Kennedy         Baronet J.          Calliaghstown Upper     Rathcoole     Dublin
Kennedy         Baronet John        Johnstown               Rathcoole     Dublin
Kennedy         Baronet John        Slademore               Rathcoole     Dublin
Kennedy         Baronet John        Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Kenny           Michael, Jr.        Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Kenny           Michael, Sr.        Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Keogh           John                Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Keogh           Thomas              Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Keogh           William             Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Kilbee          William, Esq.       Rathcreedan             Rathcoole     Dublin
Killeen         Thomas              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Kilroy          Patrick             Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Ledwich         Michael             Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Lee             Robert              Calliaghstown Upper     Rathcoole     Dublin
Lennon          Felix               Carrigeen               Rathcoole     Dublin
Lennon          Felix               Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Lennon          Felix               Glebe                   Rathcoole     Dublin
Lennon          Felix               Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Lynch           Michael             Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Malone          James               Calliaghstown Upper     Rathcoole     Dublin
Mansfield       Eliza               Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Mansfield       James               Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Mansfield       William             Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Marsh           Thomas              Johnstown               Rathcoole     Dublin
Mathews         Catherine           Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Allister     Margaret            Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Allister     William             Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Allister     William             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Allister     William             Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Cann         John                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Cann         Richard             Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Donnell      Charles             Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Donnell      Charles             Greenoge                Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Donnell      Mary Anne           Rathcreedan             Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Dowell       William             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Entee        Bridget             Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Entee        Bridget             Keating's Park          Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Evoy         Patrick             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Laughlin     James               Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Laughlin     Mary                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Laughlin     Michael             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Loughlin     Catherine           Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Loughlin     Lawrence            Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Loughlin     Martin              Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Mc Loughlin     Patrick             Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Monaghan        Thomas              Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Mooney          James               Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Mooney          John                Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Moore           Joseph              Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Moore           Joseph              Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Moore           Joseph              Greenoge                Rathcoole     Dublin
Morgan          Thomas P., Esq.     Badger Hill             Rathcoole     Dublin
Mullally        Edward              Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Mullally        Edward              Keating's Park          Rathcoole     Dublin
Mullally        Edward              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Mullally        Michael             Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Mulread         Patrick             Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Mulread         Thomas              Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Mulvey          Daniel              Carrigeen               Rathcoole     Dublin
Mulvey          Daniel              Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Mulvey          Daniel              Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Mulvey          Matthew             Keating's Park          Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          Bridget             Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          Catherine           Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          Daniel              Calliaghstown Lower     Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          James               Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          John                Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          Lawrence            Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          Mary                Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          Maurice             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          Michael             Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          Patrick             Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          Peter               Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          Thomas              Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          Thomas              Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Murphy          Thomas              Greenoge                Rathcoole     Dublin
Murray          Bartholomew         Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Murray          Honoria             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Murray          Richard             Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Murrin          James               Rathcreedan             Rathcoole     Dublin
Murrin          James               Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Murrin          Patrick             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Murrin          Patrick             Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Nolan           Lawerence           Calliaghstown Upper     Rathcoole     Dublin
Nolan           Patrick             Calliaghstown Upper     Rathcoole     Dublin
Norton          J.                  Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Norton          John                Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Nowlan          James               Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Nowlan          James               Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Nowlan          Lawrence            Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Nowlan          Mary                Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Nowlan          Patrick             Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Nowlan          William, Sr.        Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
O'Kelly         Martin, Esq.        Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Owens           George              Carrigeen               Rathcoole     Dublin
Owens           George              Keating's Park          Rathcoole     Dublin
Patterson       James               Calliaghstown Upper     Rathcoole     Dublin
Perry           John                Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Price           Michael             Carrigeen               Rathcoole     Dublin
Price           Michael             Keating's Park          Rathcoole     Dublin
Proe            Bridget             Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Quinn           Edward              Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Quinn           John                Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Quinn           Owen                Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Reilly          James               Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Reilly          James               Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Roe             Thomas              Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Rourke          Mary                Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Rourke          Peter, Esq.         Westmanstown            Rathcoole     Dublin
Rourke          William             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Ryan            Michael             Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Ryan            Timothy             Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Scully          Patrick             Crockaunadreenagh       Rathcoole     Dublin
Senior          Bartholomew         Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Senior          Bartholomew         Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Senior          Charles             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Senior          Charles             Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Senior          Thomas              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Sheil           James               Collegeland             Rathcoole     Dublin
Sheil           James               Greenoge                Rathcoole     Dublin
Sheil           James               Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Sheil           James               Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Smith           John                Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Smith           Matthew             Keating's Park          Rathcoole     Dublin
Smyth           Christopher         Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Smyth           Matthew             Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Smyth           Patrick             Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Smyth           Rep. John           Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Smyth           Rose                Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Smyth           Thomas              Westmanstown            Rathcoole     Dublin
Somers          Patrick             Rathcreedan             Rathcoole     Dublin
Spear           Edmund              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Spear           Edward              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Spelman         William             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Stacey          Dorothea            Carrigeen               Rathcoole     Dublin
Stacey          Dorothea            Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Stacey          Dorothea            Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Stafford        James               Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Stafford        William             Calliaghstown Upper     Rathcoole     Dublin
Stafford        William             Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Synnott         James               Calliaghstown Upper     Rathcoole     Dublin
Synnott         James               Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Synnott         Patrick             Calliaghstown Upper     Rathcoole     Dublin
Synnott         Rose                Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Talbot          Richard             Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Talbot          Robert              Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Tierney         William             Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Tighe           Owen                Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Tighe           Owen                Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Timmins         John                Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Timmins         Michael             Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Timmons         Margaret            Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Toole           James               Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Toole           James               Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Toole           John                Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Toole           Michael             Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Toole           Michael             Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Toomey          Lawrence            Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Trunk           Peter               Greenoge                Rathcoole     Dublin
Walsh           James               Carrigeen               Rathcoole     Dublin
Walsh           James               Glebe                   Rathcoole     Dublin
Walsh           James               Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Walsh           Richard, Esq.       Keating's Park          Rathcoole     Dublin
Walsh           Robert              Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Walsh           Robert              Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Ward            Edward              Redgap                  Rathcoole     Dublin
Ward            James               Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Ward            Mary                Commons                 Rathcoole     Dublin
Ward            Thomas              Crockshane              Rathcoole     Dublin
Weekes          Thomas              Slievethoul             Rathcoole     Dublin
Williams        Henry               Farmersvale             Rathcoole     Dublin
Williams        William             Rathcoole               Rathcoole     Dublin
Wilson          Cornelius           Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin
Wilson          Mrs. Harriet        Tootenhill              Rathcoole     Dublin