Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Noughaval, County Longford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Noughaval, County Longford
Anthony         Laurence           Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Armstrong       Henry              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Atkinson        James              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Barber          Robert             Annagh                        Noughaval     Longford
Barber          Robert C.          Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Barker          Thos. G., M.D.     Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Barrett         Edward             Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Boyle           Philip             Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Bracken         Dr. Isaac          Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Browne          Patrick            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Burke           John               Keelbawn                      Noughaval     Longford
Burnford        John               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Burns           Patrick            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Butler          Michael            Garrynagh                     Noughaval     Longford
Byrne           Mary               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Byrne           Michael            Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Casey           John               Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Casey           Luke               Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Casey           Thomas             Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Cassell         Patrick            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Clarke          Margaret           Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Clarke          Peter              Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Cleery          Patrick            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Cleery          Patrick            Keelbawn                      Noughaval     Longford
Cleery          Rose               Keelbawn                      Noughaval     Longford
Cline           Michael            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Cloonen         John               Creevaghmore                  Noughaval     Longford
Coffey          Patrick            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Coghlan         Bartholomew        Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Coghlan         Eliza              Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Colo            Daniel             Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Colo            Timothy            Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Color           Edward             Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Connaughton     Ellen              Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Cormack         James              Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Cormack         John               Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Cormack         Patrick            Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Cormack         Thomas             Keelbawn                      Noughaval     Longford
Coughlan        Bartholomew        Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Coughlan        William            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Cullion         Patrick            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Cullion         Thomas             Creevaghmore                  Noughaval     Longford
Cully           Patrick            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Cunningham      James              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Cunningham      Thomas             Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Dalton          John               Cartron                       Noughaval     Longford
Daly            John               Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Daly            Patrick            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Davis           Hugh               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Diamond         Robert             Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Dignan          John               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Dillon          James              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Donnellan       James              Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Donnellan       John               Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Donnellan       Peter              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Doonagan        James              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Doonigan        John               Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Doran           Patrick            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Dowdall         Francis            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Doyle           James              Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Doyle           James              Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Draper          Thomas             Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Duffy           Rev. Michael       Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Dunne           James              Annagh                        Noughaval     Longford
Dunne           James              Creevaghmore                  Noughaval     Longford
Dunne           Thomas             Creevaghmore                  Noughaval     Longford
Ever            John               Creevaghmore                  Noughaval     Longford
Fagan           Patrick            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Farrell         Edward             Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Farrell         John               Creevaghmore                  Noughaval     Longford
Farrell         Mary               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Fee             James              Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Feeney          John               Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Feeney          Mary               Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Feeney          Michael            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Fenoran         Michael            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Fitzpatrick     Patrick            Keelbawn                      Noughaval     Longford
Flagherty       Edward             Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Flanagan        Anne               Creevaghmore                  Noughaval     Longford
Flanagan        Anne               Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Fleming         Redmond            Garrynagh                     Noughaval     Longford
Fox             James              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Fox             Michael            Annagh                        Noughaval     Longford
Fox             Patrick            Creevaghmore                  Noughaval     Longford
Geoghegan       Patrick            Creevaghmore                  Noughaval     Longford
Gibson          Charles            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Gibson          Charles            Carrickbeg                    Noughaval     Longford
Gordon          Patt.              Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Graham          Andrew             Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Grealy          Pat.               Annagh                        Noughaval     Longford
Guy             John               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Hamilton        Edward             Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Hamilton        Margaret           Keelbawn                      Noughaval     Longford
Hamilton        Mary               Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Hamilton        Peter              Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Hamilton        Thomas             Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Hanly           William            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Harman          Hon. L. H. K.      Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Higgins         Matthew            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Hyland          Michael            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Johnston        Thomas             Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Jones           Peter              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Kane            John               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Kearney         Martin             Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Kearney         Mrs. ???           Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Keegan          Bryan              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Keegan          Daniel             Creevaghmore                  Noughaval     Longford
Keegan          Michael            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Keena           Edward             Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Kelly           John               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Kelly           William            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Kennedy         John               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Kenny           Michael            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Kenny           Peter              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Kenny           William            Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Killian         William, Jr.       Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Killian         William, Sr.       Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Larkin          John               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Levey           John               Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Lynam           Miss ???           Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Lynch           Patrick            Keelbawn                      Noughaval     Longford
Lynn            Thomas             Cartron                       Noughaval     Longford
Mackin          John               Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Magee           Edward             Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Magee           Matthew            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Maguire         Edward             Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Mahon           Henry              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Malin           Michael            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Malinn          James              Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Mallin          Margaret           Annagh                        Noughaval     Longford
Mannion         Bryan              Keelbawn                      Noughaval     Longford
Mannion         James              Keelbawn                      Noughaval     Longford
Mannion         Peter              Keelbawn                      Noughaval     Longford
Mannion         Rev. Patrick       Keelbawn                      Noughaval     Longford
Martin          Patrick            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Mc Ardle        William            Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Mc Cormack      Michael            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Mc Cormack      Thomas             Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Mc Daniel       Edward             Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Mc Gann         James              Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Mc Glynn        Michael            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Mc Loughlin     Anne               Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Mc Loughlin     James              Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Mc Loughlin     Patrick            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Mc Manus        Dr. ???            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Mears           John               Cartron                       Noughaval     Longford
Mee             Anne               Keelbawn                      Noughaval     Longford
Mee             James              Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Mee             John, Jr.          Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Mee             John, Sr.          Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Mee             Thomas             Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Mills           John               Cartron                       Noughaval     Longford
Mullen          Patrick            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Mulvihill       Bernard            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Mulvihill       Bernard            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Mulvihill       Jane               Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Mulvihill       John               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Mulvihill       John               Garrynagh                     Noughaval     Longford
Murphy          James              Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Murphy          Mary               Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Murray          Jane               Annagh                        Noughaval     Longford
Murray          Mary               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Murtagh         Michael            Garrynagh                     Noughaval     Longford
Murtagh         Thomas             Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Neal            James              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Neill           Mary               Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Nolan           John               Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Norton          William            Garrynagh                     Noughaval     Longford
O'Brien         Andrew             Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
O'Hara          John               Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Owens           Richard            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Powell          Thomas             Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Priday          John               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Quinn           John               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Quinn           Mary               Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Rafferty        Peter              Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Reilly          Catherine          Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Reilly          Charles            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Reilly          John               Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Reilly          John, Jr.          Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Reilly          John, Sr.          Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Reilly          Patrick            Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Reilly          William            Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Reynolds        William            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Rourke          Michael            Carrickbeg                    Noughaval     Longford
Savage          Thomas             Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Shea            Ellen              Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Shea            John               Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Shea            Patrick            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Sheill          Thomas             Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Shore           William            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Shuldham        John               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Shuldham        John               Creevaghmore                  Noughaval     Longford
Simons          James              Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Simons          Michael            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Simons          Patrick            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Simons          Peter              Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Simons          Thomas             Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Slater          Henry B.           Creevaghmore                  Noughaval     Longford
Slator          Henry B.           Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Stubbs          William            Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Sweeny          James              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Vaughan         Thomas             Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Wall            Redmond            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Walsh           Michael            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Walsh           William            Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Ward            Francis            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Ward            Matthew            Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
Ward            Owen               Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford
Wright          John               Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
Wright          Thomas             Cartron                       Noughaval     Longford
Wright          Thomas             Keel                          Noughaval     Longford
Wynne           James              Ballymahon,(Creevagh Beg)     Noughaval     Longford
York            James              Rathmore                      Noughaval     Longford
York            Patrick            Clooncullen                   Noughaval     Longford