Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ferns, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ferns, County Wexford
Anderson       John               Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Bailley        Daniel             Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Barlow         Richard            Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Beacon         John               Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Beale          Edward             Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Bergin         Michael            Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Blackmore      Mary               Milltown Road (Ferns)          Ferns     Wexford
Boethistle     Thomas             Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Bolgen         Edward             Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Bolger         David              Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Bolger         John               Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Bolger         Mary               Askinamoe                      Ferns     Wexford
Bolger         Mary               Tinnashrulk                    Ferns     Wexford
Bolger         Mary, Jr.          Tinnashrulk                    Ferns     Wexford
Bolger         Michael            Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Bolger         Myles              Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Bolger         Patrick            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Bolger         Sarah              Askinamoe                      Ferns     Wexford
Bolger         Sarah              Tinnashrulk                    Ferns     Wexford
Bolger         Timothy            Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Borthistle     Henry              Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Boyce          ???                Enniscorthy Road               Ferns     Wexford
Brazill        Thomas             Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Breen          Edward             Askinamoe                      Ferns     Wexford
Breen          Edward             Lodgewood                      Ferns     Wexford
Breen          James              Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Breen          Mary               Newtownbarry Road              Ferns     Wexford
Breen          Patrick            Kilthomas                      Ferns     Wexford
Breen          Peter              Tinnashrulk                    Ferns     Wexford
Brennan        Edward             Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Brennan        Thomas             Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Breslin        Andrew             Ferns Lower                    Ferns     Wexford
Breslin        John               Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Breslin        Myles              Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Brien          Patrick            Ballyhaddock                   Ferns     Wexford
Brien          Peter              Kilthomas                      Ferns     Wexford
Brien          Robert B.          Coolpuck                       Ferns     Wexford
Brien          Robert B.          Coolroe                        Ferns     Wexford
Brien          Robert B.          Ferns Demesne                  Ferns     Wexford
Brien          Robert B.          Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Brien          William            Kilthomas                      Ferns     Wexford
Brislane       Andrew             Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Brislane       James              Enniscorthy Road               Ferns     Wexford
Brislane       John               Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Brown          James              Kiltown                        Ferns     Wexford
Browne         Edward             Kiltown                        Ferns     Wexford
Bruen          Francis            Ballyandrew                    Ferns     Wexford
Bryan          Edward             Enniscorthy Road (Ferns)       Ferns     Wexford
Bryan          James              Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Bryan          John               Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Bryan          John               Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Bryan          Patrick            Ferns Lower                    Ferns     Wexford
Bryne          Martin             Craan                          Ferns     Wexford
Butler         Edward             Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Butler         Edward             Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Butler         James              Coolpuck                       Ferns     Wexford
Butler         James              Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Butler         James              Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Butler         James, Jr.         Coolpuck                       Ferns     Wexford
Butler         John               Craan                          Ferns     Wexford
Butler         Thomas             Newtown                        Ferns     Wexford
Buttle         John               Ferns Lower                    Ferns     Wexford
Buttle         Masterson          Cooltore                       Ferns     Wexford
Buttle         Thomas             Cooltore                       Ferns     Wexford
Buttle         William            Cooltore                       Ferns     Wexford
Byrne          Elizabeth          Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Byrne          James              Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Byrne          Margaret           Cooltore                       Ferns     Wexford
Byrne          Michael            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Byrne          Michael            Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Byrne          Michael, Jr.       Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Byrne          Moses              Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Byrne          Moses              Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Byrne          Moses              Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Byrne          Patrick            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Byrne          Patrick            Newtown                        Ferns     Wexford
Byrne          Terence            Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Carroll        Daniel             Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Carroll        Daniel             Kiltown                        Ferns     Wexford
Carroll        Daniel             Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Carroll        Denis              Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Carton         Daniel             Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Carton         Eliza              Coolpuck                       Ferns     Wexford
Carton         James              Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Carton         James              Kilthomas                      Ferns     Wexford
Carton         James              Tinnashrulk                    Ferns     Wexford
Carton         John               Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Carton         Matthew            Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Carton         William            Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Cassidy        Anne               Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        Benjamin           Ballylough                     Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        Benjamin           Crory                          Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        George             Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        George             Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        George             Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        George             Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        John               Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        John               Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        John               Enniscorthy Road (Ferns)       Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        William            Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        William            Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        William            Lodgewood                      Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        William            Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Chapman        William            Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Clampit        Prispen            Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Cleary         James              Ballyandrew                    Ferns     Wexford
Connick        John               Milltown Road (Ferns)          Ferns     Wexford
Connor         John               Askinamoe                      Ferns     Wexford
Connor         Mary               Kiltown                        Ferns     Wexford
Connor         Moses              Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Connors        Bridget            Newtown                        Ferns     Wexford
Connors        Martin             Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Connors        Murtagh            Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Conway         Myles              Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Cooper         Catherine          Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Cornick        Rev. Zachariah     Ferns Lower                    Ferns     Wexford
Cosgrave       Rev. John          Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Croffts        Wellesley          Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Crowley        Valentine          Ferns Demesne                  Ferns     Wexford
Crowley        Valentine          Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Crowley        Valentine          Tinnashrulk                    Ferns     Wexford
Daly           Nilliam            Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Daly           Richard            Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Darcy          Bryan              Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Darcy          Patrick            Raheennagee                    Ferns     Wexford
Delany         William            Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Dixy           George             Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Dockrell       Anne               Bolinaspick                    Ferns     Wexford
Dockrelt       Anne               Bayland                        Ferns     Wexford
Donavan        Richard            Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Donnelly       Patrick            Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Donnelly       Sarah              Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Donohoe        Bridget            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Donohoe        John               Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Donohoe        Michael            Newtown                        Ferns     Wexford
Donohoe        Thomas             Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Donohoe        William            Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Donoughoe      Judith             Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Donovan        Richard            Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Donovan        Richard            Crory                          Ferns     Wexford
Donovan        Richard            Enniscorthy Road (Ferns)       Ferns     Wexford
Donovan        Richard            Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Donovan        Richard            Lodgewood                      Ferns     Wexford
Doran          Patrick            Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          Bryan              Enniscothy Road                Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          Catherine          Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          Garrett            Enniscorthy Road               Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          James              Ferns Demesne                  Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          James              Kilthomas                      Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          John               Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          John               Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          Laurence           Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          Martin             Askinamoe                      Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          Mary               Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          Michael            Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          Peter              Crory                          Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          William            Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Doyle          William            Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Dubber         Andrew             Crory                          Ferns     Wexford
Dumby          Edward             Crory                          Ferns     Wexford
Dunbar         George             Crory                          Ferns     Wexford
Dunbar         Martin             Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Dunbar         Martin             Crory                          Ferns     Wexford
Dunbar         Martin             Lodgewood                      Ferns     Wexford
Dunbar         Martin             Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Dunbar         Patrick            Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Dunbar         Thomas             Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Dunbar         Thomas             Craan                          Ferns     Wexford
Dunbar         Thomas             Enniscorthy Road               Ferns     Wexford
Dunbar         Thomas             Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Dunne          Charles            Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Farrell        Jeremiah           Ballycarrigeen Lower           Ferns     Wexford
Farrell        John               Milltown Road (Ferns)          Ferns     Wexford
Farrell        Judith             Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Farrell        Marcus             Milltown Road (Ferns)          Ferns     Wexford
Farrell        Thomas             Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Foley          Christopher        Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Foley          Timothy            Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Fortune        John               Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Fortune        Mary               Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Fortune        Michael            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Fortune        Peter              Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Fortune        Richard            Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Foxon          Edward             Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Fulliam        Charles            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Gallagher      Elizabeth          Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Gallagher      Lawrence           Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Goff           Patrick            Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Goranlads      Elizabeth          Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Greene         Joseph             Coolpuck                       Ferns     Wexford
Greene         Joseph             Kilthomas                      Ferns     Wexford
Greene         Joseph             Kiltown                        Ferns     Wexford
Greene         Joseph             Tinnashrulk                    Ferns     Wexford
Hall           Patrick            Milltown Road (Ferns)          Ferns     Wexford
Hanlon         John               Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Hanlon         Richard            Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Haughton       Joseph             Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Haughton       Joseph             Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Haughton       Joseph             Crory                          Ferns     Wexford
Haughton       Joseph             Ferns Demesne                  Ferns     Wexford
Haughton       Joseph             Ferns Lower                    Ferns     Wexford
Haughton       Joseph             Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Haughton       Joseph             Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Hayes          William            Kiltown                        Ferns     Wexford
Henders        William            Enniscorthy Road (Ferns)       Ferns     Wexford
Hendrick       Garrett            Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Hendrick       Michael            Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Hendricks      Mary               Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Hendricks      Patrick            Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Hickey         Moses              Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Higgins        Patrick            Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Hogan          Elizabeth          Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Hyland         James              Ballyhaddock                   Ferns     Wexford
Hyland         James              Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Hyland         Thomas             Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Kavanagh       Arthur             Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Kavanagh       Bryan              Rosemaryhill                   Ferns     Wexford
Kavanagh       Cornelius          Newtown                        Ferns     Wexford
Kavanagh       Lawrence           Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Kavanagh       Myles              Kiltown                        Ferns     Wexford
Kearns         Mark               Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Kelly          Dorothea           Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Kennedy        Denis              Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Kenny          David              Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Kenny          Francis            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Kenny          Moses              Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Kenny          Thomas             Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Keogh          Francis            Newtownbarry Road              Ferns     Wexford
Keogh          John               Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Keogh          Patrick            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Keogh          Thomas             Bayland                        Ferns     Wexford
Kerevan        James              Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Keys           Martin             Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Keys           Masterson          Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Killbride      Patrick            Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Kinchela       Bridget            Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Kinchela       James              Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Kinchela       John               Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Kinchela       Laurence           Bolinaspick                    Ferns     Wexford
Kinchela       Philip             Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Kinchela       Winifred           Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Kinshela       Luke               Chapel-Lane                    Ferns     Wexford
Kirwan         Anne               Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Kirwan         James              Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Kirwan         John               Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Lacey          Simon              Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Lacy           Bryan              Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Lacy           Catherine          Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Lambert        Simon              Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Larkin         Timothy            Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Lawler         John               Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Lawlor         James              Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Leary          Mary               Ferns Lower                    Ferns     Wexford
Leary          Thomas             Milltown Road (Ferns)          Ferns     Wexford
Leary          William            Coolroe                        Ferns     Wexford
Lett           William            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Manus          James              Newtown                        Ferns     Wexford
Martin         Anne               Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Martin         Margaret           Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Martin         Peter              Newtownbarry Road              Ferns     Wexford
Mc Donald      John               Kilthomas                      Ferns     Wexford
Mc Donnell     Bryan              Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Mc Donnell     Catherine          Bayland                        Ferns     Wexford
Mc Donnell     James              Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Mc Donnell     John               Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Mc Donnell     Michael            Bayland                        Ferns     Wexford
Moore          Rev. Henry         Ferns Demesne                  Ferns     Wexford
Moore          Rev. Henry         Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Morrison       James              Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Moules         Edward             Ferns Lower                    Ferns     Wexford
Moules         George             Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Moules         Valentine          Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Moules         Valentine          Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Moules         Valentine          Crory                          Ferns     Wexford
Mulligan       Martin             Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Anastasia          Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Anne               Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Anne               Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Ellen              Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Grace              Ballylough                     Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         James              Ballylough                     Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         James, Jr.         Ballylough                     Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         John               Raheennagee                    Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Margaret           Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Margaret           Crory                          Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Margery            Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Martin             Ballylough                     Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Mary               Bolinaspick                    Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Mary               Raheennagee                    Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Michael            Ballyandrew                    Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Michael            Ballylough                     Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Moses              Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Moses              Crory                          Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Moses              Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Patrick            Ferns Lower                    Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Patrick            Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Rose               Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Murphy         Thomas             Raheennagee                    Ferns     Wexford
Myler          Rev. Bernard       Chapel-Lane                    Ferns     Wexford
Nangle         John               Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Nangle         William            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Neill          Bridget            Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Neill          Denis              Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Neill          Edward             Newtown                        Ferns     Wexford
Neill          Martin             Askinamoe                      Ferns     Wexford
Neill          Martin             Newtown                        Ferns     Wexford
Neill          Michael            Bolinaspick                    Ferns     Wexford
Neill          Moses              Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Neill          Moses              Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Neill          Patrick            Askinamoe                      Ferns     Wexford
Neill          Patrick            Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Neill          Patrick            Craan                          Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         Ambrose            Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         Catherine          Askinamoe                      Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         Denis              Ballyandrew                    Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         James              Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         John               Ballyhaddock                   Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         John               Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         John               Craan                          Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         John               Kilthomas                      Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         John               Newtownbarry Road              Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         Martin             Tinnashrulk                    Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         Matthew            Newtown                        Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         Owen               Askinamoe                      Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         Patrick            Rosemaryhill                   Ferns     Wexford
Nowlan         Peter              Rosemaryhill                   Ferns     Wexford
O'Neill        Michael            Enniscorthy Road (Ferns)       Ferns     Wexford
Owens          John               Craan                          Ferns     Wexford
Owens          Thomas             Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Parslow        Ellen              Ballyhaddock                   Ferns     Wexford
Parslow        Thomas             Ballyhaddock                   Ferns     Wexford
Parslow        William            Ballyhaddock                   Ferns     Wexford
Pearson        Matthew            Bayland                        Ferns     Wexford
Peppar         George             Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Peppar         James              Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Peppar         John               Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Peppar         Thomas             Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Pepper         John               Milltown Road (Ferns)          Ferns     Wexford
Phayre         William            Askinamoe                      Ferns     Wexford
Phayre         William            Newtown                        Ferns     Wexford
Piper          George             Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Plumer         William            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Plummer        Robert             Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Pole           Jacob              Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Pounden        Matthew            Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Redmond        Lawrence           Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Redmond        Mary               Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Redmond        Mary               Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Redmond        Mary               Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Redmond        Mary               Newtown                        Ferns     Wexford
Redmond        Mary               Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Reid           Thomas             Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Reilly         James              Milltown Road (Ferns)          Ferns     Wexford
Reynolds       Bridget            Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Rigby          Josuah             Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Roche          Bridget            Ballycarrigeen Lower           Ferns     Wexford
Roche          Edward             Ballyhaddock                   Ferns     Wexford
Roche          Marianne           Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Roche          Marianne           Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford
Roche          Marianne           Ferns Lower                    Ferns     Wexford
Roche          Marianne           Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Roche          Maryanne           Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Roche          Maryanne           Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Roche          Patrick            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Rossiter       Patrick            Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Rudd           William            Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Ryan           William            Tinnashrulk                    Ferns     Wexford
Rynheart       Humphry            Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Sheridan       James              Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Sheridan       James              Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Sheridan       Patrick            Askinamoe                      Ferns     Wexford
Sheridan       Patrick            Newtown                        Ferns     Wexford
Sinnott        Bridget            Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Sinnott        James              Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Sinnott        Patrick            Castleland                     Ferns     Wexford
Sinnott        Patrick            Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Sinnott        Patrick            Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Sinnott        Patrick            Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Sinnott        Thomas             Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Sly            Daniel             Milltown Road (Ferns)          Ferns     Wexford
Somers         Laurence           Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Stedman        Thomas             Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Stephens       Edward             Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Stone          Henry              Chapel-Street                  Ferns     Wexford
Sutherland     Robert             Town of Ferns                  Ferns     Wexford
Symes          Robert             Tinnashrulk                    Ferns     Wexford
Symes          Thomas             Bayland                        Ferns     Wexford
Symes          Thomas             Bolinaspick                    Ferns     Wexford
Symes          Thomas             Kilbora                        Ferns     Wexford
Taylor         John               Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Taylor         John               Rosemaryhill                   Ferns     Wexford
Taylor         John               Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Taylor         Judith             Bolacaheer                     Ferns     Wexford
Thomas         Daniel             Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Thomas         John               Ferns Upper                    Ferns     Wexford
Thomas         William            Coolpuck                       Ferns     Wexford
Tobin          Jeremiah           Askinamoe                      Ferns     Wexford
Tobin          Mary               Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Tobin          Michael            Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Toole M.       Peter              Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Tracy          James              Town of Ferns, Main Street     Ferns     Wexford
Travers        Mary               Ballybeg                       Ferns     Wexford
Walsh          John               Ballycarrigeen Lower           Ferns     Wexford
Walsh          Patrick            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Walsh          William            Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
West           John               Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
Whelan         James              Coolatore                      Ferns     Wexford
White          Samuel J.          Effernoge                      Ferns     Wexford
Wilde          Thomas             Coolbaun                       Ferns     Wexford