Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Ballinaclashet




Belgooly nearest money order and telegraph office

Postmistress - Mrs Allen


Conveyances - Kinsale (Cork, Bandon and South Coast ry) nearest stn


Parliamentary div South East Cork

County Electoral div Monkstown


Rural District Council Kinsale;

Electoral divs. Kilmonogeand Kinure


Dispensary and Registration dist of Ballyfeard


Petty Sessions districts of Ballymartle and Tracton

Constabulary district of Kinsale


Coastguard station Oysterhaven

Station officer, J Kennedy


National Schools - head teachers

Newborough - Miss Dickenson

Oysterhaven - T Murphy and Miss Meaghe



Nash Lieut, RN, Newboro hse

Payne W T, Highland cottage


Shopkeepers, etc.

Allen Mrs, Ballinaclashet

Dennehy D, builder & contractor




Electoral div. Kilmonoge

Charleston Adam, Ringville

Coughlan James, Mountlong

Coughlan Mrs, Mountlong

Crone Giles, Ballingeemanig

Gash William, The Cottage

Quinn John, Oysterhaven

Sullivan John, Oysterhaven

Wolfe William, Ringanean


Electoral div. Kinure.

Buckley Mrs Daniel, Knockacullen

Busteed George, Knocknanav

Coleman James, Knockacullen

Davis John, Annefield

Gash Mrs Dora, Killeagh

Gash Richard, Killeagh

Gash William, Killeagh

Hosford John, Killeagh

Kidney Thomas, D C, Curra

McCarthy Daniel, Kinure

McCarthy William, Ballinwilin

O'Sullivan Timy, Castletown

Quinn John, Kinure

Sullivan John, Tonabuska

Sullivan M, D C, Castletown