Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Carrick, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Carrick, County Wexford
Ailen          Richard          Stonybatter             Carrick     Wexford
Armstrong      Thomas           Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Aylward        Martin           Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Bishop         Andrew           Newtown                 Carrick     Wexford
Breen          Catherine        Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Breen          Thomas           Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Broderick      Walter           Carricklawn             Carrick     Wexford
Bryan          Patrick          Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Bulger         Bridget          Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Byrne          Mary             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Byrne          Patrick          Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Byrne          Patrick          Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Byrne          Patrick          Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Carberry       James            Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Carroll        John             Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Carroll        John             Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Clancy         Patrick          College                 Carrick     Wexford
Clarke         Catherine        Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Clarke         Margaret         Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Cleary         Michael          Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Cleere         John             Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Cleere         John             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Clifford       Edward D.        Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Cloke          Mary             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Codd           Ellen            Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Codd           James            Colestown               Carrick     Wexford
Codd           John             Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Codd           John             Newtown                 Carrick     Wexford
Codd           Nicholas         Colestown               Carrick     Wexford
Cody           John             Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Connell        Francis J.       Carricklawn             Carrick     Wexford
Connell        Francis John     Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Connors        Patrick          Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Corish         John             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Cosgrave       Johanna          Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Cowman         Philip           Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Crosbie        John             Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Crosbie        John             Barntown                Carrick     Wexford
Crosbie        John             Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Cullen         Mary             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Curran         Edward           Stonybatter             Carrick     Wexford
Curran         John             Cullentra               Carrick     Wexford
Doyle          Michael          Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Doyle          Samuel           Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Doyle          Thomas           Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Eakins         Walter           Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Farrell        James            Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Finn           Michael          Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Fleming        Andrew           Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Fortune        Laurence         Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Furlong        Ellen            Colestown               Carrick     Wexford
Furlong        Nicholas         Colestown               Carrick     Wexford
Furlong        Nicholas         Knockahone              Carrick     Wexford
Furlong        Nicholas         Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Furlong        Patrick          Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Furlong        Patrick          College                 Carrick     Wexford
Gaffney        Nicholas         Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Gaffney        Timothy          Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Grace          James            Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Greene         Lawrence         Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Greene         Patrick          Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Greene         Thomas           Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Hanrahan       James            Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Hanrahan       Walter           Cullentra               Carrick     Wexford
Hanton         Peter            Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Harpur         James            Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Harpur         James            Stonybatter             Carrick     Wexford
Harpur         John             Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Harvey         John             Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Hatton         John G.          Carricklawn             Carrick     Wexford
Hayden         Mary             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Hayes          Edmund           Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Hayes          Peter            Newtown                 Carrick     Wexford
Hayes          Simon            Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Hayes          Simon            Knockcumshin            Carrick     Wexford
Hayes          Simon            Newtown                 Carrick     Wexford
Higgins        Bridget          Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Higgins        Bridget          Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Higgins        Roger            Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Higgins        Roger            Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Hogan          Mary             Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Hore           Denis            Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Hore           Denis            Knockcumshin            Carrick     Wexford
Hore           John             Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Howil          Mary             Barntown                Carrick     Wexford
Howlin         James            Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Hutchison      William          Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Jackman        John             Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Jeffers        Sheppard         Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Jeffers        Sheppard         Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Jerrares       Sheppard         Barntown                Carrick     Wexford
Johns          Magdalen         Carricklawn             Carrick     Wexford
Jones          Henry            Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Kavanagh       Edward           Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Kavanagh       John             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Kavanagh       Patrick          Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Kearns         Edward           Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Kearns         Matthew          Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Keating        John             Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Keating        John             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Keeffe         Lawrence         Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Keeffe         Mary             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Keeffe         Michael          Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Keegan         Simon            Colestown               Carrick     Wexford
Keegan         Simon            College                 Carrick     Wexford
Keegan         Simon            Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Keegan         William          Colestown               Carrick     Wexford
Keegan         William          College                 Carrick     Wexford
Keegan         William          Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Kehoe          Michael          Barntown                Carrick     Wexford
Kehoe          Peter            Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Kehoe          William          Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Kelly          Mary             Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Kelly          Mary             Newtown                 Carrick     Wexford
Kelly          Timothy          Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Kenny          Denis            Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
King           Thomas N.        Barntown                Carrick     Wexford
Kinsella       James            Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Kinsella       James            Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Kinsella       James            Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Kinsella       Patrick          Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Lacy           Thomas           Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Lambert        John             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Lambert        Stephen          Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Lawler         Margaret         Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Lawless        Peter            Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Leared         Richard          Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Leared         Richard          Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Leary          Patrick          Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Little         Simon            Cullentra               Carrick     Wexford
Maddock        Edward           Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Maddock        James            Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Maddock        Nicholas         Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Malone         Anne             Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Malone         Anne             Newtown                 Carrick     Wexford
Malone         James            Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Malone         Thomas           Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Marshall       Mary             Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Marshall       Nicholas         Cullentra               Carrick     Wexford
Mc Donnell     Anne             Newtown                 Carrick     Wexford
Mc Grath       John             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Monaghan       Bryan            Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Moore          John             Knockahone              Carrick     Wexford
Moore          John             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Moore          Thomas           Colestown               Carrick     Wexford
Moore          Thomas           Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Moran          John             Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Morris         Patrick          Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Morris         Patrick          Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Mullins        James            Colestown               Carrick     Wexford
Murphy         Catherine        Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Murphy         Ellen            Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Murphy         James            Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Murphy         John             Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Murphy         John             Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Murphy         Martin           Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Murphy         Pierce           Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Murphy         Rev. Patrick     Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Murphy         Rev. Patrick     Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Parle          James            Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Parle          John             Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Parle          John             Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Pender         William          Barntown                Carrick     Wexford
Pereival       Rep. James       Barntown                Carrick     Wexford
Pereival       Rep. James       Cullentra               Carrick     Wexford
Perrott        Samuel T.        Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Rae            Andrew           Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Rashford       Thomas           Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Reilly         Thomas           Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Roche          Catherine        Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Roche          Eliza            Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Roche          Mary             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Roche          Nicholas         Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Roche          Patrick          Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Roche          Patrick          Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Roche          Patrick          Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Roche          Richard          Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Roche          Walter           Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Roe            Thomas H.        Carricklawn             Carrick     Wexford
Roe            Thomas H.        Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Roe            Thomas H.        Stonybatter             Carrick     Wexford
Rossiter       Nicholas         Ballindinas             Carrick     Wexford
Rossiter       Thomas           Barntown                Carrick     Wexford
Scallan        James            Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Scallan        John             Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Scallan        Nicholas         Newtown                 Carrick     Wexford
Scallan        Stephen          Cullentra               Carrick     Wexford
Scallan        William          Carricklawn             Carrick     Wexford
Sinnott        Catherine        Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Sinnott        Ellen            Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Sinnott        James            Newtown                 Carrick     Wexford
Sparrow        Jane             Stonybatter             Carrick     Wexford
Sparrow        Robert           Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Stamp          Peter            Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Staples        Thomas           Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Stein          Patrick          Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Sutton         John             Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Synett         Ellen            Colestown               Carrick     Wexford
Talbot         Matthew E.       Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Tennant        Nicholas         Newtown                 Carrick     Wexford
Thomas         William          Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Tobin          William          Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Wahab          H.               Ballyboggan             Carrick     Wexford
Walsh          James            Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Walsh          James            Carricklawn             Carrick     Wexford
Walsh          James            Coolcots                Carrick     Wexford
Walsh          John             Carricklawn             Carrick     Wexford
Walsh          John             Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Walsh          John             Stonybatter             Carrick     Wexford
Walsh          Laurence         Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Walsh          Michael          Shelmaliere Commons     Carrick     Wexford
Whelan         William          Cullentra               Carrick     Wexford
White          Sarah            Newtown                 Carrick     Wexford
White          William          Park                    Carrick     Wexford
Wickham        Michael          Ballygoman              Carrick     Wexford
Willis         Thomas           Newtown                 Carrick     Wexford