Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Banteer


(Pop 3103)

Post, money order and telegraph office

Postmaster - William Linehan


Conveyances - Banteer a station Kanturk and Newmarket ty ; five trains to and from Cork daily

Stationmaster - A J Devlin


Parliamentary div North Cork

County Electoral div Banteer


Rural District Council Kanturk

Electoral dies. Banteer, Clonmeen, and Gortmore


Dispensary and Registration dist of Kanturk

Petty Sessions district of Kanturk.


Civil bill officer - Denis Cremin, Fermoy

Constabulary district of Kanturk.

In charge of Banteer station - Sergeant John Hogan


National Schools - head teachers

Banteer - Jeremiah Sheehan, Miss Lizzie Halliden

Clonmeen - Jeremiah Murphy, Miss K Randles



Barrett E J, land surveyor, Ballymaquirk

Berms Matthew, Coolroebeg

Bourke Matthew J, K C, J P, (Recorder of Cork),The Ldge

Coghlan Rev Michael, C C

Fouhy Rev John, C C

Grehan Steph, D L, J P,,Clonmeen

Kiely Jeremiah, Coolroebeg

Lane J M, D C, Coolnahane

Morrissey Very Rev A Canon, P P, Clonmeen

Stewart Walter W, H A, rector Dromtarriff


Car Owners.

Murphy D J

O'Callaghan D T

O'Sullivan David



Archdeacon Mat, incur agent, Shronebeha

Bride Mary, Nadd

Cahill Mary, dressmaker

Callaghan Ellie, dressmaker

Callaghan Peter, grocer

Deady Alfred, vintner

Deady John E, vintner

Deady Mrs Mary A, vintner

Field Miss M, dressmaker

Kelleher Mort,groc, Clonmeen

Lawlor Daniel, drapery and lodging house

Murphy Daniel J

O'Brien Mrs M, dressmaker

O'Callaghan Bros, egg merchts

O'Callaghan Daniel T

Quinlan Michael, vintner

Sheehan J, insurance agent

Sheehan Jeremiah, grocer, etc

Sullivan Daniel, grocer, etc




Electoral div  Banteer.

Ahern Daniel jun, Banteer

Ahern Mrs, Hannah, Banteer

Barry Robert, Fermoyle

Barry Timothy, Garrane

Bradley Daniel, Kilmacurrane

Carroll Daniel, DC, Shroneheha

Connors Michl, Killmacurrane

Counihan John, Banteer

Cronin James T, Garrane

Deady David, Garrane

Foley John, Derry

Hartnett John, Knigbtfield

Healy Maurice, Knightfield

Hinchin Patrick, Curragh

Horgan John, Fermoyle

Horgan Julia, Fermoyle

Keller Patrick, Loughlea

Kelleher -Mrs Cornelius,Banteer

Kelleher Jeremiah, Knockane

Kiely John, Shroneheha

Lehane Deniss . Derry

Linehan Mrs E, Derry

McAuliffe Thomas, Banteer

McCarthy Mce, Killmacurrane

McKerring J, Knockeenatuder

Morrissy John, Banteer

Mullane Mrs, Banteer

Murphy Corn, Killmacurrane

O'Callaghan D T, Banteer hse

Philpott Luke, Killmacurrane

Quinlan Michael, Banteer

Sheehan James, Banteer

Sheehan Mrs Julia, Knightfield

Sullivan Dents, Shronebeha

Sullivan J, Shroneheha

Sullivan John, Coolroemore

Sullivan Michael, Banteer

Taffe Edward, Banteer

Twohig James, Tooreen

Twomey Michael J, Fermoyle

'Twomey Mrs John, Fermoyle

Walsh Andrew, Shoneheha

Walsh Timothy, Shronebeha


Electoral div Clonmeen

Callaghan Mrs Win, Gougane

Callaghan Patrick, Gougane

Condon Edmond, DC

Cotter Daniel, Duinch

O'Brien John, Duinch

O'Brien Stephen, Duinch

Sheehan Julia, Clonmeen


Electoral div. Gortmore.

Archdeacon Anne, Gortmore

Archdeacon John, Gortmore

Cahill Kate, Gortmore

Callaghan Cornelius, Gortmore

Coakley Jeremiah, Gortmore

Fitzgerald Robt, Dc, Gortmore

Hanlon John, Gortmore

Horgan Daniel, Gortmore

O'Callaghan Denis, Gortmore

O'Callaghan D S, D C, Tencoora

O'Neill Eugene, Gortmore

O'Sullivan Michael, Gortmore

Riordan Margaret, Gortmore