Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Ballinhassig


Post and telegraph office, Innishannon 6 m. nearest money order office

Postmaster - Martin Murphy


Conveyances - Ballinhassig a station, Cork, Bandon and South Coast  rly ;  five trains to and from Cork dally

Stationmaster - J O'Brien


Parliamentary div South East Cork

County Electoral dins Kinsale and Ballincollig


Rural District Council Kinsale;

Electoral divs. Ballymartle and Templemichael


Dispensary and Registration dist of Ballymartle

Med officer and Regr - Dr Wm G Meade


Rural District Council Cork

Electoral div. Dunderrow and Ballygarvan


Dispensary and Registration dist of Ballygarvan

Med officer and Regr-Dr James Keating, Glenview


Petty Sessions Court, Ballymartle third Monday in each month.

Quar Sess district of Cork

Clerk Petty  Sess - Richard Forde; Kinsale


Constabulary district of Kinsale

In charge of Ballinhassig station - Sergeant John Linane


National Schools - head teachers

Ballysheedy - John Hennessy, Mrs. Duggan

Gogganshill - Daniel O’Regan; Mrs. Cronin

Ballinhassig - Miss Heaslip


Fairs, 1 May, 29 June



Bartar Thomas, Ballinphelic

Beamish Mrs, Springmount

Cassidy Rev John, P P

Coveney Rev P, cc, Tulligmore

Jagoe John R, Ballymartle

Keating James, MD, Glenview

Lynch Charles, Belview

Maynard W P, Hillside

Meade John, Ballintober

Meade Richd J, 3 P, Ballymartle

Meade William G, MD, Durah cottage, Ballymartle

Northridge J, Heathfield house

Roberts Wm J P, Rigsdale hse

Shaw Col F. G, J P, Heathburn hall

Stayte Capt W J, JP, Glendoneen

Stoyte Col John, JP, Glendoneen

Stoyte Jas Chas,JP,Glendoneen

Tuckey T, Springmount


Flour Mills.

Donovan Jeremiah, Rearour and Barrettshill



Barrett H, vint, Coolatooder

Crowley Mrs, vnt, Baliinaloughy

Daly John, vint, Ballymartle

Delany Margt, vint, TheHalfway

Looney Danl, vint, Ballinhassig

Murphy Julia, vintner, The Halfway

O'Brien Julia, vint, Ballinhassig

Warner Peter, vint, Old Abbey

Wolfe James, shopkeeper and farmer, Goggans Hill




Electoral div. Ballymartle

Connelly Michael Ballinaboy

Crowley Jeremiah, Ballinaboy

Foley John, Lisfehill

Healy Daniel, Ballinaboy

Holland John, Lisfehill

Hyde Timothy Knocklucy

McCarthy Timy, Knocklucy

Mescall William, Knocklucy

Murphy Michael, Ballinaboy

Reardon Timothy, Ballinaboy

Ballymartle', Stanton John, Lisfehill

Stanton Michael, Ballniaboy

Stanton Timothy, D C, Lisfehill

Walsh Michael, Knocklucy


Electoral div. Ballygarvan

Forde Mary, Tulligmore

Leary Jeremiah, Ballynoe

Mulcahy Cornelius, Ballynoe

Walsh Ellen, Tulligmore


Electoral div . Dunderrow.

Connell William, Gogganshill

Cottrell Benj, DC, Ballyhooleen

Duggan Denis, DC, Gogganshill

Mahony Jeremiah, Gogganshill

O’Neill Peter, Gogganshill

Rice Miss, Gogganshill

Twomey Hanora, Gogganshill


Electoral div. Templemichael.

Callaghan Julia, Ballynagrumoolia

Cullinane Corns, Ballynagrumoolia

Grainger Win, Ballyheedy

Kelly Ellen, Ballyheedy

Lombard Ellen, Rearour

O'Brien John, Ballyheedy

O'Brien William, Ballyheedy

Riordan Michael, Rearour

Sweeney Michael, Rearour

Walsh John, Rearour

Williamson Richard, Rathroe



Electoral div. Ballymartle.

Barry John, Mill-land

Coleman Philip, Shanavally

Duly John, Corruragh

Daly John, Durah

Duly Thomas, Corruragh

Jagoe Samuel, Dooneen

Keeffe J S, Fahanalooscane

Looney Wm, Fahanalooscane

Murphy Daniel, Arlinstown

Murphy John, Corruragh

Murphy Matt, Fahanalooscane

Murphy Thomas, Arlinstown

O'Mahony William, D C, Balllntober

Prior Cornelius, Corruragh

Regan Denis, Arlinstown

Sullivan David, Shanavally

Webb-William, Scart


Electoral div. Templemichael.

Collins Jeremiah, Knockane

Deasy John, Bawnleigh

Fahy John, Farlistown

Horgan Margt, Ballynaloughy

O'Keefe Mrs, Farlistown

Kelleher William, Bawnleigh

Sullivan James, Ballynaloughy



Dundarrow electoral div

Bennett William, Coolatooder

Donoghue Wm, Coolatooder

Donovan Daniel, Coolatooder

Nagle John, Coolatooder

Saunders Miss, Coolatooder

Sullivan Thomas, Gortnaclogh

Electoral div Templemichael

Horgan P, DC, Skehannagh

Lehane Timy, Annaghinore

McCarthy Daniel, Rigsdale

McCarthy Jas D C, Skehanagh

McCarthy Kate, Rigsdale

McCarthy Mrs, Annaghbeg

McCarthy Thomas, Rigsdale

Murphy Cornelius, Annaghbeg

Murphy Michael, Skehanagh

Murphy Mrs C, Rigsdale

Murphy P J, Rigsdale

O'Brien Timothy, Rigsdale

Smith John, Ballynoe