Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killeagh, County Meath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killeagh, County Meath
Barnes Patrick Ross Killeagh Meath
Battersby Rev. Robert Glebe Killeagh Meath
Blake Edward Ballinrink Killeagh Meath
Blake Patrick Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Boyle John Ross Killeagh Meath
Brady Patrick Ballymacad Killeagh Meath
Brady Patrick Ballynagranshy Killeagh Meath
Brady Walter Ross Killeagh Meath
Bridy Thomas Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Brody Anne Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Brookes John Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Browne James Ballinrink Killeagh Meath
Browne James Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Browne Margaret Ballymacad Killeagh Meath
Browne Matthew Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Browne Nicholas Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Browne Patrick Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Browne Thomas Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Byrne James Crossdrum, Lr. Killeagh Meath
Byrne Thomas Ross Killeagh Meath
Calary Terence Moat Killeagh Meath
Calary Thomas Moat Killeagh Meath
Calery Peter Moat Killeagh Meath
Callery Hugh Moat Killeagh Meath
Callwell John Crossdrum, Lr. Killeagh Meath
Cantwell John Crossdrum, Lr. Killeagh Meath
Carroll Margaret Crossdrum, Up. Killeagh Meath
Cassidy Thomas Moat Killeagh Meath
Caulay Peter Moat Killeagh Meath
Chapman Simon Moat Killeagh Meath
Cogan Patrick Moat Killeagh Meath
Connaty John Ballinrink Killeagh Meath
Connaty Thomas Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Connaty William Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Connell James Ballymacad Killeagh Meath
Connolly Patrick Moat Killeagh Meath
Connor Catherine Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Cooke Elizabeth Ross Killeagh Meath
Cooke Judith Ross Killeagh Meath
Cooke Peter Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Coyle Bryan Crossdrum, Lr. Killeagh Meath
Cute Owen Halfcarton Killeagh Meath
Dermody William Ballynagranshy Killeagh Meath
Dolan John Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Dolan Matthew Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Dolan Patrick Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Donoher Farrell Ballymacad Killeagh Meath
Dowd Richard Ross Killeagh Meath
Dowtey John Ballinrink Killeagh Meath
Drake Edward Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Drake Mary Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Early Patrick Ballinrink Killeagh Meath
Evers Michael Tully Killeagh Meath
Fegan Peter Halfcarton Killeagh Meath
Fennor Thomas Crossdrum, Lr. Killeagh Meath
Finnegan Michael Ross Killeagh Meath
Flanagan James Moat Killeagh Meath
Flanagan Robert Moat Killeagh Meath
Flood Patrick Halfcarton Killeagh Meath
Forde Joseph Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Fox Thomas Cullendragh Killeagh Meath
Gaffney John Ross Killeagh Meath
Gaffney Lawrence Ross Killeagh Meath
Gaffney Michael Ross Killeagh Meath
Gaffney Michael Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Gaffney Patrick Ross Killeagh Meath
Gaffney Philip Ross Killeagh Meath
Gaffney Terence Ross Killeagh Meath
Gaffney Thomas Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Gaffney William Ballinrink Killeagh Meath
Gahern Anne Crossdrum, Up. Killeagh Meath
Gahern John Crossdrum, Up. Killeagh Meath
Gavan Mary Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Gavan Patrick Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Gavan William Crossdrum, Lr. Killeagh Meath
Gibbons Philip Ross Killeagh Meath
Gibney Eleanor Moat Killeagh Meath
Gibney John Moat Killeagh Meath
Gibney John, Jr. Moat Killeagh Meath
Gibney Lawrence Ballynagranshy Killeagh Meath
Gibney Michael Moat Killeagh Meath
Gibney Thomas Ballynagranshy Killeagh Meath
Gibney Thomas Moat Killeagh Meath
Gilshenan William Moat Killeagh Meath
Gray John Crossdrum, Up. Killeagh Meath
Gray Samuel Crossdrum, Up. Killeagh Meath
Greal John Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Greal Thomas Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Gurn Thomas Moat Killeagh Meath
Halfpenny John Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Harman William S. Crossdrum, Up. Killeagh Meath
Heery Henry Rasillagh Killeagh Meath
Heery Henry Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Heery James Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Hennessy William Rasillagh Killeagh Meath
Henry Charles Ballynagranshy Killeagh Meath
Henry Lawrence Ballymacad Killeagh Meath
Herron John Ross Killeagh Meath
Hone Nathaniel Ballymacad Killeagh Meath
Hone Nathaniel Rasillagh Killeagh Meath
Hone Nathaniel Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Hughes Susan Ross Killeagh Meath
Hussey Anne Moat Killeagh Meath
Hussey Edward Crossdrum, Lr. Killeagh Meath
Kearney James Ballynagranshy Killeagh Meath
Kearney Michael Crossdrum, Lr. Killeagh Meath
Keevan Mary Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Keevan Michael Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Kennedy Edward Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Kennedy Mary Moat Killeagh Meath
Kennedy Michael Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Kennedy Michael Moat Killeagh Meath
Kennedy Nicholas Moat Killeagh Meath
Keogh William Moat Killeagh Meath
Kernan John Crossdrum, Lr. Killeagh Meath
Kilroy Francis Ross Killeagh Meath
Kilroy Michael Ross Killeagh Meath
Kilroy Patrick Ross Killeagh Meath
Land Robert Crossdrum, Up. Killeagh Meath
Lea John Ballinrink Killeagh Meath
Lee Bryan Moat Killeagh Meath
Long Francis Moat Killeagh Meath
Love John Ross Killeagh Meath
Lynch Bridget Ballymacad Killeagh Meath
Lynch Bryan Ballynagranshy Killeagh Meath
Lynch Catherine Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Lynch John Ross Killeagh Meath
Lynch William Ross Killeagh Meath
Maguire Sylvester Rasillagh Killeagh Meath
Martin James Moat Killeagh Meath
Mathews John Moat Killeagh Meath
Mathews Michael Crossdrum, Lr. Killeagh Meath
Matthews John Tully Killeagh Meath
Matthews John, Jr. Tully Killeagh Meath
Mc Brien Matthew Moat Killeagh Meath
Mc Brien Michael Moat Killeagh Meath
Mc Cabe Patrick Crossdrum, Lr. Killeagh Meath
Mc Cabe Patrick Moat Killeagh Meath
Mc Cabe Thomas Moat Killeagh Meath
Mc Cormack Bridget Rathmea Killeagh Meath
Mc Cormack Thomas Ross Killeagh Meath
Mc Cormick Michael Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Mc Entee Bryan Ballynagranshy Killeagh Meath
Mc Entee Patrick Ballynagranshy Killeagh Meath
Mc Gahern John Moat Killeagh Meath
Mc Gahern Owen Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Mc Gahern Peter Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Mc Gahern Thomas Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Mc Ginn Bartholomew Moat Killeagh Meath
Mc Ginn Edward Moat Killeagh Meath
Mc Govern Bridget Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Mc Govern Eliza Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Mc Reery Henry Moat Killeagh Meath
Monaghan Thomas Moat Killeagh Meath
Mooney John Ballymacad Killeagh Meath
Moore Michael Tully Killeagh Meath
Muldoon Bridget Cullendragh Killeagh Meath
Muldoon Michael Cullendragh Killeagh Meath
Mullally Terence Rasillagh Killeagh Meath
Murphy Bartholomew Rasillagh Killeagh Meath
Murphy Hugh Ross Killeagh Meath
Murray Patrick Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Murtagh Andrew Ross Killeagh Meath
Murtagh Bridget Ross Killeagh Meath
Murtagh Michael Moat Killeagh Meath
Naper James W. L. Crossdrum, Up. Killeagh Meath
Naper James W. L. Halfcarton Killeagh Meath
Naper James W. L. Moat Killeagh Meath
Naper James W. L. Rathmea Killeagh Meath
Neill Patrick Halfcarton Killeagh Meath
Nettleton Andrew Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Nugent Christopher Moat Killeagh Meath
Nugent John Moat Killeagh Meath
Parkes Catherine Moat Killeagh Meath
Pentland George H. Ross Killeagh Meath
Reade Edward Bushy-Island,Islands in Lough Sheelan Killeagh Meath
Reade Edward Church Island,Islands in Lough Sheelan Killeagh Meath
Reade Edward Derrysheridan Killeagh Meath
Reade Edward Ross Killeagh Meath
Reilly James Ballymacad Killeagh Meath
Reilly Luke Ross Killeagh Meath
Reilly Patrick Ballynagranshy Killeagh Meath
Rotheram Edward Ballinrink Killeagh Meath
Rotheram Edward Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Rotheram Edward Crossdrum, Lr. Killeagh Meath
Rotherham Edward Moat Killeagh Meath
Sheridan Bernard Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Sheridan John Ballynagranshy Killeagh Meath
Smith Bartholomew Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Smith John Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Smith Margaret Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Smith Nicholas Ross Killeagh Meath
Smith Patrick Crossdrum, Lr. Killeagh Meath
Smith Patrick Halfcarton Killeagh Meath
Smyth Eleanor Ross Killeagh Meath
Smyth Farrell Ross Killeagh Meath
Smyth Joseph Ballynacree Killeagh Meath
Smyth Patrick Ross Killeagh Meath
Smyth Patrick, Jr. Ross Killeagh Meath
Smyth Philip Rasillagh Killeagh Meath
Smyth Thomas Ross Killeagh Meath
Smyth William Ross Killeagh Meath
Somerville James Inchacup Island,Islands in Lough Sheelan Killeagh Meath
Somerville James Ross Killeagh Meath
Thomas Lloyd H. Ross Killeagh Meath
Tighe Bryan Ballynagranshy Killeagh Meath
Tormey Christopher Halfcarton Killeagh Meath
Tormey Christopher Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Tormey Margaret Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Tormey Patrick Rathmea Killeagh Meath
Tormy John Tully Killeagh Meath
Tuite John Rathmea Killeagh Meath
Tuite Owen Ballymacad Killeagh Meath
Walsh James Tubbrid Killeagh Meath
Walsh Patrick Ballynagranshy Killeagh Meath