Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Ballincollig


Cork. (Pop 815)

Post, money order, telegraph and telephone office

Artillery station .

Postmistress - Miss M O'Leary

Telegraph clerk - Miss O'Mahony


Conveyances - Ballincollig a station

Cork and Macroom ry ; four trains to and from Cork daily ; five trains on Saturdays ; also Cork and Muskerry Light ry

Stationmaster - J Sullivan.


Parliamentary div Mid Cork

County Electoral div Ballincollig


Rural District Council Cork;

Electoral div Ballincollig


Dispensary and Registration dist of Ballincollig

Dispensary open on Tuesdays,

Thursdays, and Saturdays from 9.30 to 10.30 a m

Med officer and Regr - Dr James Harding, J P




Officer com - Lieut Col C E Lawrie, DSO

Adjutant - Capt H w Blathwayt

(For Officers, etc, see Military)

Garrison Chapel - Chaplain, Rev E Gibbings

Soldiers Home - Hon Supt, Miss Elsie Sandes



Petty Sessions held first Monday in month.

Quar Sess dist of Cork

Clerk Petty Sessions - C O'Neill

Civil Bill officer - Corns Lucy




(See also Special List Constabulary)

O'Hara W J, R M, Parknamore

District Inspector - J F Studdert

Head Constable -J Woods

Sergeants - John P Ferriss and J O'Sullivan




National School - head teachers

Ballincollig - Jas Cunningham, Mrs Doriovan

Church Education - Miss Leake

Military - Miss Ritchie



Blathwayt Capt H W, adjt xxivth brigade R F A

Boyd Capt H A, R F A

Browell Major W B, R F A

Curtis COI, MD,RAMC (ret)

Down Frederick N, J P

Forman Major A B, R F A

Goulding Patrick, D C

Harding James J, M D, J P, The Wigwam

Hosford William J, D C

Jackson Capt H S, R F A

Lawrie Lieut - Col C E, D S O  com xxivth brigade R F A

Leary Michael, Kilnagiory

Mullane Col, R A M C (set)

Murphy Jerome, Greenfield

O'Brien Morgan, DC, The Castle

O'Hara WJ, R M, Parknamore

O'Donovan Rev D, C C

O’Keeffe Rev Jeremiah, P P

O'Sullivan Herb B,Ardnagreina

Powell Major, M D, R A M C

Regan Mrs, nurse and widwife

Ryan Capt HT, IT RCVS, AY C3

Saunderson Capt, R F A

Studdert J F, dist insp R I C

Swales Seymour, dental surgn

Walthall Major E C W D, DSO R FA



Commercial - T O'Brien, prop

Garrison - Peter Whelan, prop


Builders & Contractors.

Buckley Cornelius, Curraghbeg

Forde D & Sons, Ballincollig


Car Owners,

Crowley Danl

Kenneally Bros


Forage Agent.

Murphy John


Horse Dealer.

Flynn James


Insurance Agents

Forde Denis E

O'Leary Denis


Lodging-house Keepers.

Coughlin J


Mrs Long J


Shopkeepers, etc.

Duggan C, telephone exchange

Hallihan Thomas, boot maker

Hogan Miss Annie, vintner

Lucy Mrs Cornelius

Lynch J, vintner

Lynch Mrs J, vintner

Mahony Dl J, vint, Fast Gate

O'Brien M & Sons, victuallers

O'Keeffe Miss Catherine

O'Leary Mary

Sullivan Mrs E, news agent

Whelan Peter, vintner




Down Frederick, Ballincollig

Magner E, Carriganara

Miller B, Carriganara

Murphy Daniel, Coolroe

O'Brien M & Sons, Ballincollig

O'Connell C, Polavone

O'Connor Mce, Ballincollig

Tanner Joseph, Coolroe

Wise James, Polavone



Crowley Jerh, Ballyburden

Jeremiah, Kilnaglory

Duggan Mrs, Oreenfield

Fitton Edward, Kilnaglory

Kiely Miss K, Kilnaglory

Lynch Mary, Ballyburden

Murphy Mrs, Greenfield



Hosford R, Maglin

O’Callaghan Cornelius, Maglin

O'Sullivan J S, Maglin