Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Donaghmore, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Donaghmore, County Meath
Aickins Thomas Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Anderson George Graigs Donaghmore Meath
Anthony Patrick Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Armstrong Edward Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Arthur Nicholas Blackcastle Donaghmore Meath
Aylmer Eliza Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Aylmer James Batterstown Donaghmore Meath
Aylmer James Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Aylmer Thomas Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Batt Samuel Flower-Hill,Navan,(Blkcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Bellew Anne Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Bellew Mary Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Bobbett William Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Bourke James W. Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Boylan Thomas Fleenstown Donaghmore Meath
Boylan William Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Bradley Kate Nevinstown Donaghmore Meath
Brady Catherine Blackcastle Donaghmore Meath
Brady James Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Brady Jane Blackcastle Donaghmore Meath
Brady Patrick Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Brien Michael Batterstown Donaghmore Meath
Browne John Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Burgess John Antylstown Donaghmore Meath
Byrne George Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Byrne Patrick Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Cahill John Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Calary Patrick Flower-Hill,Navan,(Blkcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Callaghan Christopher Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Callaghan Patrick Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Cangley Patrick Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Cargan James Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Carolan John Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Carolan Nicholas Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Carroll Bryan Graigs Donaghmore Meath
Carroll Catherine Bullstown Donaghmore Meath
Casey Thomas Nevinstown Donaghmore Meath
Casserley Edmund Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Cassidy Catherine Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Cassidy Philip Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Chadwick John F. Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Clarke Bridget Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Clarke Patrick Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Clarke Terence Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Clusker Anne Flower-Hill,Navan,(Blkcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Connor Peter Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Conway Michael Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Coogan Andrew Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Crosbie Mary Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Crosbie Owen Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Cunningham Hugh Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Curran Patrick Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Curran Patrick Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Curtis Patrick Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Darcy William Dunreagh Donaghmore Meath
Darcy William Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Denning Michael Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Dennon James Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Devlin Hugh Bullstown Donaghmore Meath
Dignan William Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Doake Elizabeth Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Dolan Bryan Antylstown Donaghmore Meath
Downey Catherine Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Doyle Nicholas Bullstown Donaghmore Meath
Doyle Nicholas Wotton Donaghmore Meath
Duff Thomas Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Duffy Peter Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Duggan Michael Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Echlin Margaret Flower-Hill,Navan,(Blkcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Eiffe Valentine Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Everard Patrick Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Fagan Michael Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Farquar Philip Robertstown Donaghmore Meath
Farrelly James Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Farrelly Margaret Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Farrelly Peter Flower-Hill,Navan,(Blkcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Farrelly Rose Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Farrelly Thomas Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Finn Peter Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Fitzherbert Rich R. Blackcastle Donaghmore Meath
Fitzherbert Rich R. Blackcastle Demesne Donaghmore Meath
Fitzherbert Rich R. Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Fitzherbert Richard R. Clonmagaddan Donaghmore Meath
Fitzherbert Richard R. Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Fitzherbert Richard R. Flower-Hill,Navan,(Blkcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Fitzsimons Charlotte Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Flood Edmund Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Flood Patrick Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Flood Patrick Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Flood Thomas Bullstown Donaghmore Meath
Flood Thomas Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Flood Thomas Fleenstown, Little Donaghmore Meath
Flood Thomas Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Flood Thomas Muckerstown Donaghmore Meath
Flood Thomas Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Flood Thomas Wotton Donaghmore Meath
Fox Mary Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Garrigan Thomas Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Gerrard Catherine Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Gerrard William Graigs Donaghmore Meath
Gibbons Mary Fleenstown, Little Donaghmore Meath
Gibney Patrick Batterstown Donaghmore Meath
Gilshennan Judith Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Glynn Joseph A. Flower-Hill,Navan,(Blkcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Gogarty Andrew Fleenstown, Little Donaghmore Meath
Goodwin John Blackcastle Donaghmore Meath
Googan Patrick Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Gugerty Thomas Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Halpin John Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Halpin John Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Hand Nicholas Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Hand Patrick Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Hand Patrick Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Hand Richard Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Handy Catherine Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Heeny Thomas Flower-Hill,Navan,(Blkcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Heery Thomas Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Hill Catherine Flower-Hill,Navan,(Blkcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Hogan Mr. Edwd Bullstown Donaghmore Meath
Hogan Mr. Edwd Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Hogan Mr. Edwd Muckerstown Donaghmore Meath
Hogan Mr. Edwd Wotton Donaghmore Meath
Hogan Mr. Edwd. Fleenstown, Little Donaghmore Meath
Hogan Mr. Edwd. Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Hughes Charles Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Kavanagh Mary Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Keane Thomas Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Keappock Thomas Blackcastle Donaghmore Meath
Kearney Peter Antylstown Donaghmore Meath
Kelly John Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Kelly Nicholas Blackcastle Donaghmore Meath
Kennedy Matthew Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Kennedy Michael Fleenstown, Little Donaghmore Meath
Kennedy Michael Muckerstown Donaghmore Meath
Kennedy Thos. Muckerstown Donaghmore Meath
Kirk Patrick Archerstown Donaghmore Meath
Kirk Patrick Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Larkin Patrick Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Lawless David Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Leland Tew Marcus Johnstown Donaghmore Meath
Leland Tew Marcus Robertstown Donaghmore Meath
Lenehan Alice Fleenstown Donaghmore Meath
Lynch Owen Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Lynch Patrick Blackcastle Donaghmore Meath
Lynch Patrick Clonmagaddan Donaghmore Meath
Lynch Peter Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Lynch Richard Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Macken Patrick Robertstown Donaghmore Meath
Markey James Batterstown Donaghmore Meath
Martin Catherine Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Martin Hugh Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Mason Mary Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Mathews Patrick Graigs Donaghmore Meath
Mathews Thomas Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Mc Auley Robert Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Mc Cabe Patrick Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Mc Cluskey James Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Mc Cormack Thomas Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Mc Dermott Laurence Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Mc Donagh Rose Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Mc Donald Michael Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Mc Entee Bridget Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Mc Entee John Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Mc Glue John Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Mc Gorisk Patrick Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Mc Goveran Barthw. Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Mc Gowran Matthew Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Mc Grane Mary Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Mc Guinness Mary Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Mc Loughlin Joseph Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Mc Quaile Patrick Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Mealy Patrick Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Milne William Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Molloy Bridget Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Moore Mary Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Morgan William Antylstown Donaghmore Meath
Morgan William Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Morgan William Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Moyles Michael Bullstown Donaghmore Meath
Moyles Michael Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Mullady Christopher Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Mullady James Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Mullady James Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Mullady James, Jr. Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Mullady John Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Mullady John Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Mullady Patrick Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Mullady Richard Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Mullen Christopher Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Mullen James Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Murray John Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Murray Martin Batterstown Donaghmore Meath
Murtagh James Clonmagaddan Donaghmore Meath
Murtagh James Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Neill John Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Neill John, Jr. Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Nevin John Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Nevin Nicholas Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Nevin Thomas Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Newman James Bullstown Donaghmore Meath
Nugent William Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
O'Hara Mary Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
O'Reilly Fleming P. Rathaldron Donaghmore Meath
O'Reilly Teresa Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Oonan Catherine Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Oonan Mary Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Owens Patrick Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Plunkett Mary Clonmagaddan Donaghmore Meath
Plunkett Matthew Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Powderly Hugh Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Power Rev. Nicholas Blackcastle Donaghmore Meath
Redford John Batterstown Donaghmore Meath
Reid James Clonmagaddan Donaghmore Meath
Reid James Nevinstown Donaghmore Meath
Reid James Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Reilly James Blackcastle Donaghmore Meath
Reilly John Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Reilly Thomas Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Roe Michael Batterstown Donaghmore Meath
Roe Michael Clonmagaddan Donaghmore Meath
Rogers Patrick Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Rogers Peter Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Rooney Christopher Fleenstown Donaghmore Meath
Rooney Christopher Muckerstown Donaghmore Meath
Rooney Christopher Robertstown Donaghmore Meath
Rooney Joseph Robertstown Donaghmore Meath
Rorke Hugh Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Rorke Margaret Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Rorke Thomas Blackcastle Donaghmore Meath
Rorke Thomas Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Russell Patrick Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Scott James Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Segrave James John Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Sheil Patrick Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Sherlock John Simonstown Donaghmore Meath
Sherlock Luke Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Sherlock Luke Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Sloughan John Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Smith Bernard Proudstown Donaghmore Meath
Smith Catherine Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Smith Daniel Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Smith John Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Smith John, Jr. Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Smith Judith Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Smith Michael Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Smith Michael Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Smith Patrick Batterstown Donaghmore Meath
Smith Peter Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Spicer John Blackcastle Donaghmore Meath
Stapleton James Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Sweetman Mary Donaghmore Donaghmore Meath
Swift Owen Antylstown Donaghmore Meath
Swift Owen, Jr. Antylstown Donaghmore Meath
Taaffe John Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Taylor Patrick Blackcastle Donaghmore Meath
Tighe Edmund Windtown Donaghmore Meath
Towers John Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Trevor Joseph H. Flower-Hill,Navan,(Blkcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Tumbleton William Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Webster John C. Pollbwee,Navan,(Blackcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath
Woods Andrew Bullstown Donaghmore Meath
Woods William Milltown Donaghmore Meath
Yore Christopher Flower-Hill,Navan,(Blkcastle Demesne) Donaghmore Meath