Fáilte Romhat

  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Bandon


(Pop 3,122)

(Under Towns Imp. Act, 1854).


Market town, head post, money order, telegraph and telephone office

Head postmaster - E W Carrette

Mails despatched for Dublin, etc. weekdays 12 .45, 8.10 pm ; England 12-45 pm, 4-0 pm, :8-10 pm,



Bandon a station Cork, Bandon and South Coast ry ; six trains to and five from Cork daily

Stationmaster - J Rattray


Parliamentary div South East Cork

County Electoral div Bandon



 (See also Special List.)

Chairman Council - John Walsh, M P, J P

Vice-Chairman - Daniel Ryan

Chairman Guardians - Patk O'Brien

Clerk - A Haynes

Master House - John Holland


Dispensary and Registration District of Bandon

Med officer and Registrar - Dr D Hennessy, Main St



(Sec also Special List)

Chairman - M C Hickey

Town Clerk - John Coghlan

Collector - Thomas J Powell

Manager Gas Works - Wm Keogh




Petty Sessions held every Monday;

Quar Sess list of Bandon

Res Magistrate - A G W Harrell

Clerk Petty Sessions - J P Jeffers



(See also Special Constabulary List.

County Inspector - T Tweedy

District Inspector - H C Greer

Head Constable - K Coughlan

Co Inspector's Clerk - Sergeant Patk Cahill

Constabulary stations – Sergeants Robt Ranson, Philip Dolan, and John McGrath



Supervisor - M F McEniry

Officers - F R McKenna, P Quinlivan



Deane John B, South main St

McCarthy Patk J, solr, Sth main st

Neville Richard, solr, South main St

O'Driscoll P J, solr, South main st

Scanlan Thos, solr, Castle St

Sherlock Geo K, solr, South main st



Deane John B, South main St



Bank Ireland-Agent, T W Pim, Sub-agent, A Beatt, cashier J Doran

Munster and Leinster Bank Ltd, Manager, Robert Griffith, sub mgr, W D Barry ; cashier; W Creagh

Provincial Bank ltd-Manager, T W Martin; accountant, A T Johnston; cashiers, J F Flood ; V Kidd



Allin Institute, Bridge place Hon sees, D G Scott, J P Jeffers ; hon treas, Samuel Lee

Bandon Town Hall Newsroom, North main St-Hon treas, M C Hickey, J P ; hon sec, W Foley

Charitable Loan Fund Society (estab 1824)-Trustees, Earl of Bandon, K P ; Richard Clear, J P ; hon treasurer, J B Scott

Technical Instruction Committee, North main st-Sec, Wm Henderson

Young Men's Society, Shannon st- Pres, Very Rev Canon Shinkwin, PP ;. Hon sec, J McCarthy



Bandon Gas Works-Manager -Wm Keogh



Ch Ireland, Ballymodan - Rev Precentor E R Emerson, DD, rector; Rev E Popham, B A, curate, Ballymodan

Ch Ireland, Kilbrogan - Rev J C: Lord, BA, rector; John Armstrong,  B A ; curate

R Catholic, St Patricks -Very Rev Joseph Canon Shinkwin, PP, VF ;Rev J Coakley and John Murray,curates

Presbyterian - Rev Thomas Brown, M A, minister

Methodist - Rev G A Mcllwrath, minister



Presentation-Sup, Rev Mother- M C Patrick Murphy ; chaplain, Rev T Barrett



Bandon Grammar School-Henry G Johnston, B A OXON, principal ;

T W Ward, B SC ;

Miss N Dagg,. RUI, TCD



Inspector of National Schools - J J Stokes, B A

National - head teachers

Convent - Presentation Nuns

Ballymodan (Male) Cavendish quay - P S Buttimer, B A

Ballymodan (Female) Shannon st - Miss O'Hara

Chapel St - Patrick Murphy

Warners lane - M Quinlan

Watergate place - Miss L Shorten

Crossmahon - J Costello

Curravaraghan - Miss J Sutton

Laragh - Richard Joyce

Mawbeg - John Leahy



First Wednesday in every month. (horse, cattle, etc.) ; pig fair previous, day ; Feb 27 and August 4 (special horse fairs) ; market day Saturday

Butter Market, Burlington quay every Saturday



Aherne W, sec Bandon Hosiery Company ltd

Allen J H, T C, South main st

Allman & Co, Bandon distillery

Allman, Dowden & Co, Watergate St

Allman John, Woodlands

Alpers Franz, Altona

Armstrong G A CE, Ardnacarrig

Armstrong Rev John B A, curate C I, Kilbrogan

Atkins W L & Sons, Bridge st

Baldwin Capt, Brookfield house:

Baldwin Herbert, Kilbrogan hill

Bandon Hosiery Co ltd

Bandan Rt Hon Earl of, K P (James Francis Bernard, 4th earl), DC, Castlebernard

Banfield Thomas, Nth main st

Barker J W, M R C V S, V S, Wesley place

Barrett Rev T, chaplain Presentation Convent

Barrett William, Shannon st

Barry John, New road

Beamish Miss, Ballymodan  pl

Beamish R, Hare hill

Beare William, Boyle St

Beatt A, sub-agent Bank Ireland

Begley James, D C, Castle road

Bennett Surg Lt-Col W J, M D, Riverside house, Nth main st

Bevin Lizzie, South main St

Bevin William, Shannon St

Biggs William, Callatrim

Birrell Wm, South main St

Blake Benjamin, Bog road

Blanchfield E, South main st

Boylan Mrs Mary, Sth main st

Bradfield Miss, North main st

Brangan John, North main st

Brennan J, Hill terrace

Brennan James, Shannon St

Brennan Joseph, Burlington q,y and Shannon St

Bright Richard, Bridge St

Bright W & J, Bridge St

Brown Rev Thomas, M A, Presb minister, The Manse

Buckley Denis, Bridge St

Buckley John,North main St

Burchill George, Shannon st

Burke Daniel, Cavendish quay

Burke John, Castle St

Burke Margaret, Bridge St 1

Buttimore J, South main St

Buttimer P S, B A, Castle road

Cahill Edmond, rate collector, South main St

Cahill T, Killowen creamery

Callaghan John, North main st

Callaghan Miss, Cork road

Callaghan Mrs, Kilbrogan hill

Calnan J J, I P, Oaklands

Calnan J J, J P, South main st

Calnan Jeremiah, Shannon st

Canty Denis, North main St

Carbury & Jones, South main st

Carrette E W, postmaster

Carroll Jeremiah, Shannonst

Carroll John, Shannon St

Carroll Mrs, Bridge St

Clarke & Son, South main st

Clear R, JP, Kilbrogan hill

Clerke John& Co, South Main st and Weir St

Coakley D, South maim St

Coakley Rev J, cc, St Patricks

Coffey J, North main St

Coffey Mrs, North main St

Coffey T & Co, South main st

Coffey T, North main St

Coffey T, South main St

Coghlan John, town clerk, New road

Collins Daniel, Watergate st

Connolly Mrs, Cavendish row

Connolly Patrick, South main st

Connolly Miss, South main st

Corcoran Jas, Cavendish row

Coughlan K, head const R I c

Coughlan T, Market St

Coveney D, Cavendish quay

Cox H A, Kilbrogan place

Craig J Melville, North main st

Craig Thomas, South main st

Creagh W, cashier M & L bank

Watergate Creamery Co ltd, st

Crowley & Co, South main st

Crowley Bros, Clancool

Crowley Catherine, Shannon st

Crowley D, Castle road

Crowley John, South main st

Crowley John, Shannon St

Crowley Mrs, South main St

Crowley T J, Old Chapel

Crowley Wm, Cavendish quay

Cullinane Michl, Shinagh home

Cunningham, Jas, Watergate st

Dagg Miss N,R U I, T C D,Grammar School

Daly James, J P, Maughbeg east

Daly John, North main St

Daunt William, Willsgrove

Dawson Bros, South main St

Dawson E C, South main St

Dawson John W, South main st

Dawson R, Castle road

Deane J B, solr, South main st

Deasy P C, Shannon St

Dempsey John, Shannon St

Dennehy Mrs Jane, Bridge st

Dennehy John, Bridge St

Desmond Bros, South-main st

Desmond Edwd, TC, Sealyslane

Desmond Ellen, North main st

Desmond Humphrey, TC, South main St

Desmond M, South main St

Dineen Michael, South main st

Donoghue James, DC, TC, Mill Pl

Donovan Barth, Market St

Donovan J, Convent hill

Donovan John, Weir St

Donovan Miss,Market St

Donovan, Mrs Roundhill

Doran J, cashier Bank Ireland

Dowlin F North main St

Downey Jerh, Market St

Downing Patrick, Castle road

Drew Mary, Shannon St

Driscoll Cornelius, Castle st

Driscoll Timothy, Cavendish qy

Good Henry, Ballinacurra hse

Driscoll T, Hill terrace

Duggan Denis, North main st

Egan Timothy, Shannon st

Emerson Geo T, St Marys

Emerson Rev Precentor E R,DD, St Peters rectory

Faherty Mrs Cath, Castle St

Fahy Mrs, Ballinacurra

Fitzgerald John, North main st

Fitzsimmons Mary C, Shannon st

Fitzsimmons P, Shannon st

Flaherty Michael, Sealys lane

Flynn Margaret, South main st

Foley John, Castle road

Foley M, Cavendish quay

Foley & Co, South main St

Foley William, South .main st

Forde Henry, North main St

Forsyth Mrs M, North main st

Frost Thomas, Kilpatrick

Fullam Thomas, Shannon St

Galvin James, Castle St

Geaney Mrs, Chapel St

Good Henry, Ballinacurra hse

Good J & Co, South main St

Good James, Ballinacurra mills

Good John, Shannon St

Grady Mrs Ellen, North main st

Green H C, dist insp R I C

Griffin John, Kilbrogan hill

Griffith Robert, manager Munster and Leinster bank

Harley Francis, Bridge St

Harrell A G W, R M

Harte & Scott, Weir St

Harte E H & Co, Cavendish qy

Harte L A, Cavendish quay

Harte Mrs L A, Cavendish quay

Hayes Michael, Kilbrogan st

Haynes A, clerk of union; North main St

Healy Andrew, North main st

Healy M & C, Bridge St

Healy Maurice, North main st

Healy Miss, Kilbrogan hill

Hegarty Miss K, Castle road

Henderson Wm, Brewery hse

Hennessy D,M D, South main st

Heron Wm, South main St

Hewitt Miss L, Derrycool

Hickey Daniel, Market St

Hickey Matthias, D C, Bridge st

Hickey M C, JP, TC, Sth main sit

Hickey M C, Bridge St

Hilser Brothers, South main st

Hodson RE, JP, Coolfadda hse, Devonshire square

Holland John, master of union

Horgan Mary, Shannon St

Hosford William, Eatonville

Howe John, relieving officer ;Castle road

Hudson Misses, Greenhill ter

Hunter Geo, Ballymodan place

Hurley J, Foxes St

Hurley Miss, South main St

Hurley Miss E, South main st

Hurley Mrs, Castle road

Hurley P, Kilbrogan hill

Hurley W, North main St

Jeffers J P; clerk petty sessions, hannon s'reet

Jeffers J T, South main St

Johnson Leslie A, J P, Laragh hse

Johnson Samuel, acct, North ain St

Johnson Miss F, North main st

Johnston Henry G, BA, Gram-mar school, Devonshire sq

Johnston A T, acct Prov bank

Jones John, dist reg mar, North main St

Jones John, Kilbrogan hill

Jones John J, North main st

Jones Will, Te, South main st

Joyce Mrs S, South main St

Kearney Mrs, North main st

Keeffe Thomas, North main  st

Kehily Ellen, Shannon St

Keogh Win, manager Gas works

Keohane Peter, New road

Keyms Richard, South main st

Kiely J, Warners place

Kingston Geo, North main st

Kingston J S , North main St

King-Scaly Charles, J P, Richmount

King-Sealy Mrs, Richmount

Lane C, motor works

Lawton James, Bridge-st

Leary John, Boyle St

Lee Samuel, T C, The Bridge

Lee W, Shannon St

Levis T B, assist co surveyor, Kilbrogan hill

Levis Thomas, South main st

Long Ellen, North main St

Longfield Richard WF, cF, co surveyor, Millbrook

Lord Rev J C, B A, rector c a, Kilbrogan

Lordan Ellen, South main st

Lordan M, Kilpatrick

Lovell George, Shannon St

Lovell George, Wesley quay

Lucey Mrs, South main St

Lynch Anne, North inain St

Lynch Mary, Kilbrogan hill

Lynch Miss Mary, Nto main st

Lynch Mrs Eliza, Market St

Lyons M, South main St

Lyons Miss, Castle St

McCabe Thos, St Patricks place

McCabe T& Sons, Cavendish qy

McCarthy C G, North main st

McCarthy F, South main St

McCarthy John, Tc, Cork road

McCarthy John, South main st

McCarthy John J, curator waterworks, Bridge St

McCarthy Mrs, Castle road

McCarthy Miss, North main st

McCarthy Patrick J, TC, solr, South main St

McCarthy Patrick, Shannon st

McCarthy Mrs T, Cork road

McCourt George, Shannon st

McDonnell R, Railway lane

McDonnell R, South main st

McDonnell Richard, J P, Castlelack mills

McEniry M F, supervisor in-inland revenue

McGovern Fredk J, chartered acct & auditor, Manor house

McGuire Mrs, North main st

McIlwrath RevGA, Meth min,Westbourne villa

McKenna F R, inland revenue officer

McSweeney John, South main st

McSweeney Mrs J, Sth main st

Macnamara Mrs, Kilbrogan hill

Magahy James, South main st

Mahony Hannah, North mainst

Mahony Mrs, Market St

Mahony Mrs Kate, Clancool

Martin T W, mngr Prov bank

Mason John, Cavendish quay

Mills J P, North main St

Milner George, Weir St

Moloney Thomas, Shannon st

Moriarty M(reps of), Sth main st

Morris Joseph, Cavendish quay

Murphy Corns, Convent hill

Murphy Daniel, Market St

Murphy -Denis, Kilbrogan st

Murphy J, Hag hill

Murphy Jerh, Curraghriday

Murphy James, Market St

Murphy John, Mishells

Murphy John, Moanarone

Murphy Joseph, Roundhill

Murphy Mrs M C Patrick, Rev Mother Presentation convent

Murphy M, North main St

Murphy Mrs M, Market st

Murphy Miss, 7.3 South main st

Murphy Miss M, Bridge St

Murphy Patrick, N T, Chapel st

Murphy Peter, Canevdish quay

Murphy T, Foxes St

Murray Rev John, CC, St Patricks presbytery

Nagle Denis, Tc, South main st

Neville Richard solicitor and coroner, South main St

Norman Miss, NT, Ballymodan school

Nyhan J, South main St

O'Brien Patrick, Danganbeg

O'Carroll Timy, Kilbrogan st

O'Connell Patk, Burlington qy

O'Donovan B, Market St

O'Driscoll D (reps of) Nth main st

O'Driscoll Florence, Sth main st

O'Driscoll J, Watergate St

O Driscoll Michl, North main st

O'Driscoll Mrs K, Sth main st

O'Driscoll Mrs M, The Glue Yard farm

O'Driscoll P J, solr, Sth main st

O'Driscoll Timothy, Hill terrace

O'Driscoll WE, The Glue Yard farm

O'Farrell Mrs, South main st

O'Farrell Siinon, South main st

O'Grady Mrs Ellen, Nth mainst

O'Hara S, Cavendish quay

O'Keeffe Miss M, South main St

O'Keeffe T, Watergate ironwks

O'Leary C, Shannon St

O'Leary Corns, Clancool

O'Leary D, South Main St

O'Leary Edward, Moanarone

O'Leary Laurence, Moanarone  house

O'Leary Thos, Shannon St

Ollivere Joseph Francis, dentist South main St

O'Regan D, Cavendish quay

O'Riordan J, South main st

O'Sullivan Mrs, North main st

O'Sullivan-Alor Rd, Maughbeg,

Peacock Capt, motor works

Peyton WmW, Burlington quay

Phipps Ernest, M R C V S, Shannon lodge

Pim T W, agent Bank Ireland

Poole Hewitt, J P, Mayfield

Poland Mrs, Shannon St

Pope Edwin, Kilbrogan Trill

Popham Rev Ernest, BA, rector C 1, The Green

Powell T J, The Green

Punch J, Shannon St

Quinlan Michl, Kilbrogan  hill

Quinlivan P, inland rev officer

Rattray James, Railway house

Reardon Miss, Shannon St,

Reen David, Castle St

Reen J,. Shannon St

Reen Mrs N, Main sheen

Regan C, North main St

Reid John, m D, Bank place and Glensany house

Robinson Mrs, North main st

Roche James, Cavendish quay

Roche Patrick, New road

Roche P, Wesley quay

Ruttle J, Hill terrace

Ryan David, Burlington quay: and South main St

Ryan Edmond, Market St

Ryan Mrs, North. main St

Salter Robert, South main st

Scanlan Thos, solr, 7 Castle st

Scannell Mr;  Kilpatrick

Scannell Jeremiah, Shannon st

Scott D Gillman, 29 Sth main st

Scott Henry, South main St

Scott James B, Te, Sth main st

Scott The Misses, Castle road

Semple  J, acct, Hill terrace

Seymour Thos, North main st

Shannon John, Cork road

Sheehan Michl, North main st

Sheehan.M, North main st

Sheehy Jeremiah, Scariff

Sherlock Geo K, sess crown solicitor, vv x, South main st

Sherlock Robert W, solr, South main St

Shine Jerome, North main St

Shinkwin Joseph, Al D, South main St

Shinkwin Mrs, Kilbrogan hill

Shinkwin Very Rev Joseph Canon, PP, V F Shorten T, Castle St

Shorten the Misses, Watergate pl

Skuce John, Shannon St

Skuce Thomas, Boyle St

Slattery and Co, South main st

Smith Albert, Burlington quay

Smith A W (Reps), South main st

Smith Sydney Castle road

Spillane Mary, Shannon St

Stafford Thos, North main st

Starkley Miss, South main st

Stokes JJ,BA inspector national schools

Stone George, South main st

Sallivan John, Hill house

Sullivan Miss A, North main st

Sutton Robert, Castle St

Swanton C, South main st

Sweeney John, Shannon St

Sweeney Morgan, Shannon st,

Tanner Miss, South main st

Tanner T C, North main St

Tanner William Cork road

Thompson Mrs E Shannon st

Tobin John, Shannon St

Tobin Michael, North main st

Topham Miss North main St

Troy Mrs, Watergate St

Tweedy T county insp R I C

Twomey J,Castle road

Unkles Bros, Manor flour mills New road and Burlington qy

Vericker C T, North main st

Walsh J and Co, Cavendish qy

Walsh John, Cavendish quay

Walsh John, M P .J P, Riverviewhse

Walsh Miss, Kilbrogan St

Walsh Mrs, Kilbrogan St

Ward T W, B se, assist master grammar school

Watson Henry, Monarone

Webb George T, Boyle St

Webb Mrs, North main St

Welply John J, MD, Bridge st

West Cork Bottling Co

West Mrs, North main St

Wilmot John, Shannon St

Wood C, South main St

Wood J, South main St

Woods W G, Cavendish quay

Wyatt W T, Monarone


Solicitors .

Deane J B, South main St

McCarthy Patk J, South main st

Neville Richard, South main st

O'Driscoll P J, South main st

Scanlan Thomas, Castle St

Sherlock Geo K, South main st

Sherlock Robt W, South main st


Physicians and Surgeons .

Hennessy Denis, South main st

Reid John, Bank place

Shinkwin Joseph, South main st

Welply John J, Bridge St


Veterinary Surgeons,

Barker J W, M R C V S, Wesley pl

Phipps Ernest, M R C V S, Shannon lodge



Ollivere J F, South main St


Chartered Accountant.

McGovern Fredk J, Manor hse



Bandon Arms (unlicensed), Sth  main St-C Swanton

Devonshire Arms,- North main St-Mrs M, Forsyth

Lee's (late Frenchs), Shannon St


Agricultural Implement Agents .

Clerke John & Co, Sth main st

(food j &,Co, Sth main St

Heron William South main st ,,

Sutton Robert Castle St

Tanner T C  North main St



Harte E H & Co, Cavendish qy

Levis Thomas South main st

McCabe T & Sons, Cavendish qy

Wood W G, Cavendish quay


Bakers .

Brennan James, Shannon St

Burke Daniel, Cavendish quay

Heron William, South main st

Jeffers J T, South main St

McCabe Thomas, Cavendish qy

McCarthy T, North main St

Stone George, South main st

Tanner William, North main st



Skuce John, Shannon St

Skuce Thomas, Shannon St


Billposters .

Donovan John, Convent hill

Riordan Patrick, Castle road



Barry John, New road

Hurley P, Kilbrogan hill

Murray Daniel, Market quay

O'Connell Path, Burlington qy

O'Keeffe T, Watergate Ironwks

O'Leary C, Shannon St


Boot and Shoemakers and Warehouses

Barrett Wm, Shannon St

Bright Richard, Bridge St

Coffey James, North main st

Connolly P, South main St

Crowley D, Castle road

Dawson E Carroll, Sth main st

Dowling F, North main St

Egan Timothy, Shannon St

Hayes Michael, Shannon St

Lovell George, Wesley quay

McSweeny John, Sth main st

Moloney John Shannon St

Regan C, North main St

Seymour Thos, North  Main st

Topham R, North main St

Twomey J, Caste road



Allman, Dowden & Co, Watergate St


Brewers Agents.

Brennan Joseph, Burlington qy and Shannon St

Ryan David, South St and Burlington quay

Walsh John, Cavendish quay


Builders and Contractors.

Buckley John, North main st,

Forde Henry, North main St

Jones John, Kilbrogan hill

Jones John J, North main st and Cavendish quay

Murphy D, Market St

Peyton Wm, Burlington qy

Shannon John Cork road


Butter Merchants.

Creamery Co ltd, Watergate st

Desmond Mrs, South main st

O'Driscoll Mrs K, Sth main st

Murphy Corns, Convent hill


Cattle Dealers.

Crowley Bros, Clancool

Crowley J, Shannon St

Hurley J, .Foxes St

McSweeney John,South main st

Murphy James, Convent hill

Murphy Jeremiah, Curravreda

Murphy John, Mishells

O'Grady Mrs Ellen, Nth main st

O'Leary Edward, Moanarone

O'Leary Laurnc, Moanarone hse


Chemists & Druggists.

Harley F, Bridge St

Scott James B, South main st


China & Glass Warehouses .

Blanchfield Mrs, South main st

Bright W & J, Bridge St

Craig Thomas, South main st

Fitzsimmons P, Shannon St

Hickey C, South main st

Keyms Richard , South main st

Robinson Mrs, North main st

Ryan Mrs, North main St

Sutton Robert (reps of), Castle st


Coach Builders.

Fullam Patrick, Weir St

Milner George, Weir St


Coal Merchants.

Clerke John & Co, South main st

Smith Sydney, Market quay

Sutton Robert, Castle St

Walsh J & Co, Cavendish quay



Heron Win, South main St

Jeffers J T, South main St

Murphy Miss M, Bridge St

Ryan D, South main St



Griffin John, Kilbrogan hill

Sweeney John, Shannon St


Corn Merchants.

Allman & Co, Distillery

Brennan Joseph

Healy Maurice, Burlington quay

Keohane P, New road

McDonnell Rd, South main st

McSwiney John, South main st

Pope Edwin, Cavendish quay


Creameries .

Bandon Creamery-J Carroll, manager

Killowen Creamery -T Cahill , manager


Cycle Agents.

Good J & Co, South main st

Heron William, South main st

Hickey M C, South main st

Keeffe Thomas, North main st

O'Regan D, Cavendish quay

Slattery & Co, South main st


Distillers .

Allman & Co, Bandon distillery



Allen J H, South main St

Carbury &.Jones, South main st

Coffey T, South main st

Crowley & Co, South main st

Crowley D, South main St-

Crowley John, South main st

Dawson Bros, South main st

Nyhan J, South main St

Scott Henry, South main St


Dressmakers and Milliners.

Bevan Mrs, Shannon St

Coffey Mrs, North main St

Connolly Miss, Cavendish place

Hudson Misses, Hill St

Kelleher Miss, North main st

Keyms M, South main St

McCarthy Mrs, Castle road

McCarthy Miss, South main st

Murphy Miss, South main st

O'Hara S, Cavendish quay

O'Keeffe Miss, South main st

O'Regan Miss, Cavendish  quay

Peyton Miss Mary J,Sth main st

Poland Mrs, Shannon St

Regan Miss M H, Shannon st

Smith Mrs A W (reps of), South main st

Topham Miss, North main st


Egg Merchants .

Craig Mrs, South main St

Harte & Scott, Weir St

Keohane Peter, New road

O’Driscoll Jas J Shannon st

Ryan David, Burlington quay


Feather Merchants.

Healy M C, Bridge .St

Ryan David, South main st


Flour and Meal Dealers.

Brennon James, Shannon st 1i

Buttimore J, South main St

Crowley Wm, Cavendish quay

Donoghue Jas, Mill place

Jeffers J T, South main St

McDonnell R, Railway lane

Sweeney Morgan, Shannon st

Unkles Bros, Manor flour mills,New road and Burlington qy



Brennan James, Shannon st

Burke Daniel, Cavendish quay

Buttimore John, South main st

Crowley W, South main St

Fitzsimons M E, Shannon st

Good J, South main St

Heron Wm, South main St

Hickey Mathias, South main st

Jeffers J T, South main St

Lee William, Bridge place

Lordan Ellen, South main St

Lovell George, Wesley quay

McCabe Thomas, St Patricks pl.

McDonnell Rich, South main st

Moriarty M (reps of), South main St

O'Driscoll D (reps of), Nth main St

Ryan D, South main St

Stone & Co, South main St

Sullivan Miss, Kilbrogan hill

Tanner Win, North main st

Thompson Mrs E, Shannon st

Turpin Thomas, North main st



Daly John, Shannon St

Galvin James, South main st

Murphy M, North main St

Hegarty D


Horse Dealers .

Collins Dan, Watergate St

Donovan Mrs, Roundhill

Murphy James, Millton St

Murphy Jerh, Curraghriday

Murphy John, Moanarone

Murphy Joseph, Roundhill

Murphy Patrick, Ballinadee

O'Driscoll J, Watergate St

O'Driscoll T, Hill terrace

O'Driscoll Win, Kildarra house

O'Leary Cornelius, Clancool


Hosiery Manufacturers .

Bandon Hosiery Campy ltd - W Aherne, secretary


Insurance Agents.

Brennan Joseph, Burlington qy

Coffey T, South main St

Crowley & Co, South main st

Cunningham J, Church lane nth

Dawson John W, South main st .

Deane John B, South main st

Duggan Denis, Boyle St

Good John, South main St

Harte E H, Cavendish quay

Lawton James, Bridge St

McCabe Thomas, Cavendish qy

McCarthy P J, South main St

Neville R, South main St

Pim T W, bank of Ireland

Powell T J, South main St

Quinlan Michael, Kilbrogan

Scanlan Thomas, solr, Bridge st

Scott D Gillman, South main st

Semple J, Hill terrace

Sheehan Michl, North main st

Sherlock George K, Sth main st

Watson Henry, Moanarone


Ironmongers .

Bright W & J, Bridge St

Clerke J & Co, South main st

Good & Co, South main St

Heron W, South main St

Scott J B, South main: St

Sutton Robert, Castle St

Turpin Mrs, North main St


Ladies' Outfitting and Baby Linen Warehouses.

Boylan Mrs Mary, South main st

Crowley Mrs, South main St

Hurley Miss, South main st

Joyce Mrs S, South main St

Lyons M, South main St

McCarthy Miss, South main st

Reen John, Shannon St

Smith Mrs A W (reps of) South main St

Tanner Miss, South main St


Land Agents.

Deane John B, South main st

Doherty R W, J P, Estate Office

Hodson R E, J P, Coolfadda hse


Leather Merchants.

Connolly P, South main sit

Lovell G, Wesley quay

Seymour Thos, North main st



Allin Institute, Bridge place

Hurley Miss, South main St

Murphy Miss M, Bridge St


Lodging-house Keepers.

Kevin Lizzie, South main st

Boylan Mlrs, South main St

Bradfield Miss, North main st

Connolly Mrs, South main st

Crowley Mrs, Market St

Desmond Mrs M, North main st

Donovan Miss, Market St

Driscoll Timothy, Cavendish qy

Healy Miss, Kilbrogan hill

Hickey Daniel, Market St

Hurley Miss, Shannon St

Lynch Mary, Kilbrogan hill.

O'Neill Miss, South main st

O'Riordan J, South main st

Shinkwin Mrs, Kilbrogan hill

West Mrs, North main St


Mills .

Ballinacurra Mills--J Good, prop

Castlelack Mills - Richard

McDonnell, J P, prop

Manor Flour Mills-Unkles Bros, props

Roundhill Flour Mills-Crowley  Bros, props


Mineral Water Manufrs.

Allman, Dowden & Co, Watergate

Calnan Jeremiah J, Shannon st

West Cork Bottling Co

Walsh J & Co, New road


Motor and General Iron Works.

Lane C Peacock Capt


Music Warehouse.

Birrell Win, South main St

Magahy James, South main st


Music Teachers.

Beamish Miss, LRAM, ARCM, Ballymodan place

Birrell Win South main st

Hegarty Miss K, Castle road

Hunter Geo, Ballymodan place

Mils J P,North main St

Scott The Misses, Castle road

Shorten the Misses, Watergate pl

Walsh Miss M, North main st


News Agents.

Bright W& J, Bridge St

Coughlan J, New road

Hickey M C, South main st

Hurley Miss, South main St

McSweeney Mrs J, Sth main st

Murphy Miss M, Bridge St

O'Farrell Simon, South main st


Newspaper Correspondents

Blanchfield E, South main st

Dennehy John, Bridge St

Jeffers J Percy, North main st

Wood C, South main St


Oil and Color Merchants.

W & J Bright, Bridge St

Clerke & Co South main St

Good J, South main St

Heron W, South main St

Scott J B, South main St

Sutton Robert, Castle St


Painters and Decorators,

Bevin William, Shannon St

Blake Benjamin, Castle rd

Dempsey John, Shannon St

McCourt George, Shannon st

Tobin John, Shannon St

Wilmot John, Shannon St



Kingston J, North main St


Dawson E C, South main st

Deasy P C, Shannon St

Kingston J S, North main st


Plumbers & Gasfitters .

Crowley John, South main st

McCarthy John, Cork road

Punch John, Shannon St

Shine Jerome, North main st


Posting Establishments .

Coughlan J, Market St

Crowley J, Shannon St

Kiely J, Warners lane

Murphy John, Boyle St

O'Leary D, South main St

Tobin M, North main St



Atkins W L & Sons, Bridge st


Provision Merchants.

Desmond H, South main st

Driscoll Cornelius, Castle st

Grady Mrs Ellen, North main st

Heron William, South main St

O'Donovan B, Market St


Refreshment Rooms.

Carroll Mrs, Bridge St

Murphy Miss M, Bridge St


Sack Lenders .

Desmond M, South main St

Ryan David, South main St and .Burlington quay



Coakley D, South main St

Donovan John,, Weir St

Leary Thomas, Shannon St

O'Driscoll Michael, North main St


Seed & Manure Merchants.

(See also Agricultural ImplementAgents.)

Bandon Co-operative Stores

Clerke John & Co, Weir St

Dineen Michl, South main st

Harte L A . Cavendish quay

Healy Maurice, Burlington qy

Heron William, Weir St

Keohan Peter, New road


Shopkeepers and General Dealers.

Callaghan Miss, Cork road

Hickey M C, Bridge St

Lovell George, Shannon St and Wesley quay

McCarthy John, Cork road

O'Driscoll Danl, North main st

Riordan K, Shannon St

Ryan Edmond, Market St

Shorten Miss, North main st

Sullivan Albina, Kilbrogan hill

Sweeney John, South main st



Bright W & J, Bridge St

Hickey M C, Bridge St

Hurley Miss E, South main st

Lyons Miss, Castle St

McSweeney Mrs J, Sth main st

Murphy Miss M, Bridge St

O'Farrell Simon, South main st

Starkley Miss, South main st


Tailors and Clothiers.

Callaghan John, North main st

Coffey & Co, South main St

Downing Patrick, Castle road

Foley M, Cavendish square

Nagle Denis, South main st

O'Carroll Timothy, Kilbrogan st

Roche James, Cavendish quay

Salter Robert, South main st

Syms William, North main st


Timber Merchants.

Harte E H & Co, Cavendish quay

McCarthy P, The bridge

Pope Edwin, Cavendish quay


Tobacconists, Chandlers, etc

Clarke & Son, South main St

Farrell Mrs, South main St

Hickey M C, Bridge St

Lovell G, Wesley quay

Lyons Miss, Castle St

O'Riordan J, South main st

Reardon K, Shannon St



Carbury & Jones, South main st

Harte Mrs LA, Cavendish quay

Kiely J, Warners place

McCarthy Patrick, Shannon st

Peyton W, Burlington quay

Pope George, Cavendish quay

Scott Henry, South main st



Burke John, Castle St

Desmond Bros, South main st

Fitzgerald John, North main st

Lucey Mrs, South main St

Reen David, Castle St



Bannon Mrs, Shannon St

Brennan James, Shannon st

Buckley Denis, Bridge St

Burke Margaret, Bridge St

Callaghan Mrs, Kilbrogan hill

Calnan J J, South main St

Canty Denis, North main St

Carroll John, Shannon St

Coghlan John, Cavendish quay

Connolly Mrs, Cavendish row

Corcoran James, Cavendish row

Coughlan T, Market St

Crowley Catherine, Shannon st

Crowley D, Shannon St

Crowley John, Shannon St

Dempsey John, Shannon St

Dennehy Mrs J, Bridge St

Desmond Ellen, North main st

Drew Mary, Shannon St

Fahy James Ballinacurra

Fitzsimmon,111aryC,Shannon st

Flynn Mrs, South main St

Foley William, South main st

Fullam Patrick, Shannon St

Healy Andrew, North main st

Hennessy Deniel, Clancool rd

Hewitt Miss L, Derrycool

Hickey M C, South main st,

Hickey Matthias, Bridge St 4 South main st & New road

Horgan Mary, Shannon St

Hurley Mrs, Castle road

Hurley W, North main St

Hyde J, Tinkers cross

Keane , North main St

Kearney Mrs, North main st

Kehily Ellen, Shannon St

Keohane Peter, New road

Long Ellen, North main St

Lordan Ellen, South main St

Lordan -Mary, Kilpatrick

Lynch Anne, North main st

Lynch Mrs Eliza, Market St

Mahony Hanna, North main st

McCarthy F, South main- St

McCarthy Mrs T, Cork road

McDonnell R, South main st

Murphy John, Castle St

Murphy D, Kilbrogan hill

Murphy Daniel, Market St

Murphy Patrick, Wesley quay

Murphy Peter, Cavendish quay

Nyhan James, South main st

O'Leary D, South main St

O'Sullivan John, Castle St

Roche Patrick, Wesley quay

Scannell Mrs, Kilpatrick

Scannell Jeremiah, Shannon st

Sheehan Mrs M, North main st

Sheehy Jeremiah, Scariff

Slattery William, South main st

Spillane Mary, Shannon St

Tanner T C, North main st

Tobin John, Shannon St

Tobin Michael, North main st

Troy Mrs, Watergate St

White Thos J, Cavendish quay

Watchmakers & Jewellers .

Hilser Brothers, South main st

Lawton James, Bridge St

Wine and Spirit Merchants

Calnan J J, South main St

Kearney Mrs, North main st

Lee S, The Bridge

Tanner T C, North main st

Walsh John & Co, Cavendish quay


Wool Merchants.

Coveney D, Cavendish quay

Downey Jeremiah, Market st

Healy 111 C, Bridge St

McSweeney J, South main st

Ryan David, South main St


Woollen Manufacturer.

Mason John, Cavendish quay




Electoral div . Ballymodan .

Appelbe John, Killountain

Appelby Wm, Curravarahane

Beamish R T, Hare hill

Bird Richard, Kilhassin lodge

Bird William, Knockaveale

Boyle George, Knockaveale

Boyle William, Knockaveale

Buckley John, Corravreeda

Burns John, Lissaphooca

Burns John, Tullyland

Burns Robrt A, Clogheenavodig

Busteed Richard, Lissaphooca

Butler Joseph, Clashafree

Carbury John, Corravreeda

Crowley Daniel, Clancool

Crowley David, Clancool

Crowley Honora, Clancool

Cummins Laurence, Meelon

Dempsey James, Moanaroane

Doolan John, Moanaroane

Dwyer Thomas, Meelon

Flynn Denis, Gaggan

Hosford Joseph, Old Park

Hosford William, Corravreeda

Hurley Patrick, Moanaroane .

Jennings George F, Lissaphooca

Leary Timothy, Clancool

Lombard George, Mayfield

Long Ellen, Clancool

McCarthy Cornelius, 1tileelon

McCarthy John, Roundhill

Mahony John, Clancool

O'Leary Cornelius, Roundhill

O'Leary Cornelius, Roundhill

O'Mahony John, Clashafree

O'Neill Cornelius, Clancool

O'Sullivan John, Corravreeda

Tanner Henry, Gaggan

Tanner Thos, Curravarahane

Tanner Thomas, Gaggan

Tyner John, Lissaphooca

Vickery William, Roundhill

Vickery William -B, Clancool

Webster Alexander, Clancool

Wilson Kate, Clashafree



Electoral div . Brinny.

Bradfield Thomas, Kilnagnady

Curtin William, D C, Kilnaore

Good Paul, Kilnagnady

Hosford Horatio, Kilnagnady

Lovell John, Kilpntrick

Murphy Jeremiah, Finnis

Murphy Patrick, Finnis

Seymour Richard, Kilpatrick

Teagan Miss, Kilnagnady



Electoral div . Kilbrogan .

Boyle Thomas B, Kilbeg

Bradfield Anne, Killowen

Bradfield John, Curryclogh

Bradfield Richard, Carhue

Bradfield Robert, Callatrim

Bradfield Thomas, Carhue

Brennon D, Gurteen O'b'fahon

Buckley H, Kilbrogan

Cahill Patrick, Curryclogh

Corkerry Jeremiah, Shinagh

Crowley Mary, Gurteen

Cullinane Michael, Shinagh

Daly Patrick, Callatrirn

Deasy John, Derrycool

Desmond John, Mishells

Desmond John, Shinagh

Desmond Matthew, Callatrim

Desmond Timothy, Shinagh

Dineen Bartholomew, Gurteen O'Mahon

Donovan Jerh, D C, Mishells

Donovan Johanna, Mishells

Donovan Margaret, Gurteen

Duke William, Carhue

Good Benjamin, Littlesilver

Good Mrs, Mallowgaton

Hickey Maurice, Callatrim

Hennessy Mrs, Curryclogh

Horgan Denis, Callatrim

Hosford, John, Callatrim

Hyde Jeremiah, Gurteen

Hyde Jeremiah, Gurteen

Leary John, Derrycool

McCarthy Daniel, Kilbrogan

McCarthy Daniel, junr, D C, Kilbrogan

McNamara Jeremiah, Carhue

Magrath John, Kilbrogan

Mahony Timothy, Gurteen

Morgan Michael, Kilbrogan

Murphy John, Mishells

Murray Timothy, Coolfadda

O'Brien James, Shinagh

O'Donoghue Denis, Curryyclogh

O'Donoghue Tim, Curryclogh

O'Keeffe Daniel, Kilbeg

O'Regan C, Gurteen O'Mahon

Spillane James, Kilbrogan

Stanley Anne, Carhue

Sullivan John, Mishells

Tobin Thomas, Callatrim

Wilson Charles, Derrycool

Wood Paul, Mishells



Electoral div . Kilbrogan .

Good William, Mawmore

Holland John, Mawmore

Holland Timothy, Mawmore