Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Macroom .
Macroom 6 m. nearest money order and telegraph
Postmaster - James Wiseman
Conveyances - Macroom
Parliamentary div Mid Cork and Banteer
Rural District Council Macroom;
Elect divs. Kilberrihert and Rahalisk
Dispensary and Registration dist of Macroom
Rural District Council Millstreet ;
Electoral div. Kilcorney
Dispensary and Registration dist of Milistreet
Petty Sessions district of Macroom
Constabulary district of Macroom
In charge Ballinagree
station - Act-Sergeant Corns Crean
National School-head teacher
Ballinagree - Daniel Coakley ; Mrs P Dwyer
Carroll Jeremiah, Ballinagree
Cotter Michael & Sons, general mchts, car ownrs, Bawnmore
Sheehan Michael, Ballinagree
Twomey Matthew, Ballinagree
Electoral div Kilberrihert
Ahern Cornelius A, Clonavrick
Ahern John M, Clonavrick
Ahern W, Dooneens
Ambrose James, Caherbaroul
Callaghan J, Merchantford
Coakley Cors, Lacknahaghny
Coakley Denis, Carrigthomas
Coakley Jeremiah, Lyroe
Cotter Barth, Caherbaroul
Cotter James, Caherbaroul
Cronin James; Lacknahagbny
Goggin John, Carrigthomas
Healy John, Caherbaroul
Healy Thomas, Carrigthomas
Kelleher Mortimer, Dooneens
Lehane Patrick, Carrigagulla
Lucey Daniel, Carrigthomas
Lucey Denis, Carrigthomas
Macnamara Jerh, Dooneens
McCarthy John, Clonavrick
McSweeney Mary, Merchantford
O'Sullivan A, Merchantford
O’Sullivan John, Merchantford
O'Sullivan Thos, Merchantford
O'Sullivan Wm, Merchantford
Rourke James, Merchantford
Scanlan David, Dooneens
Scanlan Peter jun,
Sexton Maurice, Merchantford
Wiseman Robert, Lyroe
div Kilcorney,
Cronin Jerh, Up Horsemount
Garvin Timy, Up Horsemount
Horgan Michl, Lr Horsemount
Howard Michael, U P Horsemount
Kelleher Cornelius, Up Horsemount
Twohig Daniel, Lr Horsemount
Twohig Denis, Lr Horsemount
Twohig James J, Horsemount
Twohig Mrs J, Lr Horsemount
Twohig Mrs T, Up Horsemount
Twohig William N,
Walsh Michael, Lr Horsemount
div. Kilberrihert.
Cremin John, Carrigagulla
Duggan Mrs J, Ballinagree
Horgan John, Ballinagree
Hyde Daniel, D C, Ballinagree
Hyde Mrs Jerh, Carrigagulla
Kelieher Denis, Carrigagulla
Leary Daniel, Ballinagree
Leyhane Patrick, Ballinagree
Manning Mrs, Ballinagree
Murphy Owen, Carrigagulla
Quill Patrick, Carrigagulla
Sullivan Mrs M, Ballinagree
Twohig Jeremiah, Ballinagree
Twomey Mrs H, Carrigagulla
Twomey Mrs L, Carrigagulla
Twomey Mrs M, Carrigagulla
Wiseman Kate, Ballinagree
Wiseman James W, Ballinagree
Wiseman Robert, Ballinagree
Wiseman William, Ballinagree
div. Rahalisk.
Carroll Jeremiah, Bawnmore
Coakley Cornelius, Rahalisk
Coakley Daniel, Rahalisk
Coakley John, Rahalisk
Creedan Daniel, Bawnmore
Kelleher John, Bawnmore
Leyhane Michael, Bawnmore
O'Donoghue D, Bawnmore
O'Shea Johanna, Rahalisk
O'Shea John (Tom), Rahalisk
O'Shea Tom (Tom), Rahalisk
O'Sullivan Patrick, Rahalisk,
Riordan John, Bawnmore
Twohig Hanora, Bawnmore
Twohig Mary, Bawnmore
Twohig Patrick, Bawnmore
Twohig Jeremiah, Rahalisk