Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ballymore, County Westmeath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ballymore, County Westmeath
Allen John Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Allen Patrick Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Allen William Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Aston Richard Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Aston Thomas Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Aston William Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Austin Eliza Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Boland James Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Bollasty Patrick Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Bond Thomas Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Bourke Anne Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Boyd George A. Ballinlig Lower Ballymore Westmeath
Boyd George A. Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Brabazon John Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Bracken Hugh Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Brady Christopher Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Brennan Patrick Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Brien Terence Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Buckley Catherine Ballynafearagh Ballymore Westmeath
Buckley Catherine Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Buckley Catherine Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Buckley Timothy Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Buckley William Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Butler Felix Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Butler Richard Lugacaha Ballymore Westmeath
Cairn John Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Carney Peter Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Carroll Michael Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Carthy Mary Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Carthy Mary Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Carty William Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Casey Ellen Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Casey Patrick Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Casey Richard Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Casey Thomas Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Cassell Andrew Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Cassell Francis Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Cassell John Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Cassell Patrick Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Cassell Rep. Patrick Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Cassidy Michael Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Chapman Robert Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Clarke Edward Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Clarke Edward Snimnagorta Ballymore Westmeath
Clarke Francis Glebe Ballymore Westmeath
Clarke Francis Snimnagorta Ballymore Westmeath
Clarke Henry Snimnagorta Ballymore Westmeath
Clarke John Snimnagorta Ballymore Westmeath
Clarke Laurence Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Clarke Laurence Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Clarke Mary Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Clarke Matthew Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Clarke Michael Newtown Ballymore Westmeath
Clarke Patrick Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Clarke Patrick Snimnagorta Ballymore Westmeath
Cleary Edward Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Cleary Edward Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Cleary John Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Cleary Patrick Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Clines Patrick Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Cloynes Patrick Newtown Ballymore Westmeath
Coffey Hugh Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Coffey Thomas Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Coffey Thomas Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Coffey Thomas Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Coghlan James Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Comerly Thomas Umma Beg Ballymore Westmeath
Comerly William Ballinlig Lower Ballymore Westmeath
Conaghten Charles Harrystown Ballymore Westmeath
Conaghten James Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Conlan Mary Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Connell William Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Conry Denis Snimnagorta Ballymore Westmeath
Conry Patrick Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Cormac Bryan Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Cormac Hugh Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Cormac Michael Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Cormac Michael Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Cormac Patrick Snimnagorta Ballymore Westmeath
Cormac Thomas Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Cormack Michael Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Costello Eliza Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Cox Robert Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Croghan John Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Cuffe Hugh Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Cuffe Patrick Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Cunningham Anthony Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Cunningham Anthony Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Cunningham Anthony Newtown Ballymore Westmeath
Cunningham John Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Cunningham Nicholas Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Cunningham Nicholas Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Dalton Christopher Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Dalton Thomas Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Daly Denis Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Daly Mary Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Dargan William Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Dargan William Umma Beg Ballymore Westmeath
Deegan John Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Delahunty Laurence Ballinlig Lower Ballymore Westmeath
Delahunty Laurence Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Delahunty Mary Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Delahunty Patrick Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Delahunty Patrick Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Diamond John Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Dillon James Toorevagh Ballymore Westmeath
Dillon William Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Dinnegan Mi. Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Dinnegan Michael Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Dinnegan Patrick Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Dinnony Owen Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Dolan Bryan Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Dolan Felix Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Dolan James Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Donegan Thomas Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Donnellan James Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Donnellan John Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Donnellan John Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Donnellan Mary Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Donnellan Thomas Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Doolan Michael Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Dooley Martin Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Doran John Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Duffy Andrew Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Duffy John Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Eevers James Francis Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Egan James Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Egan Patrick Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Ennis John Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Ennis Matthew Newtown Ballymore Westmeath
Ennis Thomas Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Ennis Thomas Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Evers Anne Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Evers Denis Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Evers James Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Evers Rev. John Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Fallon Bernard Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Fallon Rev. John Glebe Ballymore Westmeath
Farrell Bridget Toorevagh Ballymore Westmeath
Farrell John Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Farrell John Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Farrell John Harrystown Ballymore Westmeath
Farrell Thos. Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Fegan John Milltown Ballymore Westmeath
Fetherston H. Cuthbert Ballinlig Lower Ballymore Westmeath
Finigan Patrick Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Finnegan Patrick Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Flanagan Thomas Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Flannagan Edward Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Flannagan Laurence Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Flannagan Michael Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Flattery Owen Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Flynn Luke Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Fox Hugh Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Fox Philip Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Fury Thomas Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Gaffney Charles Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Gaffney Mary Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Galvin James Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Ganly John Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Gardiner Michael Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Gaynor James Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Geraghty Peter Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Geraghty Peter Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Geraghty Thomas Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Gibney Thomas Milltown Ballymore Westmeath
Gill Andrew Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Gill James Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Gill Peter Dungolman Ballymore Westmeath
Glynn James Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Gorman Mary Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Grady John Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Greene William Ballynafearagh Ballymore Westmeath
Greene William Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Greene William Umma Beg or Moneynamagh Ballymore Westmeath
Grennan Darby Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Griffith Arthur H. Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Grogan Mary Anne Toorevagh Ballymore Westmeath
Grogan Mp Edward Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Guinan Rev. Thomas Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Ham Ellen Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Hanley Michael Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Heaney John Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Heavey Catherine Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Heavey Patrick Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Helin Thomas Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Higgins James Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Higgins Owen Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Hill Shaw James Umma Beg Ballymore Westmeath
Hoare John Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Hoare John Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Hoare Peter Snimnagorta Ballymore Westmeath
Hoey Bernard Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Hope Rev. Michael Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Horan Martin Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Hyland Thomas Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Keegan Anne Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Keegan Edward Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Keegan John Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Keegan Mary Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Keegan Patrick Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Keegan Rose Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Keegan Thomas Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Keena Thomas Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Keenan Edward Ballinlig Lower Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly Ellen Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly John Harrystown Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly John Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly Laurence Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly Laurence Newtown Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly Michael Newtown Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly Patrick Ballinlig Lower Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly Patrick Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly Patrick Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly Rep. Marcus Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly Thomas Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly Thomas Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly Thomas Newtown Ballymore Westmeath
Kelly Thomas Toorevagh Ballymore Westmeath
Kenny William Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Kertland John Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Killen Rep. Patrick Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Kilmade Peter Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Kinelty Hugh Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Kinelty Timothy Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
King Michael Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Knight Cornelius Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Leary John Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Ledwith Patrick Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Ledwith Thomas Newtown Ballymore Westmeath
Lee Patrick Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Lenigan Francis, M.D. Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Lennon John Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Lennon Margaret Milltown Ballymore Westmeath
Lennon Michael Newtown Ballymore Westmeath
Lennon Philip Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Levy Anne Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Levy James Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Logan Patrick Newtown Ballymore Westmeath
Lowry Robert W. Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Lowry Robert Wm. Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Lynam David Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Lynam Joseph Newtown Ballymore Westmeath
Lynn Thomas Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Magan Mary Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Magan William Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Maguley Michael Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Maleady John Ballinlig Lower Ballymore Westmeath
Maleady John Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Maleady Laurence Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Maleady Lawrence Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Malone John Lugacaha Ballymore Westmeath
Malone John Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Malony Michael Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Malony Patrick Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Mannion Patrick Umma Beg or Moneynamagh Ballymore Westmeath
Martin Catherine Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Martin Catherine Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Mc Carthy Bernard Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Mc Cormick Bernard Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Mc Cormick Mary Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Mc Gail Patrick Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Mc Garrill William Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Mc Grath Hugh Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Mc Keon Hugh Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Mc Knight William Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Mc Loughlin James Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Mc Loughlin Michael Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Mc Loughlin Thomas Ballinlig Lower Ballymore Westmeath
Mcloughlin James Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Mehedy Mary Milltown Ballymore Westmeath
Melady Michael Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Melin Catherine Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Melin Edward Snimnagorta Ballymore Westmeath
Melin James Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Melin John Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Melin Laurence Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Meyers Adas Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Moloney Patrick Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Molony Elizabeth Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Moran Hugh Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Moran Nicholas Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Moran Nicholas Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Moran Patrick Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Moran Thomas Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Moylan Thomas Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Mullin John Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Mulryan Michael Newtown Ballymore Westmeath
Mulveehan Bernard Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Murphy Martin Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Murray John Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Murray Margaret Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Murray Rose Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Murtagh John Newtown Ballymore Westmeath
Murtagh John Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Neill Owen Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
O'Brien Edward Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
O'Hara Patrick Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
O'Neill Charles Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Oates John Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Otes William Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Price John Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Quinn John Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Quinn Margaret Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Rabbit Timothy Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Ratigan Mary Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Ratigan William Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Ratigan William Lugacaha Ballymore Westmeath
Regan Bridget Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Reilly Patrick Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Rickard Mary Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Rickard Michael Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Rickard Michael Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Rickard William Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Ronan Michael Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Rorke Michael Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Rourke Anne Ballynafearagh Ballymore Westmeath
Rourke Anne Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Rourke Anne Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Rourke Anne Umma Beg Ballymore Westmeath
Rourke Catherine Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Rourke John Ballynacorra Ballymore Westmeath
Rourke Mary Ballynacorra Ballymore Westmeath
Rourke Michael Dungolman Ballymore Westmeath
Rourke Patrick Ballynacorra Ballymore Westmeath
Scally John Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Scally Patrick Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Scott Christopher Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
Scott John Ballymore Ballymore Westmeath
Scott John Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Seale Thomas Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Seery John Snimnagorta Ballymore Westmeath
Shaw Thomas Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath
Sheridan James Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Sheridan Laurence Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Smith Hugh Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Smith Patrick Mullenmeehan Ballymore Westmeath
Smith Thomas Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Strean Rev. John Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Sweeny James Moyvoughly Ballymore Westmeath
Timms Thomas Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Walsh John Carricknagower Ballymore Westmeath
Warburton Michael Raheen Ballymore Westmeath
Ward Denis Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Ward Eleanor Ballinlig Upper Ballymore Westmeath
Ward Mary Milltown Ballymore Westmeath
Ward Nicholas Calliaghstown Ballymore Westmeath
Weir Daniel Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Wheelehan John Ballymore Main, or High St. Ballymore Westmeath
Whelan Patrick Shinglis Ballymore Westmeath
York Patrick Cloncullen Ballymore Westmeath