Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killeenoghty, County Limerick
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killeenoghty, County Limerick
Cantlan        Michael             Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Carney         John                Killanahan            Killeenoghty     Limerick
Cavanagh       John                Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Coffey         Mary                Killanahan            Killeenoghty     Limerick
Collopy        Patrick             Killanahan            Killeenoghty     Limerick
Connors        John                Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Corbett        James               Killanahan            Killeenoghty     Limerick
Dixon          Rep. Eleanor        Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Enright        Honoria             Dromloughan North     Killeenoghty     Limerick
Enright        John                Dromloughan North     Killeenoghty     Limerick
Hall           Margaret            Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Hartopp        Edward B., Esq.     Dromloughan South     Killeenoghty     Limerick
Hartopp        Edward B., Esq.     Fearoe                Killeenoghty     Limerick
Hayes          Michael             Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Hetherman      Patrick             Fearoe                Killeenoghty     Limerick
Hickey         Timothy             Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Irwin          James               Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Irwin          Maurice             Fearoe                Killeenoghty     Limerick
Irwin          Thomas              Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Kelly          Michael             Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Kennedy        James               Fearoe                Killeenoghty     Limerick
Kennedy        Michael             Fearoe                Killeenoghty     Limerick
Kennedy        Michael, Jr.        Fearoe                Killeenoghty     Limerick
Kennedy        William             Fearoe                Killeenoghty     Limerick
Manix          Patrick             Killanahan            Killeenoghty     Limerick
Manix          Thomas              Killanahan            Killeenoghty     Limerick
Mcnamara       Bridget             Killanahan            Killeenoghty     Limerick
Mcnamara       John                Dromloughan North     Killeenoghty     Limerick
Molony         John                Killanahan            Killeenoghty     Limerick
Mulqueen       Solomon             Killanahan            Killeenoghty     Limerick
Norris Lee     William, Esq.       Killanahan            Killeenoghty     Limerick
O'Donnell      James               Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Quain          William             Dromloughan South     Killeenoghty     Limerick
Quilty         Bartholomew         Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Quilty         John                Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Quilty         Michael             Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Quilty         Michael, Jr.        Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Quilty         Thomas              Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick
Shea           Denis               Dromloughan North     Killeenoghty     Limerick
Sullivan       Catherine           Killeenoghty          Killeenoghty     Limerick