Fáilte Romhat

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  Guy's Postal Directory 1914 - Bohernue


Banteer. (PoP 294)

Post, money order and telegraph office

Postmistress - Mrs Ellen Doyle


Conveyances - Newmarket 6m (Kanturk and Newmarket branch G S and W ry) nearest station


Parliamentary div North Cork

County Electoral div Boherboy


Rural District Council Kanturk;

Electoral divs Boherboy and Ballyhoolahan


Dispensary and Registration dist of Boherboy

Med officer and Regr - Dr Jas J O'Riordan, J P

District Nurse - Mrs Herlihy


Petty Sessions and Constabulary of district of Kanturk.

In charge Boherbue station - Act-Sergt John Doyle


National Schools-head teachers

Boherbue - John Connell, Mrs J O'Connell, Miss Murphy

Dromanarrigle - Dint O'Keeffe, Mrs O'Keeffe

Glashakinleen - E O'Riordan, Mrs Maria Murphy, Mrs D Calvin, J Galvin

Ummeraboy - D Galvin, Miss O'Connor, Miss O'Keeffe, T C Galvin



Daly Daniel M, D C, Boberbue

Kerin Rev H, P P

Leader Rev L L, Stake hill

Moynihan John, D C, J P, Acres

O'Connor Maurice, Shamrock house

O'Riordan James J, M D,J P, Gneeves

Walsh Rev W, C C



Co-Operative Dairy and Agricultural Society - Pat Godsil, manager


Shopkeepers, etc

Archdeacon Thomas, vintner

Breen Margaret, vint, Bobherbue

Breen Timy, vintner, merchant

Casey Michael, vintner, etc

Clifford John, grocer, etc

Coffey Cornelius, victualler

Collins Patrick, draper

Cronin Jeremiah, mcht and Ant

Daly Danl, auctioneer, Gneeves

Denehy John, hardware mercht

Drew John, hardwr & seed store

Drew Michael, shopkeeper

Fehan Denis, shopkeeper

Fitzpatrick jerh, harness maker

Healy Annie, baker and general hardware merchant

McAuliffe P, grocer, etc

Mulcahy DI, grocer (and farmer)

Murphy Kate, grocer

Murphy Mrs Ellen, shopkeeper

Murphy Win, grocer, etc.

O'Connor Andrew, grocer, etc

O’Connor Corns, blacksmith

O'Connor Patrick, draper and auctioneer

O'Sullivan Timothy, victualler

Sullivan Patrick, blacksmith

Sweeney Myles, draper, vintner

Thornton Michael, vintner


Car Owners.

Cronin J

Fehan Denis

Riordan Daniel




Electoral div. Boherbue.

Breen Margaret, Gneeves

Breen Timothy, Gneeves

Casey J, Laharan house

Connors A, Knocknacurragh

Connors C, Knocknacurragh

Connors John, Knocknacurragh,

Connors M, Knocknacurragh

Cronin J, Knockeenacurrig

Cronin Michl, Dromskarragh

Daly James, Kilnahulla

Daly Patrick, Kilnahulla

Duane Patrick., Kilnahulla

Guiney James, Knocknacurragh

Horgan M, Tooreenavuscaun

O'Connor Hugh, Laharan

O'Connor Patrick, Gneeves

O'Sullivan Denis, Gneeves

Quinn A, Knocknacurragh

Sullivan John, Gneeres

Sullivan M, Tooreenavauscaurk


Electoral div. Ballyhoolahan

Fords Cornelius, Gortearagh

Hickey John, Ballyhoolahan

Lenihan Timy, Ballyhoolahan

McSwiney Mrs E, Ballyhoolahan

O'Connor Mrs C, Ballyhoolahan

Vaughan John, Ballyhoolahan