Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Knocktopher, County Kilkenny
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Knocktopher, County Kilkenny
Ahern Ellen Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Aylward Bridget Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Aylward Margaret Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Aylward Margaret Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Aylward Margaret Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Aylward Margaret Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Aylward Margaret Whitecastle Lower Knocktopher Kilkenny
Aylward Patrick Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Aylward Philip Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Aylward Philip Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Barron James Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Barron James Carrickshock Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Barron Thomas Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Barron Walter Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Barry Anastasia Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Barry Anastatia Knocktophermanor Knocktopher Kilkenny
Barry Edmond Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Barry Mary Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Barry Thomas Knocktophermanor Knocktopher Kilkenny
Barry Thomas Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Belcher Mark, Esq. Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Belcher Mark, Esq. Baunanattin Knocktopher Kilkenny
Belcher Mark, Esq. Common Knocktopher Kilkenny
Belcher Mark, Esq. Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Belcher Mark, Esq. Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Belcher Mark, Esq. Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Belcher Mark, Esq. Whitecastle Lower Knocktopher Kilkenny
Bourne Patrick Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Boyle John Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Braithwaite Robert Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Brennan James Danesrath Knocktopher Kilkenny
Brennan John Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Brennan Mary Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Brennan Patrick Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Bride Mary Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Broderick Edmond Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Brophy James Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Brophy James Knocktopherabbey Knocktopher Kilkenny
Brophy James, Jr. Kilcurl (Feronsby) Knocktopher Kilkenny
Brophy James, Sr. Kilcurl (Feronsby) Knocktopher Kilkenny
Brophy John Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Brophy Michael Kilcurl (Feronsby) Knocktopher Kilkenny
Bryan Richard Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Burke Thomas Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Burton Thomas Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Burton Thomas Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Butler Elizabeth Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Butler John Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Butler Patrick Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Butler Patrick Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Butler Patrick Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Butler Richard Knocktophermanor Knocktopher Kilkenny
Butler Richard Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cahill Bryan Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cahill Catherine Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Callaghan James Knocktopher,Knocktopherabbey T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Carroll Michael Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Carty William Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cassin David Ballyboodan Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cassin David Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cassin John Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cassin Stephen Ballyboodan Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cassin Stephen Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cleary James Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cleary Matthias Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cleere William, Jr. Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cleere William, Sr. Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Clooney James Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Clooney Michael Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody Bridget Ballyboodan Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody Edmond Earlsgrove Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody James Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody John Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody Mary Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody Michael Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody Patrick Ballyboodan Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody Patrick Earlsgrove Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody Patrick Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody Redmond Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody Redmond Knocktopher,Knocktopherabbey T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody Redmond Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody Redmond Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cody Redmond Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Connolly James Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Connolly James Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Connolly James Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Connolly Margaret Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Connolly Patrick Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Connors Patrick Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Corcoran James Ballyboodan Knocktopher Kilkenny
Corcoran Mary Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cotterell Andrew Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cotterell Andrew Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Croake Michael Kilcurl (Feronsby) Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cullen Rev. Eugene Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cullen Rev. Eugene Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Cullen Rev. Eugene Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dalton John Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dalton Patrick Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dalton Patrick Kilcurl (Anglesey) Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dalton Patrick Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Danagher Mary Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Darcy James Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Darcy James Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Darcy James Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Darcy James Knocktophermanor Knocktopher Kilkenny
Delahunty Patrick Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Deloughry John Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dempsey Ellen Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Deneefe John Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Deneefe Mary Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Deneefe Miss Margaret Knocktopher,Knocktopherabbey T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Deneefe Thomas Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dermody James Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dermody John Knocktopher,Knocktopherabbey T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dermody Judith Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dermody Judith Knocktopher,Knocktopherabbey T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dermody Judith Knocktophermanor Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dobbin James Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Donnelly John Danesrath Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dowling Anastatia Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dowling John Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dowling John Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dowling Mary Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dowling Patrick Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Drea Andrew Earlsgrove Knocktopher Kilkenny
Drea Patrick Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Duggan Catherine Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Duigan John Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dunphy Patrick Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dwyer Bridget Knocktopher,Knocktopherabbey T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dwyer Edmond Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dwyer Edmond Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Dwyer Michael Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Egan Leonard Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Egan Patrick Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Egan Thomas, Jr. Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Egan Thomas, Sr. Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Egan William Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Everett Elizabeth Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Everett Elizabeth Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Everett John Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Everett Mary Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Everett Patrick Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Everett Thomas Knocktophermanor Knocktopher Kilkenny
Everett Thomas Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ferrar Benjamin Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Fitzgerald John Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Fitzpatrick Thomas Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Fleming Nicholas Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Flood Mrs. Sarah Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Flood Mrs. Sarah Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Flynn John Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Foley Michael Ballyboodan Knocktopher Kilkenny
Foley Michael Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Foley Michael Carrickshock Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Foot Rev. Simon C. Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Foot Rev. Simon C. Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Foot Rev. Simon C. Whitecastle Upper Knocktopher Kilkenny
Garvey John Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Garvey Thomas Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Gaul Pierce Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Gaul Richard Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Gorman Catherine Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Gorman Catherine Carrickshock Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Gorman John Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Gorman John Carrickshock Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Gorman Patrick Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Gorman Patrick Carrickshock Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Grant Matthew Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Harney Geoffrey Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Harrington Patrick Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Hoban John Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Hogan Margaret Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Holohan Michael Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Holohan Richard Ballyboodan Knocktopher Kilkenny
Holohan Richard Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Holohan Richard Glebe Knocktopher Kilkenny
Holohan Richard Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Holohan Richard Knocktopherabbey Knocktopher Kilkenny
Holohan Richard Whitecastle Lower Knocktopher Kilkenny
Hudson John Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Jacques Timothy Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Jephson Patrick Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Joyce James Glebe Knocktopher Kilkenny
Joyce James Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Joyce James Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Kavanagh Bryan Knocktophermanor Knocktopher Kilkenny
Kavanagh Bryan Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Kavanagh Patrick Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Kealy Michael Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Keating Ellen Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Keeffe James Ballyboodan Knocktopher Kilkenny
Keeffe James Kilcurl (Anglesey) Knocktopher Kilkenny
Keenan James Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Kelly Philip Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Kenehan John Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Kennedy John Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Kenny Michael Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Kenny Michael Knocktophermanor Knocktopher Kilkenny
Kenny Thomas Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Kenny William Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Lamen James Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Lamen James Knocktopher,Knocktopherabbey T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Ballyboodan Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Bowersacre Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Carrickshock Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Knocktopher,Bowersacre T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Knocktopher,Knocktopherabbey T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Knocktopherabbey Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Langrishe Baronet Sir. R. Whitecastle Lower Knocktopher Kilkenny
Larracy Bridget Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Larracy Bridget Danesrath Knocktopher Kilkenny
Larracy William Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Larracy William Danesrath Knocktopher Kilkenny
Leahy James Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Leahy Richard Ballyboodan Knocktopher Kilkenny
Leahy Richard Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Leahy Richard Carrickshock Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Lee Edmond Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Leeson Elizabeth Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Lonergan Thomas Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Long James Kilcurl (Feronsby) Knocktopher Kilkenny
Long John Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Long Michael Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Long Thomas Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Long William Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Loughman Thomas Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Lynch Mary Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Mackey Michael Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Madden James Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Madigan John Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Madigan John Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Madigan Philip Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Maher Daniel Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Maher Daniel Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Maher Daniel Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Maher Daniel Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Maher Honoria Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Maher John Knocktopherabbey Knocktopher Kilkenny
Maher Richard Knocktopherabbey Knocktopher Kilkenny
Maher Timothy Knocktopher,Bowersacre T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Maher Timothy Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Mahony Andrew Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Maxwell William Whitecastle Upper Knocktopher Kilkenny
Mc Donnell John Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Mc Donnell John Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Mc Donnell Thomas Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Mc Mahon Patrick Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Millea Catherine Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Millea Catherine Knocktophermanor Knocktopher Kilkenny
Millea Catherine Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Millea Martin Knocktophermanor Knocktopher Kilkenny
Millea Martin Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Millea Thomas Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Millea Thomas Knocktophermanor Knocktopher Kilkenny
Millea Thomas Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Mines James Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Mines John Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Minogue Bridget Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Moore James Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Moore John Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Moore Patrick Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Moran Ellen Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Morris William Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Morrissey Anne Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Morrissy Thomas Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Moylan Thomas Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Mullins Robert Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Murphy Anne Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Murphy John Kilcurl (Feronsby) Knocktopher Kilkenny
Murphy John Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Murphy Mary Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Murphy Michael Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Murphy Michael Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Murphy Patrick Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Murphy Patrick Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Murphy Robert Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Murphy Thomas Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Murphy Walter Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Neill John Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Neill Michael Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Noonan James Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Norris Edmond Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Norris Edmond Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Norris Edmond Danesrath Knocktopher Kilkenny
Nowlan James Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Nowlan Mary Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Nowlan Matthew Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
O'Reilly David Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Phelan Bridget Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Phelan Ellen Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Phelan James Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Phelan John Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Phelan Patrick Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Phelan Patrick Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Phelan Thomas Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Power Anne Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Power James Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Power James Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Power Luke Kilcurl (Anglesey) Knocktopher Kilkenny
Power Mary Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Power Mary Knocktopherabbey Knocktopher Kilkenny
Power Michael Danesrath Knocktopher Kilkenny
Power Michael Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Power Nicholas Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Power Nicholas Knocktopherabbey Knocktopher Kilkenny
Purcell Nicholas Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Quigley Edmond Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Raftis James Earlsgrove Knocktopher Kilkenny
Raftis Patrick Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Raftis Patrick Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Reade John Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Reade Michael Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Reilly Hugh Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Reilly Margaret Carrigeen Knocktopher Kilkenny
Roach James Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Roach John Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Roach Patrick Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Roe Margaret Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Russell Michael Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Rutler Richard Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan Edmond Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan James Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan John Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan John Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan John Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan John Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan John Whitecastle Upper Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan John, Jr. Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan John, Sr. Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan Mary Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan Mary Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan Michael Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan Michael Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan Patrick Knocktopher,Knocktopherabbey T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Ryan Patrick Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Saurin James, Esq. Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Scurry John Kilcurl (Feronsby) Knocktopher Kilkenny
Sinnott Margaret Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Tierney Michael Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Tierney Patrick Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Tierney Patrick Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Tierney Patrick Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Tobin Patrick Coolmore Knocktopher Kilkenny
Treacy James Kilcurl (Anglesey) Knocktopher Kilkenny
Treacy James Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Treacy Patrick Kilcurl (Anglesey) Knocktopher Kilkenny
Treacy Patrick Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Tynan Martin Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Voss William Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Wall Michael Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Wall William Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Wallace Dominick Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Edmond Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Edmond Knocktopher,Common T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Eliza Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh James Danesrath Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh James Knocktopher,Knocktopherabbey T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh James Knocktophermanor Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh James Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh James Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh John Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Joseph Knocktopher,Bowersacre T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Joseph Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Mary Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Mary Knocktopher,Knocktopherabbey T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Mary Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Michael Kilcurl (Feronsby) Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Michael Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Michael Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Michael Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Oliver Ballygeardra Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Oliver Moanroe Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Patrick Danesrath Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Patrick Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Patrick Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Patrick, Jr. Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Patrick, Sr. Castlecolumb Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Richard Knocktopher,Whitecastle Lower T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Thomas Barrettstown Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Thomas Danesrath Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh Thomas Moneyheige Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Walsh William Danesrath Knocktopher Kilkenny
Whelan James Knocktopher Commons Knocktopher Kilkenny
Whelan John Danesrath Knocktopher Kilkenny
Whelan Patrick Ricesland Knocktopher Kilkenny
White Martin Knocktopher,Knocktophermanor T Knocktopher Kilkenny
Wilson Charles Sheepstown Knocktopher Kilkenny