Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Shronell, County Tipperary
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Shronell, County Tipperary
Maher         Anthony             Shronell Beg             Shronell     Tipperary
Marony        Timothy             Shronell Beg             Shronell     Tipperary
Mc Grath      Patrick             Deerpark                 Shronell     Tipperary
Mealy         John                Deerpark                 Shronell     Tipperary
Moloney       William             Shronell More            Shronell     Tipperary
Morrissy      John                Barronstown (Ormond)     Shronell     Tipperary
Morrissy      Mathew              Barronstown (Ormond)     Shronell     Tipperary
Mournane      Garrett             Ballinglanna             Shronell     Tipperary
Mournane      Richard             Ballinglanna             Shronell     Tipperary
Mournane      Thomas              Ballinglanna             Shronell     Tipperary
Murphy        Edmond              Ballyconry               Shronell     Tipperary
Neill         Malachi             Barronstown (Ormond)     Shronell     Tipperary
Noonan        William             Ballinard                Shronell     Tipperary
O'Brien       Margaret            Ballinglanna             Shronell     Tipperary
O'Brien       Richard             Shronell Beg             Shronell     Tipperary
O'Brien       Thomas              Shronell Beg             Shronell     Tipperary
O'Donnell     Denis               Deerpark                 Shronell     Tipperary
O'Donnell     Michael             Deerpark                 Shronell     Tipperary
Power         Cornelius           Ballycohy                Shronell     Tipperary
Quinlan       Anthony             Deerpark                 Shronell     Tipperary
Quinlan       John                Deerpark                 Shronell     Tipperary
Quinn         Bridget             Shronell Beg             Shronell     Tipperary
Quinn         John                Ballycohy                Shronell     Tipperary
Quinn         John                Shronell Beg             Shronell     Tipperary
Quinn         Richard             Ballycohy                Shronell     Tipperary
Quinn         William             Ballycohy                Shronell     Tipperary
Riordan       Edmond              Ballycohy                Shronell     Tipperary
Ryan          John                Ballinglanna             Shronell     Tipperary
Ryan          John                Ballycohy                Shronell     Tipperary
Ryan          Michael             Ballycohy                Shronell     Tipperary
Ryan          Patrick             Ballycohy                Shronell     Tipperary
Ryan          William             Ballycohy                Shronell     Tipperary
Sadlier       Clement, Esq.       Deerpark                 Shronell     Tipperary
Sadlier       Clement, Esq.       Shronell                 Shronell     Tipperary
Toomy         Peter               Ballycohy                Shronell     Tipperary
Trehy         Edmond              Ballycohy                Shronell     Tipperary
Vaughan       Denis               Deerpark                 Shronell     Tipperary
Walsh         Edmond              Deerpark                 Shronell     Tipperary
Walsh         Michael             Deerpark                 Shronell     Tipperary
White         Robert W., Esq.     Shronell Beg             Shronell     Tipperary