Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Blackrock



(From Barringtons avenue down)

Cork. (Pop 785)

Post, money order, telegraph and telephone office

Postmistress - Mrs Moose


Conveyances - Blackrock a station Cork, Blackrock and Passage ry ; trains to and from Cork every hour. Cork Electric Tramcars every 10

Minutes from 8 a.m to 11.15 p.m

Stationmaster - T McSweeney


Parliamentary borough of Cork

County Electoral div Blackrock


Rural District Council Cork;

Electoral div. Blackrock


Dispensary and Registration dist Cork No. 1 Rural.

Dispensary open daily from 11 a.m.to 12 noon at Bailintemple

Med officer and Registrar - Dr J O'Connell, 3 Rockcliffe ter

District Nurse Mrs Gillespie


Petty Sessions district of Douglas


Constabulary dist of Cork, south.

In charge of Blackrock station - Sergeant M McHugo



Rev Mother, Mrs Elizabeth Dunlea

Chaplain, Rev J Cohalan


Industrial Schools - Extern Industrial (Catholic girls) Ursuline convent


National Schools - head teachers

Blaclkrock - W J Deasy

Ursuline Convent Ursuline Nuns

Ballinlough - Miss Lynch

Ballintemple - Miss O'Leary

St Michaels (C I) - Mrs Coath



Anglin Mrs, Bayswater

Atkins Richard, J P, Lotaville, Castle road

Baker Thos Fredk, Rockinahon

Barrett Richd, MD,J P, Westview

Barry G, Castle avenue

Barry George, Lota view

Barry Miss E, 9 Rockcliffe ter

Barry Mrs, Plerview

Barry Win, builder, Dundanion

Blair George, Ardnalee

Boulger Colonel I, Mahonville

Brady Michael, Ballinure

Brady Airs, Dundanion view

Bullen – Smith Major G M, Rockcliffe house

Chapman D H, Mahon lodge

Clarke R J, Waverley

Coakley Daniel, D c, Ballinure

Coath James, Blackrock

Cogan E J, Woodville

Cogan Joseph, Ballinlough

Collins Lawrence, Lee view

Collins William, Mahon

Cooke J, const RIC,Glandore av

Cotter Richard, Ballinlough rd

Cotter Ven Archdeacon J, VF, P P, The Presbytery

Coughlan D, Castle avenue

Cox Patrick, Sunny nook

Cronin Henry, Llanarn

Crosbie George, BL, Temple hill

Daly Dominick J, Drumcora

Daly J, Norlheliffe

Daly Mrs, Carrigmore

Deasy WJ, I Rockcliffe terrace

Delap J G, Glandore

Dowlin Mrs, Plerview

Dunlea Mrs Elizabeth, Rev Mother Ursuline convent

Egan Barry M, jun,The Cottage

England Mrs, Tenby cottage

English J J, Ivernia

Fitzgerald James, const Rr C

Forde Micha el, Thornhill cott,6 Rockcliffe terrace

Fuelger Henry, Dundanion

Gardner Mrs, Castle road

Good H, gardener, Bessborough

Goulding Mrs, Eglin

Gregory T F, Ballintemple hse

Green John George, Cairigduv

Hall David, Ard-Cairn Nurseries

Hall Frederick, solr, Lakeview

Hall Misses, Carriglee

Harris Standish G, Woodview

Hingston Miss, I I, Rockcliffe ter

Hoare Edward W, VS, Clover hill

Hobson John, Glanmire view

Hughes Jas B, Alma villa

Hynes M J, I Church avenue

Hynes S F, C E, Argideen

Jack Thomas, 2 Church avenue

Jermyn Charles, solr, Eastcliffe

Jermyn John, solr, Mahon

Jones R N, Thomond cottage

Johnston Robert, Riverview

Keeffe John, Ballinure

Kelly William, Ballinlough

Kinnionth William, Ferney

Larsonnier Robert C, (B-ES-L,Paris) 5 Rockcliffe terrace

Lefluffy W, River view

Leahy Mrs,Glandore villas

Long D, builder andcontractor

Lucy J C, Pier view house

Lyons Miss, Riverview

McNamara PJ, Analore,Mahon

Magill T C, 12 Rockcliffe ter

Magner E, M D, J P, C O C, Lakelands

Mahony Thomas, Ballinlough

Martin Charles, J P, Sunnyside

Mercer M, 8 West view

Minter Mrs, Dundanion

Mooney J J, sots, Avoca

Moore Arthur E, Al q. Towerville ,

Moore A H, Sun view

Morrogh W, Rosetta

Morrogh The Misses, Victoria house

Murphy Charles, Ardnalee

Murphy Jas, Ringmahon castle

Musgrave Stuart, Convamore'

Newsom Henry, Castlemahon

O'Brien J, Telephone exchange

O'Connell D, Blackrock

O'Connell John, Dundanion

O'Connell M J,M D, Carrigglas, 3 Rockcliffe terrace

O'Connor Mrs E, Mamieville

O'Connor Mrs W M, Lotaview

O'Flynn Mrs, Argideen

O'Mahony James, Hill house

O'Reilly Timothy, Corella

Perrier Mrs, Ballinure house

Person H, Cliffmabon

Pike The Misses, Bessborougb

Pillow W F, Ardnalee

Rainsberry Robert, const, Glandore avenue

Rearden Mrs, Clonlea, 4 Rockcliffe terrace

Reed William, Blackrock

Richardson John, Ardenza, Church road

Ronan Walter B, sots, Menloe

Russell Thos, Dundanion lodge

Sandham T, agent, Castle view

Sand'ham W, M D, Castle view

Scannell John, architect, 2 Clifton view

Sexton Rev J, c c, Ardnalee

Seymour Mrs, Ravenscourt

Simmons Thos H, Homeville

Simpson W Hirst, Riversdale

Skelton Chas F E, Kilmona,Marina

Smellie Robert, 5 West view

Stoker George 11, Ballinlough

Stretch J H, Glandore villas

Sullivan Thomas, Breffni ,

Sutton Braham, Pinehurst

Sutton Mrs Robert, Roselodge

Taylor R, Laurelville, Ballinlough

Thornton Mrs, Monaville

Tivy Henry L, J P, Barnstead

Turner Chas, tailor, Annaville

Wallace Jeremiah T, 8 Rockcliffs - ter

Wallis Capt H, Blackrock

Waters John J, 2 Rockcliffe ter

Waters P, Rathmahon

Waters Mrs, Rathmalion

Webster Rev Canon C A, B D, The Rectory

Williams R B, Clifton view

Williams Samuel, Dundanion .


Blackrock Hotel and Baths.

Woodward Joseph, prop


Car Owners.

Driscoll Joseph, Lotaview

Driscoll -William, Ringmahon

Flaherty Edward, Skehard

Flaherty Michael, Skehard

Flaherty Mrs, Skebard

Sullivan John, Blackrock



O'Leary Miss, Dundanion

Twohig Mrs, dressmaker


Milk Vendors.

Brady Michael

Daly Nora, Ballintemple

Donovan L

Keeffe John, Ballinure



Barry Miss, vintner

Brereton John, provision dealer

Cuffs Jeremiah John, vintner

Driscoll Win" provision dealer

Harvey Mrs, provision dealer, Convent road

Moose J A, flour, bran & prov dlr

Nugent Mrs D, Mahon

O'Leary Jeremiah, vintner

Peek Henry, plumb & gasfitter

Punch Miss, provision dealer

Twomey Mrs, The Cafe