Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Balleen, County Kilkenny
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Balleen, County Kilkenny
Bowe            Edmond               Spahill                       Balleen     Kilkenny
Bowe            Jeremiah             Greenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Brien           Michael              Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Brien           William              Lodge                         Balleen     Kilkenny
Broderick       James                Foyle North                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Broderick       Mary                 Baunmore or Balleen Upper     Balleen     Kilkenny
Broderick       Thomas               Greenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Brophy          John                 Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Browne          Rev. John            Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Butler          Mrs. Jessie Anne     Lodge                         Balleen     Kilkenny
Butler          Pierce S., Esq.      Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Cahill          James                Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Cahill          Mary                 Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Cahill          Thomas               Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Cahill          Thomas               Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Campion         Mary                 Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Campion         Michael              Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Campion         Patrick              Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Campion         Patrick              Baunmore or Balleen Upper     Balleen     Kilkenny
Campion         William              Baunmore or Balleen Upper     Balleen     Kilkenny
Carroll         Michael              Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Cashen          John                 Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Clear           James                Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Connors         Patrick              Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Costigan        John                 Lodge                         Balleen     Kilkenny
Costigan        Michael              Foyle South                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Costigan        William              Balleen Little                Balleen     Kilkenny
Coyne           Francis              Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Coyne           Michael              Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Coyne           Patrick              Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Cuddihy         Anastasia            Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Cuddihy         David                Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Cuddihy         Patrick              Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Deegan          Michael              Lodge                         Balleen     Kilkenny
Delany          Catherine            Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Delany          John                 Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Dowling         Alice                Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Dowling         Anne                 Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Dowling         Cornelius            Lodge                         Balleen     Kilkenny
Dowling         Edmond               Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Dowling         John                 Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Dowling         John                 Baunmore or Balleen Upper     Balleen     Kilkenny
Dowling         Judith               Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Dowling         Mary                 Lodge                         Balleen     Kilkenny
Dowling         William              Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Dunne           John                 Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Dunne           Michael              Foyle North                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Dunne           Nicholas             Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Egan            John                 Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Fitzpatrick     John                 Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Fleming         Margaret             Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Foley           Edmond               Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Glendon         Richard              Baunmore or Balleen Upper     Balleen     Kilkenny
Griffin         Francis              Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Hayde           Thomas               Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Hickey          Michael              Lodge                         Balleen     Kilkenny
Holohan         James                Baunmore or Balleen Upper     Balleen     Kilkenny
Hoyne           Thomas               Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Hoyne           Thomas               Foyle North                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Kavanagh        Rev. Daniel          Foyle South                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Kelly           Daniel               Baunmore or Balleen Upper     Balleen     Kilkenny
Kelly           Thomas               Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Lewis           William              Baunmore or Balleen Upper     Balleen     Kilkenny
Lewis           William              Foyle North                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Lewis           William              Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Loughman        John                 Spahill                       Balleen     Kilkenny
Loughman        Patrick              Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Mackey          John                 Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Mackey          Patrick              Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Maher           Andrew               Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Maher           John                 Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Maher           John                 Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Maher           Lawrence, Jr.        Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Maher           Lawrence, Sr.        Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Meehan          Daniel               Greenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Moran           William              Greenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Mulrooney       Henry                Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Paddle          William              Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Phelan          James                Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Phelan          Martin               Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Phelan          Mary                 Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Phillips        Richard, Esq.        Foyle South                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Power           Baronet John         Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Proctor         Richard              Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Proctor         Stephen              Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Purcell         John                 Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Purcell         Philip               Foyle South                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Quirk           William              Lodge                         Balleen     Kilkenny
Reade           John                 Lodge                         Balleen     Kilkenny
Reade           Thomas               Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Ruth            John                 Lodge                         Balleen     Kilkenny
Ruth            Patrick              Lodge                         Balleen     Kilkenny
Ryan            John                 Foyle North                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Ryan            Richard              Spahill                       Balleen     Kilkenny
Shelly          Patrick              Baunmore or Balleen Upper     Balleen     Kilkenny
Shortall        John                 Balleen Little                Balleen     Kilkenny
Skehan          Ellen                Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Skehan          John                 Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Skehan          John                 Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Skehan          Martin               Foyle North                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Skehan          Mary                 Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny
Skehan          Patrick              Foyle North                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Slattery        John                 Baunmore or Balleen Upper     Balleen     Kilkenny
Slattery        Michael              Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Slattery        Richard              Balleen Lower                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Walsh           John                 Greenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Walsh           John                 Spahill                       Balleen     Kilkenny
Walsh           Kieran               Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Walsh           Martin               Baunmore or Balleen Upper     Balleen     Kilkenny
Walsh           Martin               Foyle North                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Walsh           Michael              Spahill                       Balleen     Kilkenny
Walsh           Patrick              Foyle North                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Walsh           Richard              Baunmore or Balleen Upper     Balleen     Kilkenny
Walsh           Thomas               Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Walsh           Thomas               Foyle South                   Balleen     Kilkenny
Walsh           William              Creenkillbeg                  Balleen     Kilkenny
Walsh           William              Creenkillmore                 Balleen     Kilkenny
Williams        Thomas               Frankford or Ballykieran      Balleen     Kilkenny