Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Collon, County Louth
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Collon, County Louth
Abraham George Collon Collon Louth
Abraham Rose Widows Row,(Collon) Collon Louth
Adams Rev. Anthony Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Adams Rev. Anthony Collon Collon Louth
Adams Rev. Anthony Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Aikins John Collon Collon Louth
Allen John Collon Collon Louth
Allen John Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Amerson John Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Bardin Patrick Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Barnes Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Barnes Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Barnet Isabella Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Barron John Collon Collon Louth
Barry Patrick Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Bellew Patrick Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Bellew Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Bellew Peter Collon Collon Louth
Bellew Pk Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Bellew Pk. Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Bennet Elizabeth Collon Collon Louth
Bennett Elizabeth Collon Collon Louth
Bingham Anne Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Bingham John Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Bingham Robert Collon Collon Louth
Bingham Robert Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Bingham Robert, Jr. Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Bingham Robert, Jr. Collon Collon Louth
Blackburne Anne Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Blackwell Henry M. Collon Collon Louth
Blunt Patrick Belpatrick Collon Louth
Blunt Thomas Belpatrick Collon Louth
Bowden Michael Collon Collon Louth
Boyd Patrick Belpatrick Collon Louth
Boyle Bryan Collon Collon Louth
Boyle Edward Chapel Lane,(Collon) Collon Louth
Boyle Edward Collon Collon Louth
Boyle Eliza Collon Collon Louth
Boyle Owen Funshog Collon Louth
Boyle Owen Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Brady Francis Collon Collon Louth
Brady John Funshog Collon Louth
Brady John Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Branigan Francis Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Brannigan Francis Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Bredin Christopher Collon Collon Louth
Brewster William Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Browne Thomas Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Bryan Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Byrne Henry Collon Collon Louth
Byrne James Belpatrick Collon Louth
Byrne James Collon Collon Louth
Byrne John Belpatrick Collon Louth
Byrne John Chapel Lane,(Collon) Collon Louth
Byrne John Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Byrne Judith Collon Collon Louth
Byrne Margaret Collon Collon Louth
Byrne Thomas Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Byrne Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Callan Bridget Funshog Collon Louth
Callan Bridget Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Callan Catherine Chapel Lane,(Collon) Collon Louth
Callan James Collon Collon Louth
Callan Margaret Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Callan Mary Collon Collon Louth
Callan Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Campbell Robert Collon Collon Louth
Campbell Robert Oriel Road,(Collon) Collon Louth
Carberry Nicholas Funshog Collon Louth
Carberry Nicholas Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Carey Samuel Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Carolan Bernard Collon Collon Louth
Carolin Patrick Belpatrick Collon Louth
Carr Peter Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Carroll Bridget Collon Collon Louth
Carroll Catherine Funshog Collon Louth
Carroll Catherine Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Carroll John Collon Collon Louth
Carroll Mary Collon Collon Louth
Carroll Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Casey Mary Collon Collon Louth
Cassidy John Chapel Lane,(Collon) Collon Louth
Cassidy Patrick Widows Row,(Collon) Collon Louth
Clarke Mary Funshog Collon Louth
Clarke Mary Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Coleman Peter Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Collins John Collon Collon Louth
Commons Michael Collon Collon Louth
Condran Matthew Collon Collon Louth
Conlan Mrs. ??? Funshog Collon Louth
Conlan Mrs. ??? Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Connolly Edward Collon Collon Louth
Connolly James Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Connor Richard Collon Collon Louth
Cooke John Collon Collon Louth
Costello Mary Widows Row,(Collon) Collon Louth
Crawley Mary Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Crinian Judith Collon Collon Louth
Crinian Michael Collon Collon Louth
Crinnian James Collon Collon Louth
Cumisky Richard Collon Collon Louth
Curran Henry Collon Collon Louth
Daly Owen Collon Collon Louth
Daly Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Devin Anne Collon Collon Louth
Devine John Collon Collon Louth
Devlin Daniel Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Devlin John Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Devlin Stephen Collon Collon Louth
Doherty John Collon Collon Louth
Donegan John Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Donegan Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Donegan Thomas Oriel Road,(Collon) Collon Louth
Donigan Bryan Collon Collon Louth
Donigan Bryan Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Donigan John Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Doolan James Belpatrick Collon Louth
Downes Richard Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Downey James Collon Collon Louth
Downey Mary Collon Collon Louth
Drew Matthew Collon Collon Louth
Dromgoole George Collon Collon Louth
Dromgoole Jane Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Duffy James Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Duffy Jas. Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Duffy Mary Funshog Collon Louth
Duffy Mary Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Duffy Owen Collon Collon Louth
Dunne Christopher Belpatrick Collon Louth
Dunne Christr., Jr. Belpatrick Collon Louth
Dunne James Belpatrick Collon Louth
Dunne Luke Belpatrick Collon Louth
Dunne Patrick Belpatrick Collon Louth
Durnin Thomas Belpatrick Collon Louth
Eakins Samuel Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Elphinson James Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Emmerson John Collon Collon Louth
Everett Owen Belpatrick Collon Louth
Everett Owen Collon Collon Louth
Everett Richard Collon Collon Louth
Fahy Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Fahy Rose Funshog Collon Louth
Fahy Rose Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Faulkner Michael Collon Collon Louth
Ferrard ??? Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Ferrard ??? Collon Collon Louth
Ferrard ??? Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Ferrard ??? Funshog Collon Louth
Ferrard ??? Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Ferrard ??? Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Finegan John Collon Collon Louth
Finnegan Catherine Collon Collon Louth
Finnegan John Collon Collon Louth
Finnegan John Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Finnegan Michael Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Finnegan Richard Collon Collon Louth
Finnegan Richard Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Finnegan Samuel Collon Collon Louth
Finnegan William Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Finnigan James Collon Collon Louth
Flanagan George Funshog Collon Louth
Flanagan George Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Flanigan George Funshog Collon Louth
Flanigan George Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Flanigan John Funshog Collon Louth
Flanigan John Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Flanigan Michael Funshog Collon Louth
Flanigan Michael Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Flanigan Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Forbes Arthur K. Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Gallagher Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Gallagher Peter Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Galway Mary Collon Collon Louth
Gamble James Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Gaynor Bridget Collon Collon Louth
Gaynor Christopher Collon Collon Louth
Gaynor Patrick Oriel Road,(Collon) Collon Louth
Gillespie John Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Goodlow Stephen Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Govers Henry Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Govers Henry Collon Collon Louth
Govers Henry Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Govers John Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Gray William Collon Collon Louth
Greene Richard Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Greene Robert Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Greer James Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Griffith James Collon Collon Louth
Griffith Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Halfpenny Michael Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Halfpenny Michael Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Halfpenny Patrick Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Hall Elizabeth Widows Row,(Collon) Collon Louth
Hall Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Halligan Daniel Belpatrick Collon Louth
Halligan Patrick Belpatrick Collon Louth
Halligan Thomas Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Hamilton William Collon Collon Louth
Hammil James Collon Collon Louth
Hand Michael Collon Collon Louth
Hand Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Hanratty Andrew Collon Collon Louth
Hanratty Eliza Collon Collon Louth
Hare Daniel Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Hatch Luke Collon Collon Louth
Hatch Matthew Collon Collon Louth
Heasley James Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Heasley William Collon Collon Louth
Heney Michael Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Hickey John Belpatrick Collon Louth
Hickey Nicholas Belpatrick Collon Louth
Higgins Michael Collon Collon Louth
Holt William Collon Collon Louth
Hoy Mary Widows Row,(Collon) Collon Louth
Hudson Richard Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Hughes Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Hunter Robert Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Hverling Richard Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Jennet Mary Collon Collon Louth
Jennett John Collon Collon Louth
Johnston Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Johnston Patrick, Jr. Collon Collon Louth
Kavanagh Rev. Henry J. Collon Collon Louth
Kavenagh Robert Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Keegan James Collon Collon Louth
Keelan Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Keeley James Collon Collon Louth
Keiran Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Kennedy John Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Kieran Cornelius Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Kieran Laurence Collon Collon Louth
Kieran Laurence Funshog Collon Louth
Kieran Laurence Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Lamb Alice Funshog Collon Louth
Lamb Alice Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Lamb Owen Collon Collon Louth
Lamb William Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Lambert John Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Lambert Michael Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Lambert Michael Collon Collon Louth
Leary Thomas Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Lee William Collon Collon Louth
Lee William Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Leech John Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Leech Samuel Collon Collon Louth
Leech William Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Lennon Francis Collon Collon Louth
Leonard Mary Collon Collon Louth
Levins John Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Levins Nicholas Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Little Jacob Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Loughran Richard Belpatrick Collon Louth
Lynch James Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Lynch John Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Lyons Elizabeth Collon Collon Louth
Lyons Rose Belpatrick Collon Louth
Magennis Mary Collon Collon Louth
Magennis Thomas Belpatrick Collon Louth
Magennis Thomas Funshog Collon Louth
Magennis Thomas Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Magennis William Collon Collon Louth
Maginn James Collon Collon Louth
Maguinness Catherine Collon Collon Louth
Maguire Bridget Belpatrick Collon Louth
Maguire Dorothy Belpatrick Collon Louth
Maguire George Belpatrick Collon Louth
Maguire James Belpatrick Collon Louth
Maguire Patrick Belpatrick Collon Louth
Maguire Thomas Belpatrick Collon Louth
Markey Jn. Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Markey John Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Martin Henry Belpatrick Collon Louth
Martin James Collon Collon Louth
Massereene Viscount Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Massereene Viscount Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Massereene Viscount Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Massereene Viscount Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Massereene Viscount ??? Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Massereene Viscount ??? Collon Collon Louth
Massereene Viscount ??? Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Massereene Viscount ??? Funshog Collon Louth
Massereene Viscount ??? Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Massereeneferrard Viscount ??? Collon Collon Louth
Mathews James Collon Collon Louth
Mathews Judith Funshog Collon Louth
Mathews Judith Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mathews Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Mathews Patrick Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mathews Peter Funshog Collon Louth
Mathews Peter Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mathews Philip Collon Collon Louth
Mathews Rose Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mathews Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Maxwell Edward Collon Collon Louth
Maxwell Patrick Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mc Atee Patrick Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mc Cann Andrew Belpatrick Collon Louth
Mc Cann Anne Collon Collon Louth
Mc Cann James Collon Collon Louth
Mc Cann John Collon Collon Louth
Mc Cann Thomas Funshog Collon Louth
Mc Cann Thomas Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mc Clure Anne Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mc Cormack Jane Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mc Cullagh Edward Belpatrick Collon Louth
Mc Cullagh Terence Belpatrick Collon Louth
Mc Dermott Thomas Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mc Giveny Daniel Collon Collon Louth
Mc Givney Daniel Collon Collon Louth
Mc Givney James Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mc Givney James Collon Collon Louth
Mc Givney Luke Collon Collon Louth
Mc Givney Luke Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mc Govern Bryan Oriel Road,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mc Govern Michael Collon Collon Louth
Mc Grath Eliza Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mc Ivor Ellen Widows Row,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mc Keever Andrew Belpatrick Collon Louth
Mc Keever Joseph Collon Collon Louth
Mc Keever Samuel Collon Collon Louth
Mc Keever Thomas Belpatrick Collon Louth
Mc Keever William Collon Collon Louth
Mc Kenna James Collon Collon Louth
Mc Kenna John Collon Collon Louth
Mc Kenna Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Mc Quail Patrick Funshog Collon Louth
Mc Quail Patrick Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mc Quilan Christopher Collon Collon Louth
Mc Quilan Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Mc Quirk Anne Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mohan Bridget Funshog Collon Louth
Mohan Bridget Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mohan Bridget, Jr. Funshog Collon Louth
Mohan Bridget, Jr. Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mohan Sylester Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mohan Sylvester Funshog Collon Louth
Moonan James Funshog Collon Louth
Moonan John Collon Collon Louth
Moonan Matthew Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Moonan Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Moonan Thomas Belpatrick Collon Louth
Moonan Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Moonan Thomas Funshog Collon Louth
Moonan Thomas Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Moonen Thomas Belpatrick Collon Louth
Moore James Collon Collon Louth
Morewood Anne Funshog Collon Louth
Morewood Anne Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Morgan Daniel Collon Collon Louth
Morgan Daniel Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mulholland George Collon Collon Louth
Mulholland Jane Collon Collon Louth
Mulholland Mary Collon Collon Louth
Mullen Edward Collon Collon Louth
Mullen Mary Funshog Collon Louth
Mullen Mary Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Mullen Michael Collon Collon Louth
Mullen Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Murphy James Collon Collon Louth
Murphy James Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Murphy Mary Collon Collon Louth
Murphy Peter Collon Collon Louth
Murphy Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Murray Henry Funshog Collon Louth
Murray Henry Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Murray John Belpatrick Collon Louth
Murray Lawrence Collon Collon Louth
Myles Denis Collon Collon Louth
Myles Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Nevin John Belpatrick Collon Louth
Nevin Patrick Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Noble Mungo Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Noble Mungo Collon Collon Louth
North Mrs. ??? Collon Collon Louth
North Mrs. ??? Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
O'Brien Philip Collon Collon Louth
Pepper Alicia Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Philips Elizabeth Collon Collon Louth
Phillips Elizabeth Collon Collon Louth
Quigley Patrick Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Quinn Matthew Funshog Collon Louth
Quinn Matthew Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Quinn Michael Funshog Collon Louth
Quinn Michael Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Quiqley Patrick Funshog Collon Louth
Reath Thomas Collon Collon Louth
Reath Thomas Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Reid James Collon Collon Louth
Reid Judith Belpatrick Collon Louth
Reid Patrick Belpatrick Collon Louth
Reid Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Reid William Belpatrick Collon Louth
Reid William Collon Collon Louth
Reilly James Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Reilly Jn. Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Reilly John Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Rielly John Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Robinson Ralph Collon Collon Louth
Rogers John Belpatrick Collon Louth
Roland John Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Scahan Mary Funshog Collon Louth
Scahan Mary Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Shaw Laurence Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Shekleton James Collon Collon Louth
Shekleton John Collon Collon Louth
Shekleton John Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Shekleton Margaret Collon Collon Louth
Shekleton Margaret Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Sheridan James Collon Collon Louth
Sheridan Mary Collon Collon Louth
Short John Collon Collon Louth
Short John Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Simpson James Collon Collon Louth
Simpson James Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Singleton Edmund Collon Collon Louth
Singleton Edward Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Singleton Edward Collon Collon Louth
Skelly Matthew Collon Collon Louth
Smarley Anne Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Smith Ellen Collon Collon Louth
Smith Ellen Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Smith James Collon Collon Louth
Smith John Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Smith Margaret Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Smith Michael Collon Collon Louth
Smith Patrick Market Square,(Collon) Collon Louth
Sorahan James Belpatrick Collon Louth
Steen Sylvester Collon Collon Louth
Stewart John Collon Collon Louth
Tierney Patrick Collon Collon Louth
Tierney Patrick, Jr. Collon Collon Louth
Traynor Mary Anne Collon Collon Louth
Traynor Mary Anne Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Verling Richard H. Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Verling Richard H. Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Vickers William Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Vickers William Collon Collon Louth
Wade William Collon Collon Louth
Wall Catherine Collon Collon Louth
Walsh Margaret Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Walsh Mary Funshog Collon Louth
Walsh Mary Funshog,(Collon) Collon Louth
Ward James Collon Collon Louth
Waters John Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Waters Patrick Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
White Margaret Collon Collon Louth
Williamson James Church Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Wilson John Ardee Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Wilson John Collon Collon Louth
Wynne John Collon Collon Louth
Wynne John Drogheda Street,(Collon) Collon Louth
Young Bernard Collon Collon Louth