Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Bailineen


(Pop 338)

Post, Money order, telegraph and public telephone call office

Postmistress – Mrs M E H O'Keeffe


Conveyances - Ballineen and Enniskean a station Cork, Bandon and South Coast ry,  four trains to and from Cork daily

Stationmaster - Alexander Gunn


Parliamentary div South Cork

County Electoral div Dunmanway


Rural District Council Dunmanway

Electoral divs. Ballymoney, Manch and Kinneigh


Dispensary and Registration dist of Ballineem

Med officer and Rev - Dr Morgan O'Brien Neville

District Nurse - Mrs O'Mullane


Petty Sessions Court - Each alternate Thursday.
Quarter Sess dist of Bandon

Clerk Petty Sess - Thos Tanner


Constabulary district of Dunmanway.

In charge of Ballineen station - Sergeant J Ryan


National Schools - head teachers

Ballineen - Daniel Deasy , Miss Mary Barrett

Ballymoney - Mrs Penney

Connagh - Miss Lordan


Fairs and Markets-Second Wednesday every month ; pig fair second Tuesday. Butter, egg, and poultry market every Thursday



Barrett Rev R, P P, St Mary's, Derrigra

Bevan J, The Lodge, Manch

Conner Henry D,.kc, Manch hse

Cotter A J, Spire view

Cox R, Sun lodge

Daunt Wm Gash, Derrigra hse

Daunt Achilles Thomas, J P, Kilcaskan castle

Dennison Rev W T, Methodist minister, The Manse

Enright Mrs M

Fehily Michael J

Fehily Patrick Joseph, J P

Garvey J, Ivy cottage

Kehelly John, D C

Levis W J V, The Cottage

Morton J H, J P, Carrigmore hse

Neville Morgan O'Brien, M D,

J P, Warrensbrook

O'Farrell C

O'Driscoll Rev D, P P

O'Regan Rev C, cc, Shamrock cottage

Robinson Rev A C, MA, rector Ballymoney

Tanner Thomas, C P S



Angel - A Donovan, prop

Fitzgerald Patrick, prop


Agricultural Implement Agents.

Fehily Patrick

Hosford John



Cotter A J


Bill Posters.

James Lordon

West Cork Billposting Co, Skibbereen



Driscoll William


Boot & Shoe Makers.

Crowley D and Co

Fehily Patrick

Shorten & Keohane


Builders & Contractors.

Cahalane John

Fehily Patrick

McCarthy Jas


China & Glass Warehouses.

Fehily Patrick

Good Mrs H

O'Keeffe E H

Shorten Mrs


Coal and Corn Merchants.

Fehily Patrick

Hosford Johm



Crowley D & Co

Crowley Jas

Fehily Patrick

Fitzgerald P

Good Mrs H

Shorten and Koohane


Dress and Mantle Makers

Barry Miss

Cahalane Mrs M

Carroll Mrs

Farrell Mrs

Peyton Miss B


Egg Merchant.

O'Keeffe E H


Fish Dealer,

Donoghue Miss


Flour and Meal Dealers.

Fehily Patk

Good Mrs H

Hosford John

O'Regan John

Shorten Mrs


Fowl Exporter.

Good Mrs H

O'Keeffe Mrs M E H



Canty Mrs E

Crowley Ellen

Fehily Patrick

Fitzgerald P

Hayes Daniel

Hurley Miss M

Good Mrs H

Good Mrs J

O'Brien Mrs

O'Keeffe E H

O'Regan John

Peyton Miss

Peyton Miss A

Shorten Mrs

Walsh Miss IK



Fehily Patrick

Hosford John



O'Neill P


Leather Merchants.

Fehily Patrick

Hosford John


News Agents.

Fehily Patrick

Hosford John

O'Keeffe E H


Oil and Color Merchants.

Fehily Patrick

Hosford John



Donovan Patk

Shorten john



Fehily Patrick

Hosford John

O'Keeffe E H

Peyton Miss

Shorten Mrs


Tobacconists .

Crowley Ellen

Fehily Patrick

Fitzgerald P

Good Mrs II .

O'Keeffe E H


Regan J

Shorten Mrs



Coakley David

Donovan Michl

Donovan Mrs A

Enright Thos

Fitzgerald P

Kehilly John

O'Neill Thos


Shopkeepers, etc.

Mahony John, vict, etc

O'Regan Miss H

Warren James, tailor




Electoral div. Ballymoney.

Ahern Mrs, Bundrimeen

Ahern Patrick, Bundrimeen

Barrett Cornelius, Ahilnane

Barrett John, Currabeg

Burke Denis, Bundrimeen

Carey John, Curraghcrowly

Corcoran James, Derrigra

Crowley Mary Alice, Kilcaskan

Daunt Win G, Derrigra house

Driscoll Cornelius, Kilvurra

Enright Thomas, Ballineen

Fehily Patrick, Ballineen

Fitzgerald Patrick, Ballineen

Good Thomas, Kilvurra

Good William, Shanaway

Good William Jun, Kilvurra

Hartnett John, Ballineen

Hennessy John, Bundrimeen

Hennessy Michael, Bundrimeen

Hosford James, Phale court

Hosford Joseph, Shanaway hse

Hosford William, Firgrove

Hurley James, Shanaway east

Hurley John, Bunanumera

Hurley William, Bunanumera

Jennings Barnabas, Shanaway

Kearney Timy, Curraghcrowly

McCarthy Daniel, Bunanumera

Mahony Matthew, Bunanumera

Murray Jeremiah, Currabeg

Northridge Benjamin, Derrigra

Northridge John, The Cottage.

Nyhane James, Carrigeen

Nyhane Timothy, Bunanumera

O'Brien T M, Carrigeen

O'Neill Thomas, Shanaway

Patterson Robert, Bundrimeen

Patterson Robert, Phale lower

Schofield Abrm, Knockaneady

Schofield Benj, Curraghcrowly

Shorten Mrs S, Ballineen

Stanley John, Curraghcrowly



Electoral div . Manch.

Coakley Timothy, Manch

Crowley Timothy, Manch West

Donovan Maurice, Coolabaun

Donovan Patrick, Manch

Kearney William, Manch

McCarthy Barth, Moreagh

McCarthy Daniel, Moreagh

McCarthy James, Moreagh

McCarthy Jeremiah, Moreagh

McCullagh William, Manch



Electoral div. Kinneigh.

Brady John, Connagh

Coakley John, Teenah

Crowley Cornelius, Aghalinane

Crowley Denis, Aghalinane

Donovan Denis, Aghalinane

Donovan Mary, Aghalinane

Forbes John, Caher

Hennessy Michael, Caher

Lordan Patrick, Lissacroneen

Regan John, Connagh

Regan John, Teenah