Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kenmare, County Kerry
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kenmare, County Kerry
Aldworth        Peter             Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Anketell        John              Sound Rd.,Shelbourne St     Kenmare     Kerry
Barry           John              Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Bastable        Edmund            Downing's Lane              Kenmare     Kerry
Bennett         Matthew           Downing's Lane              Kenmare     Kerry
Bland           Mary              Bridge Lane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Bohan           Robert            Rossboy                     Kenmare     Kerry
Bohan           William           Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Bohan           William           Kilpatrick                  Kenmare     Kerry
Bohau           William           Cummeenboy                  Kenmare     Kerry
Brenan          Daniel            Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Brennan         James             Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Brennan         Michael           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Brennan         Patrick           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Brien           David             Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Brosnahan       Bartholomew       William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Brosnahan       Samuel            Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Buckley         Cornelius         Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Buckley         Daniel            Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Buckley         John              Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Burke           Ellen             Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Carroll         Honoria           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Casey           Denis             Doughill                    Kenmare     Kerry
Casey           Elizabeth         Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Casey           Elizabeth         William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Casey           Honoria           Derrylahan                  Kenmare     Kerry
Casey           Julia             Inchimore                   Kenmare     Kerry
Casey           Patrick           Inchimore                   Kenmare     Kerry
Cleary          John              Lackaroe                    Kenmare     Kerry
Clifford        Daniel B.         Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Coffey          Patrick           Istalea Upper               Kenmare     Kerry
Coghlan         James             Downing's Lane              Kenmare     Kerry
Coleman         John              Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Colstman        John              Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Colstman        Ptk.              Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Connell         Daniel            Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          Arthur            Inchimore                   Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          Daniel            Derrynacaheragh             Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          Daniel            Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          John              Inchimore                   Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          John              Istalea Lower               Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          John              Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          John              Lissaniska                  Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          Margaret          Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          Mary              Downing's Lane              Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          Mary              Gowlane                     Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          Michael           Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          Patrick           Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          Thomas            Derrylahan                  Kenmare     Kerry
Connor          Timothy           Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Corcoran        Michael           Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Corkery         Daniel            Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Courtney        Daniel            Gortnaboul Lower            Kenmare     Kerry
Courtney        Daniel            Gortnaboul Upper            Kenmare     Kerry
Courtney        Daniel            Istalea Upper               Kenmare     Kerry
Courtney        Jeremiah          Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Courtney        Margaret          Dromcahan East              Kenmare     Kerry
Courtney        Mary              Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Courtney        Patk.             Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Courtney        Patrick           Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Courtney        Patrick           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Courtney        Ptk.              Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Cousins         Thomas            Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Cousins         Thomas            Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Crean           Edward            Caher West                  Kenmare     Kerry
Crean           James             Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Cronin          Martin            Kilcurrane East             Kenmare     Kerry
Cross           Hayes             Dromatouk                   Kenmare     Kerry
Crowley         Margaret          Gartalinny South            Kenmare     Kerry
Currane         Anne              The Rock,                   Kenmare     Kerry
Day             Rev. John G.      Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Day             Rev. John G.      Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Deady           Patrick           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Delaney         John              Kilgortaree                 Kenmare     Kerry
Delaney         Margaret          Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Delany          Honoria           Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Delany          John              Kilgortaree                 Kenmare     Kerry
Donnelly        James             Gartalinny South            Kenmare     Kerry
Donnelly        James, Jr.        Gartalinny South            Kenmare     Kerry
Donnelly        John              Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Donohoe         Humphrey          Caher West                  Kenmare     Kerry
Donohoe         John              Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Donohoe         John              Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Donohoe         Mary              Caher West                  Kenmare     Kerry
Donohoe         Mary              Kilpatrick                  Kenmare     Kerry
Donohoe         Thomas            Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Donohoe         Thomas            Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Donovan         Daniel            Kilgortaree                 Kenmare     Kerry
Donovan         Daniel            Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Donovan         Mary              William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Dowd            Jeremiah          Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Downey          Charles           Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Downey          Cornelius         Dromatouk                   Kenmare     Kerry
Downey          Denis             Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Downey          Denis             Lissyclearig Lower          Kenmare     Kerry
Downey          Jeremiah          Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Downey          Maurice           Dromatouk                   Kenmare     Kerry
Downey          Thomas            Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Downey          Thomas            Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Downey          Thomas            Lissyclearig Lower          Kenmare     Kerry
Downey          Thomas            Lissyclearig Upper          Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Daniel            Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Daniel            William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Denis             Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Denis, Jr.        Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Denis, Jr.        Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Denis, Jr.        Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Denis, Jr.        William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Denis, Sr.        William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Francis H.        Kenmare,T                   Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Francis H.        Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Frs. H.           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         John              Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Mortimer          Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Myles             William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Patrick           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Downing         Sarah             Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Doyle           Bartholomew       Rock Lane                   Kenmare     Kerry
Duckett         Catherine         The Rock,                   Kenmare     Kerry
Duckett         Henry             Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Duckett         Isabella          Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Duckett         Richard           Derreenacahill              Kenmare     Kerry
Duckett         Richard           Gortalassa                  Kenmare     Kerry
Duckett         Richard           Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Duckett         Richard           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Duckett         Thomas M.         Dromcahan East              Kenmare     Kerry
Duckett         Thomas M.         Dromcahan West              Kenmare     Kerry
Dunscum         John              Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Dunscum         John              Islands No. 1               Kenmare     Kerry
Dunscum         John              Islands No. 2               Kenmare     Kerry
Dunscum         John              Islands No. 3               Kenmare     Kerry
Dunscum         John              Islands No. 5               Kenmare     Kerry
Dunscum         John              Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Dwyer           Michael           Dromcahan West              Kenmare     Kerry
Egan            Edward            Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Egan            Edward            Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Egan            Edward            Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Egan            Edward            William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Egan            Laurence          Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Egan            Laurence          Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Egan            Laurence          Lissaniska                  Kenmare     Kerry
English         James             Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Falvey          Denis             Gartalinny South            Kenmare     Kerry
Farrell         James             Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Farrell         James             Kilkeana                    Kenmare     Kerry
Farrell         James             Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Farrell         James             Sound Rd.,Shelbourne St     Kenmare     Kerry
Finegan         Jeremiah          Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Fitzgerald      John              Lissyclearig Lower          Kenmare     Kerry
Fitzmaurice     Elizabeth         William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Foley           Cornelius         Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Foley           Denis             Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Foley           James             Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Foley           Johanna           Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Foley           John              Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Foley           Timothy           Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Foley           Timothy           Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Gain            Edward            Cappamore                   Kenmare     Kerry
Gain            John              Cappamore                   Kenmare     Kerry
Gain            Michael           Dromcahan West              Kenmare     Kerry
Gain            Samuel            Derrylahan                  Kenmare     Kerry
Gallahan        Mary              Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Gallavan        Daniel            Istalea Lower               Kenmare     Kerry
Gallavan        Mary              Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Gallivan        Thomas            Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Geehan          Marcus            Dromatouk                   Kenmare     Kerry
Gill            John              Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Gill            Thomas            Ballygriffin                Kenmare     Kerry
Gill            Thomas            Rusheens                    Kenmare     Kerry
Gleeson         Daniel            Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Godfrey         Agnes             Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Hagerty         Honoria           Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Hagerty         John              Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Hallassy        Julia             Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Hallassy        Margaret          Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Hallasy         Denis             Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Halloran        Amb.              Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Harman          Thomas            Dromcahan East              Kenmare     Kerry
Harnett         Timothy           Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      Catherine         Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      Cornelius         Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      Daniel            Dromatouk                   Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      Daniel            Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      Denis             Currabeg                    Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      Honoria           Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      John              Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      Margaret          Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      Margaret          Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      Patrick           Cummeenboy                  Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      Patrick           Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      Patrick           Kilgortaree                 Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      Patrick           Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Harrington      Timothy           Lissyclearig Upper          Kenmare     Kerry
Hartnett        Timothy           Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Hawkes          Cornelius         Kilgortaree                 Kenmare     Kerry
Hawks           Corless           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Hawks           Thomas            Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Catherine         Rock Lane                   Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Catherine         William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Daniel            William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Ellen             William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           J.                Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Mary              Kilgortaree                 Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Mary              Letter Upper                Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Meater            Letter Upper                Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Meter             Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Oliver            Rusheens                    Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Peter             Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Thadeus           Downing's Lane              Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Thadeus           Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Timothy           Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Timothy           Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Timothy           Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Healy           Timothy           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Hegarty         Daniel            Dromcahan East              Kenmare     Kerry
Hegarty         Daniel            Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Hegarty         Denis             Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Hegarty         Johanna           The Rock,                   Kenmare     Kerry
Hegarty         John              Gearhadiveen                Kenmare     Kerry
Hegarty         John              Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Hegarty         Sylvester         Gortrooskagh                Kenmare     Kerry
Hennessy        James             William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Herbert         Elizabeth         Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Hobart          Francis           Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Hoolahan        Daniel            Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Horgan          Denis             Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Horrigan        Denis             Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Hurley          Bartholomew       Istalea Upper               Kenmare     Kerry
Husband         George            Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Husband         George            Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Husband         Honoria           Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Hutchins        Thomas            Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Irvine          Nathaniel         Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Irvine          Nathaniel         Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Irvine          Robt. H.          Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Keeffe          Cornelius         Rossboy                     Kenmare     Kerry
Kelly           Mary              Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Kenny           Daniel            Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
King            Mary              Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
King            Richard           Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
King            Thomas            Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
King            Walter            Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Kissane         Patrick           Kilcurrane East             Kenmare     Kerry
Kissane         Patrick           Toorbenbreanla              Kenmare     Kerry
Landsdowne      Marquis ???       Carrignahihilan             Kenmare     Kerry
Lane            Bartholomew       Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Lane            John              Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Lane            Mary              Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Lane            Maurice           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Lane            Michael           Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Lane            Timothy           Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Ballygriffin                Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Cappamore                   Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Derrynacoulagh              Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Dromanassig                 Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Gortnadullagh               Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Gortrooskagh                Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Istalea Upper               Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Kenmare Old                 Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Kilkeana                    Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Lissyclearig Lower          Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Sound Rd.,Shelbourne St     Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       Toorbenbreanla              Kenmare     Kerry
Lansdowne       Marquis ???       William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Lawrenson       William J.        Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Leahy           Anne              Derrynacaheragh             Kenmare     Kerry
Leahy           Richard           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Leary           Mary              Tullig                      Kenmare     Kerry
Leary           Patrick           Dromcahan West              Kenmare     Kerry
Leary           Patrick           Kilcurrane East             Kenmare     Kerry
Leary           Timothy           Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Lehane          James             Dromatouk                   Kenmare     Kerry
Lehane          Patrick           Dromatouk                   Kenmare     Kerry
Linihan         Timothy           Downing's Lane              Kenmare     Kerry
Looney          Timothy           Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Lovett          Anne              Gortnadullagh               Kenmare     Kerry
Lovett          Michael           Gortnaboul Lower            Kenmare     Kerry
Lovett          Michael           Gortnaboul Upper            Kenmare     Kerry
Lovett          Michael           Gortrooskagh                Kenmare     Kerry
Lovett          Michl.            Gortrooskagh                Kenmare     Kerry
Lovett          Patrick           Doughill                    Kenmare     Kerry
Lovett          Patrick           Gortrooskagh                Kenmare     Kerry
Lovett          Patrick           Kilgortaree                 Kenmare     Kerry
Lovett          Simon             Gortrooskagh                Kenmare     Kerry
Lynch           Daniel            Kilgortaree                 Kenmare     Kerry
Lynch           Daniel, Jr.       Kilgortaree                 Kenmare     Kerry
Lynch           Margaret          Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Lynch           Timothy           Tullig                      Kenmare     Kerry
Lyons           Jeremiah          Dromcahan West              Kenmare     Kerry
Lyons           Jeremiah          Lissaniska                  Kenmare     Kerry
Mahony          Daniel            William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Mahony          Denis             Kilkeana                    Kenmare     Kerry
Mahony          William           Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Manning         Maria             Bridge Lane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Mansfield       Francis           Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Mansfield       John              William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Mansfield       William           Rossboy                     Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        Augustus          Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        Augustus          Caher West                  Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        Charles           Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        Duckett           Lackaroe                    Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        Duckett           Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        George, M.D.      Dromatouk                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        George, M.D.      Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        George, M.D.      Islands No. 10              Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        George, M.D.      Kenmare Old                 Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        George, M.D.      Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        James             Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        James             Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        John              Gortnadullagh               Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        John              Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        Margaret          Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        Richard           Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        Richard           Cooragweanish               Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        Richard           Tullig                      Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        Samuel            Gortnadullagh               Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        Samuel K.         Kenmare Old                 Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        Samuel K.         William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        William           Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        William           Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mayberry        William           Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Callaghan         Derrynacoulagh              Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Catherine         Rock Lane                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Daniel            Ballygriffin                Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Daniel            Cummeenboy                  Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Daniel            Dromcahan East              Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Daniel            Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Edward            Inchimore                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Edward            Istalea Lower               Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Ellen             Caher West                  Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Ellen             Carhoomeengar West          Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Eugene            Derrynacoulagh              Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Eugene            Downing's Lane              Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Eugene            Dromanassig                 Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Florence          Derreenacahill              Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Florence          Fustane Lower               Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Florence          Fustane Upper               Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Jeremiah          Carhoomeengar West          Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Jeremiah          Derrynacoulagh              Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Jeremiah          Dromanassig                 Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Jeremiah, Jr.     Derrynacoulagh              Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Justin            Derrynacaheragh             Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Mary              Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Robert            Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Robert            Kenmare Old                 Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Robert            Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Robt.             Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Thomas            Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Thomas            Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Thomas            Sound Rd.,Shelbourne St     Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Thomas            William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Thos.             William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Timothy           Dromatouk                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Carthy       Timothy, M.D.     William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Donnell      Honoria           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Sweeny       Daniel            Kenmare,T                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Sweeny       Daniel            William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Mc Sweeny       Daniel O'C.       Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Meade           Mary              Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Moloney         Patrick           Dromcahan West              Kenmare     Kerry
Morgan          John              Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Morgan          John              Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Moriarty        John              Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Moriarty        Patrick           Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Morley          Daniel            Kilpatrick                  Kenmare     Kerry
Mountain        Jer.              Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Mountain        Jeremiah          Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Murnane         Patrick           Dromatouk                   Kenmare     Kerry
Murnane         Timothy           Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Andrew            Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Andrew            Lissyclearig Lower          Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Catherine         Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Charles           Carrignahihilan             Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Cornelius         Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Cornelius         Sound Rd.,Shelbourne St     Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Daniel            Gearhadiveen                Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Denis             Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Humphrey          Carhoomeengar East          Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Humphry           Carhoomeengar West          Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Jeremiah          Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Juila             Carrignahihilan             Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Julia             Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Mary              Gearhadiveen                Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Michael           Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Michael           Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Patrick           Lackaroe                    Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Timothy           Gearhadiveen                Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          Timothy           Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          William           Dromcahan East              Kenmare     Kerry
Murphy          William           Dromcahan West              Kenmare     Kerry
Neil            Jeremiah          Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Neill           John              Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Neill           Timothy           Rock Lane                   Kenmare     Kerry
Noonan          Jeremiah          Istalea Lower               Kenmare     Kerry
Noonan          John              Cooragweanish               Kenmare     Kerry
Nowlan          William           Dromcahan East              Kenmare     Kerry
O'Dowd          John              Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
O'Leary         Timothy           Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
O'Sullivan      Mortimer          William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
O'Sullivan      Rev. John         Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
O'Sullivan      Rev. John         Sound Rd.,Shelbourne St     Kenmare     Kerry
Orpen           Edward            Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Orpen           Edward            Islands No. 6               Kenmare     Kerry
Orpen           Edward            Islands No. 7               Kenmare     Kerry
Orpen           Edward            Islands No. 8               Kenmare     Kerry
Orpen           Edward            Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Orpen           Richard J. T.     Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Orpen           Thomas            Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Palmer          Abraham           Gartalinny South            Kenmare     Kerry
Palmer          Anthony           Lissyclearig Upper          Kenmare     Kerry
Palmer          James             Fustane Lower               Kenmare     Kerry
Palmer          James             Gowlane                     Kenmare     Kerry
Palmer          John              Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Palmer          John              Lissyclearig Lower          Kenmare     Kerry
Palmer          John              Lissyclearig Upper          Kenmare     Kerry
Palmer          Thomas            Gortnaboul Lower            Kenmare     Kerry
Palmer          Thomas            Gortnaboul Upper            Kenmare     Kerry
Palmer          William           Lissyclearig Upper          Kenmare     Kerry
Parker          Michael           Lissaniska                  Kenmare     Kerry
Phelan          Thomas            Downing's Lane              Kenmare     Kerry
Proctor         Henry             Dromatouk                   Kenmare     Kerry
Purcell         Edward            The Rock,                   Kenmare     Kerry
Purcell         James             Gearhadiveen                Kenmare     Kerry
Randall         John              Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Regan           Timothy           Ballygriffin                Kenmare     Kerry
Rice            George            Doughill                    Kenmare     Kerry
Rice            John              Derrylahan                  Kenmare     Kerry
Rice            John              Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Rice            Mary              Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Rice            Richard           Derrylahan                  Kenmare     Kerry
Richardson      Mary              Kenmare Old                 Kenmare     Kerry
Riodran         Garrett           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Riordan         Daniel            Downing's Lane              Kenmare     Kerry
Riordan         Daniel            Gearhadiveen                Kenmare     Kerry
Riordan         Garrett           Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Riordan         Garrett           Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Riordan         John              Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Riordan         John              Letter Upper                Kenmare     Kerry
Riordan         John              William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Roberts         George            Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Roberts         George            Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Catherine         Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Cornelius         Carrignahihilan             Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Cornelius         Derrygarriv                 Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Cornelius         Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Cornelius         Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Denis             Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            John              Dromcahan East              Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            John              Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            John              Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            John              Gortlahard                  Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            John              Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            John              Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Julia             Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Michael           Cappagh                     Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Michael           Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Mortimer          Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Mortimer          Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Patrick           Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Timothy           Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Shea            Timothy           Kilgortaree                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sheehan         Catherine         Derrynacoulagh              Kenmare     Kerry
Standish        Mary              Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Stokes          Patrick           Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Stokes          Patrick           Lissyclearig Lower          Kenmare     Kerry
Stokes          Thomas            Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Stokes          Thomas            Lissyclearig Lower          Kenmare     Kerry
Stretton        Ellen             Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sugrue          Denis             Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sulivan         Johanna           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Anne              Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Anne              Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Bartholomew       Cappamore                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Bartholomew       Derrynacoulagh              Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Bartholomew       Dromcahan West              Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Bartholomew       Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Bartholomew       Kilcurrane East             Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Bartholomew       Lissyclearig Lower          Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Bridget           Dromcahan East              Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Bridget           Dromcahan West              Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Cath.             Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Catherine         Carhoomeengar West          Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Catherine         Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Cornelius         Cappagh                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Cornelius         Fustane Upper               Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Cornelius         Gortnacurra                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Cornelius         Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Cornls.           Caher West                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Bridge Lane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Carhoomeengar West          Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Cooragweanish               Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Derrygarriv                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Derrylahan                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Dromcahan East              Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Gartalinny South            Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Gortlahard                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Gortnacurra                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Lissaniska                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Daniel            Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Danl.             Dromanassig                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Danl.             Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Denis             Bridge Lane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Denis             Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Denis             Cappagh                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Denis             Derrynacaheragh             Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Denis             Doughill                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Denis             Dromanassig                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Denis             Dromneavane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Denis             Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Denis             Gortlahard                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Denis             Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Denis             Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Elizabeth         Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Ellen             Caher West                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Ellen             Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Eugene            Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Eugene            Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Florence          Bridge Lane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Florence          Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Florence          Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Florence          Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Francis           Ballygriffin                Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Honoria           Currabeg                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        James             Carhoomeengar East          Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        James             Kenmare Old                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        James             Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        James             William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Jeremiah          Carhoomeengar East          Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Jeremiah          Currabeg                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Jeremiah          Derrynacaheragh             Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Jeremiah          Gearhadiveen                Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Jeremiah          Inchimore                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Jeremiah          Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Jeremiah          Lackaroe                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Jeremiah          Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Jeremiah D.       Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Johanna           Cappagh                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        John              Barraduff                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        John              Cappagh                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        John              Carhoomeengar West          Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        John              Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        John              Gortlahard                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        John              Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        John              Kilcurrane East             Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        John              Kilkeana                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        John              Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        John              Lissyclearig Upper          Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Joseph            Cappamore                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Joseph            Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Julia             Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Julia             Currabeg                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Julia             Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Julia             Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Margaret          Carhoomeengar West          Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Margaret          Derrynacoulagh              Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Margaret          Rusheens                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mary              Currabeg                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mary              Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mary              Kilgortaree                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mary              Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mary              Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mary              Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mary              Letter Upper                Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Matthew           Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Matthew           Islands No. 4               Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Michael           Caher West                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Michael           Cappagh                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Michael           Currabeg                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Michael           Derrynacaheragh             Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Michael           Dromanassig                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Michael           Gortnacurra                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Michael           Kilkeana                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Michael           Kilmurry                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Michael           Lackaroe                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Michl.            Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mortimer          Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mortimer          Currabeg                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mortimer          Derrynacaheragh             Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mortimer          Gearhadiveen                Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mortimer          Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mortimer          Gortlahard                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mortimer          Lackaroe                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Mortimer          William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Owen              Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Pat.              Derrynacoulagh              Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Patrick           Cappagh                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Patrick           Currabeg                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Patrick           Derrynacoulagh              Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Patrick           Dromanassig                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Patrick           Gortrooskagh                Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Patrick           Kilcurrane West             Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Patrick           Kilgortaree                 Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Patrick           Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Patrick           Lackaroe                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Patrick           Letter Upper                Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Patrick           Sound Rd.,Shelbourne St     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Patrick           William St.,Main St.        Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Stephen           Downing's Lane              Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Timothy           Cappagh                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Timothy           Downing's Lane              Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Timothy           Gartalinny South            Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Timothy           Lissaniska                  Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Timothy           Mucksna                     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Timothy           Sound Rd.,Shelbourne St     Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        William           Lackaroe                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sullivan        Winifred          Letter Lower                Kenmare     Kerry
Sweeny          Daniel            Gearhadiveen                Kenmare     Kerry
Sweeny          John              Doughill                    Kenmare     Kerry
Sweeny          Myles             Gortrooskagh                Kenmare     Kerry
Sweeny          Patrick           Gearhadiveen                Kenmare     Kerry
Sweeny          Patrick           Gortrooskagh                Kenmare     Kerry
Sweeny          Terence           Currabeg                    Kenmare     Kerry
Taylor          Adrian, M.D.      Doughill                    Kenmare     Kerry
Teahan          Mary              Pound Lane                  Kenmare     Kerry
Teahan          William           Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Thomas          Lucy              Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Topham          Abraham           Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Topham          John              Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Tracy           Thomas            Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Trench          William S.        Isle of Man No. 9           Kenmare     Kerry
Trench          William S.        Kenmare                     Kenmare     Kerry
Trench          William S.        Killowen                    Kenmare     Kerry
Tuohy           Denis             Derreenacahill              Kenmare     Kerry
Tuohy           Denis             Gortalassa                  Kenmare     Kerry
Tuohy           Johanna           Derreenacahill              Kenmare     Kerry
Tuohy           Johanna           Gortalassa                  Kenmare     Kerry
Tuohy           John              Kilpatrick                  Kenmare     Kerry
Tuomy           John              Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Tuomy           Timothy           Kilpatrick                  Kenmare     Kerry
Walsh           Michael           Henry St.                   Kenmare     Kerry
Walsh           Thomas            Derrynacaheragh             Kenmare     Kerry
Walsh           Thomas            Fair Green                  Kenmare     Kerry
White           John              Downing's Lane              Kenmare     Kerry
Williams        John              Caher East                  Kenmare     Kerry
Williams        Thomas            Old Bridge St.              Kenmare     Kerry
Woodhouse       George            Gortalinny North            Kenmare     Kerry
Woodhouse       George            Kenmare Old                 Kenmare     Kerry
Woods           Michael           Bridge Lane                 Kenmare     Kerry
Young           Mary              Gortagass                   Kenmare     Kerry