Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Tintern, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Tintern, County Wexford
Ahern Honoria Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Ahern Matthew Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Anderson Catherine Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Anderson Catherine, Sr. Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Armstrong Eliza Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Barden Rev. Andrew Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Barden Rev. Andrew Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Barron Margaret Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Bassett Barbara Castlework House Tintern Wexford
Bassett Walter Ballygarrett Tintern Wexford
Bassett Walter Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Bassett Walter Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Bassett Walter Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Bearny John Burkestown Tintern Wexford
Box Joseph Castlework House Tintern Wexford
Boyce Jane C. Taulaght Tintern Wexford
Boyce Jane C. Tintern Tintern Wexford
Boyce William Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Boyd Hannah Taulaght Tintern Wexford
Boyse Israel Ballygarrett Tintern Wexford
Boyse James Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Boyse Jane C. Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Boyse Jane C. Ballygarrett Tintern Wexford
Boyse Jane C. Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Boyse Jane C. Castlework House Tintern Wexford
Boyse Jane C. Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Boyse Jane C. Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Boyse Jane C. Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Boyse Jane C. Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Boyse Jane C. Milltown Tintern Wexford
Boyse Jane C. Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Boyse Jane C. Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Boyse Jane C. Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Boyse William Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Breen Anne Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Brennan Michael Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Bridges George Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Brien John Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Browne John Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Browne Mary Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Browne Moses Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Browner Patrick Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Bryan James Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Byrne James Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Byrne John Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Callen James Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Cardiff Robert Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Carey Matthew Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Carty Ellen Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Carty John Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Carty Thomas Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Caulfield Anne Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Caulfield Daniel Ballygarrett Tintern Wexford
Caulfield Hugh Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Caulfield John Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Caulfield Matthew Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Caulfield Samuel Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Caulfield William Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Caulfield William, Jr. Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Caulifeld Patrick Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Clarke Edward Tintern Tintern Wexford
Clarke Elizabeth Ballygowney Tintern Wexford
Clarke Elizabeth Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Clarke Richard Ballygowney Tintern Wexford
Clarke William Ballygowney Tintern Wexford
Clarke William Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Colclough Rep. Caesar Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Colfer Catherine Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Colfer James Tintern Tintern Wexford
Colfer John Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Colfer John Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Colfer Patrick Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Colfer Richard Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Collisson John Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Collisson John, Jr. Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Connor John Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Connor Margaret Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Connor Marianne Tullerstown Tintern Wexford
Connor Mary Burkestown Tintern Wexford
Connor Mary Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Connor Philip Tullerstown Tintern Wexford
Conway Moses Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Conway Valentine Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Cooly Edward Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Coorish Ellen Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Cosgrave Cornelius Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Cosgrave James Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Cowman Thomas Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Cruise David Castlework House Tintern Wexford
Cullen Bridget Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Cullen David Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Cullen David Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Cullen David Taulaght Tintern Wexford
Cullen Edard Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Cullen James Ballygarrett Tintern Wexford
Cullen James Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Cullen James Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Cullen Nicholas Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Cullen Thomas Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Culloden John Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Cummins Nicholas Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Curran James Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Curran James Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Delany John Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Delany Patrick Burkestown Tintern Wexford
Donohoe Bridget Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Donohoe Luke Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Donovan Laurence Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Donovan Michael Castlework House Tintern Wexford
Downes Bartholomew Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Downes James Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Downes Patrick Taulaght Tintern Wexford
Doyle Catherine Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Doyle Margaret Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Doyle Martin Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Doyle Martin Tintern Tintern Wexford
Doyle Mary Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Dunne James Milltown Tintern Wexford
Dunne James Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Dunne James Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Dwyer Denis Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Dwyer Denis Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Dwyer Patrick Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Ealy Jeremiah Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Ealy Jeremiah Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Ealy Mary Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Egan Matthew Tintern Tintern Wexford
Elmes Edward Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Elmes Samuel Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Evoy Patrick Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Fardy Bridget Tintern Tintern Wexford
Farrell John Tintern Tintern Wexford
Farrell Joseph Tintern Tintern Wexford
Farrell Judith Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Farrell Judith Tintern Tintern Wexford
Ffitzgerald Michael Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Finn Mary Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Finn Matthew Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Finn Philip Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Fitzgerald John Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Fitzgerald Joseph Tintern Tintern Wexford
Fitzgerald Martin Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Fitzgerald Michael Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Fitzgerald Philip Tintern Tintern Wexford
Fitzhenry Catherine Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Flaherty Alice Ballygowney Tintern Wexford
Flaherty James Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Forrestall Michael Ballygowney Tintern Wexford
Freeman Philip Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Furlomg Nicholas Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Furlong Anne Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Furlong Edward Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Furlong Laurence Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Furlong Michael Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Furlong Nicholas Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Furlong Nicholas Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Furlong Thomas Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Furlong William Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Gascott Michael Tintern Tintern Wexford
Gill Mary Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Gill Richard Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Glascott Cusar Tintern Tintern Wexford
Glascott Michael Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Glascott Patrick Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Glascott Patrick Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Glascottt Caesar Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Gleeson Robert Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Gleeson Robert Tintern Tintern Wexford
Gleeson Willam Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Grace James Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Grady Thomas Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Guinnip John Tintern Tintern Wexford
Hely Thomas Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Hennessy Andrew Tullerstown Tintern Wexford
Hennessy Bryan Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Hennessy Laurence Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Hennessy Margaret Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Hennessy Patrick Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Hennessy Patrick Burkestown Tintern Wexford
Hogan John Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Hore Francis Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Hunt Luke Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Jeffers Christopher Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Keane James Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Keane John Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Keane Martin Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Keating Mary Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Keating Rev. James Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Keatinge Richard Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Kehoe Catherine Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Kehoe Catherine Tintern Tintern Wexford
Kehoe John Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Kehoe John, Jr. Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Kehoe Mary Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Kehoe Patrick Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Kehoe Patrick Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Kehoe Patrick Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Kelly Bridget Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Kennedy Anne Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Kennedy Peter Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Kent Andrew Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Kinsella Peter Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Lannon Edward Burkestown Tintern Wexford
Larkin Denis Tullerstown Tintern Wexford
Larkin Matthew Tintern Tintern Wexford
Lawler James Taulaght Tintern Wexford
Lawler John Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Lewis Matthew Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Loughlin James Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Loughlin James Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Loughlin Nicholas Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Loughlin Patrick Tintern Tintern Wexford
Magee Mary Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Maher Thomas Ballygarrett Tintern Wexford
Maher Thomas Castlework House Tintern Wexford
Mallay Michael Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Mathews Mary Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Mc Donald John Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Mc Donnell Henry Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Mc Grath Anastasia Tullerstown Tintern Wexford
Mc Grath Ellen Tintern Tintern Wexford
Mc Grath James Tullerstown Tintern Wexford
Mc Grath Patrick Taulaght Tintern Wexford
Mc Namara Anne Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Meany Patrick Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Meany Patrick Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Merrin James Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Middleton Mary Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Mitchell James Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Molloy Philip Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Morris Thomas Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Mullins Maurice Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Murphy Anastasia Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Murphy Catherine Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Murphy Charles Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Murphy Daniel Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Murphy James Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Murphy James Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Murphy James Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Murphy John Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Murphy John Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Murphy Matthew Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Murphy Michael Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Murphy Michael Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Murphy Mogue Taulaght Tintern Wexford
Murphy Patrick Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Murphy Patrick Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Murphy Patrick Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Murphy Patrick Tullerstown Tintern Wexford
Murphy Pierce Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Murphy Thomas Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Murphy Thomas Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Murphy Thomas Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Murphy Thomas Taulaght Tintern Wexford
Murphy Thomas Tintern Tintern Wexford
Murphy Walter Burkestown Tintern Wexford
Murray Bridget Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Murray Patrick Tintern Tintern Wexford
Nacey James Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Neville Catherine Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Neville Edward Tintern Tintern Wexford
Neville James Taulaght Tintern Wexford
O'Brien Ellen Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
O'Connor Bridget Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Parrall Nicholas Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Parrell John Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Power Bridget Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Power Ellen Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Power Margaret Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Power Martin Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Power Martin Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Power Nicholas Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Power Patrick Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Power Patrick Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Power Patrick Tullerstown Tintern Wexford
Power Patrick, Jr. Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Power Peter Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Power Peter Tullerstown Tintern Wexford
Power Pierce Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Power Richard Tullerstown Tintern Wexford
Power Thomas Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Power Thomas Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Quinn Patrick Tintern Tintern Wexford
Ranville John Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Redmond John Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Redmond Luke Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Redmond Patrick Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Reville Esther Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Reville John Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Reville Laurence Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Reville Martin Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Reville Patrick Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Reville Patrick Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Reville Patrick, Jr. Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Reville Rose Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Reville Thomas Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Roche Ellen Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Roche Luke Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Rochford Mary Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Rochford Mary Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Roe Mary Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Rogers Mary Ballygowney Tintern Wexford
Rossiter Catherine Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Rossiter Catherine Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Rossiter Catherine Tintern Tintern Wexford
Rossiter Michael Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Rossiter Michael Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Rossiter Thomas Burkestown Tintern Wexford
Rourke Laurence Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Rovse Israel Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Royanne Patrick Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Ryan Thomas Tintern Tintern Wexford
Ryan Thomas Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Ryan William Curraghmore Tintern Wexford
Ryan William Milltown Tintern Wexford
Sheil John Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Sinnott Alice Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
Sinnott John Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Sinnott Laurence Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Sinnott Laurence Tintern Tintern Wexford
Smith Anne Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Smith Jacob Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Somers Mary Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Somers Mary Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Somers Patrick Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Spratt Michael Saltmills Tintern Wexford
Staffird James Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Stafford James Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Stafford Mary Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Stafford Michael Ballygowney Tintern Wexford
Stafford Nicholas Village of Saltmills. Tintern Wexford
Stafford Richard Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Stafford Thomas Ballycullane Tintern Wexford
Sullivan Catherine Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Sutton Michael Ballygowney Tintern Wexford
Tubrid Richard Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
Vickers James Ballygarrett Tintern Wexford
Walpole James Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Walsh James Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Walsh James Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Walsh James Tintern Tintern Wexford
Walsh James, Jr. Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Walsh John Baylestown Tintern Wexford
Walsh John Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Walsh John Saintleonards Tintern Wexford
Walsh John Taulaght Tintern Wexford
Walsh John, Jr. Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Walsh Matthew Milltown Tintern Wexford
Walsh Patrick Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Walsh Patrick Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Walsh Richard Ballyhackbeg Tintern Wexford
Walsh Richard Tintern Tintern Wexford
Walsh Robert Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Walsh Robert Taulaght Tintern Wexford
Walsh Walter Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Walsh William Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Walsh William Taulaght Tintern Wexford
Waters William Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Waters William Tintern Tintern Wexford
Whelan James Coolroe Tintern Wexford
Whelan John Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Whelan Nicholas Ballinruane Tintern Wexford
Whelan Thomas Taylorstown Tintern Wexford
White Daniel Burkestown Tintern Wexford
White John Garrycullen Tintern Wexford
White John Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
White John Tintern Tintern Wexford
Whitty Catherine Milltown Tintern Wexford
Whitty John Milltown Tintern Wexford
Whitty Michael Saintkierans Tintern Wexford
Whitty Michael Tintern Tintern Wexford
Whitty Patrick Milltown Tintern Wexford
Whitty William Burkestown Tintern Wexford
Wickham James Kinnagh Tintern Wexford
Wickham Laurence Milltown Tintern Wexford
Wilkinson Catherine Ballygowney Tintern Wexford