Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Bantry


(Pop 3159)

(Under Towns Imp. Act, 1854).

Market town, head post, money order and telegraph office

Postmaster - W A Copestake

Mails despatched for Dublin, England, etc, weekdays 11.22 am, 2 .10 pm, and 6.45pm



Bantrya terminus Cork, Bandon and South Coast ry ; four trains to and from Cork daily

Stationmaster - James Barry

Steamer to Castletownbere daily during summer months, every second day in winter .
Steamer to Glengarriff three times daily during tourist season,  three times a week remainder of year


Parliamentary div West Cork

County Electoral div Bantry



(See also Special List.)

Chairman Council - James Gilhooly M P, J P

Vice-Chairman - Timothy Murphy

Chairman Guardians - W Cotter, CO C

Vice-Chairman - Michael Harrington

Dep Vice-Chairman - Jerh Hurley

Clerk - Richard Croly

Assist Clerk - John Gilhooly

Master House - Timothy Hurley


Dispensary and Registration District of Bantry

Medical Officer and Regr - J JO'Mahony, M D, Blackrock ten



(See also Special List.)

Chairman - Michael O'Driscoll, .J P

Town Clerk - John. O'Callaghan



Sessions held each alternate Petty Monday .
Quar Sess dists of Bantry and Skibbereen

Clerk Petty Sess - G T Nicholson



(See Special Constabulary List.)

Dist Inspector - M J Egan

Head Constable - Jeremiah Looney

Bantry station- Sergeant, John W Morris (Weights and Measures and Drugs Inspector)



Croly Richard, clerk union



Nicholson George Thomas, c P s

Roycroft W B, Bantry



Constantine F, supervisor, The Square

Aitchison T D, officer

McGuskin Thos, preventive officer



Munster and Leinster Bank, ltd - Manager, R Crilley ; accountant and teller, L R Carey

Provincial Bank ltd - Manager, J S Kennedy ; accountant and teller, Mr Ringwood



Bantry - James Kiernan, steward

Commercial - Percy Deane, steward

Total Abstinence Society - President, Very Rev Canon Coholan



CH Ireland-Kilmocomoge - Rev Canon William W O'Grady, M A,rector ;  Rev Harold Hadden, M A, curate

R Catholic- Very Rev Jeremiah Canon Cohalan, P P, V F ;Rev J V Hurley,  P O'Connell, and C Gould curates

Methodist - Rev J Woodrow, min



Sisters of Mercy - Rev Mother, Mrs Desmond ; Chaplain, Rev C Gould



Intermediate - J Kelly, BA

Inspector of National Schools - J H Dowling

National - head teachers 

Bantry Convent - Sisters Mercy

No. 1 - Jeremiah McCarthy

No. 2 - Mr Cook

Coomleagh - Miss Barry

Dromclogh - R Kelly

Inchiclogh - J Hedderman; Miss O'Sullivan

Scart - John Sullivan; Jas Murphy and Miss L Sullivan

Whiddy Island - Cornelius O'Shea



14 Jan, 14. Feb, 19 Mar, 14 April, 1 May, 9 June, 15 July, 21 Aug, 14 Sept, 15 Oct, 14 Nov, 1 and 16 Dec.

When cattle fairs fall on Sunday or Monday, pig fair is held on previous Friday



Aitchison T D,inland rev officer

Barrett Jn, boat bldr, Reendesert

Barrett Mary, vintner

Barrett John, tobacconist

Barry Jas, station master

Barry Patk, law clerk, Raheen

Biggs G W, J P, merchant, Ardnageena house

Bourchier J, refreshment rooms

Bourke Thomas, gen merchant

Breen & Sons, coach builders

Breen Henry, vintner

Breen Michael, coach builder

Brookes Edward, Marino st

Brookes Miss, Marino street

Burke John, draper

Canty Mrs D, Canty's hotel

Carey L R, acct M & L bank

Clarke John, grocer

Clarke M, rapt .SS Lady Elsie

Cleary Robt, vint, grocr, bootmkr

Coakley Julia, vintner

Cohalan Very Rev Jeremiah

Canon, P P, V F

Collins Mary, vintner

Collins Miss E, Harbourview hse

Connolly Jeremiah, vintner

Connolly Michael, reliev officer

Connor Daniel, victualler

Constantine F, supervisor inland revenue, The Square

Copestake W A, postmaster

Copithorne T, propwoollen mills and general merchant

Costigan Geo H., Marino house

Cotter Denis, baker

Cotter Teremiah J, ratecollectr

Cotter Wm, CO C, Breenymore

Creed Mrs, Main street

Cremin Timothy, D C

R Crilley, M and L bank mngr

Croly Richard, clerk union

Cronin Peter, baker, etc.

Crowley James J, vintner

Crowley Kate, vintner

Cullinane Mrs, The square

Cullinane Dr P J, The square

Cullinane Miss, Square

Desmond Mrs, Rev Mother Sisters of Mercy

Dillon Mary J, vintner

Donoghue Mrs, grocer

Donovan Margaret, grocer and butter buyer

Donovan Margt, vint & grocer

Godfrey Johra, Newtown

Gould Rev C, CC, chaplain cony

Harrington Patrick, vintner, New street

Hedderman J, nat teacher

Goulding James, vintner

Hadden Rev Harold, MA, curate C I, Kilmocomoge

Hallissey Wm, tailor and clothier

Harrington Denis, vint, Main st butter buyer

Donovan Margt, vint & grocer

Dowling J H, inspector N S

Downey Denis, TC, DC, bootmkr

Driscoll Ml, CTC, Reenrour east

Driscoll Jeremiah, victualler

Dunphy W, M P S I

Egan M J, dist insp R I C

Evans M, grocer

Foley Maurice, boatbuilder

Foster H, The Terrace

Gibbons Thos, woollen tweed designer, Barrack road

Gilhooly Jas, M P, D C, J P, Main st

Godfrey John, Newtown

Gould Rev C, cc, chaplain cony

Goulding James, vintner

Hadden Rev Harold, MA, curate C I, Kilmocomoge

Hallissey Wm, tailor and clothier

Harrington Denis, vint, Main st

Harrington Patrick, vintner, New street

Hedderman J, nat teacher

Horgan C, egg merchant

Houlihan Patk, civil bill officer

Houlihan E, harnessmaker

Hurley Daniel, egg merchant

Hurley John, civil bill officer

Hurley M, draper

Hurley Rev J V, C C

Hurley Timy, master workhse

Hurst Thos, vintner and grocer

Hutchins Capt C, Ardnagashel

Hutchins Samuel Newburgh, A B,T C D, J P, Ballylickey

Kelly John, vintner

Kelly Robt, vintner and builder

Kennedy J S, mangr Prov bank

Kennedy John & Co, hardware merchants

Kennedy Mrs John, vintner

Keohane John, vint, carpenter

Keohane John C, vintner

Kingston P, flour merchant, etc

Lea Stanley, hairdresr, Bridge st

Levis R E, M P S I, The Square

Looney Jerh, head-const RIC

Lucey Danl, vintner and grocer

Lyons James, general merchant

Lyons Daniel, TC, New street

McCarthy Daniel, vintner

McCarthy H, victualler

McCarthy & Sons, carriers

McCarthy Jeremiah, nat teacher

McCarthy James, vintner

McCarthy Jerh, vint, victualler

McCarthy John, T C, Glengarriff road

McCarthy Jno & Son victualler

McCarthy Margaret, vintner

McCarthy Timy, cattle dealer

McCarthy T, Glengarriff road, pig buyer

McCarthy T & Sons, victuallers

McSweeny J, carpenter

Mahony David, grocer

Mills George D, Blackrock

Minehane Ml, T C, Newtown

Minehane Win, victualler

Murphy John J, vint, bootmkr

Murphy P groc, vint, New St

Murphy O'Connor & Co ltd, coal merchants

Nagle John, sailmaker

Nance Dr Arthur Stanley, Donemark house

Newburgh Mr, Beech cottage

Newman J, vintner

Nicholson George Thos, C Ps

O'Callaghan John, town clerk

O'Callaghan J, grocer

O' Connell Rev, C C

O'Connor Benj, J P, T C, D C,The Square

O'Donoghue T, grocer

O'Donovan Charles, Main st

O'Donovan Danl, vint, fish mcht

O'Donovan Daniel, jun, vintner

O'Grady Rev Canon William

W, M A, rector Kilmocomoge

O'Leary Barry, J P, Inchaclogh

O'Leary Daniel, harnessmaker

O'Leary Constantine, grocer, hardware merchant

O'Leary F, Glendart

O'Leary Jeremiah, vintner

O'Leary M, stationer, New st

O'Leary Patk, solr, The square

O'Mahony David, butter mercht

O'Mahony J J.MB,J P,The Terree

O'Regan Ml, tailor and clothier

O'Sullivan Cornelius, draper

O'Sullivan Dan] 0'B, boot mcht

O'Sullivan D, Terminus hotel

O'Sullivan Jno & Sons, drapers

O'Sullivan M grocer

O'Sullivan P, water curator, Sheskin

O'Sullivan R, Reendonegan hse

O'Sullivan Timothy, Mill rock hs

O'Sullivan W H, J P, Main st

Rawlings George, carrier

Redmond John, rapt SS Princess Beara

Reidy Margaret, grocer

Roe Edward A, boot merchant j

Roycroft J J, dep county surveyor, The terrace

Roycroft W B, auctioneer, groc

Shipsey Edwd, M The terrace D,

Sullivan Daniel, vintner

Sullivan Helena, grocer

Swaine C W, draper

Swanton Robt, flour merchant

Sweeney P, carrier

Thatcher W J, The terrace

Townsend Capt R A H, Beach hse

Trust Lewis W (late R N), harb master, Blackrock ten

Twohig J J, M B

Waters Mrs grocer

Webb & Notter, jewellers, etc

White Capt E S, J P, Coomhola

White Egerton Leigh, J P, D L, Bantry house

Wilkinson A B B, B E, J P, Drumbroe house

Wilkinson Mrs, Drumbroe hse

Wiseman Timothy, draper

Woods J, engineer, William st

Woodrow Rev J, Meth minister



O'Leary Patrick, The Square

Wolfe Jasper, The Square


Physicians and Surgeons.

Cullinane P J, The Square

O'Mahony Jno J, MB, JP, Terrace

Shipsey Edward, Terrace


Medical Halls

Dunphy W, M P S I

Levis R E, MP S I, The Square



McCarthy J J, The Square

Cantys Mrs D Canty, prop

Central (private) – Timothy McCarthy, prop

Vickery Ellen R, Vickery's hotel



Copithorne T

Cronin Peter

Cotter Denis

Warner S H


Billposters .

Twomey Jas, New lane

Wholihan Jerh, Levis lane

Wholihen John, Glengarriff rd



Barrett John

Foley Maurice

Keohane Jeremiah, Ballylickey


Boot and Shoe Merchants.

Arundel M

Bourke Thomas

Cleary Robert

Connolly Michael

Donovan C

Downey Denis

Murphy J

O'Sullivan Daniel O'B

O'Sullivan John and Sons

Roe Edward A

Vickery W


Butter Merchants.

Donovan Mgt

Gilhooly, Jas

Lucey Daniel

Mahony D

Wiseman Wm



McCarthy & Sons

Rawlings George

Sweeney P



Breen H & Sons

Breen Michael


Coal Merchants

Biggs G W

Lyons James

Murphy W & Cc

Warner S H



Copithorne T

Cronin Peter

Warner S H



Foley David

O'Sullivan F



Burke John

Copithorne T

Cullinane Jno and Co

Griffin Miss

Hallissy Wm

Hurley M

Murphy Wm

O'Brien & Co

O'Sullivan Con

O'Sullivan John and,Son

Swaine C W

Wiseman Timy



Coughlan Miss B, Chapel st

O'Leary Miss, Glengarriff road

Sheehan Mrs, Marino street


Egg Merchants.

Horgan Corns

Hurley Daniel

Keohane John

Lenihan Daniet

Lyons James

Wiseman Mrs


Electricity Works

Nugent P H, prop

Woods J, engineer


Flour Merchants.

Biggs G W,

Bourke Thos

Copithorne Jas

Cotter Denis

Kingston P

Lyons James

Mahony David

O'Leary Corns

O'Sullivan W H

Russell & Sons

Swanton Robt

Warner S H


Flour Mills .

Biggs G W

Dunnamark Mills - A. S Nance proprietor

Copithorne Thos Bridge st



Biggs G W

Clarke John

Copithorne Jas

Cotter Denis

Creed Mrs

Cronin Peter

Donoghue Mrs

Donovan Mgt

Kingston P

Evans M

Mahony David

O’Callaghan J

O'Leary F

O'Leary Mary

O’Sullivan M

O’Sullivan WH

Reidy Margaret

Roycroft W B

Sullivan Helena

Sullivan Margt

Vickery G J

Waters Mrs

Warner S H



Barrett J

Lea Stanley

Sullivan Daniel


Hardware Merchants.

Burke Thos

Kelly & Co

Kennedy J & Co Vickery Win

Murphy & O'Connor ltd.

Roycroft W B

Vickery G J

Vickery Wm



Hourihan E

O'Leary Daniel

Keohane J



Vickery Wm

Webb & Notter


Leather Merchants

Connolly Mchl

Downey James

Kelly & Co

Roe E A

Vickery W


Mine Owners.

Scart and Derrygrinagh Barytes mines and mills, Sheskin-

The Liverpool Barytes Co



Lea Stanley, Bridge street

Mills George D, The Square

Webb B& Notter



Lester C J

Sullivan Patrick


Refreshment Rooms.

Tourist Development Syndicate

Refreshment Company, Railway Station

Bourchier Miss

Wiseman Mary



Nagle John


Saw Mills.

Murphy& O'Conner ltd, Quay - B O'Connor, JP, director


Shipping Agents.

Biggs G W

Cullinane & Co

O'Brien & Co



Creed Mrs

Gordon Mgt

McCarthy Mgt

O’Leary M

Vickery G J

Vickery Wm

Warner S H


Tailors and Clothiers.

Downey Cors

Hallissey Wm

O'Sullivan J & Son

O'Sullivan Timothy, Mill rock house

O'Regan Ml



Connor Dan

Driscoll Jerh

McCarthy H

McCarthy John and Son

McCarthy J
McCarthy T & Sons

Minahane Wm



 (* Also Grocers.)

Barrett Mary

*Bourke Thos

*Breen Henry

*Canty Mrs

*Cleary Robert

Coakley Julia

*Collins Mary

*Connolly Jerh

Connolly M

Cremin Patk

*Cronin P

Crowley Jas .J

Crowley Kate

*Dillon Mry E

*Donovan Dan

Donovan M

*Driscoll john

Gordon Mgt

Goulding J

Harrington D

Harrington Pat

*Hurst Thos R

*Kelly John

*Kelly Robert

Keohane J C

*Keohane John

*Murphy Patk

Levis John

*Lucey Daniel

*Lyons James

McCarthy Dl

*McCarthy Jas

McCarthy Jerh

McCarthy magt

*Murphy J J

Newman Jane

*O’Callaghan B

*O'Connor jas

*O'Donovan D

*O'Leary Jerh

*Sullivan Danl

Sullivan Delia

Sullivan Mary


Woollen Tweed Designer.

Gibbons Thomas


Woollen Mills.

Bantry Woollen Mills - Thomas Copithorne, prop




Electoral div  Bantry.

Baker John, Rooska

Daly Michael, Rooska

Dwyer Richard, Rooska

Kearney William, Rooska

Shannon George, Rooska

Sullivan James, Rooska

Sullivan Michael, Rooska



Electoral div Bantry

Collins Denis, Skahanagh

Cortnor John, Gortroe

Cotter Mich, Derryginagh mid

Cronin Denis, Gurteenroe

Crowley Michael, Dromclogh

Driscoll M, TC, Reenrour east

Driscoll Timothy, Dromclogh

Flynn Mrs, Caherdaniel east

Godfrey John, Newtown

Hurst Thomas R, Ballylickey

Keohane Mrs, Ardhotdihane

Kingston Samuel, Raheen

Kingston Richard, Cahernacrin

Leary Denis S, Goureemore

Leary Ds Caher and Donemark

Lynch Daniel, Gurteenroe

Lynch Danl, Calp p analoha west

Lyons Daniel, Sheskin

McCarthy A, D C, Cahernacrin

McGrath Denis S, Ardnaclohy

McGrath Margaret, Gurteenroe

Minahane Corns, Newtown

Minihane Daniel, Carrigboyeast

Minahane Michl, T C, Newtown

Mullins Jerh, Droma.cappul

Mullins John, Kealcoum

O'Callaghan Jerh, Dromadarig

O’Donnvan F H, DC Newtown

O’Leary Denis, Reendonegan

O’Leary Barry, JP, Inchiclough

O’Sullivan Hannah,Newtown

Shea John D, C, Gories

Storey A F, Gurteenroe

Sullivan Jeremiah, Shanavally

Sullivan Patrick, Sheshin

Sullivan R, Reendonegan

Sullivan Timothy, Dromclogh

Swanton George, Cappanaloha

Sweeney John, Coomanore

Sweeney Patrick. Ardnageehy

Wiseman Thos, Dromloughlin


Electoral div Whiddy.

Burke John, Crowkingle

Downey Patk, D C Tranahaha

Driscoll Denis, Reenavanny

Goggin James, Garrahy

O'Leary Timothy, Close

Tobin Thos, D C, Reenavanny

Warner William, Tranahaha


Electoral div Mealagh

Keohane Denis, D C, Ardrah

Manning Corns, D C, Glanbanno

Manning J, Glanbannoo upper


Sullivan Cornelius, Maularaha

Wiseman Edward, Goomanore


Electoral div Scart.

Connolly Eugene, Dc, Parkanna

Cronin Patrick, Gortacloona

Fitzgerald James, Letterlicky

Lynch Richard, Aghagooheen

McCarthy D, Letterlicky west

McCarthy Flor, Dc, Scartbaun

McCarthy Florence, Ardrah

McCarthy Timothy, Ardrah

Murnane Jerh, Derryvahalla

Murnane Pat, D C, Letterlicky

Newman William, Keilnasearta

Swanton Jas G, Aghagooheen

Swanton Young, Aghagooheen